"It seems that you didn't get what you wanted." Xue Qianye smiled faintly.

"Is this piece...very touching?"

"If I had to answer: Yes. But that's my answer. There are many things that you can't empathize with if you don't experience them yourself. Just like you at this moment."

"Do you know what happened to me?" Xiao Qiushui asked calmly.

Chapter 184 The Cape Wizard

Xiao Qiushui now wants to regain the feeling of being a human being.For this reason, he has gone through 20 years, constantly pursuing the answer.But no one could answer, the reason why he came to the brothel was also for this reason.The Xue Qianye in front of him was another attempt of his.

"I don't know. But I doubt whether you can be considered a person now." Xue Qianye said lightly.

"Human? I don't know. Ever since I learned the Wangqing Tianshu, all my emotions have become indifferent. Many memories in my mind have gradually become blurred. Now I don't know whether I am alive or not."

"The way of heaven regards all things as dogs, and treats all things equally, regardless of high or low. The way of man regards all things as mountains, accumulating layers, with different heights. Do you forget your feelings because you are too high, or can you enter the high world only by forgetting your feelings? "

"As you said, the Taoist pursuit of the way of forgetting love for half a lifetime may be me now." Xiao Qiushui's current state of mind is a state that many Taoists can't dream of in their lifetime.

However, for Xiao Qiushui, this is a curse.

"Lao Tzu's realm is too high, and I'm afraid I won't be able to reach it in my life. The way of heaven lies in the return of all things in the world, and the way of man lies in the seven emotions and six desires of life. If you forget these things, you are not a person at all. So I don't I don't look forward to what you are now, on the contrary, with your lessons learned, I don't want to enter the way of the supreme in my whole life." Xue Qianye said lightly about his own views.

The reason why people are human is because of emotion and thinking, spirit and will.If you forget these things, you are not a human being at all.It can only be regarded as some kind of monster in human skin.

"If that's the case, why did you come here to look for the Heavenly Book of Wangqing. You have also seen that after learning the Tianshu of Wangqing, you can have peerless martial arts, but the price is to become like me now." Xiao Qiushui explained Xue Qianye's intentions.

It is not difficult to guess, find a person who has been missing for 20 years.There is probably only one goal.He has also met some people like Xue Qianye in these years.

"I know. But I still want it."

"Why? A person like you will not fail to understand. There are so many martial arts in the world, there is no need to practice this heavenly book."

"I don't want to practice the Book of Forgotten Love, but I need to use it as a reference, um, it's not bad even if it's just a collection." Speaking of this, Xue Qianye smiled slightly.

collect.This reason made Xiao Qiushui speechless.

"What if I don't want to give it?"

"Hey, Emperor Wen has his own way."


"Only just now, Emperor Wen has seen your weakness. You have committed yourself to the Dao of Heaven as a mortal, but you are still a mortal after all. If the Dao of Heaven remains one, let alone a mortal?"

"You are really interesting. I am curious how you can take advantage of my weakness. Good! Three days later, I have a date that I have been waiting for 20 years. After that, we will talk about the book. Here Before, you had to accompany me to experience life here."

"Hey! Seeing the world of mortals with the open sky, it's a pity that he is a dreamer." At this moment, Xue Qianye laughed.

"At this moment, I don't feel the sound of the piano that touches the heartstrings. If the world of mortals is a dream, I would rather live another life when I wake up."

The sound of the piano continued, but the mood was already different.Looking at Xiao Qiushui in front of him, Xue Qianye couldn't help feeling a lot.If the price of becoming a peerless master is to forget the fundamentals of being human, is this forgetfulness worth it?

The sound of the piano came to my ears again, and the song played again and again, but it was a familiar melody, which was one of Xue Qingcheng's favorite songs.

At this moment, Xue Qianye suddenly noticed a piano on the counter at hand.Recalling the feeling just now, Xue Qianye opened his hand, and Qin Ying flew towards him.After spinning for two weeks, it landed on the table in front of Xue Qianye.

"Oh! Do you know the rhythm?" Xiao Qiushui looked at Xue Qianye.

"It's a little dabbled, but it comes out of feeling." Xue Qianye stared at the qin in front of her, and her fingertips had already touched the strings.

The sudden appearance of the strings surprised everyone for a while, but when they realized it, they suddenly found that the sound of the piano was not abrupt, but instead had a feeling of harmony with the music that had already been played.

Some people who originally wanted to disturb them by clamoring to listen to the music couldn't help but shut their mouths.

The sound of the strings is clear, the strings know the meaning of the strings, and everything is very natural.At the end of the song, the aftertaste is long.Xue Qianye withdrew her hand, and for the first time understood why Xue Qingcheng liked musical instruments.No, it should be said that music itself has a special charm.

Xiao Qiushui still couldn't get the answer he wanted after listening to the song, so he got up and was ready to leave.Since Xiao Qiushui left, Xue Qianye had no intention of staying.Just as the two of them walked to the door, the lady boss from before couldn't help but came out.

"Sir, this gentleman, my daughter will ask you for me, do you dare to ask me your name?" The proprietress asked Xue Qianye.

"God Gu Wenhuang." Xue Qianye stopped for a while, said his name and left without looking back.

On the stage, a gaze was fixed on Xue Qianye's back, and it didn't weaken even when he left.

Three days later, The Wizard of the Cape.

With waterfalls and clear springs, singing birds and fragrant flowers, the seasons are like spring. This place is like a paradise.Compared with the hustle and bustle of the Qinhuai area, the mountains twenty miles away can't help but make people feel peaceful.

For three days, Xiao Qiushui did not find what he had lost.Think about it too, how can you get something that you haven't found after 20 years of searching for it in just three days.unless accidental intervenes.

At this moment Xiao Qiushui was lying on the turf in front of a big tree, with a huge lake in front of him, he did not have the demeanor of a hero at all.Now he doesn't care or need that kind of thing.The cold winter didn't affect his mind at all, he was surprisingly calm, calmly waiting for a person, a person who agreed to fight 20 years ago.

Xue Qianye was sitting on a boulder beside her, reading a book in her hand.

"The person you were waiting for is here." Soon, Xue Qianye noticed a man in gray single clothes, with a cloak on his head and a jar of wine in his hand at the bottom of the hill, slowly going up the hill.

As the man approached, the aura on his body was as strong as a black sword.The steel-like skin on his body all showed the hard work of his body.With white hair and long beard, he looks over sixty years old, but the red light in his eyes can make people feel full of pressure.

"Haha... Brother Xiao, the old man is here." The old man glanced at Xue Qianye and walked straight towards Xiao Qiushui.

"Long time no see, old friend." Xiao Qiushui responded in the same way.

The person who came was Yan Kuangtu, the former leader of the power gang, and the father of Li Chenzhou.He once faced the siege and killing of the four sects and seven sects of Nanwulin with his own strength, and killed them back.He is one of the legends of Nanwulin.But unlike Xiao Qiushui, this one is more notorious.

"Who is that next to you? You and I have a 20-year agreement. Could it be that you are worried that there will be no successor after your accident, so you found a disciple?" Yan Kuangtu asked after looking at Xue Qianye.

"No. He is the one who took advantage of my weakness. I bet him a game. I bet that he can use that weakness that I don't know to get the book of forgetting love in my hand."

Chapter 185 Live without regrets, die without regrets

"Oh! This junior is very interesting. Since it's a gamble with brother Xiao, why don't I, Kuangfu Yan, add one too. I'll bet that you can't catch brother Xiao's weakness." Kuangtu Yan said casually with a laugh.

He joined this bureau just for the sake of it, without any purpose.Not asking for anything.

"No problem. Before you officially start the war, you can ask him one more time. This is your last chance. If you can get the answer, I will lose now. If you can't get it, then I will win." Xue Qianye remained confident and looked at Xiao Qiushui.

Xiao Qiushui didn't answer, but at this moment, Madman Yan was rather curious.

"What's his weakness?"



"Xiao Wangqing gained peerless martial arts but lost his fundamentals as a human being." During the words, Xue Qianye narrated a cold fact.

If it is not a human being, naturally there is no need to consider these.But since one is born human, losing one's roots is almost tantamount to killing that person.The current Xiao Qiushui couldn't even be said to be alone.

"There are gains and losses in life. Even if they know that the price of being number one in the world is losing their roots as a human being, there are still tens of millions of people flocking to it." Yan Kuangtu couldn't help sighing.

He has experienced a lot in his life, and he has seen a lot of things, so he naturally understands a lot.

"Without human's seven emotions and six desires, am I still alive? Old friend, why do you live this life? What do you pursue? Life is only a few dozen years, and it is no different from the meteors in the sky. Everything in the world is short. For decades, even if you are proud of the smoke, is it considered alive?" Xiao Qiushui walked towards a suitable battlefield while expressing his doubts.

"You asked me, I really can't tell you a big reason. I can only talk about my own experience. When I was young, I was very miserable. All day long, I only dreamed of being a big man, and all-powerful. When I was young, I had great ambitions and wanted to do great things. .Finding various sects to compete with each other, thinking that I am the best in the world, self-sufficient, and the world is better than me. When I was in my prime, I suddenly felt that many things in the world were just illusory, but I was not willing to be lonely and ordinary in my heart. I became more and more excited. He is omnipotent. So in his later years, because he was robbed and killed by various sects, he was lucky enough to survive, and he began to cherish life. If you ask me what I pursue in my life, what do I get? My answer is: no! It’s just that this life has no faults Regrettable. There is only the word 'happily'." Yan Kuangtu calmly recounted his life as he walked.

In the long words, he described his life's sentiments.Pursue for half a life, and finally get two words: happy.This is the way he lives as a madman.

Everyone has their own way of life, and there is no distinction between high and low, but few people can see it so chic in the end.Many people even live their whole lives without knowing why they live, but are pushed forward by the environment and the times.Regret it today, regret it even more tomorrow, year after year, day after day, and finally waste your life.

"A hundred years of life pass by, and the past is like a dream and an illusion; looking back at the world for a moment, how many people can live forever? Therefore: live without regrets, and die without regrets." During the words, Xue Qianye said: Feeling it.At this moment, Xue Qianye seemed to have undergone some subtle changes in her state of mind.

It's not a change in personality, but a change in mood, as if an invisible shackle has been opened on her body.Those thoughts that were originally hesitant due to various considerations instantly became transparent, and their minds were enlightened, but they were no longer rigid in form.

"Hahahaha, you're right. Then what are we waiting for? Let's have a good fight." Hearing this, Xiao Qiushui's already calm heart felt a little turbulent.There is already a storm around me.

"Haha, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time." After Yan Kuangtu took a big sip, the energy in his hand moved, and the wine immediately shattered into pieces.He was full of madness, unrivaled.

Seeing this, Xue Qianye immediately pulled away with the wind.A moment later, he was already on a mountain hundreds of feet away.With a smile on his face, Xue Qianye quietly watched the all-out battle between the two great masters of the world.

As soon as he makes a move, it is a killer move.Xiao Qiushui rolled up the air of heaven and earth to form a tornado and a strong wind to pinch Yan Kuangfu, but Yan Kuangfu didn't dodge at all, with a loud roar, the whole body exploded and the tornado was blown away.

The sword energy between the fingers blasted towards Xiao Qiushui like rain, Xiao Qiushui used the petals to land on the ground, gathered the soil as a shield, and blocked the sky full of sword energy.The moves between the two were completely different from the battles Xue Qianye had seen before, and every move they made was a killer move that exhausted their skills for ordinary people.However, the two fell in love with each other.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides have gone through dozens of moves.Xiao Qiushui trapped Yan Kuangtu in the water with the power of Wangqing Tianshu water, no matter how fierce his Xuantian Wujin Palm is, he can't break through the water prison.However, at this moment, a black sword's breath suddenly burst out, and the sword caused it to sweep away everything.

This is the unique skill of Yan Kuangtu, the invisible sword energy that breaks the body.

This skill does not require hard work, and those with high talents can succeed as long as they meet two conditions: first, absorb a large amount of necromantic energy, and second, break through the obsession in their hearts.

The body-breaking invisible sword energy is divided into three levels, the lowest level is to absorb the energy of the dead, the second level is to absorb the energy of vegetation, and the highest level is to absorb the spiritual energy of the world for your own use. From then on, the body-breaking invisible sword energy can be used inexhaustibly .

In a sense, if one has enough talent and can realize the third level, even a person without skill can become a peerless master by virtue of this skill.At present, Yan Kuangfu's talent has only been trained to the first level: the sword of the dead.

Facing Yan Kuangtu's most powerful and domineering sword, Xiao Qiushui kept retreating, and Wangqing Tianshu made several moves in succession.Then he leaped into the sky, and in an instant, the sky suddenly changed, time and space were covered by dark clouds, several dragon-shaped auras surrounded Xiao Qiushui's body, and finally gathered on the fingertips above his head.

Thousands of wind and snow gathered and condensed into a sword that is as cold as it is sharp.The wind and snow giant sword, which was tens of feet long, fell from the sky, smashing through Yan Kuangzi's black overlord sword with one blow.Faced with such a strong force, Yan Kuangtu did not avoid it at all. In order to experience the battle of the highest martial arts, Yan Kuangtu condensed his whole body and used his body as a shield to bear the sword forcefully.

Suddenly, as if countless bombs exploded together, Yan Kuangtu was thrown into the lake. However, Yan Kuangtu who fell into the water was not only undefeated, but the fierce light flashing in his eyes was even stronger than before.The moment the water broke through, Yan Kuang moved his hands together, it was...

"It's not enough! It's not enough! The only thing that can kill me is my body-shattering invisible sword energy! Crazy Sword!"

The sword energy, like the black sword breath before, turned into thousands and attacked Xiao Qiushui alone with all his strength.Each black sword has the power of the previous overlord sword.

Xiao Qiushui immediately waved his hand, and the water flow in the pool at his feet instantly formed a huge vortex in front of his eyes.

"The strongest defense - the front line of sea and sky."

Under the bombardment of the mad sword, all directions were shattered, layers of forests were destroyed, and the ground shook.However, the Kuangjian still couldn't break the line between the sea and the sky.

"Haha, yes, that's it. This is the battle I want."

Seeing this, Yan Kuangzi was not surprised but delighted.That's right, this is exactly the ultimate martial art he was after.Yan Kuangtu mentioned the ten success powers of his whole body, and his expression was crazy, like a madman pounced on Xiao Qiushui with his body as a sword.The body-shattering invisible sword energy surrounds the whole body. Wherever it passes, the rocks are cut into dust by countless sword energy.

Chapter 186 Shocking Sword

And at this moment, Xiao Qiushui also seemed to realize it, he jumped again and flew to the sky suddenly, the world existed all over his body, like a group of dragons gathered, rushing to the sky.

"A shocking sword!" What Xiao Qiushui gathered between his fingers was the strongest sword power he had learned all his life.

Shocking sword.Worthy of the move of shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods.

Seeing this move, Kuangtu Yan already had sincere admiration and envy written on his face at this moment.At that moment, Yan Kuangtu's consciousness had already entered the ethereal state.

century!Even if his skill is refined for another 100 years, it is impossible for him to learn this trick, and it is impossible for him to defeat this trick.

After realizing the gap of this sword, Yan Kuangtu only had endless bleakness left.

That's all!A voice rose in his heart, Yan Kuangtu, who was just like a madman just now, put all the offensive, quietly waiting for the arrival of the last moment.

Suddenly, all the light seemed to be attracted at that moment, and the space was quiet. When the light returned, Xiao Qiushui was standing safely behind the exhausted Yan Kuangtu.At this moment, Xiao Qiushui seemed to have never made a move, and the shocking sword just now disappeared without a trace.

One stand and one sit, stand up and down.There is no hatred between them, only victory and defeat.And now, the outcome has been decided.

After Xiao Qiushui left, Kuangtu Yan sat on the spot alone, still reminiscing about the last sword strike just now in his mind.

Although the battle didn't take long, the Cape Fairyland at this moment has already been reduced to ruins, and the terrain doesn't look like it used to be a fairyland at all.And Xue Qianye, who had been quiet from the very beginning, finally came to his senses. There was a circle of gravel around Xue Qianye, which was the scene after being affected.

How should I put it, this is the first time I have seen the Great Master go all out.Although I don't know how strong the other great masters are, the two in front of me don't feel like they are competing in martial arts, but they feel like they are cultivating.

Well, Sword Cultivator vs Dao Cultivator.

When Xue Qianye came back to his senses, Xiao Qiushui had already appeared in front of him.

"Okay! I've seen the battle just now, now tell me how you can get the Book of Forgetfulness from me." Xiao Qiushui said lightly.

At this moment, he is still so emotionless.The blood of the previous battle has subsided, and there is only a blank space left.

"Wangqing Tianshu made Xiao Wangqing, but it also destroyed Xiao Qiushui at the same time. And you, now want to get back the old Xiao Qiushui. This is the key." Even in the face of this great master with the highest skill, Xue Qian Night is still smiling.He took out an envelope and held it between his fingers.

"This is?"

"You should be very surprised, why did you appear here? There are so many great wars in the world, why is it the Wizard of the Cape? This is the key."

"I..." Hearing the words "Haijiao Xianzhang" from other people's mouth, Xiao Qiushui's mind suddenly flashed a trace of pain.As if something was breaking.He covered his forehead, and finally his expression was no longer as calm as before.

"The weakness I mentioned before is also here. Xiao Wangqing wants to change back to Xiao Qiushui, this is your greatest weakness. Only the deepest feelings in your heart can awaken a person from the way of forgetting love." During the words, Xue Qianye flew over the letter in his hand.

"..." Xiao Qiushui took the letter, looked at the contents of the letter, and there were more and more forgotten fragments in his mind.


"That's the feeling you've been looking for for 20 years, but you can't find it. Tang Fang!"

A name is like a key.Instantly opened the memory that Xiao Qiushui had sealed because of the Heavenly Book.That was the only woman he loved deeply and swore to be with him for the rest of his life.She was still waiting for him, but he forgot this previous agreement because of the heavenly scriptures.

However, even if he had forgotten, he still remembered to come here.Now, that reason has finally been found.Xiao Qiushui recalled the feelings he had forgotten because of the heavenly scriptures.

"I lost. This is the book of forgetting love you want, take me to see her." Xiao Qiushui leaned against a big tree on the side.He took out something like an emperor's memorial from his body and threw it to Xue Qianye.

The heavenly book that ordinary people are crazy about is just an ordinary volume in his eyes.If you know the whereabouts of that person.

Since Xue Qianye could see his weakness, she must also know where that person is.In fact, Xue Qianye did know.

Xue Qianye took the book from heaven and looked it over with great interest.At this time, the madman Yan who had recovered also came here.Seeing this scene, his previously lost heart regained some pride.

"Hahahaha.... This is the old man who lost the game. I thought that after Brother Xiao, no one can arouse the old man's interest. Junior, you win. This is also for you." Yan Kuangtu took out a Throw the Wujin box directly to Xue Qianye.

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