Seeing this, Ke Lei quickly helped her up, sent her out of the classroom, and handed the plastic bag she had prepared to the girl.

Then, everyone who stayed in the room heard a painful vomiting sound from outside.

Instructor Ke Lei returned to the classroom, and once again emphasized the training principles of spiritual disciplines to everyone with a serious face.

"The students who went out just now are obviously trying to be brave. Remember, everyone, don't force yourself, grades come second, and health comes first. The mental damage caused by maze madness cannot be underestimated. Although you are now cultivating your own resistance, exposure to madness Once it is overdone, it may even cause you to suffer from sequelae, so don't make big mistakes because of small things!"

Hearing her words, five students of different genders in the classroom immediately got up and left their seats, and walked out of the classroom with embarrassing expressions, but the instructor sent them away very kindly, and urged them to smell the potted plants outside .

Then, the remaining 45 students continued to stay in the classroom, enduring the gradually increasing concentration of maze madness in the enclosed space.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

During the period when everyone was silent, Yechen heard a strange sound beside his ears because of the blockage of his trachea.

This sound was not a scattered sound received by tinnitus, but a vague sound of wind, which made Yechen immediately realize that his mental state was getting more and more wrong. In the dark, an inexplicable sense of familiarity was even more important to him spontaneously in my heart...

Chapter 0142 Suffering

This voice...could it be...

Ye Chen savored the strange sound reverberating in his mind carefully, and soon a faint sense of discomfort emerged in his chest.

In this way, since the adaptive training of Labyrinth Mania began, the time first reached No.205 minutes, and then No.30 minutes.

During this period, another dozen or so male and female students pressed their hands on the desks, staggered to support their bodies, and then staggered out of their seats.

Some of them had pale faces, some had dull eyes, and some covered their mouths tightly to prevent the vomit from leaking out. They all left the classroom with the support of their instructor Ke Lei. What a painful torture, or what a terrifying hallucination.


Just as Yechen glanced at the backs of these students leaving in embarrassment, the volume of the strange wind sound in his head rose several decibels, which made Yechen feel uncomfortable in his body, and his face couldn't help but grimace .

As the volume increased, Ye Chen quickly noticed that the sound resounding through his head was like howling winds and shaking the earth, but at the same time, it followed a certain law, rising and falling in an orderly manner, sometimes rising and falling. Low, sometimes sharp and sometimes thick... The strange rhythm continuously impacted Yechen's consciousness, so that Yechen could finally understand the true face of this voice.

This indeed the "singing voice" I heard in my nightmare!

Just as he gritted his teeth subconsciously because he was aware of this, more than a dozen students in the graduating class covered their mouths and noses, got up and left their seats with a haggard look, and then followed the instructions of their instructor Ke Lei to leave the classroom and escape to the outside.

And Yechen continued to immerse himself in the surrounding and resounding sound of this "singing sound", but his mental strength had reached the level of the double dream after all, so this "singing sound" did not make Yechen feel as though he had crossed over for the first time. The pain of dreaming that he almost lost his soul just made him feel chest tightness and headache, which is still acceptable for now.

However, as time continued to pass, the situation soon changed further.

After receiving a brand new signal at the tip of his nose, Yechen's eyebrows, which could barely maintain his composure, tightened impressively.

That's the signal of the smell.

Yechen understood what this signal meant.

Under the influence of maze mania for a long time, when he felt the iconic singing of the first nightmare, he was about to relive the iconic smell of the second nightmare again.

The "breath" that can no longer be described as pure stench or stench, which can cover up the smell of everything in the world, once again visited Yechen's olfactory center and stimulated Yechen's entire brain.


After realizing that this "breath" came uninvited, Ye Chen couldn't help exhaling immediately, and then stretched out his hands to cover his mouth and nose, but this "breath" seemed to come directly from his brain , completely ignoring Yechen's resistance, floating and wandering in his mind.

Soon, the first, second, and even third bead of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Moreover, this "breath" is still increasing its concentration, causing Yechen's mental burden to become heavier and heavier, and the situation is getting worse...

Time is flowing slowly every minute and every second, and the number of students leaving the seat is also increasing, and several of them are in such a serious state that they can't stand still. If the instructor Ke Lei didn't step forward to help and treat them in time, they might have died. He passed out directly in the classroom and fell to the ground.

40 minutes after the minute hand of the black ring on Kelei's wrist pointed to No., in the dark classroom, only Yechen, Oke, Weimon, Shia, and Erriga remained who continued to resist the madness of the maze. There are six students of the 2020 class, Te and Firona.


At this moment, everyone's breathing became rapid to varying degrees, they coughed from time to time, and beads of sweat began to flow on their cheeks. Obviously, their thinking consciousness was enduring the "song" and "breath" Double bombing.

Yechen, on the other hand, sat among the crowd, frowned and closed his eyes, clenched his fists, and constantly forced his mind in the chaos and turbulence, trying his best to keep his calm and sobriety as long as possible.

Finally, when the minute hand of the time pointed to No.409 minutes, Errigat, who was sitting in the last row, coughed more intensely instantly, as if the dam of his heart was about to be washed away, and his face looked so painful. It was so difficult.

"Student Errigat."

Ke Lei walked quickly to Errigat's side and called his name. Although she didn't say anything, the meaning she expressed was self-evident.

"Uh...Ms. Corley...I...I..."

Errigat raised his pale face and stared at Ke Lei, as if he wanted to ask to continue here for a while, but he was interrupted by his hasty coughing in the middle of the sentence, and he continued for a while. I can't breathe.

"Let's go."

Ke Lei gave the order in a calm tone, stretched out her old arm, and easily pulled Errigat's tall body up, and then helped him to the door of the classroom.

Before leaving, Errigat glanced at the remaining five students in the classroom. After the pain, a strong expression of unwillingness appeared on his face, but he couldn't disobey the instructor's instructions, so he had to disappear in front of everyone's eyes in embarrassment.

Seeing the guy who ranked second on the evaluation list with her leave the field first, although Firona was already sweating under the mental interference of the maze madness, the corners of her mouth still couldn't help but raise a proud arc because of the victory.


She chuckled, and turned her eyes to the unique back of Oke, which was surrounded by fluffy ponytails at the front table.

Ouke... I may never be able to compare with you in the subject of military combat, but in other fields, I will definitely fight to the death with you... Today, let us see who can survive better!

Firona realized this in her heart, and then put her hands together in front of her chest, and continued to endure the mental torment.

In this way, the time continued to pass until 5 minutes came.

Then, Ou Ke took out a handkerchief from his coat pocket, wiped the sweat on his cheeks slightly, and glanced at Ye Chen who was clenching his fist and closing his face with a tired face.


She pondered for a while, and finally got up and left consciously, and walked quickly to the door of the classroom without delay, and did not need any help from the instructor.

Ha ha!I won!

Seeing Oke leave by herself first, the sweaty Firona finally managed to squeeze out a smile, but her consciousness was immediately exposed because of her complacency, and she was taken advantage of by the madness of the labyrinth, which eventually led to the pain in her chest. The nausea instantly swelled up.


She screamed, her expression immediately became embarrassing, she swayed and struggled in her seat for a while, and finally she could only bite the bullet and raised her hand to Ke Lei on the podium in embarrassment.

"Ms. Ke Lei, I have no strength in my limbs, so... I ask you to help me out of the classroom..."

Chapter 0143 Suffering

After Filona endured her shame and was supported by Ke Lei, and limped out of the door, only Yechen, Wei Meng, and Shia were left in the dark and dreary classroom.

Shia put her hands on her knees, and sat in front of the table with a straight posture. Even though the influence of the madness of the maze made her face drenched with sweat, her neckline was wet with sweat, but Shia was still concentrating with her eyes closed. In a quiet state, he continued to endure increasingly serious mental shocks.

But Yechen's hands were still placed on the table, clenched into fists. As the ferociousness of his face became more and more serious, Yechen's fingers were also clenched harder, and unconsciously left a mark on the palms of both hands. Four blood marks were left, which is enough to show that his mind is suffering conservatively.

As for Wei Meng, he was not as quiet as the first two. Instead, he rested his head on his hands, and his upper body lay on the table. It looked like he was taking a nap, but his mouth facing the ground kept chanting a series of words in a low voice. , as if he was constantly cheering himself up.

Ke Lei sat on the armchair on the podium, calmly watching the mental state of the students.

Although the distance between her and the dirty crystal on the table is the closest, and the madness of the maze is the strongest, but her expression is hardly obvious, which is enough to show that even though she is old, the strength of this mentor's mental strength is also weak. Still far surpassing those youngsters like Yechen.

The three of them continued to persevere in the dark classroom until the hour hand of the round watch officially completed a full circle.


Shia clutched her worrying chest, sighed with difficulty, and turned her eyes to Yechen and Wei Meng, who were still struggling to support themselves.

After a while of silence, she made her own choice, slowly moved her body from the seat, and then walked outside under the leadership of Ke Lei, becoming the third last student to leave.

Afterwards, in this adaptive training against the madness of the maze, there were only two competitors from the same dormitory, Ye Chen and Wei Meng.

At this moment, both of them were sweating profusely, their breathing was disordered, and their faces were pale.

Ye Chen was still clenching his fists and closing his eyes, and Wei Meng was still lying on the table and whispering.

Although I don't know how the roommate's situation is, but on Yechen's side, the "singing" and "breath" resounding and floating in the brain have reached the point of rampant bombardment, which ushers in Yechen's psychological quality. unprecedented challenges.

The situation was even more severe than when he was tested by the second nightmare.


Yechen frowned, clenched his teeth, let go of his fists, and turned to hold on to the corner of the table, venting his mental pain with continuous exertion.

Then, when the training time just passed the threshold of 65 minutes, Yechen immediately felt a sticky nausea in his throat, as if some liquid was liquefied and condensed directly from his body, making Yechen like the students who left before , began to cough.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Ten seconds after he started coughing, Waymon at the next table also started coughing.

In the quiet classroom, the coughing sounds of the two people of varying degrees resounded one after another.

Yechen coughed louder and louder, coughed more and more quickly, opened his eyes unbearably, his bloodshot pupils inadvertently looked at the dirty crystal placed on the podium.

Then, he saw a strange scene in the oily colorful light.

On the countertop, the dirty crystal that should have appeared as an irregular lens suddenly began to twist and grow in Yechen's eyes, like a wildly growing seed, continuously extending a rhizome made of scarlet flesh And the branches and leaves immediately spread a sudden shock and shake to Yechen.

what is this……

Ye Chen was in a trance for a while, and his brain immediately felt a strong sense of crisis amid all kinds of pain. He lowered his head to take out a long knife and a revolver from his waist, and chopped up the strange things on the table. .

However, he found nothing but a belt that held the waist of his trousers.

Where is my weapon—! ?

Yechen thought with horror on his face, completely oblivious to the fact that his knife and gun had been shattered long ago.

However, when he was in a state of confusion, a pair of old palms immediately patted Yechen's cheeks, and reminded him in a powerful voice: "Be sober, classmate Yechen."

Hearing this calm voice, the boy woke up from panic in an instant, and looked at the elderly mentor beside him.

"You've obviously hallucinated, it's time to leave." Ke Lei told her calmly.

After hearing this, Ye Chen subconsciously turned his eyes back to the podium, only to see that the dirty crystal just stood quietly on the podium as before, and nothing strange happened.

Seeing this scene, Yechen hesitated for a while, and finally followed Ke Lei's instructions, got up quickly, left the seat, and finally walked out of the classroom with some horrified emotions, becoming the runner-up of this mental resistance training.

As for the rest of Wei Meng, he just lay down on the table and ignored everything, continued to cough and hum, struggling to hold on to the sailboat of his soul in the midst of the huge waves...

As soon as Ye Chen came outside, he immediately found that the students who had left before were sitting around all kinds of potted plants. Among them, several students who were mentally damaged were squatting in front of the potted plants, sticking their noses to the petals and leaves. After a heavy inhalation, it is obvious that he is using the aroma of these special plants to heal and restore his previously tortured spirit.


Looking at the scene where everyone was resting and recuperating, Yechen took a greedy breath of fresh air unconsciously, and then exhaled it as if relieved from a heavy burden.

Now, he completely understood why the college had to arrange the psychiatric class until Friday when there were no classes in the afternoon, and why the students all looked solemn before class, as if facing an enemy.

Because, the adaptive training of this labyrinth madness is really too difficult...

Although it is different from the training of physical fitness courses, it will not make students jump up and down and run dozens of laps, but it will continue to torture the students' spirits. The feeling of being constantly impacted by this kind of thinking is completely more uncomfortable than pure physical exertion. A hundred times.

After Yechen was so emotional, he wanted to reach out to wipe off the sweat on his cheeks, but unexpectedly a handkerchief suddenly stretched out from his side, and he wiped it with lightning speed, just before Yechen could react. , wiped off the sweat for him.

Seeing this, Yechen realized something in his heart, turned his head in surprise, and then found that the mysterious person who wiped his sweat without authorization was indeed the girl who made him most wary... Oke.

Among the graduating class of 2020, she was the only one whose speed was so fast that Yechen couldn't react.

"what are you doing?"

Yechen's breath had just stabilized, but was disturbed by Oke's sudden appearance, and he responded in a very displeased tone, and his attitude towards Oke was still as ungrateful as usual.

"Seeing that you are sweating profusely, I couldn't help but help~"

Facing Yechen's cold and even hostile reaction, Oke still maintained her usual smile and responded softly.

Chapter 0144 Reconciliation

Ye Chen touched the cheek that Ou Ke had just wiped with a handkerchief, fearing that some dangerous substances might remain on it.

Ou Jian could see his vigilant appearance, and reminded with a half-smile: "Don't worry, I didn't poison, otherwise I will be in big trouble if the academy finds out. If you are really worried, then this handkerchief should be taken directly. Send it to you to take back for inspection?"

When Ye Chen heard this, he frowned, hesitated for a moment, and actually took Oke's handkerchief, and at the same time felt that Oke had already figured out his cautious character.

"Don't touch me again next time."

Yechen sighed helplessly, and then warned Oke indifferently, making it clear that he would draw a clear line with her and keep a distance.

"Seeing your complexion is so bad, you'd better go and smell the flowers."

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