He burped and stroked his beard: "Miaozai, Miaozai! This wine is refreshing and refreshing, and it's refreshing and appetizing!"

Lin Yu asked: "Sir, have you finished writing the Compendium of Materia Medica?"

Li Shizhen burped again, feeling very comfortable: "I'm editing with all my strength, just laugh at me."

Suddenly, from the next door came the hissing of a shorthair tabby cat!

When Shih Tzu was about to watch, the Bull Terrier ran out of the room and jumped onto the sofa, looking depressed.

Lin Yu stepped forward and patted it on the head: "Wangcai, what happened?"

The bull terrier hummed aggrievedly, turned over, belly up.

Xiao Zhao said with a smile, "In the past few days, Wangcai has often played with the neighbor's bitch. The cat must be jealous. He fought with Wangcai just now."

Li Shizhen said excitedly: "This dog is extremely smart! Let the old man take a closer look!"

On the forehead of the bull terrier, there are several scratched scars, and the abdomen is red and swollen!

Obviously, the American shorthair tabby is very aggressive.

Li Shizhen squatted by the sofa, grabbed the bull terrier by its ears, and pressed its belly with her fingers.

The bull terrier was upset and roared a few times in protest.

Li Shizhen said pleasantly: "Based on my years of accumulated experience, this dog is comparable to Heaven's Roaring Dog!"

Lin Yu's eyes widened: "Shoutiangou?"

Li Shizhen shook his head and said, "That's right, everyone, please look at this dog. Although it is small in size and funny in appearance, it has bare eyes, well-developed fangs, strange bones, and strong and powerful limbs. It cannot be compared with other dogs in the world! And..."

No one said anything, waiting for the old doctor's next words.

Li Shizhen continued to beam with delight: "Moreover, the belly of this dog is extremely masculine, and it can be used as a great tonic diet!"

Lin Yu laughed out loud and complimented: "Mr. is so amazing, he can actually show dogs! Admiration, admiration!"

Satisfied, Li Shizhen stroked her beard and said, "I'm so proud, I'm good at making dog bones for medicine, and I like dog whips!"

As soon as the words fell, the Bull Terrier crawled up, took a few steps back, and kept barking, as if its life was threatened.

Li Shizhen was drunk, and began to chatter endlessly about men's health regimen and medicine methods.

His words became more and more obscure, basically all content not suitable for children, Pan Jinlian and Xi Shi blushed when they heard it.

Lin Yu's heart moved, Li Shizhen is a treasure, and he can add andrology outpatient service.

Lin Xue's expression was embarrassing: "Brother, help Mr. to go to the guest room to rest, he will have a consultation tomorrow."

Lin Yu chuckled and pulled Li Shizhen up.

Unexpectedly, Li Shizhen still didn't give up, and stretched out her hand to gesture: "I was lucky enough to eat such a long dog whip..."

The Bull Terrier seemed to understand, and barked at Li Shizhen a few more times.

Li Shizhen said: "In addition, besides seeing a doctor, this old man is also good at reading physiognomy and geomantic omen!"

Lin Yu coaxed and coaxed Li Shizhen into the guest room.

When Lin Yu returned to the living room, Lin Xue said, "Brother, send the cat away, otherwise, it will always fight with Wangcai!"

Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little tricky.

He shrugged: "This beautiful short-haired tabby cat has been abandoned by Shen Lechen, should I go to the police station and hand it over to Shen Lechen?"

Lin Xue said: "You can invite Shen Lechen to have a barbecue at the Dream BBQ restaurant, and return the cat by the way."

Lin Yu said with a smile: "Listen to you, let me date Shen Lechen?"

Lin Xue raised her eyebrows slightly: "Do you not like her?"

Chapter 449

Just as Lin Yu was about to answer, Zheng Yang hurried into the living room.

He was sweating profusely, standing under the air conditioner, opening his collar to enjoy the cool air.

At the same time, Zheng Yang stared straight at Pan Jinlian, making no secret of his desire for beautiful women.

Lin Yu made a serious face on purpose: "It's already 09:30 in the evening, what are you doing here looking for Xiao Pan?"

Zheng Yang said with a smile: "There is a professional band, and I want to invite Lianlian to join as the lead singer!"

Lin Xue hurriedly asked, "Are you asking Lian Lian to be the lead singer? What band?"

Zheng Yang said: "Come to Paradise Band!"

Lin Yu laughed: "Hahaha, I've only heard of the 'Paradise Band', Deng Paradise Band, what the hell?"

Zheng Yang walked to the table, quickly poured a glass of cold beer, drank it down, and belched loudly.

Then, he picked up a bunch of "pig intestines wrapped with scallions", took a few bites, and chewed quickly.

Lin Yu said: "You kid, don't patronize eating, just finish talking!"

Zheng Yang swallowed the pig intestines in his mouth: "Deng Tian Tian Band is the most famous mourning band in the industry, and the appearance fee exceeds [-]! They fell in love with Lian Lian and want to cooperate with her and develop together!"

Lin Yu thought that if Pan Jinlian joined a professional mourning band, he would have a chance to become an Internet celebrity and complete the task released by "Myriad Worlds Barbecue System".

Therefore, Lin Yu discussed with Lin Xue and agreed to let Pan Jinlian join the "Band of Heaven".

Lin Yu said: "There is no problem with cooperation, but no agreement can be signed, and the remuneration must be settled once."

Such an arrangement, in order to prevent Pan Jinlian from suddenly clamoring to go back to the Ming Dynasty one day, the strike left a mess, which made it difficult for Lin Yu to clean up.

Zheng Yang immediately agreed, and rolled a few more skewers of "Spicy Roast Beef Tendon" before picking up his mobile phone, talking to the "Deng Paradise Band" and making an appointment to meet Pan Jinlian.

Afterwards, Zheng Yang said with a smile: "I heard from sister Lin Xue that the old Chinese medicine doctor in your pharmacy can also read physiognomy and Feng Shui?"

Lin Xue said: "That's right, Mr. Li is proficient in Zhouyi gossip!"

Zheng Yang said: "There is a local tyrant who wants to solve the Feng Shui problem at home. I offered a price of [-] yuan, and he agreed without blinking his eyes!"

Lin Yu guessed: "There must be something strange happening in the home of the local tyrant?"

"That's right!" Zheng Yang had a mysterious expression, "The two sons of local tyrants often get sick for no reason!"

Lin Xue said: "If the child is sick, go to the doctor quickly. What does it have to do with Feng Shui at home?"

Zheng Yang said: "I saw a doctor and was hospitalized for treatment. The strange thing is that after the two sons of the local tycoon recovered in the hospital, they continued to get sick within a day after returning home!"

Lin Yu said: "Damn it, it's so evil! Maybe there are things like radiation in the homes of local tyrants?"

Zheng Yang said: "Let a professional test it. All the furniture, appliances and other items are all normal, and the formaldehyde does not exceed the standard!"

Lin Xue said, "Isn't it too outrageous? It sounds like a horror story!"

Zheng Yang said: "Because it's so evil and outrageous, the local tyrant listened to the old man's advice and was eager to find a good Feng Shui master to check the situation at home."

As a well-known ancient doctor, Li Shizhen has profound medical knowledge and is good at curing diseases and saving lives. It has never been recorded in historical materials, and he can also read Fengshui.

Suddenly, Lin Yu remembered a passage in "Compendium of Materia Medica".

"Heaven and earth are made and trees are made. The rigidity meets softness to form roots, and the softness meets rigidity to form branches. The leaf calyx belongs to yang, and the flowers and plants belong to yin. Therefore, there is wood in grass, and grass in wood. , the essence of qi is good, the body of qi, and the taboo of qi are poison, so there are five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth."

This remark expounds the dialectical relationship of the "unity of opposites" of yin and yang and the five elements, and reflects the connection between traditional Chinese medicine and the Book of Changes.

Lin Yu understands that Chinese medicine is derived from Zhouyi, and the way of medicine is a branch of Yidao.

The way of easy medicine belongs to the profound knowledge of the way of nature, the way of life and the way of society of Chinese culture.

All in all, Li Shizhen is proficient in medicine, and of course knows the gossip of the Book of Changes.

Therefore, when he was drunk and advertised that he knew Feng Shui, he was definitely not bragging!

Ding! "Myriad Worlds BBQ System" starts suddenly!

[Master please pay attention!The third mission of "Ten Traveling Characters" is released! 】

[Escort Li Shizhen, show customers Feng Shui, and solve problems for customers! 】

Lin Yu was immediately delighted. The system did not require famous ancient doctors to save lives and heal the wounded. Instead, it asked Li Shizhen to watch Feng Shui, which is so weird.

This just shows that Li Shizhen does have the ability to read Fengshui!

Therefore, Lin Yu promised Zheng Yang that tomorrow he would personally accompany Li Shizhen to the rich family's home to find out what happened.

The next morning, a black Cadillac SUV honked its horn and parked aggressively on the side of the street.

The owner of the car was generous, and got out of the car arrogantly, with the attitude of a local tyrant and nouveau riche.

He has a cut head, a round face with rosacea, a thick gold necklace around his neck, and he walks into the "Chunhui Pharmacy" with a cigarette in his mouth.

Pan Jinlian hurriedly said: "No smoking!"

Qian Dafang stared at Pan Jinlian's graceful figure and couldn't help swallowing.

This guy is definitely a womanizer.

It must be admitted that Pan Jinlian has an excellent figure, and Lin Yu is sometimes distracted.

Qian Dafang's eyes glowed, staring straight at Pan Jinlian: "Who is she?"

Lin Yu introduced: "Pan Lianlian, an employee of our shop, the lead singer of the Band of Heaven!"

Qian Dafang said with a smile, "Deng Paradise Band? Hehe, I know, those who are mourning, please invite them when holding my father's funeral."

Lin Yu coughed twice: "Mr. Qian, let's talk about business! Mr. Li is a famous master of metaphysics, and he is the best at Fengshui!"

Qian Dafang hurriedly said respectfully: "Master, please get in the car!"

Lin Yu first posted the recruitment notice next to the door of the pharmacy, then picked up the iron cage containing the short-haired tabby cat, boarded the Cadillac with Li Shizhen, and asked Qian Dafang to drive to the police station first.

Arriving at the police station, Lin Yu put the American short-haired tabby cat into the reception room, told Shen Lechen to hand it over, and left quickly.

Qian Dafang slammed on the accelerator and galloped all the way.

Half an hour later, he drove into a high-end residential area on the outskirts of the city and stopped in front of a luxurious villa.

Qian Dafang got out of the car and politely invited Li Shizhen into the living room.

A young woman greeted her with a smile, serving tea and water very enthusiastically. Obviously, she was Qian Dafang's wife.

Li Shizhen looked around very seriously, and then asked: "Your father, didn't you pass away not long ago?"

Qian Dafang nodded: "Yes, I passed away unfortunately half a month ago! Alas, since my father left, I have been unlucky, my business is not going well, I lose money playing mahjong, and my two precious sons are always sick! This villa is Isn't there a problem?"

Li Shizhen said with a smile: "The villa is fine, Feng Shui is pretty good, there must be other reasons."

At this moment, Qian Dafang's eyes dodged, and he turned his head to meet his wife's gaze.

Seeing the expressions of Qian Dafang and his wife, Lin Yu thought that there must be something ulterior!

Chapter 450 Make up for your regret

Lin Yu didn't talk nonsense, and patted Qian Dafang on the shoulder.

"Mr. Qian, your situation is so miserable, why bother to hide the truth? It's a shame!"

Qian Dafang's shoulders trembled slightly, he hesitated to speak, and frowned.

His wife sighed: "Oh...to tell you the truth, the house is haunted..."

Lin Yu said with a smile: "Haunted? Hahaha, what age is it, and you still have feudal superstitions?"

Qian Dafang's wife said: "It's not a superstition. Every night after twelve o'clock, there are always footsteps in the attic, and they keep coughing...it's scary..."

Although Lin Yu believed in science, he still shivered, and the hairs on his arms stood up.

Li Shizhen said: "Since it is haunted by ghosts, why don't you move? Or, ask Taoist priests to practice in time?"

Qian Dafang's expression was awkward: "Actually, the ghost in the attic...is my father...I can't use burning paper or incense, he has been reluctant to leave, and I don't dare to let outsiders know that the house is haunted, for fear that the villa will not be sold. ..."

Fuck, this guy is in trouble, and he still wants to make money, he's so black-hearted!

Lin Yu said: "Is it really haunted, or is it your hallucination?"

Qian Dafang said: "Sleeping in a daze at night and being woken up by the sound from the attic, it shouldn't be a hallucination... I beg the master to resolve the disaster! As long as it is done, the money is not a problem, and an extra [-] will do!"

Li Shizhen stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Qian Dafang said to Lin Yu again: "Boss Lin, I patronized your fantasy barbecue restaurant yesterday. The performances of the eight female artists are so wonderful. As long as you and the master help, I will bring more customers to the barbecue restaurant to join in the show!"

Lin Yu said with a smile, "don't worry, Mr. Li is thinking about how to solve it."

Li Shizhen pondered for a moment, then ordered: "Go! Go to your father's cemetery and find some more helpers!"

Half an hour later, everyone came to a hillside.

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