Xu Fan said: "However, the price quoted by the circus owner is really too high..."

Lin Yu hurriedly asked, "How tall is it?"

Xu Fan said: "600 million yuan!"

Damn, Lin Yu said angrily: "600 million? Why doesn't he rob the bank!"

Xu Fan said: "In the current market situation, the price of a tiger is like this."

Zhou Xiaoyu interrupted and asked, "What's the market? Please explain in detail."

Xu Fan said: "A regular circus raises a tiger and feeds at least 500 catties of fresh meat every day. You can't just buy cheap pork, you must have beef, mutton, live chickens and live ducks! The average daily food expenditure, That’s 30 yuan! Plus staff salaries and venue costs, it’s at least [-] yuan a year!”

This statement is true, tigers are carnivorous animals, and their appetites are indeed large.

Xu Fan went on to say: "If you rent an adult tiger to perform, the weekly rent will be no less than 8 yuan, more than 30 yuan a month, and 36 yuan a year! Beast base, you can make a fortune!"

"So, in the current market situation, the price of a tiger is between 500 million and 600 million yuan. If you buy it through other channels, the price will be higher, and the health of the tiger cannot be guaranteed..."

Zhao Min asked Lin Yu in a low voice: "600 million yuan, do you mean 600 million taels of silver?"

Lin Yu shook his head.

Xu Fan continued: "Even if a tiger is dead, it is worth 100 million yuan. Tiger bones are too valuable to be used as medicine! In addition, tiger whips, tiger teeth, tiger skins, and tiger claws are all in high demand!"

Lin Yu thought to himself, the tiger that was robbed by the animal trainer Zhang Liangyong and the acrobats must have sold a lot of money.

Xu Fan asked: "Brother Lin, can you accept the price of 600 million yuan?"

Zhao Min said loudly: "Why do you want to buy a tiger? I'll go to the mountains and catch one!"

Chapter 593 I Hid 10 Taels of Gold

Hearing that Zhao Min was about to go up the mountain to catch a tiger, Zhou Xiaoyu burst into laughter!

Xu Fan asked on the other end of the phone: "Who is yelling to go to the mountains to catch tigers? Do you think you are the tiger-fighting hero Wu Song?"

Wu Song grinned with a proud expression.

Zhao Min pointed to the phone and said, "Who the hell dares to look down on me! It's just a tiger, I can easily catch it!"

That's right, with Zhao Min's martial arts, he can completely subdue a ferocious tiger.

But in modern society, Zhao Min has no chance to display his ability to "capture the tiger".

Zhou Xiaoyu laughed until her stomach ached: "Sister Amin...you are so funny...suitable for comedy, hahaha..."

Lin Yu hurriedly said: "Amin, you don't know something. Now the tigers in the mountains are protected by the state, and they are not allowed to be captured or killed at will! If I buy tigers, I must buy them from zoos, circuses or breeding bases. !"

Zhao Min understood, but was puzzled: "The vicious tiger hurts people, why do you protect it? It's strange..."

Xu Fan asked again: "Brother Lin, can you accept the price of 600 million yuan?"

Lin Yu said: "It's too expensive! I won't buy it for now!"

Xu Fan said: "Good, anyway, there are more tigers in the Circus Town, and you can buy them anytime in the future!"

Lin Yu said: "As far as I know, the three salesmen of the Fantasy Circus, under the orders of Wu Di and Zhao Junhao, are moving around in the circus town, busy looking for a first-class animal trainer! You must pay attention to what's going on , contact me in time!"

Xu Fan agreed and ended the call.

Lin Yu couldn't help feeling: "Oh... the price of the tiger is so high, it's beyond my budget."

Zhou Xiaoyu said: "It is conceivable that lions, elephants, rhinos, leopards, giraffes, pythons and other animals are also very expensive!"

Lin Yu said: "Moreover, you can't just buy one of each animal, you should buy two to four, which is not only good for performances, but also good for future reproduction."

Zhou Xiaoyu said: "The price of one tiger is 600 million yuan, and the price of two tigers is as high as 1000 million yuan... In addition to the expensive lions, elephants and other animals... we need at least 5000 million yuan, or even more, to buy animals. many!"

Lin Yu said: "That's right! In addition to the 5000 million funds for buying animals, there are also venues, equipment, personnel, daily expenses, etc., and an investment of at least 1 million yuan is required for a global tour!"

Zhou Xiaoyu was shocked: "One hundred million! Are you sure?"

Lin Yu said with a smile: "My positioning for 'Happy BBQ Circus' is an international super circus with an investment of 1 million yuan, and it is extravagant! If 'Happy BBQ Circus' does not have strong strength, it is difficult to Going on a world tour!"

Zhou Xiaoyu nodded: "I agree with your point of view and thinking!"

Although the performance skills of "God-level Beast Tamer" provided by "Myriad Realms Barbecue System" are awesome, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and it's useless without animals.

With Lin Yu's current financial resources, he can afford to buy a tiger.

However, the operation and development of the "Happy BBQ Circus" requires more funds for guarantee. Lin Yu must plan carefully and avoid spending money blindly to avoid increasing financial waste.

He smiled and said: "I decided to buy cheaper animals first, and then buy large beasts after accumulating more funds!"

Zhou Xiaoyu reminded: "This period must be shortened as soon as possible, and don't affect the plan for the global tour."

Lin Yu thought to himself, how much can the "Heshibi" treasured in the safe be auctioned?

Waiting for the right opportunity, Lin Yu took "Heshibi" to participate in programs such as "Jianbao"...

Zhou Xiaoyu asked curiously: "Fantasy Circus has tigers, lions and other animals. How did Wu Di spend 500 million yuan to buy them? Could it be that those animals were rented temporarily? Or did Wu Di use other means?"

Lin Yu said: "The business of the Fantasy Circus was mediocre before, and the expenses for raising animals and staff wages created huge pressure, so the boss sold the circus at a low price! Of course, it is not ruled out that Wu Di rents tigers and lions from other places. "

Suddenly, Zhao Min asked: "How much silver is 1 million yuan?"

Zhou Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Silver is worthless, you should ask how much it is equal to gold!"

Lin Yu said: "1 taels of gold can be exchanged for 3000 million yuan."

He traveled through Jinling City at the end of the Ming Dynasty, conquered the "Qinhuai Bayan" and established the "Jinling Women's Orchestra", performed songs, dances and sold barbecue in Meixiang Building, and earned 1 taels of gold. After bringing it back to the real world, he exchanged 3000 million yuan for soft Sister coins.

Zhao Min smiled sweetly: "I have hidden 10 taels of gold in the backyard of Ruyang Prince's Mansion. It can be used in emergencies. You send someone to get it!"

"10 taels of gold!" Zhou Xiaoyu was astonished, "It's worth 13 billion yuan! Ruyang Palace? What the hell?"

Lin Yu hurriedly pulled Zhao Min aside, and said in a low voice, "After more than 600 years, the Ruyang Palace has long since disappeared!"

Zhao Min frowned slightly: "Ruyang Prince's Mansion has a huge territory, how could it disappear? Are you not mistaken?"

Lin Yu said: "The former capital of the Yuan Dynasty is today's capital! There are many tall buildings there, and there is no Ruyang Palace at all!"

Zhao Min said: "10 taels of gold are buried in the cellar in the backyard. Even if the palace disappears, the gold will not disappear!"

Lin Yu said: "The area of ​​the capital is very large, how can I find the old site of Ruyang Palace?"

Zhao Min said: "My memory has always been very good, and I will definitely find it."

Lin Yu said: "Silly daughter-in-law, compared with the Yuan Dynasty, the appearance of the capital belongs to two completely different worlds! No matter how good your memory is, you can't find the old site of Ruyang Palace! Even if you do, you can't determine the cellar in the backyard. position, and it is impossible to dig!"

Zhao Min asked: "Why can't I dig? Who dares to stop me from taking my own gold?"

Lin Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and explained patiently: "The capital city is the same as Jinling City. There are high-rise buildings, residential buildings, and historical sites everywhere. These buildings are protected by law, and no one is allowed to destroy them!"

Zhao Min nodded slightly: "I understand, if you dig for gold, the tall building will collapse..."

Lin Yu hummed: "So, don't think about your 10 taels of gold anymore, and don't mention it again. I will take other ways to earn 1 million yuan!"

Zhao Min said: "Okay, I'll help you earn 1 million yuan!"

Zhou Xiaoyu waited impatiently, and asked loudly, "What are you two talking about?"

Lin Yu turned around and said, "I'm criticizing Amin, so stop joking in the future."

Zhou Xiaoyu said: "It's okay, Sister Amin is very funny, I'll treat you tonight and take Sister Amin to eat boiled mutton!"

Zhao Min said with a smile: "Thank you, sister, let's boil the mutton another day. I want to eat the mutton skewers grilled by Lin Yu himself!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her stomach growled a few times...

Chapter 594 Easily Selected to the Top [-]

That night, Zhao Min ate at the "Dream Barbecue Restaurant" and tasted various barbecue delicacies.

Like Li Shizhen, she also fell in love with the taste of cold beer and drank five or six glasses.

Drunk, Zhao Min enjoyed the song and dance program of "Qinhuai Eight Beauties"...

Lin Yu had just finished roasting the "Eight Treasures Suckling Pig" when he suddenly received a call from Shen Lechen.

"Lin Yu, I have something very important to talk to you alone."

Lin Yu hurriedly said, "OK! Go to my office!"

He washed his face with cold water first, then arrived at the office and saw Shen Lechen sitting on the sofa.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yu asked with a smile.

Shen Lechen said: "The police attach great importance to Liu Zhixiong's illegal gambling activities, and are ready to investigate and collect evidence to crack down severely!"

Lin Yu said: "There is no need to investigate, just make a surprise inspection of Liu Zhixiong's chess and card room, and the gambling money will definitely be seized!"

Shen Lechen said: "His chess and card room is a legally operated place. Even if the gambling funds are seized, the chess and card room will be closed at most. The police's target is even bigger, and they are going to crack down on Liu Zhixiong's underground casino!"

Lin Yu was startled: "Underground casino? Could it be a high-end private club just established by Liu Zhixiong?"

Shen Lechen said: "That's right! I hope that your undercover officer, Lao Di, will sneak into Liu Zhixiong's private club, obtain strong evidence, and assist the police."

Lin Yu said: "I understand. The police want to put a long line to catch big fish. When the time comes, let's do it all!"

Shen Lechen smiled sweetly: "Are you willing to help?"

Lin Yu replied without thinking: "Of course! I am obliged!"

Shen Lechen asked: "Where is Lao Di?"

Lin Yu said: "After he was released by the police, he stayed in the barbecue restaurant to rest. He was not in a hurry to play mahjong in Liu Zhixiong's chess and card room to avoid being suspected."

Shen Lechen asked: "Very well, Lao Di is smarter, does he have a chance to enter Liu Zhixiong's private club?"

Lin Yu said: "Lao Di has won 80 yuan so far, and he must exceed 100 million before he can be qualified to join Liu Zhixiong's private club and become a VIP member!"

Shen Lechen said: "Proceed with caution, if you have any important news, please let me know in time."

Lin Yu raised his thick eyebrows slightly: "Are we already comrades-in-arms?"

Shen Lechen nodded: "That's right! Work together to fight against criminals!"

When Shen Lechen left the office, Lin Yu called Di Renjie over.

Di Renjie couldn't help being excited when he learned of the police's plan.

"Wonderful! With the backing of the police, I feel much more at ease."

Lin Yu asked: "When do you plan to go to the chess and card room to play mahjong?"

Di Renjie said: "After three days, I will go to the chess and card room again, try my best to win 100 million yuan, and obtain the qualification of VIP membership!"

Lin Yu asked: "Do you still rely on electronic jammers?"

Di Renjie said: "Electronic jammers can no longer be used, the other party has already become suspicious!"

Lin Yu worried: "If you don't use electronic jammers, you may lose all the 80 you won before!"

Di Renjie said: "I have thought about it carefully, and decided to use the trick to confuse the cards in the chess and card room!"

Lin Yu asked: "Do you plan?"

Di Renjie said: "In the past few days, I have watched some gambling-related movies, from which I have learned the tricks to deal with scammers, and I am going to try it."

Lin Yu asked: "What move?"

Di Renjie said: "The chess and card room uses a high-definition camera to peek at my mahjong tiles. I can skillfully cover and modify the face of the mahjong tiles, causing misunderstandings for the tile holders, and thus falling into the trap I designed!"

Lin Yu gave a thumbs up: "Coup!"

Di Renjie said: "This kind of move has high requirements on the opponent's technique. There can be no mistakes, and it cannot be captured by high-definition cameras. Therefore, when I play mahjong in the chess and card room, I must choose a suitable seat and let Xiao Zhao help me. I cover."

Lin Yu said: "Okay! You and Xiao Zhao join hands to deal with the card holders in the chess and card room! Be careful, don't show your flaws!"

Di Renjie said: "Xiao Zhao and I practiced for a while, and after forming a tacit understanding, we will go to the chess and card room to play mahjong!"


Time flies, and it is August NO.15 in a blink of an eye.

Jinling Satellite TV's "I Love BBQ" Food Contest officially kicked off.

According to the planning and arrangement of the program group, the elimination round will be held first to select sixteen outstanding barbecue chefs.

The process of the knockout round will not be broadcast live to the outside world, only highlight clips will be filmed.

Lin Yu baked the "Spicy Chicken Skeleton" and "Large Sausage Covered with Scallions", which are very popular among diners, and easily became the top sixteen.

Liu Yunfei and Chen Leehom were also easily selected.

The quarterfinals are scheduled for the 28th of this month.

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