"Okay, just wait for me!"

After Bendre said this sentence, he rushed into the warehouse door behind the counter angrily. After a few minutes, he finally walked out with a square long iron box in his hands, and gently placed it on the counter.

"This is the final product in Weiming Knife Shop's current category of fine knives, the Crescent Moon Knife!"

Ye Chen stepped forward with a curious expression, and reached out to open the square long iron box.

In the next second, a scabbard showed a light blue moonlight, and there were several moon patterns printed on the surface. The arc knife with a length of nearly 1.2 meters appeared in front of Yechen's eyes. A strange energy aura.

"This aura... comes from the power of the mysterious spirit?"

Ye Chen stroked the scabbard, pondered for a while, and then asked Ben Deli with a curious expression: "Could it be possible that the casting material of this knife is mixed with Austrian ore?"

Bendre laughed triumphantly.

"That's right! The purity of the Austrian ore in it is exactly one percent! You know, even if other workshops can get this precious energy mineral, it is difficult for them to cast the finished product. Who said that this thing is inherently refractory Yi Ning's characteristics, but I am different, hehehe!"

With an expectant expression, Yechen held the Crescent Knife with both hands, and then pulled the handle, taking a panoramic view of its light blue slightly curved edge.

Although this knife is named Crescent Moon, but its arc is smaller than the few knives Yechen tried before, just close to the straight knife he used to, which made Yechen feel a kindness rushing towards his face. feel.

The young man put down the scabbard, clenched the handle of the knife, and immediately turned to face the original bamboo mat that had been slashed twice. In the next second, he quickly slashed five times, and easily wiped away the remaining bamboo mat. Some of them are cut into dozens of bamboo pieces, and the knife path is smooth and silky.

Feeling the feel of the slender straight knife that was obviously superior to that of the past, the corners of his mouth finally rose from the bottom of his heart.

"Good knife! I want this one."

Chapter 0154 Meniscus Arc Knife

"This young man's sword skills are really fast..."

Seeing Yechen's proficient knife skills of cutting five times in a second, Ben Deli stretched out his hand to stroke the stubble of his chin, and secretly admired it.

This kind of technology is not uncommon among Olympian hunters, but it would naturally be surprising if it was put on a student who has not yet graduated.

"Huh... the young man who beheaded the Holy Light Knight, saved the Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce, and caused a commotion in the city in a few months, is also rumored to have used a knife... Could it be him..."

Just as Ben Dere was thinking about the past and bowed his head in thought, Ye Chen put the crescent arc knife in the sheath contentedly, and then interrupted the former's thoughts.

"Mr. Bender, how much is this crescent moon arc knife?"

Ben Dere was stunned, so he put aside the speculation in his head, saw that Yechen was extremely satisfied with the quality of the Crescent Knife, and finally did not express any dissatisfaction, and suddenly felt that he had saved his position in front of this young man. The blacksmith's face became more pleasant as a result.

"Originally, I would only sell this knife to regular hunter customers, but for the sake of your knowledge, little brother, I will make an exception and sell you! The price is four gold and fifty silver. I guarantee the reputation of our shop, you get what you pay for. !"

Yechen nodded, because it was written in the brochure that Weiming Daofang has always maintained a good business relationship with the Oling Hunters, not to mention that the owner of the Daofang had not tried to squeeze his funds before, so in Yechen It seems that the owner of the knifesmith shouldn't be exaggerating, and naturally he has no intention of bargaining with Bendre.

Therefore, Yechen took out four gold coins and fifty silver coins from the handkerchief, and placed them neatly on the counter, while the workshop owner stored the meniscus arc knife in a long square wooden box, and sealed it up carefully .

"Thank you for your patronage. If there is any problem with the weapon in the future, please come to me for repair."

Bendre reminded enthusiastically.

"Well, I see, Mr. Bender."

Yechen replied politely, picked up the cotton rope of the knife box, put it on his back, turned around and walked out of the gate of the knife workshop.

And at this time, two male students from the graduating class also walked into the store, and walked towards Yechen. They caught a glimpse of the knife box behind Yechen, and couldn't help but marvel.

"Hey...Yechen, you've already bought it? Why are you moving so fast!"

Yechen smiled. Although he didn't have much memory of the names of these two students, he still said hello to them and walked out of the store, while the other party began to describe his weapon requirements to Bender in the store.

Now that the knife is done, it's time for the gun.

So Yechen followed the guidance of the weapon workshop brochure provided by the college, and continued to the workshop area dedicated to casting hot weapons, and finally arrived in front of an old-fashioned gun workshop specializing in selling pistols.

"Clingwood Gun Shop."

Yechen turned his head and glanced at the signboard of the workshop, and briefly scanned its environment.

Compared with the previous knife shop, the scale of this gun shop is obviously much larger. In addition to the sales hall with the central door open, Yechen can also glimpse the gun testing range through the French windows on the side, which brings people a sense of A formal high-end feeling.

The young man walked into the gate of the gun workshop. The area was about half a hundred square meters. Various pistols were placed in the surrounding glass cabinets, and a bright exhibition hall with ammunition of various calibers was displayed in front of the young man.

Yechen's eyes had just glanced at the dazzling array of products. A girl wearing a cowboy hat and a plaid shirt, with some freckles on her face, whose face looked similar to his, walked towards Yechen. .

Then, she introduced herself bluntly: "Hello, I am the current owner of this gun workshop, Missan."

Ye Chen glanced at her in surprise, never expecting that the owner of this shop would be as young as himself, and then responded friendlyly: "Hi, I'm a student of Hunter Academy, Ye Chen."

Mi Shan saw the doubt in Yechen's eyes, and then explained in a friendly tone: "The last owner of the workshop was my grandma, who just retired, so I took over. If you have read the workshop brochure issued by the college, Then you must know that my place is a pistol specialty store. So, if you have any requests for pistols, feel free to ask.”

Therefore, Yechen also directly informed Yu Mishan of the thoughts he had decided in his heart.

"I want a revolver that's powerful at close quarters."

Although some of the products in this store are automatic pistols, both in terms of magazine capacity and reloading speed are more convenient than revolvers, but due to the characteristics of Ye Chenxue's arcane art, he often needs to temporarily combine "blood bullets" with The shooting sequence of "Ao Ling Bullet" is switched back and forth, so the wheel is exposed, and the revolver of the next bullet can be changed with a simple flick of a finger. Obviously, it is still the most suitable firearm for Ye Chen.

After hearing this, Mishan turned her head and thought for a while, instead of leading Yechen to the revolver storage area immediately, she asked this question: "Please forgive me for asking, are you planning to buy yourself a close-up gun?" revolver, and a long-range rifle?"

Yechen was startled for a moment, then nodded, not understanding what Mishan wanted to ask this question.

However, after listening to the guest's answer, the young gun shop owner's eyes showed some anticipation. He glanced at the knife box behind Yechen, and asked again: "Then please forgive me for asking again, yours?" Funding budget... how much is there?"

Yechen was calm on the surface, but he didn't want to have this kind of roundabout conversation with Mishan anymore, so he put on a smirk and replied in a flat tone: "It's enough, if there are any good things, you just need to Take it out."

"Okay! If you are not short of money, I have a baby here that can kill two birds with one stone!"

Seeing Yechen's words and deeds so magnificent, Mishan immediately showed a happy smile, turned around and walked to the revolver display area, and reached out to take out a revolver stored in the deepest place, and presented it in front of Yechen.

The young man looked down, and saw that it was a royal blue revolver with a huge size. Whether it was the barrel, the revolver, or the grip, it was a circle larger than the silver revolver he used in the past. Its appearance makes it easy for people to perceive its high power characteristics.

"This is the latest product that just arrived a few days ago, the hand cannon revolver. As you can see, it has a huge appearance, and the caliber of the bullets it loads is also 12.7 mm. In terms of power, it is stronger than ordinary rifles. Be awesome! In addition, its effective range is as long as 250 meters. As the name suggests, the gun can be described as a cannon in a revolver! Moreover, this is not the most special thing about it..."

After Mi Shan finished speaking excitedly, she handed the hand cannon revolver to Yechen for a closer look, while she ran back to the counter and bent over to search for something.

As soon as he took the revolver, Yechen felt a heavy texture in the palm of his hand, and instantly judged in his mind that the weight of the revolver was at least three kilograms, which was almost heavier than the silver revolver he used in the past. twice as much.

However, the feeling returned to the hand, and looking down at its royal blue metallic color, Yechen's face was full of joy.

Chapter 0155

Yechen looked at the [-]cm-long barrel of the revolver in his hand, and then repeated its panel value in a low voice with a shocked expression.

"12.7 caliber bullet, 250 meters effective range..."

In Yechen’s hometown of Eternal Winter Hidden Domain, a pistol with a range of 30 meters is considered excellent, and the revolver that Lyle gave him when Yechen was ten years old has a range of 50 meters and is worthy of being the top. Unexpectedly, Yechen could find a revolver with a range of 250 meters in this gun shop.

Compared with the level of firearms development in the Holy Light Pure Land and the Eternal Winter Hidden Domain, it is completely different...

Ye Chen once again sighed in his heart, pushed out the large wheel of the hand cannon revolver with his fingertips, checked the six empty magazines inside, then pushed the magazines back to their original positions, raised the hand cannon revolver with both hands, and carried out After a round of imaginary shooting in the air, he immediately felt a heavy and powerful feedback at his fingertips.

It's just that this gun is powerful, but the recoil should not be stable. In addition, even if it has a long range, if there is no scope, it is still difficult for Yechen to accurately strike distant targets with the naked eye.

And just after Yechen began to think about the disadvantages of the weapon in his hand, he suddenly noticed that there were strange grooves on the front and back of the hand cannon revolver body, and Mishan also took out a weapon from the locker under the counter at this time. The slender iron box was then presented in front of Yechen.

"Come on, now is the main event!"

Mi Shan's expression was smug and her tone excited, causing the curious Yechen to take a look and found that the iron box contained three accessories belonging to the rifle, namely the barrel, scope, and grip.

And their color is the same as the revolver of the revolver in Yechen's hands, they are all sapphire blue.

Mishan put her five fingers together, palms facing up, aimed at the three firearm accessories in the box, and said to Yechen with a smile on her face as if introducing a nobleman: "The 3 cm extended barrel, [-]x magnification scope, and Has an extended and stable stock."

Yechen stared at the things in front of him, his facial expression froze for a while, and finally, if he realized something, a strong unbelievable look appeared in an instant, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Could it be possible..."

Mi Shan smiled without saying a word, and asked Ye Chen for the hand cannon revolver.

She fiddled skillfully with both hands, and quickly separated the original barrel of the revolver, and then, under the shocking stare of Yu Yechen, replaced the revolver with the extended barrel in the iron box , and then along the grooves at the top and the grip, connect a magnifying glass and an extended butt respectively, making it look like a sniper rifle.

"The form can be switched back and forth between pistol and rifle, which is the biggest feature of this latest revolver."

"The barrel can increase its range to 400 meters, the magnification lens can give you a more accurate view, and the butt can make your shooting more stable."

"So, when it comes to melee combat, its suppressive power is comparable to that of a shotgun, and when it comes to long-range strikes, its range and accuracy are not inferior to sniper rifles. How about it, isn't it very powerful?"

After Mishan finished speaking triumphantly, she handed over the rifle-shaped hand cannon revolver to Yechen.

"It sounds really powerful..."

The young man looked down at the deformed revolver in his hand. At this moment, his eyes were already filled with surprise, so much so that they gleamed.

"Excuse me, can I take it to the shooting range to try it out?" Yechen asked Mishan again.

"Yes, but the bullets for the test gun are not free!"

Mishan couldn't help covering her mouth and sniggering when she saw Yechen looked so energetic, and then led him through the side door of the exhibition hall to the [-]-meter shooting range in the gun workshop.

"No problem, give me 12 rounds of ordinary bullets first, and we will settle the bill together."

Yechen's tone was still calm on the surface, but his limbs could no longer hold back the excitement in his heart. He took the six bullets from Mishan with his palm, and immediately filled the magazine of the hand cannon revolver with lightning speed.

Pushing the wheel back to its original position, the boy raised the gun body, fixed the head of the humanoid target at the end of the front at the center of his scope, and then decisively pressed the trigger.


Accompanied by a deafening gunshot, the head of the man-shaped target was instantly blown into countless pieces, and its tragic end seemed to be hit by a mini-cannonball.

Mi Shan looked at the debris scattered all over the shooting range, frowned for a moment, couldn't help reaching out and patting her forehead, and sighed regretfully: "Ah, I forgot that this is a large-caliber bullet, you should use a special target to test the gun. of……"

Ye Chen gave her an embarrassed expression.

Sensing the guest's confused gaze, Mishan immediately reminded: "Uh, it's okay! This is my own negligence and has nothing to do with you! You can continue to hit the target with the remaining bullets!"

With Mishan's consent, Yechen continued to snipe at the target, causing the remaining five bullets to completely kill the humanoid target to scum, and he lost the qualification to be a target forever.

After feeling the long-range firepower of the hand cannon's revolver, Ye Chen asked Mishan with a satisfied expression, "Miss Mishan, next I want to try close-range shooting, is it okay?"

"Of course, please wait."

Mi Shan nodded and replied, handed the last six bullets to Yechen, and reached out to press a button on a mechanical operation panel at the edge of the shooting range.

And Yechen also imitated Mishan's previous actions during this period, disassembled the revolver of the hand cannon and put it back to its original state, then poured out the shell casings and reloaded six new rounds of ammunition.

Soon, a very thick human-shaped target with obviously different materials was ejected from the ground of the shooting range ten meters in front of Yechen.

Seeing this, the young man raised the body of the gun with his right hand and pressed the hammer with his left hand, making it clear that he was about to shoot six consecutive shots.

Seeing this, Mi Shan warned with a nervous tone: "This gun has a strong recoil, so you must be careful when you shoot repeatedly, and don't shake the muzzle of the gun into the sky..."

Who knew that as soon as she finished speaking, Ye Chen's fingertips turned into afterimages and began to move violently.

Bang bang bang bang!

After a burst of rapid gunfire, six depressions of varying degrees appeared on the surface of the reinforced humanoid target ten meters in front of the boy, from head to toe.

"The marksmanship is so steady..."

Seeing Yechen's six bullets without missing, Mishan couldn't help admiring. She had already experienced the terrifying recoil of the hand cannon revolver. It stands to reason that Yechen could hit half of the bullets in his first test shot. His marksmanship was already excellent, but now he hit all of them without exception.

However, Yechen himself seemed dissatisfied with this, because in the past, his bullets could always be concentrated in one place in his six-shot burst, and hit wherever he pointed, but now the distribution of bullet holes on the target is obviously scattered.

It seems that if you want to control it proficiently, you need to practice more...

After facing the hand cannon revolver, Ye Chen secretly expressed his emotion, and finally made an announcement to Mishan.

"Good gun! I want this one."

After hearing this, Mi Shan casually tapped her finger on the table, and then replied with a smile on her face: "Because this is the latest product, it is naturally more expensive. Let me give you a discount, seven pieces gold."

The boy noticed the girl's subtle movements, and immediately shook his head and complained: "You are too expensive, I can afford five gold coins."

Mi Shan's eyes changed, and she immediately retorted: "Then I won't die! At most, I will give you fifty silver coins less!"

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders, and spoke again in a flat tone: "Five gold and fifty silver."

Mishan's face quickly turned angry, and she folded her arms around her chest, and responded coldly: "Don't pull it down."

Hearing this, Yechen remained silent for a while, then pretended to be helpless and regretful, turned around and left the shooting range with the hand cannon revolver, and placed it on the glass counter without saying a word.

The young man thinks like this: he first pretends to be about to give up, if the other party has no intention of keeping him, then he can only bite the bullet and buy it, but if the other party shows a hint of trying to stop him, Then it means that this bargaining can continue.

As a result, the young girl was really hooked.

"Hey, don't rush to leave, if the funds are really not enough, then we can discuss it again!"

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