"Thank you for trying to help me just now, whether it is verbal or deed, I am very touched."

Seeing that Ou Ke had completely seen his plan to intervene to help, Ye Chen reached out and touched his cheek, and responded in an unnatural tone:

"Instead of thanking me, you'd better reflect on your own behavior. No matter what kind of person Mr. Dodilla is, it's never good for us new hunters to provoke him, a veteran hunter."

After hearing this, Ouke expressed his apology with a smile:

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect his reaction to be so intense. It seems that Senior Dodira seems to be very worried about his nightmare~"

Yechen didn't respond, he was noncommittal, but secretly thought that Dodilla, a veteran hunter, had a bigger problem than the new hunter Oke.

Just a few words are enough to provoke him to such a degree of rage, which obviously means that there are some problems with this person's personality, especially for the concept of "Nightmare Realm", which seems to make Dodilla extremely sensitive.

However, after such a farce, Yechen can confirm that the level of the cloud hunter Dodilla is a triple nightmare sensor, which is a head higher than the level of him, Oke and Wei Meng.

At the same moment, the murderous aura emanating from the opponent just now also made Yechen feel a sense of threat at the same level as that of the instructor knight Josk.

With this in mind, Ye Chen focused his gaze on Dodilla's back again, and then suddenly discovered that the puff of smoke exhaled by the other party because of smoking did not dissipate into the air as usual, but just fixed around Dodilla. Vaguely, it even turned into scattered pointed cones.

However, this weird scene only lasted a few seconds beside the other party, and the puff finally disappeared normally.

That's probably Yanyun Hunter's natal arcane art, and the hunter code name that the hunting group took down for him is really as the name suggests.

Ye Chen thought to himself.

"Why did those Olympian hunters suddenly stop?"

Several border knights stationed at the top of the Great Wall of Light observed the situation below for a long time, and gradually began to feel puzzled.

Then, Dodira finally calmed down her emotions completely. After stamping out the cigarette butt, she quickly walked back in front of the three novice hunters.

Seeing Dodilla's return, Ouke immediately put on a well-behaved and wronged posture, and said pitifully: "Sorry, Senior Dodilla, I didn't mean to provoke you just now, I was just purely curious. Please don't take it to heart."

She definitely did it on purpose.

Yechen and Wei Meng next to him thought in unison.

However, facing Oke's deliberately pretended grievance expression, after weighing the pros and cons, and regaining his composure, Dodilla decisively bought it.

"It's okay, I'm the one who lost my composure here, and I ask you to think that what I just said is nonsense."

After saying that, Dodilla looked up and noticed the strange sights of the border knights on the Great Wall of Light, and immediately urged the three new hunters.

"Okay, we have been delayed here for a long time, and if we drag it on, we will be gossiped by the knights, so let's go quickly."

After speaking, he, as the team's most experienced veteran, walked quickly towards the foggy wall of the maze where the bell rang earlier.

The three newcomers looked at each other, then followed quickly, and soon crossed the gap of about one kilometer in the wilderness between the Great Wall of Light and the Aoling Labyrinth, and walked to the fog wall that symbolized the boundary of the Aoling Labyrinth.

The seasoned Dodilla stepped into the fog wall without hesitation, and immediately disappeared in front of the eyes of the three of Yechen.

Afterwards, the calm Oke and the tense Wemon followed closely behind, and Yechen was the last person to step into the fog wall.

The body was submerged in the fog wall, and a natural mysterious force far stronger than the Sun Moon Mountains and Hunter's Peak flowed back and forth between Yechen's sense organs.

At the same time, an inexplicable depression and dullness crept into Yechen's heart quietly, and this was the effect produced by the madness of the maze.

Fortunately, compared with Yechen's original adaptive training in spiritual courses, the maze madness concentration in the fog wall is very weak, so the depression and dullness in his mind are not obvious, and Yechen's spirit has not yet appeared Obvious discomfort.

Yechen followed his companions through the thick fog wall at a fast pace. After walking out of it completely, a cliff with high altitude appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and what was located below it was shrouded in clouds and mist. Continuous barren mountains.

But the most eye-catching thing is the black silhouette in the middle of the clouds and mountains. Looking around, it seems to be the ruins of an ancient castle.

Yechen, Oke, and Wemon didn't look surprised when they saw this building that appeared in the maze, which symbolized human civilization. There are countless ruins of civilization, and most of these ruins came from the hands of unknown ancients thousands of years ago.

At that time, not only the Olympian Hunters organization had not been born, but even the Holy Light Pure Land’s AD chronology had not yet been established, so no one could figure out how these ancient people created these civilization products in the maze environment filled with madness However, the Holy Spirit and the Church of the Holy Light have not intended to reveal this since ancient times. The public only needs to understand one thing, and that is "existence is reasonable".

ding... ding... ding...

Just as the four Olympian hunters were standing on the edge of the cliff, gazing at the outline of the castle in the cloudy mountains, the strange ringing of the bell rang through the sky again, and this time the hunters could immediately determine with their ears that There is a high probability that the dilapidated castle ruins are the source of the ringtone.

Dodira stood on the edge of the cliff, quickly scanned the winding and dangerous road in the mountainous area below, and then gave action instructions to the team members.

"It seems that the end of this mission is the ruins of the castle. Visually speaking, we should have to walk two days and one night on the mountain road to get there. It is not too late, let's start now."

Chapter 0188

The hunter team descended along the winding mountain road on the side of the cliff, went down the dangerous road of one mountain, and began to cross the gully of another mountain, so as to keep approaching the deserted castle in the mountains.

Compared with the vast and flat wilderness before, this undulating terrain with overlapping mountains is obviously much more difficult to walk.

Most of the routes of Yechen and his party are narrow and rugged, and they are also close to the steep cliffs. If you are not careful, you will slip into the clouds on the side of the mountain road, and then fall a thousand meters below. bottom of the mountain.

At that level, even Dodilla, the smoke hunter who has experienced three nightmares, would fall into a puddle of meat, let alone Yechen, Oke, and Wei Meng, the novice hunters with double nightmares, so everyone along the way They are all walking carefully, and there will be no negligence.

In addition, compared with the open wilderness terrain, the terrain between the high mountains seriously hinders the hunter team's field of vision. Clouds and rock formations fill the mountains, and sometimes a small raised hill is enough. Cover up things ten meters away from everyone.

Seeing this situation, Wei Meng realized that his chance to perform was coming, and quickly suggested to the team leader Dodilla: "Mr. Dodilla, the view here is not good, I think my arcane magic can provide a lot of help! "

After listening to Wei Meng's words, Dodilla raised her eyebrows and replied in a subtle tone: "Then you just use it."

Wei Meng nodded with joy, and was busy proving his investigative skills to Dodilla, so he immediately pulled up his sleeves to reveal the scars on his wrists. At the same time, he gathered his mind and summoned his natal arcana.


Amidst a burst of sound, the scar on Weimon's hand suddenly glowed with a faint light, and immediately changed into the shape of a big squirrel, jumping off Weimon's skin.

Immediately afterwards, under the urging of Wei Meng's consciousness, it split into ten small squirrels, and then quickly dispersed, rushing towards the mice in all directions on the mountain.

Weimon turned around and announced to his colleagues confidently: "Okay, they will keep moving in every corner a hundred meters away from us, so that we can detect the abnormal situation around us in advance. "

Looking at the figures of the mice leaving, Yechen and Ouke's faces were full of interest, but Dodilla did not show obvious appreciation or approval for this, but just nodded casually and made a random conclusion.

"Okay, let's move on."

Seeing that the senior's attitude was still so indifferent, Wei Meng scratched his head in embarrassment. He had to pay attention to the text messages transmitted to his mind from the rats in all directions, and at the same time followed his companions to continue to grope along the dangerous mountain road. The distance between the near and the ruins of the castle in the distance.

As for the advance of the hunter team, they walked directly for most of the day.

Except for eating and resting in an open space for about ten minutes in the middle, they did not stop at all due to any unexpected situation. The things they encountered on the road were either rocks or dead grass, except for the occasional weird bells from the ruins of the castle in the distance. , everything seemed lifeless, and there were no traps or monsters attempting to attack everyone.

Ouke yawned, stretched again, his face was full of boredom and boredom. "Ah, it's so boring... I have passed through several mountains, why haven't I seen a single monster?"

Dodira, who has performed missions for many years, has long been used to this situation, and replied without any surprises: "The maze is such a place, some areas are empty, and some areas are crowded with enemies, just get used to it."

Yechen didn't make a sound, but he thought it was a good thing in his heart. After all, in this kind of steep mountain surrounded by clouds and mists, the fewer enemies the better, otherwise, once they got into a battle, they had to pay attention to the threat of the enemy, but also to fight against them. Beware of the cliffs at your feet.

And Wei Meng felt half happy and half worried about this point, which was very complicated.

On the one hand, he naturally hoped that the troubles encountered in the maze would be as little as possible, but on the other hand, he hoped that his group of rats would be aware of the right amount of danger. Opportunity to prove your abilities.


When Wei Meng looked at the sky in the mountains, which was gradually approaching the night, the depression on his face was fully revealed.

It seemed that everyone's mountain trip today was about to come to an end, and Wei Meng didn't make any more outstanding performances except for keeping the rats moving for a long time and causing mental fatigue.

Dodira led the three novice hunters to an open space on the mountainside, stood on the edge of the cliff and glanced at the next mountain road, and then gave new instructions to everyone: "The terrain here is the most suitable for camping. Let's spend the night here, if there is no accident tomorrow, we will be able to reach the fortress in the morning."

However, just after his words fell, Wei Meng's mind suddenly received a stimulus, which came from one of the little squirrels he sent.

The opportunity finally came!

Wei Meng thought to himself in surprise, and immediately reported the situation to the rest of his companions.

"Listen to me, everyone. Now something is happening on the top of the mountain wall [-] meters ahead of us. Some creatures are rapidly approaching us!"

Unexpectedly, none of the companions showed any surprise at his words, and even looked ahead to the mountain wall Wei Meng said, because everyone's ears had already caught a faint vibration from there.

"Uh..." Seeing this situation, Wei Meng was dumbfounded, and felt that he was deflated again.

"Wei Meng, can you know the number and shape of the other party?" Ye Chen asked immediately.

Seeing that his friend provided him with an opportunity intentionally or unintentionally, Wei Meng immediately concentrated his mind and extracted useful information from the consciousness of the mouse that first noticed the movement.

"There are three heads in total... As for the appearance... it looks like a humanoid creature made of stone... four meters tall and three meters wide."

After hearing this, Dodira immediately began to deduce the identity of the other party and gave new instructions.

"Most of them are mountain rock monsters. Since there are exactly three of them, let the three of you deal with them separately."

Ye Chen and Ou Ke heard this, they had no opinion, and they just used each other to practice their hands, but Wei Meng was a little uneasy, because it meant that he would also be in a situation of fighting alone, and this was not Wei Meng. strengths...

Tens of seconds later, the source of that vibration finally reached the edge of the top of the mountain wall.

Immediately afterwards, the three gray shadows jumped down from the mountain wall with heavy steps. With their huge bodies and terrifying weight, they immediately smashed three deep pits into the falling stone ground, causing countless shattered Stones rise from the sky.

dong dong dong——!

Chapter 0189 Three Swords Ouke

The gravel splashed and fell like a torrential rain. Three huge stone men walked out of the sunken stone pit slowly, drenched in the rain of stones, and finally showed their human-shaped body made of countless rocks to Ao Ling. before the eyes of the hunters.

Ye Chen, who has read the labyrinth creature illustration book, knows that this is a kind of maze monster whose strength has reached the upper level among the second-level threat monsters.

Although this kind of labyrinth monster is not very intelligent, it has a strong sense of territory and will attack all targets that enter their territory. The thick rock shell attached to the surface of the flesh and blood gives them a solid foundation for attack and defense. Help the mountain golem to destroy all invaders.

However, seeing the enemy falling from the sky, Oke's eyes not only did not waver, but also lit up, as if he was deeply happy to get rid of the boring for a while.

She shook the hunter's black ring on her wrist, and in the next second, three slender straight swords that were white and flower-shaped flashed out from the rune in the center of the black ring and stopped at Oke chest.

Two of them were firmly caught by her raised hands, and the last one was tightly wrapped by her floating pink and white ponytail, and then hovered behind Oke.

Seeing Oke holding three long swords at the same time, Yechen's expression was full of interest. He had never seen Oke activate the natal arcana before, and now he can finally witness it with his own eyes.


Seeing that one of the intruders had drawn out his weapon, as if posing for a war, the three mountain monsters roared furiously in order to protect their territory, waved their limbs, stomped on the ground, and immediately attacked the hunters. charged.

Then, with a figure with a low center of gravity, Oukona, with three long swords, aimed at one of the mountain monsters with a terrifying speed like firing a cannonball.


There was a loud noise like thunder, and the maze monster picked up by Ouko just ran a few steps forward. The next moment, she was caught by her flashing, three-in-one sword light. He pressed hard against the stone wall a hundred meters behind him.


The mountain monster trapped in the stone wall screamed in shock, and immediately looked at the figure flashing in front of him. Although he couldn't understand the situation at all, he subconsciously raised his arms and turned towards the slender figure. Slam it with both fists.

However, in the next moment, Oke's figure disappeared again in a flash, and instead of waiting for the heavy fist of the mountain monster, there was only a gust of wind and rain formed by the convergence of sword light.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka -!

Accompanied by a sudden burst of rock cracking, the rocky arms of the mountain rock monster disintegrated into countless broken stone pieces.

The speed is faster than before, which is an exaggeration...

Seeing this, Yechen couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.

After curling up the third blade by the ponytail, Oke's movements are even faster than before. Even Yechen, who has fought her nearly a hundred times in the Hunter Academy, can't activate the "spiritual eye" , and could barely catch a glimpse of Ou Ke's blurry figure in the process of advancing, and three dark red sword lights.

On the other side, Wei Meng looked dazed and didn't see anything clearly. He only knew that Oke suddenly pressed the enemy against the stone wall and rubbed it against the stone wall. In his eyes, it was as if he had used teleportation.

As for Dodilla, who stood silently watching from the back, he couldn't help showing a shocking expression on his face at this time. Obviously, it was completely unexpected that the rookie he led this time would be so powerful...

The remaining two mountain monsters looked back at their suffering companions in the distance, and were about to turn around and return to help them, but Yechen and Wei Meng took advantage of the time when their attention was diverted, and they had already reached the two sides of the monsters. Side by side, they took out each other's hand cannon revolvers and four-barreled shotguns, and shot at the monster's tall back.

Bang Bang Bang!

Ye Chen raised the muzzle of his gun and fired continuously, and the three "Ao Ling bullets" immediately blasted three holes in the skin of the mountain rock monster responsible for Ye Chen in the loud sound of gunfire, but it failed. The flesh and blood seeping into that layer of rock skin.

But Yechen had expected this long ago, the reason why he shot was only to estimate the hardness of the target's skin.

And from the thickness of those holes, Yechen can know that although the "Aolysin Bullet" cannot penetrate the enemy's defense, his "Blood Bullet" is another matter.

Thinking so, Yechen threw out the revolver of the hand cannon's revolver with his right hand, operated the blood-taking wristband with the power of the arcane with his left hand, and then sent the blood on his fingertips into the cylinder of the revolver.

And just as he was carrying out this series of operations, the mountain rock monster that had been shot three times by Yechen also rushed towards Yechen angrily, raised its thick stone fist, and attempted to kill Yechen. Chen's body was smashed into mud.

However, facing the dangerous fist of the mountain monster, Yechen dodged sideways calmly, letting the ends of his hair be blown by the strong wind, and then pushed the reloaded wheel back into place.


The counterattack failed, and the mountain monster's posture became even more furious, and then launched an extremely rough blow at Yechen.

But Yechen, after dodging its first few moves, saw the moment when the rock monster raised his arms, and immediately raised his gun to aim at the monster's open chest, and then decisively pulled the trigger.


Accompanied by the deafening sound of gunfire, Yechen couldn't help taking half a step back due to the powerful recoil of the revolver. As for the bright red "blood bullet" that flew out, it pierced through the rock on the target's chest without any suspense. The shell, and then mercilessly exploded inside it.

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