The young man sneaked into the mansion of the lord of the Baishuang people, and after encountering a series of sudden changes, he struggled to kill the two brothers of the lord who were blinded by the abyss one after another...

The young man witnessed the total destruction of his hometown with his own eyes, and experienced the parting of life and death with his family with tears in his eyes. Then, under Mu's urging, he started a one-on-one revenge contest with the original species of the abyss...

He first entered the Pure Land of Holy Light as a young man, and later resisted wave after wave of abyss tide with the knight team of the same age in order to defend the windmill village, and successfully left behind his first contribution to this human country...

The young man fought bloody battles with all kinds of maze monsters in the Hunter's Forest, and finally passed the graduation examination with ease, and officially won the title of "Blood Craftsman", which will be famous from now on...

Yechen was condescending, looking down at his past memories, and he quickly realized that these memories seemed to have the same nature.

That is - "fighting".

The contents shown on these screens, without exception, are all life-and-death fights that Yechen experienced in his past life, life-and-death struggles of extraordinary significance!

Chapter 1320 The life of a blood carpenter

Looking down at the scenes of his own fights in the past, Yechen felt mixed emotions in his heart, and at the same time, he didn't know why the nightmare world in front of him would show him these past scenes.

While the young man was deeply confused, on the surface of the crimson sea, countless memories of fighting continued to emerge like bubbles...

With the passage of time after Yechen officially became an Olympian hunter.

During the first mission of his hunter career, the young man was suddenly betrayed by his senior leader, and then he and two young teammates of the same class fought against the traitor in a three-on-one fight. The fighting process was extremely difficult and dangerous, but luckily everyone was lucky in the end Survive...

In the fifth mission of his hunter career, the boy encountered an abyss monster whose threat level was far beyond the team's ability. Then he confronted the monster head-on with two other teammates of the same period and an older senior, and finally ended with a tragic victory. Senior He personally saved the lives of the three juniors with his own life, and the young man who personally executed the seniors also tasted the pain of beheading a "good guy" for the first time...

During the tenth mission of his hunter career, the boy was ambushed by a clown in the Joy Theater. After his teammates were unfortunately captured by the enemy, the boy resolutely took the risk and carried out the craziest rescue operation in his life. In the end, he and his teammates survived Fighting a bloody path and successfully creating an incredible miracle of survival of all members under the ultimate disadvantage, thus completely starting the legendary name of bloodsmith hunters within the hunting group...

After that, the boy encountered the high-level team of the Joy Theater in a certain exploration mission, and finally, at the same level as one against five, he single-handedly wiped out all the opponents. The name of the craftsman resounds on the top of the hunter...

From the perspective of a bystander, Ye Chen silently watched the fierce fights one after another in his youth...

He watched himself go all the way, from a fledgling rookie to becoming stronger, more stable, and more sophisticated.

At the same time, he also watched his enemies come along, becoming more and more ferocious, more cunning, and more outrageous.

This wonderful experience of overlooking his past life really made Ye Chen feel indescribable.

Next, as the years went by, the boy became a young man, and had his own team, and continued to make countless brilliant achievements in the hunting group as the captain.

The youth and his teammates cooperated to defeat the top tyrant in the food chain of maze monsters, and once again proved the supernova level of their team to the hunting group...

The youth and his teammates calmly defeated the monstrous abyss frenzy, and heroically beheaded the towering second type of abyss species, but in the end they had to send all the innocent villagers of a whole village on the road with their own hands, thus falling into the abyss in one fell swoop. Guilt and confusion...

The young man once fell into a psychological predicament, but later he strengthened his beliefs again through thinking and awareness, and used this as a stepping stone to break through to a new nightmare realm. At the same time, his teammates also carried out the overall situation in the absence of the captain. Through fierce talent and tacit cooperation, he defeated the former seniors infected by the abyss, and once again established the team's prestige on the top of the hunter...

Afterwards, there will be a tragic war that will determine the fate of the world in the future.

The young man who felt that his time was numbered, with the belief that he would never return, swaggered to the battlefield that was about to become hell.

Seeing this, Yechen's expression froze slightly, and his relaxed palms began to clenched into fists involuntarily...

Then, the screen continued to appear, and the memory continued to move forward.

I saw the youth and his teammates madly annihilating all kinds of crazy clowns and abyssal monsters on the chaotic land...

I saw the young man and his teammates separated for a short time, facing dozens of powerful clown enemies alone, and then for the first time encountered the evil god's avatar and seized his body, and then killed all the enemies bloody. Fortunately, the mysterious power came to help in time, which helped the young man Take back the mastery of your body...

I saw that the youth and his teammates bravely broke through the death cage of the third type of abyssal body species in order to rescue their colleagues...

I saw the young people and their teammates fighting with the clown elite group successively...

I saw that the young man was forced to separate from his teammates, and started an ultimate death battle with the most powerful clowns. As a result, he was attacked and seized by the avatar of the evil god for the second time. Facing this great disaster of his own, the young man finally resolutely chose to die generously...

As a result, the subsequent development was that he would not die so easily at all.

And after that, memories of the next fight...

It was the most difficult, most painful, and craziest life experience that Ye Chen had ever experienced in his life!

It was the piece of purgatory on earth that Yechen was least willing to recall so far!

It was the source of the inner demon that shook the foundation of Yechen's belief!

That superficially prosperous and huge city is actually a nightmare city full of endless sins and ugliness!

That little hut that no one can remember but myself!

That family is honest, dutiful, kind and honest!

At this moment, these "soul pains" that Yechen will never forget in his life have been played back clearly and completely before his eyes through the deep red sea of ​​blood!

Chapter 1321 What the hell are you trying to tell me


Jetty Skokie!

History of Violence in the Old Mankind!

As these bloody and tragic scenes came into mind again, Yechen's brows were instantly filled with ferocious wrinkles, and the intertwined anger and sadness turned into countless bloodshots all over the surface of the pupils.

He watched himself being manipulated by the butcher...

He watched himself being killed again and again, and then resurrected again and again...

He watched himself swaying in the endless sinful history of human beings, crouching with his head in his arms, screaming in pain, and finally lost his mind, fell into the abyss, and in turn slaughtered the refugees in the capital...

He watched himself clad in blood-red flames, fighting fiercely with the butcher all the way until the sky fell apart, madly dying, madly resurrecting, madly killing...

He watched himself breaking through the sixth dream at the end of the desperate dead end, first dragging the butcher into the bloody burning sun with nowhere to hide, and then turning the butcher to death in his own spiritual foundation...

There is no doubt that this is the longest, hardest, and most painful life-and-death battle that Yechen has ever experienced in his life!

At the same time, it was also the source of fundamental shakes in his beliefs that he had always believed in!

Although this endless ultimate death fight ended with Yechen's complete victory as the ending, it was still enough to become a heavy memory full of pain and torture like a nightmare in Yechen's heart!

When Yechen finished browsing his last battle with a heavy heart, no more ripples appeared on the crimson sea...

Instead, the whole sea of ​​deep red blood just turned into a huge mirror under Yechen's eyes.

What is reflected on the surface of the mirror is the young man's current figure and that youthful face full of confusion and hesitation.

He has walked along the way, constantly fighting, constantly winning, constantly surviving, constantly growing, and constantly becoming stronger. Today, he has become the top powerhouse of the Olympian Hunter organization, and he can easily Destroy the entire human kingdom...

However, all of this could not satisfy Yechen's heart.

Just because, while his strength and state are becoming stronger step by step, his spiritual appeal is also expanding step by step...

The first is the Abyss of Extinction.

Then there is the slaughter of all the ugly people in the world.

Finally, there is the desire to transform the world into an eternal paradise free from tragedy and pain.

Yechen's ideals have been constantly rising along with the changes in his own strength.

In other words...

"You've been getting more and more 'greedy' inside of you."

Ye Chen lowered his head and stared at his own reflection on the surface of the sea of ​​blood, as if he heard the extreme irony of this sea for his life, so the unknown fire suppressed deep in his heart broke out again. out!

"What the hell is this place—!?"

The unbearable young man began to question angrily at the sea of ​​blood that had turned into a mirror.

"Why do you want me to review these memories—!?"

At the same time that the young man was furious about this, the whole world of blood mist began to vibrate violently in an instant. The sky was lightning and thunderous, and the sea was raging wildly. Everything seemed to be venting the grievances in the young man's heart!

"What's the meaning of these scenes—!?"

Asked angrily, the young man pressed down his palm, aiming at the strange sea of ​​blood below, blasting out a raging and violent blood-colored beam with all his strength, as if determined to turn the weird and unpredictable latter upside down!

"What are you trying to tell me—!?"

With the young man's last heartfelt roar, the deep red and deep sea of ​​blood was blasted through by the boundless demigod's blood power in one fell swoop, and immediately exploded like dazzling fireworks!


Just like that, Yechen's angry blow directly overturned the spatial core of the entire blood-red dreamland!

The sea of ​​blood collapsed amidst raging waves!

The blood mist completely disintegrated in the thunder!

Ye Chen was in the center of the vibration of the space, his figure was still in the air, and his anger remained undiminished!

However, in the next second, as the wreckage of the sea and mist gradually dissipated in front of Yechen's eyes, his eyes that were shining with anger soon ushered in condensation again!

Just because, at the end of the destruction of this strange dream, more screens emerged from chaos and nothingness, and immediately covered the broken space in front of Yechen like stars!

Then, countless screens reflected countless figures!

Ye Chen's expression was dazed, and he looked up at one of the screens inadvertently, and immediately saw familiar figures in it.

Pale skin, green eyes, pointed ears...

Yechen recognized at a glance that these were all the racial characteristics of the Baishuang people!

And when the young man looked intently, and his thoughts followed the memories, after another tumbling for a while, he was suddenly stunned!

Because, he soon discovered that these Baishuang people who appeared on the screen were hunting the apes infected by the abyss with him in the Eternal Winter Hidden Region when he was a teenager, and all of them ended up being wiped out unfortunately Cold Wind Village Guard!

As for the one standing in the middle of the line...

It was Baishuang who entrusted the safety of his wife and daughter to Yechen, and then died tragically in front of Yechen, Lloyd!

Yechen didn't understand why he saw the faces of these dead again here!

At the same time, the guards on the screen ignored the stunned young people outside the screen, but chatted and drank, sang and danced in a spacious hall, filled with a cheerful atmosphere everywhere!

Then, an even weirder scene appeared before Yechen's eyes.

I saw a young female Baishuang walked through the crowd and walked behind Lloyd, grabbed the wine glass in his hand, and scolded Lloyd...

And she is no one else...

It was the Baishuang girl who was rescued by Yechen in the Cold Wind Village in the Eternal Winter Hidden Region, and then lived in the alien city of the Holy Light Pure Land a few years later!

Daughter of Lloyd!

However, such a scene is completely different from Yechen's memory!

Because when Lloyd died, his daughter was just a child!

As a result, the daughter who began to scold her father in front of Yechen now turned into the appearance several years later!

Chapter 1322 A Beautiful Picture

In this strange screen, Ye Chen not only saw that the guards of Cold Wind Village, who were supposed to have all died, survived safely, but also saw Lloyd staying with his grown-up daughter and making noise!

"Hey, why are you here?"

"What time is it! Still drinking here! Mom asked me to take you back!"

"Oh, what's the matter, it's a rare vacation, can you let me relax?"

"No! Our store is busy these days, you have to come back and help!"

"Oh my God, why are you so unreasonable, little girl! It's a waste of money! If I knew this, I should have thrown you into the forest to feed the monkeys!"

"Hmph, whatever you say, hurry back with me, old man!"

Everything in front of him really made Yechen feel unbelievable.

At this moment, he felt as if he was watching, and walked towards another world of destiny!

That is a world without abyssal disasters!

Because of this, the father and daughter did not usher in the parting of life and death that Yechen remembered, but were able to quarrel and quarrel so freely on the screen!

so plain...

But so warm!

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