Inside the store, Sun Ruiting sat on a chair with her legs crossed, with a disdainful expression.

The man next to her is actually Zhao Junhao!

Lin Yu was shocked, why did Zhao Junhao hook up with Sun Ruiting?

Zhao Junhao is the son of Zhao Tianhai, the richest man in the city, and Sun Ruiting is just a gold digger from an ordinary family, so it is difficult for the two to get along.

Behind Zhao Junhao, stood eight strong men.

They have long hairstyles and their arms are covered with tattoos, making them look hideous.

One of the strong men was holding a wheelchair, and an old man over seventy years old was sitting on it.

Lin Yu looked closely, and found that the old man's head was bald, and he was dozing off with his eyes closed, and his shriveled mouth twitched from time to time.

What the hell is going on?

Why did Zhao Junhao take Sun Ruiting to seek revenge and cause trouble?Who is this old man?

Lin Xue and Xi Shi, with tense expressions, guarded Li Shizhen.

"Hehehe..." Zhao Junhao smiled sinisterly, "I came today, I don't want to fight..."

Lin Yu said loudly: "This pharmacy only provides medicines and consultation services for normal people. I'm afraid you have come to the wrong place!"

Sun Ruiting's willow eyebrows stood on end, and she said sharply, "Lin Yu, what do you mean? Curse us for not being normal?"

Lin Yu said: "If you were a normal person, how could you hook up with a playboy? If Zhao Junhao was a normal person, how could you fall in love with a gold digger?"

Sun Ruiting scolded angrily: "Who are you calling a gold digger? I like tall, handsome and rich, what's wrong?"

She despised Lin Yu and rolled her gorgeous eyes.

Zhao Junhao said: "Lin Yu, I won't argue with you! I heard that there is a genius doctor here, so I will take grandpa to see him!"

Sun Ruiting rolled her eyes again: "What kind of genius doctor, this old man is wearing an ancient costume, playing tricks! In my opinion, he is probably a charlatan! Brother Hao, stop talking to them!"

Lin Yu scolded angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, otherwise, I'll sue you for defamation!"

Zhao Junhao looked at Li Shizhen and asked with a smile: "Old man, do you have the "Physician Qualification Certificate"?"

Li Shizhen was at a loss, not knowing what the "Qualification Certificate for Practicing Physician" was.

He coughed a few times and stared at Sun Ruiting's long legs with interest.

Lin Yu secretly admired that Li Shizhen was a pure man and a real man, always strong and strong, and made no secret of his pursuit of beauties.

Lin Xue hurriedly said: "Our store has a "Medical Institution Practicing License", and the old man's "Physician Qualification Certificate" is being processed."

Zhao Junhao said: "Since this is the case, hurry up and see a doctor for my grandfather. If he is cured, the reward will be 100 million yuan!"

Wow!There was an exclamation at the door.

Zhao Junhao's face darkened: "If it can't be cured, don't blame me for being rude. I will not only destroy your business, but also sue you for practicing medicine without a license and engaging in feudal superstition activities!"

Lin Yu understood that after Sun Ruiting's application was rejected by Lin Xue, she felt resentful and eager to take revenge.

Knowing that Zhao Junhao had conflicts with Lin Yu, she asked Zhao Junhao to meet and told about Li Shizhen's consultation in "Chunhui Pharmacy".

Zhao Junhao failed to pursue Li Xinyao and hated Lin Yu all the time. He couldn't find a chance to destroy the business of "Dream BBQ Restaurant", so he brought his grandfather and Sun Ruiting to "Chunhui Pharmacy" to seek revenge!

In full view, Lin Yu never shows weakness.

He smiled lightly: "What's wrong with your grandfather?"

Zhao Junhao said: "Ten years ago, my grandfather got cataracts, and he relapsed twice after the operation. Now he is completely blind. Because he is too old, he can no longer go to the operating table. Can you cure his eyes?"

Lin Yu squatted in front of the wheelchair and observed the old man closely.

Age spots all over the face, no less than 80 years old.

Lin Yu reached out, opened the old man's eyes, and checked the eyeballs carefully.

It is indeed blind, and the risk of surgery is extremely high, and it is easy to endanger life.

Lin Yu knew very well that although Hu Qingniu's acupuncture and moxibustion skills were superb, he could not cure such a severe cataract.

At this moment, Li Shizhen was still poised, looking at Sun Ruiting while drinking tea.

Lin Xue accused angrily: "Zhao Junhao, is it interesting to use your grandfather's blind eyes to embarrass us?"

"Of course it's interesting!" Zhao Junhao pointed at Li Shizhen, "If you can't cure my grandpa's eyes, you immediately kneel down and kowtow three times! I'll just smash the pharmacy, and I won't call the police to expose you!"

Damn it, typical making things difficult and provocative!

Lin Yu restrained his anger and clenched his fists.

Lin Xue said: "Zhao Junhao, who are you scaring? Make the old man kowtow? There is no way!"

Zhao Junhao turned his head and ordered: "Smash the shop down!

Eight strong men roared and started to move, causing the customers to back away in fright.

Lin Yu stepped forward, ready to use Hong Qigong's "Fu Hu Fist" to beat up eight strong men and Zhao Junhao, making them unforgettable for life!

Suddenly, Li Shizhen yelled: "Wait a minute!"

Lin Yu and the strong men were stunned, and the scene was a little quiet.

Li Shizhen stood up slowly,

Damn it, Li Shizhen concentrates on admiring Sun Ruiting,

Seeing everyone staring at her abdomen in unison, Li Shizhen chuckled, and stretched out her hand to lift off her robe...

Chapter 457 Is Li Shizhen's IQ Problematic?

Li Shizhen lifted up her robe, revealing a folding fan at her waist.

For the convenience of carrying, Li Shizhen often put the folding fan at her waist. When she got up just now, the folding fan propped up the robe, which caused a misunderstanding.

Li Shizhen walked up to the old man, opened his eyelids, and examined him carefully.

"I have been practicing medicine for 30 years, and I have treated countless eye diseases. The condition of these eyes is indeed serious, but it is not hopeless!"

When Lin Yu heard this, he was overjoyed: "Can it really be cured?"

Li Shizhen shook her head and said, "I don't dare to jump to conclusions! At present, there is only a [-]% certainty! If you can find a single medicinal material, you can be completely cured!"

[-]% sure?

Lin Yu asked in surprise: "what medicinal material? Be sensible, sir. This is not a joke. Don't make a joke! "

Li Shizhen stroked his beard and walked back and forth a few steps.

He looked sad: "This medicinal material is extremely precious! I am worried that the patient's family will not be able to buy it!"

Zhao Junhao sneered: "You're so talkative, your speech is sour, you mean I can't afford medicine? One million yuan, isn't that enough?"

Li Shizhen smiled slightly, and glanced at Sun Ruiting's long legs: "This medicine is very important, I'm afraid you can afford it, but you can't find it!"

Zhao Junhao's curiosity was fully stimulated.

He raised his voice: "Old man! You are talking about it, don't play tricks! What kind of medicine is it?"

Li Shizhen picked up the teacup, took a sip slowly, and chewed the tea leaves.

The scene was quiet, and everyone stared at Li Shizhen intently.

Zhao Junhao was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead: "Don't be a fool! Say it quickly!"

Li Shizhen spat out the tea residue into the ashtray slowly: "This medicinal herb is an old turtle!"

"Damn it!" Zhao Junhao stared round his eyes, "I thought it was a rare treasure, but it turned out to be a bastard! What the hell are you playing with me?"

Li Shizhen was at a loss again, and turned her head to ask Lin Yu: "What the hell is that? What's the meaning?"

The onlookers burst into laughter.

Aunts over the age of 50 looked at the elegant Li Shizhen, their eyes were full of admiration.

Lin Yu leaned into Li Shizhen's ear and quickly told him the meaning of "fuck".

Li Shizhen suddenly realized: "Yes! Very vivid and incisive!"

Zhao Junhao said angrily: "Can you cure my grandpa's eyes? I'll buy as many turtles as I need! Is ten enough?"

Li Shizhen said: "Damn it! If you buy it with money, the old man will treat it of course! Not ten, but one!"

The old genius doctor puts what he has learned into practice now, and he utters "fuck", which embodies the spirit of being good at practice.

Zhao Junhao raised his head and smiled: "What kind of old turtle do you want?"

Li Shizhen said: "The wild old turtle! It must be more than six feet long!"

There was an exclamation at the scene.

Lin Yu was stunned. The wild old turtle is more than two meters long!Is Li Shizhen's head showing off?

Zhao Junhao and Sun Ruiting recovered and laughed wildly.

Lin Xue's expression was embarrassing.

As we all know, with the deterioration of the ecological environment and overfishing, the number of pure wild soft-shelled turtles (turtles) has become less and less.

Wild soft-shelled turtles with the size of a washbasin are extremely rare, not to mention wild soft-shelled soft-shelled turtles that are over one meter tall, it's like a fantasy!

Zhao Junhao stopped laughing: "You want a wild old turtle that is over two meters tall, and you want to use the turtle shell as medicine and eat turtle meat for nourishment?"

Li Shizhen shook her head: "I don't use turtle shells for medicine, and I don't eat turtle meat for nourishment! Instead, I gouged out the eyes of the old turtle and used them as medicinal materials!"

Zhao Junhao said: "The theory of Chinese medicine is to complement the shape with the shape, right?"

Li Shizhen said: "That's right, the eyes of the old turtle are an important medicinal material. Combined with other precious Chinese medicines, it can cure your grandfather's eye disease!"

Zhao Junhao said: "Okay! How much does it cost to buy a wild turtle over two meters in length?"

"50!" Li Shizhen immediately quoted.

He traveled to modern society and worked in a pharmacy to understand the concept and purchasing power of banknotes.

Zhao Junhao said without hesitation: "50 to buy a wild turtle over two meters, it is too cheap! I will take the initiative to raise the price for you, doubling the price by 100 million!"

Li Shizhen stroked his beard and asked, "Is this true?"

Zhao Junhao said loudly: "Seriously!"

He is full of confidence and thinks that Lin Yu will never catch a wild turtle over two meters!

Li Shizhen said: "One word from a gentleman is hard to follow! Don't go back on your word!"

Zhao Junhao said: "I will never go back on my word! Buy a wild turtle for 100 million yuan, and cure my grandfather's eyes for 100 million yuan, a total of 200 million yuan! If you can't hand over the wild turtle and cure my grandfather's eyes within seven days, you must Ten times the compensation!"

Li Shizhen said: "Agreed! Sign and draw!"

Lin Xue reminded: "Sir, if you fail, you will be compensated 2000 million yuan!"

Li Shizhen said: "In my medical career, I have never had the word 'failure'!"

Lin Yu believes that this is an impossible task.

Li Shizhen overestimated the natural environment of today's society and did not understand the living conditions of wild turtles (turtles).

Lin Yu hurriedly said: "Sir, calm down, there is no wild old turtle over two meters!"

Li Shizhen said: "I am confident that I will definitely find it!"

Sun Ruiting urged: "Hurry up and sign the agreement, don't waste your time!"

Lin Xue has no choice but to look at Lin Yu.

Seeing that Li Shizhen was so confident, Lin Yu thought to himself, could it be that he has the chance to win?

So, Lin Yu ordered Lin Xue to print out two agreements.

After signing the agreement, Lin Xue asked Li Shizhen: "Where can I find a wild turtle over two meters long?

Li Shizhen replied: "In the sea!"

Lin Yu was embarrassed: "It is the sea turtle that lives in the sea, not the soft-shelled turtle!"

Hahaha... Everyone laughed again!

Zhao Junhao and Sun Ruiting laughed so hard that their stomachs ached, and they decided that Li Shizhen's IQ was problematic.

Lin Yu regretted that he shouldn't have signed the agreement.

Satisfied, Zhao Junhao led Sun Ruiting and eight strong men out of the pharmacy.

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