After all, Yechen, who has been hunted down by both the abyss and the Holy Light in the past, and survived in the end, has long been regarded as a veteran in this kind of fighting battlefield, so the graduation examination of the Hunter Academy basically does not constitute any threat to him .

The significance of the graduation assessment is more to test the survival ability of other 2020 students. As for Yechen's level, it has surpassed this realm from the very beginning.

Therefore, the current him can be said to be warming up for his future hunter career.

Dusk was approaching, and before the sunset in the sky had completely set, the light inside the Hunter's Forest had already turned dim.

Yechen walked to a small high slope surrounded by woods. After deciding to choose this place as the overnight camp for the second night, he made bonfires, bone pots, sleeping blankets, and alarm rings just like the first night...

The boy sat on the edge of the high slope, drank the boiled and cooled stream water into his stomach, and finished his dinner with last night's cold pork. Then he raised his head and looked at the Hunter's Peak in the distance. It became clear. Several times the outline of the mountain.

Throughout the day today, although he was troubled by many labyrinth monsters, his speed was unexpectedly high.

Now it seems that if Yechen can advance faster tomorrow, he will be able to arrive at the Hunter Academy before noon tomorrow, and end this warm-up trip before he becomes an Olympian hunter.

So, after tidying up a bit, Yechen just closed his eyes and rested his mind, peacefully waiting for the night to pass.


The hunter's forest in the middle of the night presents a lonely and cold atmosphere, only the chirping of insects is playing tirelessly, making their peaceful music add a bit of vitality to this dark forest.

On the hillside surrounded by woods, a bonfire was burning, and on the ground beside the fire, there was a silhouette of a human figure wrapped in bark and animal fur, curled up into a ball, as if immersed in his dreamland.

However, just when everything seemed stable and normal, under the hillside, the shadow of a certain big tree bathed in the moonlight suddenly squirmed strangely.

It twisted on the spot for a while, and finally broke away from the restrictions of the trees. Like a giant earthworm, it suddenly moved towards the bonfire on the hillside.

This shadow that exists in the plane, without causing any movement, easily passed through the skeleton vines set up by Yechen in the low space, and finally arrived at the burning place of the bonfire silently, and climbed to the side of the curled up figure .

Immediately afterwards, the shadow suddenly stood up from the ground, and its appearance suddenly changed into a tentacle shape, and then attacked the fallen figure by the fire, engulfed his body, and then threw it hard air.


The figure was thrown away.

dong dong dong.

The figure fell again.

However, the object that fell in front of this strange shadow was not a young man who woke up from a dream, but some firewood and animal bones scattered from the fur.

This is a dummy.

Seeing this, the shadow froze for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a real figure jumped down from the top of a big tree near the campfire.

Its fierce blood-colored knife light split this strange shadow into two in the next second, and the tip of the knife turned, and then divided it into four, four into eight, and cut it into countless long black strips.

Under Yechen's vigilant gaze, the shadow wreckage scattered on the ground twitched for a while, and immediately turned into dim particles, disintegrating and dissipating.

Seeing this situation, the boy's expression immediately became incredulous.

"This thing... is not a living thing... but an entity condensed by the power of the mysterious spirit?"

Ye Chen was stunned and thought, if he hadn't been careful and used to put a dummy next to the campfire while he slept on a nearby treetop, then the one who was caught off guard just now would have become himself .

This is... Arcana...

Who cast it?

Labyrinth monsters...or humans?

While analyzing quickly in his mind, Yechen stood on the hillside with a good view and looked down, but he didn't see any figure resembling a beast or a human.

Seeing this, the teenager continued to stand guard on the hillside for several 10 minutes.

But after killing the weird shadow just now, no other similar enemies appeared around.

The Hunter's Forest is still as silent as before, only the chirping of insects is singing freely, without any sign of surging waves.

Such unbelievable situation made Ye Chen's eyes extremely serious.

Chapter 0173

Who attacked me?Why did the opponent only launch another round of attacks and then disappear?

Yechen occupies the best view on the hillside, while paying attention to the wind and grass in the woods below by the moonlight, while thinking secretly with a serious face.

Regarding the identity of the assailant, Ye Chen had several conjectures in his mind, one was a maze monster with some special ability, the other was other students in the graduating class of 2020, and the third was the tutor and security personnel in charge of the graduation assessment process.

Ye Chen carefully recalled what happened just now.

The shadow's attack method was only to throw Yechen high into the air, and then just watch him fall to the ground like this. Compared with killing people for food, it was more like attacking Yechen with the idea of ​​playing. So the boy immediately ruled out the first guess.

As for the possibility of what the classmates did, Yechen had the impression that no one in the graduating class of 2020 had anything to do with the concept of "shadow", so the boy then ruled out the second guess.

Thinking about it this way, the third possibility is the greatest.

This attack came from the night, most likely it was done by the instructors and security personnel who were lurking in the dark of the Hunter Forest and monitoring the entire examination room. Logically, it makes sense.

However, this is Ye Chen's personal speculation after all, and it is possible that some uninvited guest came to the Hunter's Forest and started to make trouble. In any case, there are always risks, so he who is used to everything step by step, in the current situation, naturally Couldn't fall asleep.

Forget it, anyway, I can go back to the academy tomorrow morning, so I won't sleep tonight.

After thinking about it, Yechen climbed to the top of a big tree on the hillside, wrapped in warm pale boar fur, carried a crescent moon arc knife and a hand cannon revolver, and finally sat on the tree and stared at it for a whole day. The tip of the night.

When the bright moon left and the sun rose, the young man finally jumped back to the ground and put out the bonfire by splashing water.

However, just as he finished dealing with the scene and was about to turn around and leave, the shadow under Yechen's feet suddenly separated into a strange black shadow at this moment, silently slamming towards Yechen's waist and abdomen.

After jumping down from the tree and keeping his feet on the ground, even though Yechen's vigilance has not dropped, he still can't figure it out. Before he had time to defend, he was directly sent flying down the hillside by the mutated shadow.


With a muffled grunt, Yechen flipped a few times in the air, then landed on a flat ground, staggering to maintain his balance.

However, as soon as he woke up, he found that his waist and abdomen were not painful at all.

So far, Ye Chen has also been able to confirm that the strange black shadow did not come here to take his life, it seems that it was either to test his emergency response ability, or simply to fool him!

With this thought in mind, another black shadow attacked Yechen in the shadow of the trees behind Yechen.

This time, Yechen didn't let it succeed again, he stepped back, and then narrowly avoided the opponent's figure, and at the same time yanked the blood-stained arc saber, made a clean step and cut, and then cut the opponent without any trace Cut off without any suspense.

The strange black shadow dissipated like last night, but Yechen knew that this little damage must be painless to the attacker.


The young man took a deep breath, his face changed subtly.

On the one hand, he feels at ease because his life is not in danger for the time being, and on the other hand, he feels annoyed by the attacker's frequent entanglements.

All in all, by running back to the Hunter Academy, the other party should not bother me anymore.

After Ye Chen thought about it, he immediately turned around and ran at full speed towards the Hunter's Peak in the north.

Then, from the shadows of various affairs along the way, countless black shadows launched various attacks on Yechen, constantly challenging Yechen's reaction and skill.

Faced with such a situation, Ye Chen had no choice but to sprint and dodge at the same time, like a swift cheetah, galloping through the woods, almost like running an obstacle course in the jungle.

Sometimes when there are too many shadows attacking, he can only draw his sword and raise his gun, and forcefully dismantle the obstruction of the shadows with a fierce offensive.

Moreover, the closer the distance between Yechen and the Hunter's Peak, the more rapid and frequent the attacks of the group of black shadows. In this way, although none of the opponent's attacks carried killing intent, it still made Yechen feel very fatigue.

Three hours later, Yechen, who was sweating profusely, saw a fallen giant tree blocking his way in front of him, and immediately jumped over the obstacle.

And at the same time as he was making these movements, the shadow under the broken log twisted impressively, and in the next second, it transformed into a shadow slope with a height of 50 meters, like a stilt board, directly pushing Yechen The bomb flew to an altitude of [-] meters.


Seeing the earth-shattering scene in front of him, Yechen looked at the spectacular shadow that bounced him up. Although he felt extremely shocked in his heart, he still forced himself to be calm, and immediately changed his body movements to a standard safe landing posture.

And taking advantage of this opportunity of falling from a high altitude, Yechen also saw several other shadow slopes rising from the hunter's forest in all directions from the corner of his eyes, and at the high altitude in front of them, Yechen seemed to be I can vaguely see some figures who were bounced high like him.

These circumstances made Yechen's expression even more astonishing.

The master of this shadow...

Not only can it change the shape of the shadow to such an exaggerated level... but it can also operate in multiple ways, and at the same time play with other people at the far end of the Hunter's Forest—! ?

The other party, what kind of realm is the person...

Just when the young man was deeply confused about this question, the shadow slope that bounced him away suddenly moved below Yechen, sending him back to the ground safely and securely by way of a landslide.


Ye Chen slid back to the ground, hesitated for a while, and continued to run towards the Hunter's Peak.

On the road afterwards, the black shadow seemed to restrain himself a little, and did not attack Yechen again for the next 10 minutes.

Seeing this, Yechen felt that the other party seemed to have no intention of continuing to entangle, and then gradually slowed down his pace, so as to readjust his short breathing to a stable state.

However, just when the boy's breath relaxed to the most comfortable level, the shadow under his feet changed again.

This time, the black shadow did not transform into a tentacle or a long whip, but formed a spacious curved surface, which instantly covered Yechen's figure, and then gathered together in the flash, turning into a star. The pitch-black sphere suspended in the air firmly enclosed Yechen in it.

Chapter 0174 Back to School

Ye Chen, who was locked in the shadow, looked at the dark curved surfaces everywhere, and then found that he was inside a pitch-black sphere with a radius of one meter. There were countless tiny holes on the surface of this sphere, so that the air could penetrate into the interior for Ye Chen. Ye Chen breathes, but he has no intention of letting Ye Chen go out.

What kind of tricks are you going to play this time...

The young man thought perplexedly, and without further hesitation, he drew out the blood-stained crescent knife, and slashed down at the curved surface in front of him.


The tip of the knife was plunged into the shadow, but it didn't receive any feedback from the slash. Instead, it bounced back to Yechen's body because of a thick elastic force.


Yechen's expression froze slightly, and then he continued to slash at the curved surface of the sphere against that elastic force, but no matter how violent his attack was, the shadow sphere could always absorb all of Yechen's strength in a unique way, It made it impossible for Yechen to cut a hole for himself to escape.


After swinging the knife for a few minutes but seeing no effect, Ye Chen finally put the knife back into its sheath, and looked at the hand cannon revolver on his waist.

Although in terms of instant explosive power, the "blood bullet" of the hand cannon revolver is undoubtedly stronger than the "blood blade" of the crescent moon arc knife, but the environment Ye Chen is in is too narrow and closed, if he really opens it The gun may cause damage to the eardrum due to the cannon-like gunshot of the hand cannon revolver, so Yechen will not take risks unless it is a last resort.

Although he didn't know what the owner of the shadow wanted to do, the boy stood in the ball and remained silent for a while, and finally sat down cross-legged, ready to wait for the situation to change and the situation to turn around.

And he just sat for an hour, the sphere didn't change at all, and Yechen didn't respond at all.

Another hour passed, the other party didn't move, and he didn't move either. He just closed his eyes and concentrated, not anxious or irritable, so that his state of mind was always in a state of stillness.

Then, when the third hour came to an end, the shadow sphere lost patience one step ahead of Yechen, and twisted the curved surface in front of the young man unbearably.

Immediately afterwards, Yechen finally moved too.

His hands, which he had been waiting for for a long time, pulled out the knife at full speed at this moment, and then aimed at the most protruding part of the curved surface, and performed a horizontal slash that was extremely fast.


Faced with Yechen's sudden counterattack, the shadow didn't absorb his attack as before this time, and Yechen finally drew a gap, allowing him to see the green forest outside again.

Seeing this, the shadow immediately closed his body, trying to block Yechen's sight again, but when the blade of Yechen fell, the muzzle of the gun was raised, and before the gap was completely closed, his "blood bullet" was fired violently. shoot out.


The blood bullet hit the shadow, exploded again, and immediately tore the shadow's defense line with an unreasonable gesture.

At the same time, Yechen also endured the shock on his eardrum, jumped out of the shadow in one breath, and continued to run towards the Hunter's Peak without stopping.

As for the bombarded shadow remnant, watching the boy's leaving figure, it no longer moves, but just stays on the spot thoughtfully for a while, and finally turns into a particle state, quietly flying away and disappearing.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Even though the weird black shadow didn't catch up, Yechen didn't intend to slow down any more. He kept his breathing steady while shortening the distance to the academy behind the Hunter's Summit.

Three hours later, the boy finally came to the familiar uphill, and finally stepped into the open back door of the Hunter Academy.

Because the dean and the head of the group naturally couldn't be on guard here [-]/[-], so there were only a few security personnel from the academy waiting for him.

Seeing Yechen return to the academy dripping with sweat, these people immediately provided drinking water and towels to Yechen, and registered Yechen's student status at the same time.

When Ye Chen completed the final procedure of the assessment, the academy staff gave him such instructions.

"Congratulations on successfully passing the 2020 graduation assessment. Now you can return to the dormitory for free activities. The college will arrange the graduation ceremony after all the students have the results, so please wait patiently in these few days."

Yechen nodded, and couldn't help asking the other party: "Which one am I to pass the graduation examination?"

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