After hearing this, Yechen's eyes changed.

He was silent for a while, moved his fingers away from the knife, picked up the teacup again, and took a sip of the warm tea in it.

Then, Yechen calmly gave his answer.

"I don't have any advice for you about this kind of thing, so you'd better talk to your mentors. In addition, I suggest that you don't act recklessly and think wildly. After all, the law of the Holy Light is still there, and most people who violate it don't What will happen."

After Yechen finished speaking, he had no intention of continuing the conversation with Errigat, and re-kneaded the tableware, ignoring Errigat's aggressive gaze, and continued to enjoy his dinner calmly and calmly.

"Thanks for the pointer."

Errigat remained silent for a while, leaving such a sentence, that is to say, he stood up, straightened his back, and walked away quickly.

Weimon sat back in his seat holding the white fish with a strange expression on his face, looked at Errigat's leaving back, and then expressed doubts in a surprised tone: "This is the first time I've seen this guy be so polite to his peers." Politeness... how do I feel, he seems to have some respect for you?"

Ye Chen shook his head and smiled bitterly, and replied.

"Oh, who knows?"


On the morning of the third day, Yechen ushered in his first labyrinth environment course in the Hunter Academy.

The textbooks and textbooks for this subject are as thick as an encyclopedia, covering the most extensive knowledge among the nine subjects, and the instructor of this subject is Mojis, a bald middle-aged man with a big belly , with a red nose, looks like an old alcoholic intoxicated in a street bar.

However, although he looked unreliable, he was very kind and patient when he lectured, and he was very friendly to Yechen who was new to this subject.

The main content of Morgis' lecture in this class is mainly to introduce the ecology of various common creatures in the Orin Labyrinth, and then focus on explaining the concept of maze madness.

Lyle gave Yechen several encyclopedias of maze creatures for him to study since he was a child, so Yechen didn't have the slightest pressure in terms of biological ecology.

For example, there is a picture of a gigantic bull with big curving horns printed on a certain page of the textbook. Ye Chen can tell at a glance that it is a labyrinth creature named "Hexagonal Bull". It is fierce and aggressive by nature, but its intelligence is not very high. If Facing the attack of this kind of monster, Yechen can easily subdue it as long as he circles around it to take advantage of the loopholes.

As for the existence of the madness of the maze, it is what Yechen needs to learn. Lyle only explained a few words to him in the diary, and only by listening to Mojisi's words carefully can Yechen understand it further. This feature of the Olympian Labyrinth.

The madness of the maze is a kind of spiritual toxin energy body that is not available in the two closed spaces of the Eternal Winter Concealment and the Sand Grass Concealment. It widely permeates the air in all open terrains in the Ao Ling Labyrinth.

This toxin energy body is extremely strange, invisible to the naked eye, and looks like a colorless and odorless gas, but it cannot be isolated by objects such as masks and armors. The transmission method is similar to temperature transmission, and it is difficult to guard against. Collapsing, stepping into madness, even the body will mutate in severe cases.

In the Pure Land of Holy Light, there are only two kinds of people who can resist the erosion of this toxin energy body with their strong body and mind, and that is the Olympian Hunter and the Holy Light Knight.

However, since the power of the Olympian Hunter comes from the Olympian Labyrinth, the two are more closely related, so the resistance to the madness of the maze is naturally far stronger than that of the Holy Light Knight.

However, there is a limit to this resistance after all, so an Olympian hunter usually has to cultivate for a period of time after performing multiple consecutive commissions in the maze, otherwise he will usher in the end of mental destruction due to excessive pressure and toxins , most of the recuperation areas in the Hunter's Peak are based on healing spirits, and it is for this reason.

Of course, the sanatorium only serves hunters with serious mental injuries. Hunters with minor injuries usually go to various entertainment places such as pubs, casinos, and brothels in Hunter Town to relieve stress. It has long been a common phenomenon in Hunter Town.

Yechen listened carefully to Mojisi's lecture, and frantically drifted and circled on the textbook with his fingertips holding the pen.

I don't know what it feels like to touch this kind of maze madness?

It is also ironic to say that I grew up in a maze, but I have never touched it...

From this point of view, the Eternal Winter Hidden Realm is really a safe paradise in the Arcane Labyrinth.

However, it is now destroyed forever.

Because of the abyss.

Yechen stared at the handouts in the textbook, and his eyes gradually became gloomy as the content of his thoughts expanded.

And when he subconsciously stretched out his hand to turn the next page of the textbook, and saw the series of illustrations of abyssal creatures come into his eyes, the five fingers on the boy's other hand almost smashed the pen in his palm.

Chapter 0125 Abyss Creatures Manual


After the eardrum received the wailing signal from the pen holder about to be twisted, Yechen woke up like a dream, and immediately withdrew the involuntary burst of mystical power from his fingertips, and put the innocent pen in his hand away.

"Illustrated Book of Abyss Creatures..."

He shook the curly hair blocking his vision in shock, and then his eyes swept across the content of the word "Abyss" in the textbook of the maze environment textbook like lightning, and found that it was a graphic table that recorded the creatures of the abyss. It is divided into several sections from top to bottom:

Infested with creatures of the abyss.

A supernatural being bewitched by the abyss.

The ontology species bred from the abyss.

The source of the abyss, the demon Harvey Jordan.


Yechen took a deep breath subconsciously. The content in front of him was undoubtedly the information he was most interested in since he entered school. Therefore, the young man had no time to listen to the class seriously at this moment, and he was not in the mood to be a so-called good student. In an instant, Moji on the podium Instructor Si's voice was isolated from his brain, and he was concentrating on reading the information in the textbook.

[Creatures contaminated with the abyss: Ordinary creatures that are directly contacted by the abyss will be swallowed quickly in most cases, and then transformed into a mud-like black substance to coexist and die with the abyss group, while continuing to treat other creatures that have not been infected Subconscious aggressive behavior. 】

[A small number of ordinary creatures with strong spirits will not be dissolved, but the flesh will still be derived from the abyss matter as a host to a tiny abyss core, which will gradually mutate, and at the same time the will will be severely injured, and eventually become As a puppet of the abyss, let it be at its mercy. 】

[Threat to Olympian Hunter: Low. 】

[The main body is weak, after encountering it, it is recommended to hunt it down as soon as the situation permits. 】

Below the first paragraph of text, five color photographs are printed.

Three of them are the semi-dissolved state of all kinds of animals and plants when they are eroded by the abyss, and the remaining two are photos of a man and a woman who are deformed and swollen like meat balls, tied to the stake. In the fire, but still cheering ecstatically, it is obvious that the victim was brutally murdered by the abyss and finally executed by the holy light.

[Supernatural creatures bewitched by the abyss: The supernatural creatures in the Holy Light Pure Land are divided into holders of the power of the Holy Light and holders of the power of the Holy Light, while the supernatural creatures that grow in the maze of the Holy Light are only Possibly the holder of the power of the Arcane. 】

[The holders of these two types of abilities may be bewitched by the abyss side after they have been in contact with the abyss matter for a long time, or have been invaded by the abyss matter, and may lose self-control and become minions of the abyss. 】

[At the same time, the power of the abyss will be integrated into the body of the bewitched supernatural being, and a strong abyss core will be derived, allowing it to further obtain the special regenerative ability and immortality of the abyss race while maintaining the original power. 】

[Threat to Olympian Hunter: Moderate. 】

[The main body is strong. After encountering it, it is the priority to ascertain the nature and level of the opponent's ability, and then consider attacking or retreating as appropriate. 】

Below the second paragraph of text, there are two color photos printed, which are the Olympian Hunter whose limbs were cut off and the Holy Light Knight whose head was cut off.

Although the two corpses were lying on the ground, the cross-sections of their wounds were squirming black flesh paste, and their colleagues were standing around them, indicating that these two photos were taken in Aoling It was taken by the hunter and the holy light knight when they executed their own people who were bewitched by the abyss.

[Ontology species bred by the abyss: The race creatures bred by the abyss itself are extremely rare. There are only three known types at present, namely the abyss tracker, the abyss titan, and the abyss brood. 】

[Abyss Seeker: It looks like a deformed combination of a human and an octopus. It has an extremely keen perception of space changes. It has the ability to dig space tunnels by itself. At the same time, its ability to reproduce and regenerate is not trivial. The number of at least three heads keeps moving in groups, and they have wisdom not weaker than that of humans. The weakness lies in the abyss core of the brain. 】

Below this paragraph, there is a man-made black-and-white painting printed. Its content is a head covered with hundreds of eyeballs, an upper torso that resembles a human body, two slender arms covered with fangs, and a lower body made up of countless thick tentacles. The ugly monster looks roughly the same as the monster Yechen saw in the sand and grass hidden area in the past.

[Abyss Titan: A giant with a body height of at least 30 meters. Both its destructive power and defensive power are extremely strong, and it also has long-range bombing methods similar to artillery fire. The weakness lies in the abyss core in the heart. 】

Below this paragraph, there is also a man-made black-and-white painting printed. A pitch-black giant with a physique as large as a hill stands upright in the center of the painting. It is a meat nest made up of a dozen giants of different sizes, and there is a comparison picture of a normal person standing at its feet, whose height cannot even exceed the ankle of the pitch-black giant.

[Abyss Brood: A giant heart-shaped creature with a size of one kilometer. It has no frontal combat power, but it can release a large amount of mist containing high-concentration abyssal substances to erode and digest opponents, and hide its own figure in it. Its body is the biggest weakness, as long as you can find its real body in the fog of the abyss and attack it. 】

Below this paragraph, a giant heart outline that stands shoulder to shoulder with the mountain is only outlined in black and white. The lines used are much simpler than the previous two pictures, but it also shows a more intense and vast oppression. feel.

[Threat level to Olympian Hunter: High. 】

[The above three creatures are all elites of the abyss. If you encounter an abyss tracker, it is recommended that hunters below the fourth layer of nightmare class retreat immediately. If you encounter an abyss titan, it is recommended that hunters below the fifth layer of nightmare class retreat immediately. The abyss brood meets, and it is recommended that hunters below the sixth level of the nightmare retreat immediately. 】

Yechen kept silent, and continued to look down, but the rest of the content was summarized in a few strokes, not even a single picture.

[Abyss evil god Harvey Jordan: the head of the abyss, the information is unknown, and the form is unknown. 】

[Threat level to Olympian Hunter: ∞. 】

[This creature is not an existence that humans can rival. If you meet it in a single state, it is recommended to commit suicide immediately, otherwise you will fall into an eternal calamity that is worse than death. 】

When Ye Chen saw this, he finally read all the contents of the textbook on the table.

Then, his eyes darkened unconsciously.

Yechen has already seen two of the three abyssal species described in the book, that is, the abyss mother nest and the abyss seeker.

The former was killed by his teacher Lyle with golden light, while the latter was crushed into foam by himself with the blade and ammunition.

"Harvey Jordan?"

The young man recited the name silently, pointed at the blank end page of the textbook with one hand, held his cheek with the other, and scratched his temple with his fingertips unconsciously.

"Harvey Jordan..."

The boy recited the name again, scratching faster and faster with his fingers, and scratching harder and harder.

"Harvey Jordan."

When the young man uttered the name of the evil god of the abyss for the third time, his temple was finally scratched with blood. Corresponding to it was a suddenly enlightened expression, which was a resentful person locked The expression that will be revealed after the identity of the final enemy.

Chapter 0126 Supplement


A burst of crisp and loud bells broke Ye Chen's thoughts, and he relaxed his fangs that were about to bite his lips.

The teenager glanced at the classmates who were packing up their textbooks, and then realized that the morning labyrinth environment course was over.

"Yechen, let's go, I'm starving to death."

Carrying his schoolbag, Wei Meng walked to Yechen's desk and reminded him, his face was full of tiredness, obviously he was going to sleep after a full meal.


Yechen answered casually, and then quickly sorted out his textbooks.

However, a kind and honest voice came out at this moment, interrupting what he was doing.

"Student Yechen, do you mind if I take up some of your time?"

Yechen and Wei Meng turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw that the speaker was the tutor Morgis who was in charge of teaching the subject of labyrinth environmental biology.


Ye Chen agreed without hesitation, and said to his roommate, "Weimeng, you can go first."

"Oh... OK..."

Wei Meng glanced at Yechen and Mojis, and immediately left first with interest. He couldn't help guessing in his heart: Yechen... Could it be that he was absent in class and Mojis found out?

Then, the remaining students asked the instructor who stopped him: "What's the matter, Mr. Morgis?"

"Hehehe, it's really not a big deal, I just want to check some information in the textbook with you." Morgis touched his round belly and smiled kindly.

"Check the information in the textbook? Let my student come?" After hearing this, Ye Chen's expression was full of confusion, and he couldn't understand the meaning of the other party for a while.

Mojisi did not answer Ye Chen's doubts immediately, but asked him this way: "Have you read the contents of the last few pages of the labyrinth environment textbook? There are a few paragraphs of information about the creatures of the abyss."

Yechen nodded affirmatively. In fact, he had just finished reading that part of the content a few minutes ago. During the period, he almost broke the pen in his hand because he saw the figure of the enemy for a long time.

"That's good."

Mojis touched his face, and then gave an explanation.

"It's like this. The instructors of the college have all obtained reports about your identity from the dean, and I also learned that you have been hunted down by the abyss for a long time...Of course, you don't have to I am worried that this information will be leaked out, and only our mentor will know."

"I think you should also understand that the creatures from the abyss have been trying to cross the Olympian Labyrinth and invade the Holy Light Pure Land for thousands of years, but due to the changing terrain of the labyrinth, they cannot reach the Holy Light Pure Land, or even judge the location of the Holy Light Pure Land. The direction, the exploration efficiency is extremely low, so it relies on the abyssal matter to spread virally among the low-order life, and uses diffusion as the main method of erosion.”

"The exceptions are the three types of ontology species directly bred from the abyss, the abyss tracer, the abyss titan, and the abyss brood. They are elite pioneers who explore directly from the outer periphery of the maze to the inner periphery, but they rarely reach the maze. It's very rare in the world of hunters."

"Of course, this is a good thing, because if they are common, it means that most of them have mastered the changes of the maze, and our Holy Light Pure Land will be in danger."

"Although Olympian hunters have had contact with these species many times in the past, in fact, the body size of these species is not static, but will evolve with time, and the photos printed in textbooks , it was already ten years ago..."

"So, I was thinking that you who have been hunted down by the abyss recently...maybe you can give me some suggestions to help me supplement the contents of the textbook more comprehensively, such as whether their shapes in the book are different from the current version. In and out, and whether they have evolved new characteristics, etc..."

"In this way, not only will the students of the academy have a more accurate understanding of the abyssal species in advance, but it will also provide useful information to the active Olympian hunters."

After listening to Mojisi's narration, Yechen nodded without thinking.

"It turns out that's the case, then I'm very happy, but although I have encountered two types of ontology species, the abyss mother nest and the abyss seeker, I only know about the latter, so I can only add some of it to you information."

Hearing the student's words, the instructor's expression instantly became extremely excited, and his voice also became trembling.

"No problem! You can add one type of information, which is a great help to me! Well, it's lunch time, and I can't continue to occupy your time, or you can go back and write what you can think of. All the records are on the report paper, and you can hand it to me in the office tomorrow, is that okay?"

"no problem."

Yechen responded without hesitation. He already hated the abyss, so he would naturally feel obliged to share information about enemies like this with his colleagues.

"However, Mr. Morgis, I am also very interested in the creatures of the abyss. In exchange, if you have any new information about them from others, please tell me, any information is fine."

Ye Chen changed his tone, and suddenly said calmly.

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