Liu Yunfei took off her sunglasses, her eyes were full of vigilance, and there was a bit of complacency.

Obviously, she already knew that Liu Yutong had received a huge compensation of 1000 million yuan.

Lin Yu continued: "Are you broken in love? You are in a bad mood and have a bad appetite, which makes you thin and haggard?"

Liu Yunfei retorted: "You're just broken in love!"

Lin Yu said: "There are many beauties in my barbecue restaurant, and it is impossible to lose love in this life."

Liu Yunfei said: "I underestimated you before, but you actually managed to form a girls' band, perform in the barbecue restaurant, and even brought Zhao Yinger and Di Lina to support you."

Lin Yu said: "I have strength and confidence! That's why I refuse to cooperate with you!"

Liu Yunfei said: "The price of your online celebrity barbecue is set so high, which is far beyond the consumption level of the working class. Let's see how long your business can last!"

Lin Yu said: "Although the price of your romantic barbecue is not high, it is also in line with the consumption level of the working class, but the business is deserted. Let's see how long you can last!"

Liu Yunfei frowned: "Don't be arrogant, whoever survives to the end is the real winner! When the time comes, let you kneel down and beg me!"

Lin Yu said: "You are wrong. You will be the one who kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Liu Yunfei sneered: "Don't be ignorant of the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth! Instead of concentrating on your business, you went to help your friends with blind jobs, and as a result, you lost more than 100 million yuan. Are you ashamed?"

Seeing Liu Yunfei's ridicule, Lin Yu said directly: "You and Liu Yutong are in collusion and use insidious means to frame me. Do you want to be ashamed?"

Liu Yunfei hurriedly said: "I must declare that I didn't know that my sister was dealing with you secretly, and this matter has nothing to do with me!"

Lin Yu said: "Your father cheated my father for 100 million yuan, and you said it had nothing to do with you! Your sister cheated me for more than 1000 million yuan, and you said it had nothing to do with you! Damn, I have grown so old, I have never seen such Brazen man!"

Liu Yunfei raised her voice: "You are so brazen, you brought beautiful women and strong men to hook up with my brother-in-law! And beat him to paralysis!"

Lin Yu despised: "A good man doesn't fight with a dick girl! Standing on the street arguing, I feel ashamed!"

After speaking, Lin Yu turned and walked into the "Dream BBQ Restaurant".

Liu Yunfei stared with anger...

Lin Yu went up to the second floor and saw no one in the office.

He picked up his mobile phone and dialed Di Renjie's number, but he didn't answer for a long time.

What the hell, did something happen to Lao Di?

Could it be that Liu Zhixiong discovered him in the process of investigating and collecting evidence?

Lin Yu hurried downstairs and asked Lin Yong, "Where did Master Di go?"

Lin Yong replied: "In the past few days, Master Di left early and returned late. I don't know where he went. I thought it was arranged by you, so I didn't ask much..."

Just when Lin Yu was worried, the phone rang and Di Renjie called.

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "Lao Di, what are you doing outside?"

Di Renjie said: "I was playing mahjong in Liu Zhixiong's chess and card room. I was listening to the cards just now, so I didn't bother to answer the phone."

Lin Yu smiled: "how is the investigation going?"

Di Renjie said: "Everything is going well, I just got acquainted, and I am going to put a long line to catch big fish."

Lin Yu encouraged: "Okay! Try to be steady, don't act too hastily, and strive for success!"

Di Renjie said: "However, my luck was too bad yesterday, and I lost more than 5 yuan..."

Lin Yu comforted: "it's normal to win or lose when playing mahjong. Besides, you are a novice. I believe that with your wisdom, you will soon be able to improve your card skills!"

Di Renjie said: "That's right, I have won more than 2 today."

Lin Yu asked a few more words before ending the call.

Lin Yu is more assured of Di Renjie's ability to handle affairs. He only needs to cooperate and wait patiently...

In the evening, Gao Youshuai, the rich second generation, drove a BMW SUV and arrived at the "Dream Barbecue Restaurant".

Gao Youshuai asked Lin Yu excitedly: "Where's Xiaochan? I want to ask her to watch a 3D movie. The sci-fi blockbuster "Avatar" is back in theaters!"

Lin Yu said: "Xiaochan is not at the barbecue restaurant."

Gao Youshuai said: "What is her cell phone number, I will contact her."

Lin Yu said: "Don't waste your time and energy, Xiaochan won't go to the movies with you."

Gao Youshuai said: "Do you like Xiaochan and don't want me to chase her?"

Lin Yu said with a smile: "A dog who bites Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart! I'm afraid you will be rejected by Xiaochan and suffer a blow!"

Gao Youshuai said: "You underestimate me! Brother has been ups and downs in the sea of ​​love for many years, why haven't you seen such a big storm?"

Lin Yu had no choice but to send Diao Chan's mobile phone number to Gao Youshuai, and he left cheerfully.

At ten o'clock at night, Lin Xue and Pan Jinlian walked into the "Dream BBQ Restaurant", waited for closing time, and went home with Lin Yu.

The eight girls, including Chen Yuanyuan, Dong Xiaowan, and Gu Meisheng, have finished singing and dancing and are eating barbecue on the second floor.

Lin Yu, Lei Gang, Xiao Zhao, and Dai Danli sat in the hall drinking tea and resting.

"Where's Xiao Chan?" Lin Yu asked.

Lin Xue said: "Xiaochan went to a nearby supermarket to buy daily necessities, and will be here soon."

Lin Yu said: "It's not safe to let Xiaochan go shopping alone in the supermarket?"

Lin Xue said, "Don't worry, she's wearing a mask."

Lin Yu asked: "Did Gao Youshuai call Xiaochan to invite her to watch a 3D movie?"

When Lei Gang heard this, his expression became vigilant.

Lin Xue said: "Xiaochan received a call from Gao Youshuai and directly rejected him."

"Wow!" Lei Gang happily praised, "Xiao Chan is a strong-minded girl!"

Lin Xue said: "Xiaochan rejects Gao Youshuai, why are you so excited?"

Lei Gang said: "Lin Yu promised me to arrange for me to have dinner with Xiao Chan."

Lin Yu said: "The premise is that you must win Zhang Wenjun."

Lei Gang spread his hands together: "Zhang Wenjun suddenly played with a moth, and was finally disabled by you. I have no chance to take him down."

Lin Yu said, "so, I can't arrange for you to have dinner with Xiao Chan."

Lei Gang chuckled: "It's okay, I will use my manly charm to capture Xiao Chan's heart."

Pan Jinlian covered her mouth and smiled: "Xiao Chan still complains to me, saying that Lei Gang is really weird, and she has been ignoring her."

Lin Yu said: "There are brain disabilities every year, especially this year, you tell Xiaochan, just treat Lei Gang as mentally handicapped!"

Lei Gang was anxious: "Xiao Pan, don't listen to Lin Yu's nonsense, I am not mentally handicapped, but deep and rich in meaning!"

Lin Yu said: "You are a bird! You are pretending to be cool, and you are playing hard to get, trying to attract Xiaochan's attention!"

Lei Gang's face turned slightly red: "Brother, in front of all the beauties, can you maintain my glorious image and don't hurt me?"

Suddenly, a car horn sounded outside.

A red domestic car was parked at the door of the restaurant.

I saw a short, fat man with glasses opening the co-pilot's door in a twitchy way.

Immediately afterwards, Diao Chan got out of the car...

Chapter 470 Mother and Daughter Come to the Pharmacy

Diao Chan didn't wear a mask and smiled happily. She waved goodbye to the man with glasses and walked into the "Dream Barbecue Restaurant".

The man with glasses stood blankly by the side of the road, looking like a nympho.

Lei Gang was extremely displeased: "Who is that short guy? He is only a little taller than Wu Dalang, and he has enough temperament!"

Hearing the word "Wu Dalang", the teacup in Pan Jinlian's hand trembled slightly.

Diao Chan walked into the restaurant with a shopping bag in hand.

Lin Xue asked: "Xiaochan, why don't you wear a mask when you go to the supermarket?"

Diao Chan said: "I met a handsome guy in the supermarket and he invited me to eat grilled sausages, so I took off my mask."

Lin Xue was surprised: "Handsome guy? Who is it?"

Lin Yu hurriedly asked, "could it be Gao Youshuai, who followed you quietly?"

Diao Chan said, "It's not Gao Youshuai, but the handsome guy who drove me back."

Lei Gang's eyes widened: "Short guy wearing glasses? His bear look, is he worthy of being called a handsome guy?"

Diaochan said with a smile, "I think he is very warm, friendly, and pleasing to the eye."

Lei Gang was speechless and scratched his head.

Lin Yu seriously reminded: "Xiaochan! Be careful in the future, don't talk to strangers, let alone get in stranger's car! This world is very dangerous!"

Diao Chan stuck out the tip of her tongue, pretending to be cute and said, "Okay, I will remember."

Lei Gang took the opportunity to invite: "Xiaochan, can I ask you to have dinner with me tomorrow night?"

Diao Chan said: "Okay, you can send dinner to Chunhui Pharmacy, let's have it together."

Puchi, Lin Xue laughed out loud.

Lei Gang's expression was embarrassing, he shook his head helplessly and sighed...

The next morning, just as Lin Yu arrived at the "Dream BBQ Restaurant", his cell phone rang suddenly.

The screen displays an unfamiliar number.

After connecting, a very familiar voice came out.

"Lin Yu, hello!"

Lin Yu froze suddenly, the other party was Zhao Meiqi!

When traveling through the Tang Dynasty, Zhao Meiqi became the killer of "League of Assassins"; when traveling through the Ming Dynasty, Zhao Meiqi and Zhao Tianhai became rich businessmen running brothels; when traveling through the Qing Dynasty, Zhao Meiqi and Zhao Tianhai became Wu Sangui's chefs.

Every time, Zhao Meiqi was defeated by Lin Yu and lost in a mess.

After returning to the real world, the various experiences of time travel are hidden deep in the memory of Zhao Meiqi and Zhao Tianhai in the form of dream stories.

Moreover, in the real world, Zhao Meiqi and Lin Yu have never had contact.

Lin Yu deliberately asked, "Who are you?"

Zhao Meiqi said: "I am Zhao Meiqi, Zhao Junhao's sister."

Lin Yu said: "Zhao Junhao failed in his pursuit of Li Xinyao, and has been fighting openly and secretly with me. He dare not continue to fight. Can you come forward?"

Zhao Meiqi said: "Don't get me wrong, the purpose of my seeking you is to cure your illness!"

"Cure?" Lin Yu couldn't help being curious, "Your grandfather's eyes have recovered! Could it be that your father, Zhao Tianhai, also got cataracts?"

Zhao Meiqi said: "My father's eyes are fine! I want to take my mother to the pharmacy for a prescription."

Lin Yu understood, and readily agreed: "OK! You come to the pharmacy to find me!"

Immediately, Lin Yu arranged for Lin Yong to be responsible for preparing the ingredients for the barbecue. He rode Xiao Zhao's motorcycle and arrived at "Chunhui Pharmacy".

In the store, Li Shizhen was busy with the consultation, and there were more than 20 patients lined up at the door.

Knowing that Zhao Junhao's sister brought his mother to see a doctor, Lin Xue was worried and reminded Lin Yu to be careful.

Lin Yu believed that in the world she traveled through, she had surrendered to Zhao Meiqi many times, which shocked her heart and left a good impression in her brain. She should not help Zhao Junhao use insidious means.

What's more, as long as Lin Yu gives a clever reminder, part of Zhao Meiqi's dream memory can be awakened, so that she dare not fight against Lin Yu...

Ten minutes later, a black Mercedes-Benz luxury car drove up and stopped at the door of "Chunhui Pharmacy".

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Meiqi and a middle-aged lady got out of the car.

Zhou Yujie, Zhao Tianhai's wife.

She is holding a teddy dog, wearing an exquisite dress, with a dignified appearance, fair complexion, wavy hairstyle, and elegant temperament.

Lin Yu walked out of the pharmacy, greeted Zhao Meiqi and Zhou Yujie politely with a smile on his face.

Zhao Meiqi observed Lin Yu intently, and felt that he was handsome and imposing, more chic than at the barbecue banquet at the "Zijin Villa" hotel.

Lin Yu said: "At the barbecue banquet that day, the three celebrities and many customers unfortunately suffered from food poisoning and were sent to the hospital for treatment. I deeply regret it."

Zhao Meiqi said: "The food poisoning incident has nothing to do with you. The police are still investigating and will definitely catch the criminal."

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