"Students, today we will continue to talk about the industrial technology process of the Holy Light Pure Land, please turn the textbook to..."


Students of Hunter Academy need to take nine subjects:

Holy history, medicine, physical fitness, fighting, maze environment, wild survival, firearms, soldiers, spirit.

Students' daily schedule is from Monday to Friday, and Saturday to Sunday.

Monday morning, sacred history, afternoon medicine; Tuesday morning, physical fitness, afternoon fighting; Wednesday morning, maze environment, afternoon wild survival; Thursday morning, firearms, afternoon combat; Friday morning, no class in the afternoon.

Yechen’s first class is to study the history of the Holy Light. This subject mainly introduces the historical process since the Holy Light Pure Land, including the development process of the Order Army, the Beacon of Truth, the Holy Light Knights, the Olympian Hunters, and social technology. A series of development history facts such as economic productivity are all knowledge and experiences that Yechen has not been exposed to before, so he was very attentive in the first class of his enrollment, and quickly integrated into the learning atmosphere of the classroom.

Among them, Ye Chen learned that Olympian hunters have existed for as long as 3000 years through the handouts in textbooks, but it seems that the Hunter Academy was established before 2000, so the graduating class he is in is called For "2020 issue".

And after Clifford put away the books and announced to the students that get out of class was over, Ye Chen was immediately blocked by the surrounding students.

"Student Yechen, can you tell me the story about you, the Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce and the Holy Light Knights?"

"Student Yechen, I heard that among the senior hunters who offered to help you, there is the famous Nie Suo! Is that true—?"

"Hey, Yechen, don't bother with them, I've invited you for lunch, how about we talk slowly in the cafeteria?"

Facing the enthusiastic siege of the crowd, Yechen refused with an embarrassed smile on his face, and then squeezed out of the crowd with great difficulty, while his roommate Wei Meng was leaning on the door of the classroom, admiring the classroom with a smile on his face inside scene.

"Haha, Yechen, how does it feel to be a celebrity?" Wei Meng looked at Yechen's embarrassed look, and then joked.

"Hey, let's talk later, can you take me to the cafeteria first?" Ye Chen straightened his messy curly hair and responded with a tired face.

"Hey, no problem, come with me!"

Weimon nodded with a playful smile, and then ran forward.

Seeing this, Yechen followed closely, and quickly disappeared from the sight of everyone in the classroom.

"Don't worry, if you don't want to be surrounded by others like this, as long as you continue to act like you don't want to make friends with others, everyone will keep a distance from you."

On the way, Waymon laughed while running.

"After all, there are already several lonely geniuses in our class who don't like to socialize, but occupy the top few of the 2020 evaluation list, so I don't mind adding you at all."

After hearing this, Ye Chen rolled his eyes.

The 2020 evaluation list, he learned about this concept through the introduction manual of Hunter College last night. It is a summary of the students' comprehensive results of all subjects combined by the head teacher of the graduation class. Among them, only students who pass all the subjects can successfully graduate , officially became an Olympian hunter.

The top students on the evaluation list will also receive a letter of recommendation from the college when they graduate, so they can receive an extremely rare labyrinth relic as a graduation reward at the Hunter Corps headquarters, and receive precious attention and rich funding.

Therefore, this list can be said to be a place for most people to strive for the upper reaches of the competition even if their heads are broken.

Ye Chen reviewed this concept, then turned around and asked Wei Meng again.

"Is that female classmate sitting in front of me, Oke, one of them?"

Weimon twitched the corner of his mouth, and nodded his head with a subtle expression.

"That's right, and she's an outlier among the outliers. Since I entered school, I've never seen her talk to a classmate. It's the word 'solitary' to the extreme..."

"In addition, she is No.2020 in our 1 full evaluation list, she can be called a genius among geniuses..."

"Perhaps, she felt that your arrival would threaten her status, so she spoke to you~"

After Wei Meng finished speaking, he elbowed Yechen's shoulder and put on a "good" expression.

Chapter 0113 Genius Gathers

Ye Chen and Wei Meng took the food, chose seats in the clean and bright cafeteria hall, and finally sat in a remote corner.

In the cafeteria of Hunter College, the contents of breakfast, lunch and dinner are distributed to the students free of charge every day. The contents of the meals vary according to the time of day, but they all pay attention to the form of meat and vegetable soup and rice. For example, today's lunch is baked bacon The rice is mixed with vegetable and fruit soup, so it is much more delicious than the dry and tasteless dry food in Yechen's handkerchief, so that he can eat it with relish.

Wei Meng picked up the tableware, put a few mouthfuls of food into his mouth, looked around, and then reminded Ye Chen in a low voice: "Ye Chen, here, the lonely geniuses I told you just now, now Just sit around us."

He first pointed to the left side of Yechen, who turned his head to look, and saw a petite girl sitting at the seat five empty tables away from them, enjoying her lunch with her head bowed.

She has short blue hair. Although her facial features are small and cute like a doll, her expression is also indifferent like a doll. She exudes a cold aura that keeps people away from others. collective character.

"That's No.2020 on the 3 newcomer evaluation list, Shia, No.1 in medical subjects in our class, although other subjects are not too outstanding, but her natal arcana is an extremely rare healing ability, So she is very favored by the instructors, as for her origin, no students know."

Wei Meng stared at Shia's side face, and his face was full of spring for a while.

"However, Shia's appearance is still as cute as usual. Alas, it's a pity that this three-no girl is too difficult to get close to. Every time I strike up a conversation before, she ignores her..."

When Wei Meng said this, he suddenly gave Ye Chen a wary look.

"However, this does not mean that I have given up on her! Ye Chen, you can choose any other girl, but Xi Ya is the only one, so don't even think about taking action against her! Because I will never give her up! "

After hearing this, Ye Chen gave Wei Meng a strange look, and replied calmly: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in love between men and women, what else?"

However, Wei Meng's attention was attracted by the first half of Yechen's sentence, and he immediately yelled strangely: "Huh? Not interested in the relationship between men and women? Are you serious, is this what us puberty boys should say? "


Ye Chen didn't speak, he didn't want to continue this kind of boring topic with Wei Meng, then he picked up the tableware and silently put a few mouthfuls of food into his mouth.

Seeing that Yechen was a little impatient, Wei Meng gave a wry smile, pointed to the back of Yechen, and introduced: "Okay, I will continue to introduce. I saw the big man sitting three rows behind you ?”

Ye Chen turned his head to look, and saw that there was indeed a big boy in his early 1.9th century, who was just sitting down with a plate, and then he held the soup bowl with his big hands and sipped the hot soup.

He has a light golden crew cut, a square face, thick thick eyebrows, and a burly and strong physique. He even keeps his back straight when eating soup and eating. image of.

"That's Errigat, No. 2 on the evaluation list, and No. 1 in the melee subject. Unlike Shia, although fighting is his strong point, he also ranks among the best in other subjects. The natal arcane art is to mineralize the body. So he doesn't need a weapon at all, he just relies on his fists and feet that are as hard as steel to strike hard."

As Weimon spoke, a look of disgust gradually appeared on his face.

"Errigat is not very popular on weekdays, and he is very self-centered. Once the tutor asked me to talk to him, but this guy gave me a hard look because I interrupted his study, and even almost made a move. Listen It is said that this person is the eldest son of a fallen nobleman, no wonder he is so annoying, all in all, Yechen, you'd better ignore him, it will be very troublesome."

The mineralization of the flesh... how hard it can be is really curious.

While thinking secretly, Ye Chen withdrew his gaze, nodded to Wei Meng and said in agreement: "I see, is there any more?"

"Oh, and what's more, look to your right next, there is a blonde girl with double ponytails, super conspicuous."

Wei Meng then pointed to the right side of Ye Chen, and whispered softly at the same time.

"What a coincidence, why are these three people sitting right and left behind you? Could it be intentional..."

Ye Chen followed Wei Meng's prompt to look, and sure enough, on the dining table at the right end, he found a girl with an extremely unique appearance.

Oval face, high nose bridge, eyes as charming as the moon, skin as white and tender as snow, and contacting her at this moment, holding the fork gracefully and feeding food into her rosy lips, at first glance, this girl is completely the image of a noble lady .

However, the twin ponytails on both sides of her shoulders are so fluffy and curled up that it looks like two golden drill bits from a distance, making this girl's elegant and beautiful image instantly become Incomparably subtle.

"That is Fiona, who is tied for No.2 with Errigat on the evaluation list, and who is also from the same noble family as Errigat. She occupies the No.1 position of firearms. bullets or projectiles become manipulable objects.”

"Uh... Let's not mention her aesthetic taste in hairstyles. Although this eldest lady is not as rigid and serious as Errigat, she is not much better. She is arrogant and arrogant, and she often shows off her wealthy family. It's a typical personality of a noble lady."

"However, she has an unimaginable obsession with Oke, who firmly occupies No.1 on the evaluation list. Everyone knows Firona's goal, which is to surpass Oke and become No.1 on the evaluation list. , Besides, as long as you dare to mention Ou Ke's name in front of this crazy girl, she will go crazy, and no one knows why she is targeting Ou Ke so much."

After hearing this, Yechen raised his eyebrows and turned his head back to its original position.

Make bullets or projectiles manipulable?What's the meaning?Could it be the ability to make them turn freely in the air and hit the target?

While thinking in his mind, Ye Chen held the tableware and put another mouthful of food into his mouth. His expression was originally calm, but now he was very interested, which made Ye Chen unable to resist asking Wei Meng again.

"It feels like the geniuses you're talking about occupy the first place in different subjects... What about Oke, who is No. 1 in the evaluation list? What subjects is she proficient in?"

After hearing this, Weimon was about to speak, but at this moment, a sweet and melodious voice entered his ears without warning, interrupting Weimon's conversation.

"I am proficient in military strikes."

Wei Meng turned around in surprise, and saw Oke herself, stretching out her slender arms, supporting her angelic face, tilting her head, smiling and staring at Ye Chen who was close at hand.

Her approach was silent.

Not to mention Wei Meng, even Yechen didn't realize it, and just unconsciously let Oke sit half a meter away from him.

This woman... is dangerous.

The dumb Yechen looked at Oke silently, and he couldn't help being so vigilant in his mind.

Chapter 0114 Dangerous Girl

"Are you talking about me?"

Oujian Yechen kept silent although he was staring at him, so he turned his head and asked softly to Wei Meng who was sitting on the opposite side.

Seeing that Oke spoke to himself for the first time since entering school, Wei Meng was stunned for a while, then scratched his head in fear and explained:

"Uh... yes! Because Yechen just arrived, I'm introducing to him the top students in our class in turn!"

Ouke nodded his head, turned his eyes back to Yechen's face, and responded with a smile:

"So that's the case, if you want to know me, I can tell you personally~"

But Yechen shook his head mercilessly and refused:

"No, it's enough for me to listen to Waymon."

Ouke's behavior of sitting next to him silently just now has caused Yechen's vigilance to explode completely. If he is so close to the enemy outside, his fate now will be half disabled if not dead.

Therefore, his intuition told Yechen: the girl in front of him is very dangerous, and it is best not to have anything to do with her.

"Yes, but I want to know more about you. How about it, Ye Chen, would you mind chatting with me for a while?"

After Ou Ke finished speaking with a smile, he held the warm tea on the table in his hands and took a sip.

But Yechen ignored her directly, picked up the tableware and put a few mouthfuls of rice into his mouth, as if he was rejecting others thousands of miles away.

Weimon stared blankly at the scene in front of him, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

Oh my god, what is Oke's personality like?Not only is he so good at talking, but he even... proactively flirts with Yechen?Surprised, I thought she was the kind of naturally cute girl!

His gaze stayed on Oke's smiling face for a while, and then shifted to Yechen's indifferent eyebrows in astonishment.

This guy, the first genius and beautiful girl in the academy took the initiative to talk to him, but why did he show such a disgusting reaction?Is this the latest anti-seduction routine?Or...Yechen really doesn't have any interest in the relationship between men and women?Is he still human!

And when Wei Meng was staring at the two people at the table, his brain was thinking wildly, facing Ye Chen's indifference, Oke's expression did not show any embarrassment, but his eyes shifted to Ye Chen's hands holding the tableware, Immediately, he said something unexpected to the latter.

"You are good with a pistol in your right hand, and a dagger or a sword in your left hand, am I right?"

At this moment, Yechen's tableware stayed in mid-air.

He continued to remain silent for a second, slowly put down the tableware, and then slowly turned his head to look at Oke again.

"How did you know?"

After hearing this, Ou Ke put his hands together happily.

"Looks like you guessed right! I see that you have a thin layer of calluses on the palm of your right hand and the inside of the tiger's mouth, which is often the case with hands that hold guns all year round. Then the palm of your left hand, the outside of the tiger's mouth, and the sides of your index finger and thumb It has a thick layer of calluses, which looks very much like the traces of holding a sword all year round, and sticking your fingers close to the sword or sword..."

Speaking of this, she tapped her lips with her fingertips, and added again.

"In addition, the thumb of your right hand is obviously thicker than the thumb of your left hand. It feels like the marks left by you often poking something and then shooting. I guess, this thing is a hammer, and your right hand is good. It's a revolver or something, isn't it?"

When Ouke deduced these facts with ease, Yechen's inner vigilance level instantly rose to a higher level.

In the dark, Yechen seemed to perceive a strange aura from Oke.

It was an aura that seemed to be able to easily see through a person's identity and secrets, an aura that would make him feel dangerous subconsciously.

"You are very smart, but I'm sorry, I'm going to eat, please don't bother me anymore."

Ye Chen took a breath, and praised Ouke with a smirk, and then gave a warning straight to the point, hoping that the other party would understand and leave his side wisely.

However, not only did Ouke not like Yechen's intentions, but instead he took the initiative to approach him, opened his pair of fiery red pupils, and continued to ask:

"There is one thing that I care about very much. If you answer my doubts, I won't bother you anymore."

Yechen frowned slightly, looked at Oke with a faint impatient expression, and asked indifferently:

"You say it."

The next moment, Ouke's smile suddenly subsided, and he asked his question calmly.

"I want to know, what kind of mood did you have...to kill those knights?"

After hearing this, Ye Chen shook his head with a smirk.

"I said it when I introduced myself in the classroom before. I don't have that much ability. It was some senior Olympian hunters who helped me. I was lucky enough to survive that part."

However, Ouke raised the corners of his lips meaningfully.

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