Lin Yu couldn't help feeling a little sad, and then regained his composure.

Because, when his father owed millions of gambling debts and fell into the river after drinking and died, and when his mother suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was hospitalized, Lin Yu asked his uncle for help, but only received 5000 yuan.

My uncle runs a large circus, drives a Mercedes-Benz and lives in a villa, but spends 5000 yuan to send Lin Yu off.

This incident made Lin Yu feel cold and brooding.

My mother said: "Xiaoyu, your uncle has no children. You are his nephew and you should take care of the funeral... Your uncle's lawyer told me that you will inherit your uncle's estate..."

Lin Yu sneered: "I don't care about his inheritance!"

Mom said: "You don't want uncle's inheritance, so leave it to Xiaoxue. In short, you have to go there. The lawyer is waiting to sign and go through the formalities."

After finishing the call, Lin Yu thought, what inheritance can uncle have?


The next morning, Lei Gang was in charge of driving and took Lin Yu and Lin Xue to the "Happy Circus" on the outskirts of the city.

Lei Gang held the steering wheel in his hands, and said with a smile, "I heard that your uncle's circus is booming, and he often goes to other places for performances."

Lin Yu said: "In the past few years, the business of the circus was really good, but in the past few years, it has been a bit sluggish."

Lei Gang said: "A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Your uncle's assets are at least 1000 million, right? You and Xiaoxue inheriting the inheritance is equivalent to a windfall! Why don't I have a rich uncle?"

Lin Yu sneered: "The richer you are, the more selfish and stingy you are! I will never forget that when my father died unexpectedly and my mother was hospitalized due to illness, my uncle only gave me 5000 yuan!"

Lin Xue frowned as she listened.

Lei Gang said: "Perhaps, your uncle was short of money at the time."

Lin Yu retorted: "Tight ass! He drives a luxury car and lives in a villa, but can't he afford 10 yuan for life-saving money?"

Lin Xue suddenly asked: "Brother, what about Uncle's circus?"

Before Lin Yu could answer, Lei Gang said, "I suggest that we set up a "Barbecue Circus" to perform circus shows and sell barbecues at the same time!"

When Lin Yu heard this, his heart moved slightly.

Lin Xue clapped her hands: "Brother Gang has a good idea. Children love to watch animal performances. It can not only sell circus tickets, but also promote our barbecue business. It kills two birds with one stone!"

Lin Yu said: "Look at the situation of the circus first, and then make a decision!"

Half an hour later, I arrived at the "Happy Circus" in the suburbs.

In front of him was a large courtyard with the iron gate ajar, and a white car parked beside it.

Lin Yu walked to the front of the courtyard first and pushed open the iron gate.

In an instant, Lin Yu was stunned.

Because, there is a thin macaque squatting in the courtyard, a pocket pony standing on it, and a little black bear lying on its stomach.

Lin Yu was surprised, what the hell?

Lin Xue and Lei Gang were also stunned when they saw it.

Lei Gang said: "Happy Circus, why are there only three animals left? Tigers? Lions? Elephants?

Lin Xue looked around: "It's strange...the deserted... circus employees, where did they go?"

With a creak, the opposite door opened.

Immediately afterwards, a slightly fat woman walked out...

Chapter 533 I Can't Bear To Hand Over The Puppy Bear

Slightly fat woman wearing myopia glasses and professional suit.

She greeted her with a smile: "you are Mr. Wu's nephew, the owner of the dream barbecue restaurant, Lin Yu?"

Lin Yu nodded: "yes, you are?"

The fat woman said, "My name is Li Xueyan, your uncle's lawyer."

Lin Yu asked directly: "How much inheritance does my uncle have?"

Li Xueyan said: "Mr. Wu left a [-]-square-meter house in the city, and "Happy Circus" in the suburbs."

Lin Yu asked, "what else?"

Li Xueyan said: "No more, that's all!"

Lin Xue asked in amazement: "No way? What about my uncle's villa, Mercedes-Benz, and savings?"

Li Xueyan said: "As far as I know, Mr. Wu liked to gamble before his death. Half a year ago, he lost all his savings, even sold his villa and luxury car to pay off his gambling debts!"

Lin Yu and Lin Xue were shocked.

Immediately, Lin Yu understood, no wonder his uncle only supported 5000 yuan at that time, he really had no money, he was wrong!

Li Xueyan said: "Mr. Wu has not paid wages for three consecutive months. The employees of the circus went on strike and took away valuable animals! According to Mr. Wu's will, you become the legal heir of the circus and get a house in the city. "

Lin Xue asked, "Why are there still three animals left in the circus?"

Li Xueyan pointed to the monkey and said, "Look, this monkey is really too thin and often gets sick. No one wants it!"This pocket pony has an intractable skin disease!This little bear was ordered by a big boss..."

Lei Gang said disappointedly: "Fuck, "Happy Circus" exists in name only!"

Lin Yu asked: "The little bear is booked? What do you mean?"

Li Xueyan said: "I don't know either, someone will come to the circus and take the little bear away."

After speaking, Li Xueyan returned to the room, took out the documents, and asked Lin Yu to sign.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xueyan handed over a bunch of keys and related documents of "Happy Circus" to Lin Yu.

She reminded: "The circus has all kinds of certificates. Not only can it perform commercially, but it can also raise and breed animals..."

Lin Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "I run a barbecue restaurant, how can I have time to raise animals? Besides, I'm not an animal trainer, how can I train animals to perform?"

Li Xueyan shrugged, said goodbye, walked out of the yard, and drove away in a white car.

Lin Xue shook her head in disappointment: "It's too surprising, uncle actually lost all his family property through gambling!"

Lin Yu said: "He hasn't completely lost his mind, and he has left a small house for himself so that he won't sleep on the street."

Lei Gang said: "A house in the city can sell for at least 150 million! The Happy Circus is worthless, and you have to pay the rent for this yard."

Lin Xue walked up to the monkey: "It's too thin, it looks pitiful..."

The monkey looked up at Lin Xue, stretched out its furry paws, and tugged at Lin Xue's clothes, begging for food.

Lin Xue said, "Brother, take the monkey and pony home!"

Lin Yu didn't say a word, his thick eyebrows were slightly frowned, thinking about how to deal with "Happy Circus".

The previous idea of ​​setting up a "barbecue circus" to let the animals perform and sell barbecue at the same time, but unfortunately it came to naught.

Suddenly, a harsh car horn sounded outside!

A Toyota galloped domineeringly, stopped at the gate of the courtyard, and jumped off the two people.

A bald and shiny head, a long curly hair, in stark contrast.

The bald man asked harshly, "Is Mr. Wu at home?"

Lin Yu hurriedly said: "My uncle had a heart attack and passed away. I'm his nephew and I'm here to take care of the funeral."

The big bald head was taken aback for a moment: "Damn it... actually burped..."

Curly said: "Mr. Wu played mahjong with Brother Hu and lost 20 yuan. Mr. Wu used the little bear to pay off the debt! Let's get the little bear!"

Lin Yu asked: "Brother Hu, why do you want a little bear? As a pet?"

The big bald head said: "That's right, let's keep it as a pet first, and when the bear grows up, pump its bile!"

All of a sudden, Lin Yu's heart trembled.

Lin Xue hurriedly said to Lin Yu: "Brother, I have read news reports that after the bears grow up in the farm, their bile is extracted every day. It is more miserable than being tortured. It is too cruel...

Curly proudly said: "When the bear's bile is exhausted and its use value is completely lost, it will be slaughtered, and it will be eaten with braised bear meat and steamed bear paws, hahaha..."

The big bald head said: "Bear meat and bear paws are delicious, and bear whip can also strengthen yang. It's a great tonic!"

Seeing the ugly appearance of bald head and curly hair, Lin Yu was upset and looked at the little bear.

It is naive, very much like a pet dog that Lin Xue had raised before.

Lin Xue said in a low voice: "Brother, extracting the bile of a living bear is really inhumane, you can't give them the little bear!"

Curly stared, and urged impatiently: "What are you doing? Get out of the way!"

Lin Yu said sharply: "this dog and bear, I can't let you take it away!"

The curly hair was taken aback, and pointed to Lin Yu's nose: "what the hell say it again!"

Lin Yu looked directly into Curly's eyes: "you heard clearly! Little bear can't give it to you!"

Curly was furious: "Damn! How dare you play tricks! Don't give it to the little bear!"

Lin Yu said: "My uncle lost 20 yuan and used the bear to pay off the debt. Is there an IOU? As long as you bring the IOU, I will give you 20 immediately!"

The big bald head yelled: "I owe you damn's head! You kid is tired of working!"

Lin Yu reprimanded: "If you dare to curse again, I will smash your teeth!"

The big bald head was furious: "Cao Nima! How dare you play tricks on me!"

He swung his fist at Lin Yu, but before he got close, he was kicked in the mouth by Lin Yu, and kicked in the stomach with another kick, and flew more than three meters away. His waist fell on the bench, and he screamed repeatedly. Spit blood.

"Nima!" Lei Gang stepped on the bald head, "You're tired of living! I'm pumping your guts!"

Seeing Lin Yu's bravery, curly hair dare not do anything, being overwhelmed by his aura.

Lin Yu said: "Go back and tell you Brother Hu, pay the IOU with one hand and pay 20 with the other hand! Don't play tricks on the little bear!"

Curly swallowed her saliva: "You... what's your name? Which big brother are you hanging out with?"

Lin Yu knew that brother Hu should be a local snake. This kind of person doesn't talk about martial arts, but is good at stalking and tricks.

Therefore, Lin Yu can't announce his identity: "Stop talking nonsense! Get out of here!

Curly raised his bald head, walked out of the yard, and boarded the Toyota Overbearing.

The big bald man's front teeth were broken, and he grinned and shouted: "Don't go if you have the guts! Wait here!"

Lin Yu said proudly: "Okay! I'll wait for you to get back the IOU!"

Toyota's domineering engine roared and galloped away.

Lei Gang asked: "Really not to hand over the little bear?"

Lin Xue said: "I can't bear to have such a cute bear pumping bile every day after it grows up!"

Lei Gang reminded: "Brother Hu is definitely not a good person. If you offend him and go to the Dream BBQ restaurant to make trouble, wouldn't it affect our business..."

Lin Yu sneered: "I want to see and see, how sacred is Brother Hu!"

Chapter 534 Grill Master Can Taming Beasts

Lin Yu, Lin Xue, and Lei Gang sat in the yard, waiting patiently.

Lei Gang squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly got up, walked around quickly, and found two iron rods.

Lin Yu smiled and asked, "Gangzi, what are you doing with the iron rod?"

Lei Gang said: "Although your kung fu is very powerful, and mine is not weak, but when Brother Hu brings people to attack, the situation is definitely dangerous. We must fight with weapons!"

Lin Yu said: "Do you really think that I like to use violence to solve problems?"

Lei Gang said: "Simple and rough is the best way to deal with the enemy! What's the point with a rough local snake?"

Lin Xue said with a smile: "You guys are in charge of fighting, and I'm in charge of filming and uploading to Douyin."

Lin Yu said solemnly: "Sister, I want to correct your ideas! You can't upload videos of fights to online platforms. This is advocating violence!"

Lin Xue said, "No, this is advocating justice!"

Lei Gang said: "Lin Yu singled out more than 200 bastards in the Moon Bay bathing center, and it became popular all over the Internet, which gave him a lot of fans!"

Lin Xue said: "That video was regarded as a performance by many netizens, and they did not believe its authenticity."

The three chatted for a while, but there was no movement outside the courtyard.

Lin Xue asked, "Brother! What about monkeys, ponies and little bears?"

Before Lin Yu could answer, Lei Gang said first, "Bring it back to the Dream BBQ restaurant and keep it in the warehouse."

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