"I have to do something!"

"Anything is fine!"

"after all……"

"I am. His. Father!"

"So, even if the chance of surviving is only one in ten thousand..."

"I. Also. Absolutely. Yes. No. Can. Abandon. He. Don't. Care about it!"

Faced with Yellen's true feelings, Quize was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said with emotion:


"No matter how detailed you describe it..."

"I really can't understand, this so-called 'family affection'..."

Yellen responded with a kind expression.

"It's okay, you don't understand, it's totally okay."

"I want..."

"Only your final answer."

"And before getting here..."

"You, have already handed it over to Yechen instead of me, haven't you?"

Quize looked down at the young baby, and replied flatly to Yellen:

"Indeed, the facts are as you said."

"In the future, he wholeheartedly wants to die generously."

"However, I will not allow this to happen."

"Not from the perspective of your father..."

"It's from the perspective of my regiment leader..."

"Of course I don't want a young man with such extraordinary potential to die in front of me in the end."

Yellen smiled.

"That's what I said..."

"However, you have saved him many times."

"In terms of the weight of kindness alone, the favor you left for him is actually no less than that of me as a father."

Kuize felt a little speechless for a while, and finally he could only close his eyes and sigh with emotion.

"Well, I can only say that time has really changed too many things..."

"You are fine, so am I..."

"Our concepts are all far different from when we were young..."

"So, come on, Yellen..."

"My stay in this time and space is limited."

"So, let's get the business done first."

Yellen nodded and stood up.

"Back then, the moment I swapped Harvey Jordan and Yechen's physical bodies, Harvey Jordan left a 'scourge' deep in Yechen's soul."

Yellen entrusted the infant Yechen to Kuize's hands, and then explained earnestly.

"And I know what He did, but I can't do anything about it."

"After all, the field of 'soul' has never been my strong point."

"I can't penetrate into Yechen's soul without hurting his soul, and I can't pull out the 'scourge' completely and accurately under this premise."

Kuize took the tiny Yechen and replied flatly:

"So, you set up all the tricks to guide the future me to appear in front of you, in order to let me complete the last work for you, and remedy the problems that could not be solved in the past."

Yellen smiled.

"That's right, that's it."

"In the end, if you want to completely save Yechen's life..."

"It's always up to you."

Kuize smiled helplessly.


"no way."

"Who put me on a freewheeling bastard like you?"

After the words fell, Kuize held Yechen's palm, and an incomparable silver light erupted instantly!


In an instant, the two figures of Kuize and Yellen, together with the entire cold and spacious prayer hall, were plunged into the ocean of silver light!

Under the zero-distance irradiation of the light of the soul, Yechen, who was entrusted by Kui Ze in the palm of his hand, transformed his young and flawless baby body into a half-real and half-empty soul body step by step!

Faced with this sudden change, Yechen still closed his eyes and fell asleep, indifferent, showing no pain at all.

On the other hand, Kuize gently lifted up another half-real and half-empty soul palm that was shining with silver light.

First, the four fingers are bent...

Then stretch the index finger...

Finally, the slender fingers penetrated the baby's forehead like a scalpel.

Chapter 1242 Abyss Embryo

When Kuize's fingertips were completely inserted into Yechen's half-real and half-empty forehead, the latter's soul larva instantly turned into an energy fountain, and began to continuously spew out shining and dazzling soul brilliance!


At the same time, Kuize opened his eyes wide, held his breath, and meticulously moved his fingers slowly inside Yechen's skull, as if trying to search for the ultimate prey hidden in the depths!


Yellen stood aside silently, like a father who watched his child go to the operating table, and could only patiently wait for the doctor's treatment and results.

In this way, under Yellen's silence and Quize's exploration, time passed by every minute...

After a few minutes.

When the fingertips rotated to a special node in the baby's skull, Kuize's expressionless face just produced a strange fluctuation!

As a result, the deep eyes suddenly sank, and the fingertips of the soul suddenly clenched!

A tiny thing was precisely caught by Kuize's fingers!


Seeing this, Kuize quickly took a deep breath, and then gently pulled his arm outward!


Then, a thing that was as black as mud and slender as needles was pulled out of the baby's skull by the man's fingers!

Yellen looked closely and found that the outline of this thing was extremely strange. It looked like a young sapling and a slender maggot, wriggling, struggling, and resisting at Kuize's fingertips!

And after it was caught by Kuize and dragged out of the outside world, the soul light bursting out from Yechen's body was instantly stained with pitch black turbidity, and even the light in the prayer hall was dimmed a little because of this, as if It's like suddenly falling into the pollution of darkness because of the birth of weird things!

There is no doubt that this is the soul embryo left by Harvey Jordan in Yechen's soul body in the past!

In the distant future, it is precisely because of its growth and awakening that Yechen will eventually be forced into a desperate and helpless end!

And even though Yellen is as powerful as a god, he has plotted against Harvey Jordan himself one after another, and has already foreseen the future results. He also has nothing to do with this future scourge buried deep in Yechen's soul!

However, Kuize is different!

Because he is an extraordinary expert who has studied the field of the soul to the extreme!

Therefore, what Yellen cannot do, Quize can do it for him!

At this moment, the "Abyss Embryo" of the Evil God clone was firmly held by Kuize!

Forced out of Yechen's body, and then exposed to the outside air in one fell swoop, the abyss embryo let out a shrill and sharp howl!


With a calm expression, Kuize wrapped the end of the embryo tightly with his fingers, and then pulled out the longer body of the embryo from Yechen's forehead!

As a result, the abyss embryo screamed even more painfully, and the wave of dark light erupting from Yechen's body became more intense!

I saw these filth and darkness pouring into the outside world entangled and condensed, and then turned into thousands of ferocious ghosts, and together launched a crazy strangulation offensive towards Kuize in front of him!

However, the Evil God avatar at its peak failed to defeat the current Soul Heart Hunter in the end, and now Kuize doesn't take these weak and malicious things that have not yet grown up at all!

Kuize only needs to exhale lightly, and the surrounding ghosts are instantly blown away!

"Do not--!"

The abyss embryo, who was unable to stop Kuize's behavior at all, could only watch as he was dragged out of Yechen's body step by step, and at the same time let out a hoarse cry of despair and helplessness!


"Why, things turned out like this—!?"

"Why, the 'future me' has already snatched back the "predecessor" of my lord, obviously exerted half of my lord's power to the limit, but in the end I still can't defeat this despicable and shameless scum ahhhhhhhhhhhh ——!?”

At this moment, the screams and doubts of the abyss embryo resounded very clearly in the minds of Quize and Yellen.

This obviously means that it is not just an origin embryo that is ignorant of the current space-time point, but another Evil God clone that has received the memory of the future and has completely known all the ins and outs!

However, even knowing this, Quize and Yellen both looked indifferent.

Because both of them understand that the current evil god avatar has been completely reduced to the end of its strength, and it no longer has the slightest resistance!

So, Yellen continued to wait and see, Kuize continued to pull, and the body of the abyss embryo exposed to the air became larger and more ferocious!

Obviously, Yechen's current baby is no more than the size of a palm, but Kui Ze abruptly tore out the abyss embryo several meters in length, but still did not completely expose the existence of the latter to the air!

It can be seen from this that the doppelgänger that Harvey Jordan left in the depths of Yechen's soul, how terrifying its deep-rooted weight is!

Of course, in front of Kuize, all this is not a problem at all!

It will be a matter of time before the abyss embryo is completely ripped out!

And the evil god avatar is also well aware of this!

It has been completely lost!

Although I don't know how the 'previous me' lost miserably with the power in hand...

However, the evil god's avatar understands that at this moment, the current self no longer has any power to turn around!

It failed so badly, it was doomed to live up to the expectations of its lord Harvey Jordan, and it was doomed to perish completely in the hands of the soul hunter!

Therefore, the Evil God's avatar, who recognized the reality, finally roared at Quize and Yellen with crazy anger:

"You are a cheap beast ah ah ah!"! "!"

"I can't live..."

"Yeah. Dust. Don't. Think. Live. Live—!"

After the voice fell, the abyss embryo still remained at the end of Yechen's soul, and immediately launched a counterattack towards Yechen's soul body!

Obviously, even though he already knew that he was doomed, the Evil God avatar would do his best at the last moment, dragging Yechen, who had been entangled with him, to the underworld together!

In this way, the avatar of the evil god will not only make Quize and Yellen get what they want, but also eradicate another terrible disaster for the master in the future!

For the abyss, it can be regarded as devoting itself to death and dying!


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