Then, between the sea and the sky, the fiery red dawn slowly rose.

In an instant, the darkness dissipated, and the sky and the earth brightened.

As a result, the group of Dawnbreakers closed their voices and turned to look at the end of the world.

In the next second, the sacred, broad, pure, and magnificent light of dawn came into the eyes of each of them in such a magnificent and silent manner...

Chapter 1366 The Dust Settles

With the light of dawn illuminating the sky and the earth, the sparkling sea was dyed a magnificent golden yellow, and the sea breeze blowing on the shore became warm and fragrant.

The Xiaoxiao team sat on the edge of the beach, enjoying the caress of the morning breeze and admiring the magnificence of the dawn...

Immersed in the light of dawn, for a time, the hearts of the six people were filled with infinite comfort.

"Wow, this scene is really indescribable in words!"

"So this is the sunrise on the sea, it's really picturesque~"

"Yes, all the sea water seems to have turned into liquid gold, it looks so dazzling!"

"Well, of all the sunrises I've seen so far, nothing compares to it."

"Perhaps, this is because of the bonus of the holiday time, hahaha!"

"That's right, we used to see the sunrise in the labyrinth, but every time the day dawned, everyone rushed for the time to hurry up, and we didn't feel in the mood to watch these beautiful things as carefully as we are now."

"Our team name is Dawn, and now everyone is admiring Dawn next to each other. Is there anything better than this?"

"Come on, it's a rare opportunity, let's take a few more group photos with Chaoyang now!"

"Wait a minute, let me think about the pose first."

"Oh, why are you so pretentious, just shoot it!"

"Three, two, one!"

"Wow, the background is too bright! It made everyone's face black! No, come back from another angle!"

"A group photo is not enough, come and take some gorgeous solo photos for me!"

"And me and Ye Chen, help us take a few good-looking shots, the kind of conjugal love~"

"Don't worry, everyone, come one by one, the camera is about to be ruined by you..."

In this way, facing the warm morning sun, the group of Dawning Team took a group photo with nostalgia at the beach, chatting, laughing, and making noise. After a long time, the noise gradually stopped.

At the same time, the light of dawn fills the entire world. In the blink of an eye, everything looks so beautiful, new life is everywhere, and hope is everywhere...

Immersed in such a warm atmosphere, Wei Meng pondered for a while, and then said while facing the Chaoyang:

"Hey, I said... have you ever thought about what our own future will look like after the abyss is destroyed?"

After hearing Wei Meng's sudden question, the rest of the people were stunned for a while, and then asked in a puzzled tone:

"Why did you ask this all of a sudden?"

Wei Meng smiled slightly.

"Hey, nothing, just facing such a beautiful scene like this, it's easy to make people yearn for the future!"

"You see, so far, we have wiped out the clown and the butcher successively, and in the end only the last mortal enemy, the abyss, is left. Now we have assembled all the pieces of the "Apocalypse" puzzle, and the future is completely bright! "

"So, haven't you thought about what you want to do when all this is settled?"

After Firona heard this, her brows suddenly wrinkled.

"What? What kind of weird question are you asking! Even if the abyss is really destroyed in the end, we are still Orion hunters! It's not the same as before, just do whatever task we receive!"

Errigat, however, took a different view.

"No... I heard some gossip on the Hunter's Peak not long ago. It is said that although the hunting group temporarily prohibits any hunter from retiring, once the plan to exterminate the abyss is successfully realized, the policy direction will suddenly usher in a reversal. After that, even young active hunters can apply for retirement in advance."

Shia nodded.

"Well, I have heard similar rumors. Although there is no conclusive evidence, I personally think that this situation is entirely possible. After all, exterminating the abyss is the core purpose of the hunting group. Once this purpose is completed, the hunter group will naturally There is no need for such a large membership size ... especially for churches."

Ou Ke's eyebrows raised slightly.

"So, Wei Meng, don't you plan to wait until the situation stabilizes, just disarm and return to the field and retire as soon as possible?"

Hearing this conjecture, Firona's eyebrows suddenly stood up, and her fists also hardened.

"Huh? Isn't that the same as leaving all of us directly! Wei Meng, can't you really think so in your heart!"

Wei Meng smiled wryly with an embarrassed look on his face.

"No, no, how is that possible! But, to be honest, we all have to retire one day! Didn't I start thinking about what happened decades later! Especially when the hunting group completed the Abyss of Death? After the historical mission, it is impossible for everyone to go to the maze to mine and collect grass every day, right?"

Ye Chen heard the words, his eyes flashed a few complicated colors secretly, and then he agreed in a deep voice.

"This is true... When the overall situation is really settled, I think that the hunting group will not only greatly reduce the hunter's retirement conditions, raise the hunter's recruitment threshold, and even force a large number of old hunters to retire... …After all, the missions of going out to explore and collect resources do not require so much manpower, and the excess combat power will become an unstable factor in the Holy Light Pure Land.”

Shia sighed softly with a complicated expression.

"Well, there are different ways of living in times of war and times of peace. That's probably what it means."

Errigat lowered his head in thought.

"In this way, the demise of the abyss can even be said to be closely tied to the decline of the hunters. The power and status of the hunters may gradually decline from now on..."

Ou Ke yawned and stretched, and seemed completely indifferent to what everyone was discussing.

"Oh, isn't that what history is all about? As long as the church doesn't tear up its face and kill a dog, then even if all of us have to become commoners together, we'll still be living a comfortable life. Comfortable days, what does everything matter~"

Chapter 1367 Future Reverie

Weimon reiterated calmly:

"Yes, what Oke said is exactly what I think, we will say goodbye to the identity of hunters one day, maybe in a few decades, or maybe in a few years, so it is always good to prepare in advance. ."

Ou Ke asked curiously:

"So, as the initiator of this topic, what did you think about yourself in the first place?"

Weimon replied without hesitation:

"Hey, to tell you the truth, if I retire one day in the future, maybe I will go back to the countryside to open a farm and farm with peace of mind."

Hearing this, Ou Ke and the others looked surprised.


"Country? Farm? Farming?"

"Are you serious about what you said? Obviously, you are the guy who likes urban entertainment the most among us!"

Weimon responded with a look of course.

"Of course I'm serious, because I was originally from the countryside. If I hadn't awakened to nightmares, I would have inherited my father's mill a few years ago, so I could justifiably own a piece of land of my own!"

Ferona asked in anticipation of confusion:

"This... so you plan to regain the dream of the year after the hunting group retires, and finally return to the countryside to retire?"

Weimon nodded and admitted:

"Well, it's almost like this...Of course, the premise of everything is money!"

"After the current assets have doubled several times, I will build a large manor in my hometown, take over my mother and sister together, and hire a bunch of servants to help us farm together!"

"However, although I think so now, I may have other ideas in the future!"

Hearing this, Errigat couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, Master Waymon of the country manor... This idea is quite good, maybe you can entertain us in your manor in the future, and bring us a few sumptuous farmhouse meals."

Weimon laughed happily.

"Hahaha, don't worry, if the wish can really come true, don't say a few meals, even hundreds or thousands of meals will not be missing from you!"

Oko turned to look at Shia.

"Speaking of which, Shia, will you be willing to move to the country with Weimon?"

Shia returned a flat smile.

"If nothing else, of course, because I grew up in the forest, I personally prefer the quiet countryside to the bustling city."

"It's just that this may span a time span of several decades. Who can say what will happen in the future?"

"Assuming Waymon's transference is halfway, then we will naturally have our own way."

Hearing this, Wei Meng's expression froze instantly.

"What? Shia, you must be joking, right? My image in your mind can't be this kind of scumbag, right?"

Shia was silent for a few seconds, then smiled and replied:

"Well... of course it's a joke."

Seeing this, Wei Meng's expression changed again.

"Wait, what happened to the silence just now, I have always been loyal to you!?"

Filona covered her mouth and smiled and said:

"Pfft haha, I didn't expect Shia to be such a realistic person! Wei Meng, you have to be careful in the future! If you are not honest, she will be decisively thrown away by her!"

Wei Meng felt speechless for a while.

"This... oh... I really don't understand why I have become such a character inexplicably! Forget it, stop talking about this boring topic! Errigat, have you thought about what you plan to do after retiring? ?”

Facing the blunt words that Weimon turned his head and threw, Errigat took it head-on with a calm expression.

"If I don't want to be a hunter in the future... I want to start a school in my hometown."

Hearing this, the expressions of the rest of the people were startled again.

"Uh...I didn't hear wrong just now, didn't I...School?"

"God, your idea is even more incredible than Weimon!"

"Hahaha! What the hell! Are you kidding me! Such a big guy still wants to be a principal or a teacher? I'm afraid that when he takes the stage to give a speech, he will scare the surrounding students half to death!"

"Can you tell us why you came up with this novel idea?"

Facing everyone's surprise and doubts, Errigat explained unhurriedly:

"When I was a teenager, I was an illiterate street gangster who fought in the streets all day long. Not only did I waste a lot of precious time during my important youth, but I even nearly ruined my life several times, if not in time. Pull back from the precipice and I'll end up being a worthless rascal."

"However, it is precisely because of these personal experiences that I have a profound understanding of the great significance of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude for the youth group."

"Therefore, if there is a chance, I would like to use the reputation of a hunter accumulated after retiring to set up a series of educational institutions in my hometown in the future, to recruit those teenagers and girls who are just like me in the past, and help them to rehabilitate. , get back on track, instead of wasting your precious youth over and over again in rotten tobacco, alcohol and crime."

After listening to Errigat's self-statement, everyone present was silent for a moment, and then the pair of eyes showed shock and admiration.

"Wow, your layout is too big..."

"It seems that you have already felt the full positive energy coming your way!"

"I don't know what to say other than the word awesome."

"Hey, I didn't expect that, I didn't expect that you are such a big man who hides such a delicate mind. It's really unbelievable~"

After listening, Errigat glared at Ferona and replied with a slightly unhappy expression:

"Hmph, you seem to die if you don't come and make fun of me every chance you have... Then what about yourself? What do you plan to do after you retire?"

Ferona's expression was startled, then she turned her eyes away, raised her ponytail back and forth with her fingers, and said hesitantly:

"Uh, well, Miss Ben hasn't figured it out yet..."

"After all, who knows how old I will be when I retire, most likely I'll go back to help my family do business!"

"However, having said that, I'm actually somewhat interested in the school you just mentioned... So, at that time, maybe we can have a little joint venture!"

After listening to Errigat, his expression changed a little, and then nodded lightly:

"Oh, is that so? Then I'm looking forward to it."

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