In [-] seconds, Yechen repeated this step six times.

In the end, six "blood bullets" were fired by him six times in a row, and all of them bombarded the surface of the "holy barrier" in front of Josk.

Bang bang bang bang!

dong dong dong dong dong!

The sound of the "Blood Bullet" and the vibration of the "Holy Barrier" exploded almost at the same time.

Six bright red blood bombs condensed with the power of the mysterious spirit directly hit the shining barrier of holy light, and immediately bombarded violently.

Afterwards, after Yechen sacrificed his life for six consecutive shots, the "Holy Obstacle" condensed by Josk's own powerful power of holy light finally showed four cracks.

However, there were only these four cracks in front of the young man's eyes.

That's all, nothing more.

Yechen's desperate six "blood bullets" couldn't even smash Josk's "holy barrier" completely.

In the end, the boy's final counterattack could only slightly slow down the Holy Light Knight's charge, and could only slightly deflect the shining white long sword in front of the opponent, causing him to cut off the boy's body. The holy light sword energy in both arms turned and slashed at the revolver head in the boy's hand.


With a clear sound, the barrel of Yechen's revolver was connected to its runner, and under the sweeping sword energy, it was instantly separated from the trigger and handle of the revolver, and flew into the air feebly.

Although Yechen's finger on the trigger escaped by chance, Yechen understood that this was only temporary.

Because, after completing the first slash, Josk raised the cross sword horizontally, without giving Yechen any chance to breathe, and aimed at his shoulder for the second thrust.

Obviously, these two moves of Holy Light Knight did not attack Yechen's vital point.

The reason is that he wanted to remove Yechen's limbs first, and then slowly torture Yechen, so as to pay homage to his four students who died tragically.

Josk, I won't let Yechen die happily.

But Yechen, at this moment, has no power to resist anymore.

The wheel battle with the quasi-knights just now had already worn down his body and mind, but now Yechen shot six "blood bullets" in a desperate breath. Such a self-harming behavior made him It was completely weak in hands and feet, and both eyes felt pitch black in front of them, and they could only be slaughtered by others.

Myself, it's over.

At this moment, Ye Chen thought so.


However, what came to his ears next was not the sound of flesh and blood tearing as Ye Chen expected his shoulders to be cut off, but a movement similar to a heavy object colliding forcibly.

The young man took two steps backwards, then his body softened, and he slumped down in the flower field.


He murmured weakly, glanced at his still intact body, raised his unbelievable face, and looked forward.

There was only a figure standing in front of Yechen.

Looking at the other party's light gray hair, the braids behind his head, and his plain light blue shirt and black trousers, Ye Chen immediately understood that this is exactly the pair of Olympian hunters who sat on the mountain and watched the tiger fight. In the middle, the strange man with a lazy and sloppy face.

As for Josk, who tried to cut off Yechen's limbs with a sword, and was about to vent his resentment, now he fell heavily on the rocky ground outside the flower field, smashing a deep hole in the hard ground.

And this Holy Light Knight, even Yechen's "Blood Bullet" six-barrel is an impenetrable "holy barrier", but at this moment it is fragmented, turning into pieces of luminous fragments, scattered around the Holy Light Knight, and then lost The light quickly dissipated in the wind.

Yechen, too shocked to speak, continued to sit paralyzed in the flower field.

Josk was also dumbstruck because of the shock, and continued to lie down on the rocky ground.

Only the gray-haired man exhaled leisurely.

Then, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, squeezed out one of them and put it in his mouth, then took out a dark red lighter, and quickly lit the cigarette butt.

He... saved me?

Looking at the leisurely back of the gray-haired man, Ye Chen thought blankly.

However, in this way, wouldn't he violate the law of the Holy Light?

If what the instructor knight told the truth...

In this case, the Olympian Hunters will be in big trouble!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen frowned as soon as his eyebrows relaxed.

Although he is very grateful for the gray-haired man saving him, if the situation is really as described by Josk, the Olympian hunters will collectively bear the crime of treason because of themselves, and will be punished by the Holy Lord Angrino Ende. The verdict is obviously the result that Yechen is extremely unwilling to see.

After all, the most annoying thing in a teenager's life is to drag irrelevant people into the water, especially if this person is dragged into the water because of protecting himself.

And that Josk lying in the deep pit in the rocky ground was sluggish for a long time in the densely packed cracks, and finally a carp stood up from the ground, his embarrassed face quickly escaped from the shock and astonishment, and immediately burst out of anger. And become extremely distorted.

"You bastard... do you know what you're doing?"

The old holy light knight touched his aching forehead, looked at the blood stained on his fingertips, and then asked the gray-haired man a question in a tone trembling with anger.

"I clearly just reminded you of the serious consequences of using the power of the Arcane outside the hunter's territory..."

"But you... still made a move."

"You... don't tell me you want to trigger a war between the Knights Cult and the Hunters—!?"

The old Holy Light Knight roared hysterically at the gray-haired man, seemingly unable to comprehend the situation in front of him.

However, after hearing Josk's angry shout, the gray-haired man exhaled a puff of smoke unhurriedly, then smiled at him, but shook the back of his right hand to Josk without responding.

On the back of his hand, there was a black head portrait wearing a three-cornered hat, which was quietly fitting on the gray-haired man's skin surface, without any warning light, and without any conspicuous abnormality.

"Your response?"

Witnessing this situation, Josk's face collapsed on the spot, and he condensed into a ball again because of shock, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

"How is this possible..."

He muttered something, his body couldn't help taking two steps back, and then he screamed strangely.

"how can that be--!?"

Chapter 0101 Fragrance and Magic

The old holy light knight was stunned by the scene in front of him, and his hands and feet were at a loss. The fingertips holding the hilt of the cross sword couldn't help but tremble, causing the edge of his sword to tremble along with his master.

From Josk's point of view, the tattoo on the back of the gray-haired man's hand is a mark indirectly imprinted on the Olympian hunters by the Holy Lord Angrinoand through the hands of the High Priest of the Holy Light. bunch of tattoos.

This expensive tattoo has two meanings for Olympian hunters.

One is to symbolize the special status of the Olympian Hunter. When the Olympian Hunter is out, as long as this mark is displayed, then large and small chambers of commerce, hotels, and other merchants and service facilities in the Holy Light Pure Land will have priority service Yu Oling Hunter.

In addition, it is a felony for ordinary people to commit murder against Olympian hunters, and they will be severely punished by the Order Defense Army. Therefore, this tattoo can be regarded as an extremely noble privilege for Olympian hunters.

The second is to serve as a warning to the Olympian hunters who possess the power of the Olympia. As long as the Olympia hunter uses the power of the Olympia in the Holy Light Pure Land outside the Hunter's Peak, this noble tattoo will shine brightly, and at the same time Directly mark the location of this Olympian hunter to the Holy Light Headquarters.

At that time, the Knights of the Holy Light will send elite Holy Light Knights to collectively hunt down and suppress this Olympian hunter who violated the laws of the Holy Light. If the opponent dares to resist, he will be executed on the spot. If the opponent obeys the arrest, he will be detained back to the headquarters, depending on the situation. punish it.

This measure by the Holy Light is to prevent the Olympian hunters from going to war in the territory of the Holy Light Pure Land on a whim, using the powerful power of the Olympiad to mess around in ordinary people's towns, thus affecting the society of the Holy Light. Serious disruption of order.

The gray-haired man is now wantonly attacking Josk and interfering in Josk's purge of Yechen. His crime is not only serious enough to face the death penalty, but will also implicate the entire Olympian hunter group, making hunters and knights incompatible relationship has become more serious.

It may even lead to the Holy Lord personally ordering the knights to carry out a large-scale rectification of the hunter group, which is very likely to set off a bloody rectification...

Therefore, the actions of the gray-haired man will undoubtedly drag him, together with the entire Olympian hunter group, into an extremely troublesome situation.

As it should have turned out.

However, after the gray-haired man showed Josk the tattoo on the back of his hand with a smiling face, Josk was instantly dumbfounded.

The expensive tattoo, not to mention transmitting the coordinates of the gray-haired man into the headquarters of the Holy Light, doesn't even emit any light itself, it just fits quietly on the back of the gray-haired man's hand, as if nothing happened.

"How is this possible—!?"

Josk panicked and yelled this sentence a third time, which was enough to prove how frightened he was.

"Your tattoo, but the holy light technique indirectly cast by the Holy Master! There is absolutely no possibility of any problems! But why...why is it not responding now—!?"

Josk screamed in alarm, his expression and posture were shaken to the extreme, and he was completely different from the calm and indifferent when he was chasing and killing Yechen.

Facing the Holy Light Knight's startled questioning, the gray-haired man squeezed the cigarette butt, and leisurely exhaled a puff of smoke, and then gave his answer in a loose tone.

"Because I did it in the hunter's domain, and I didn't commit the crime you mentioned, Mr. Knight~"

After hearing this, Josk became dumb for a moment, completely unable to understand what the gray-haired man meant.

However, just when he was at a loss, the bright yellow flower field in front of Josk's eyes suddenly grew wildly.

Numerous yellow flowers, their rhizomes became distorted, and their petals became narrow and long, as if they wanted to retaliate against the knight who had trampled on many flowers. They directly condensed into a moving sea of ​​flowers, washing towards Josk on the rock formation.


Witnessing such an accident, the old Holy Light Knight couldn't help but exclaimed again. He raised the crossed long sword with both hands, and shot a powerful holy light, aiming at the strange yellow flower tide rushing towards his chest. Slash with all your strength.


Josk's blade passed through the flower tide neatly and smoothly, causing the opponent to fly away.

However, what responded to him during the period was the sound of tearing air.

Josk's hands didn't feel anything like hitting the target from the hilt at this time, no different from swinging empty.

It seemed that the tide of flowers disintegrated on its own, rather than being split by the sword of the Holy Light Knight.

He was stunned, blinked, and then looked down, and found that there was nothing like flower petals scattered on the ground beside his feet. The flower tide not only disintegrated, but also disappeared out of thin air.

Josker stared in astonishment, then raised his head to look forward again, and saw the field of flowers where Ye Chen was sitting slumped, still swaying gently in the breeze, still looking harmless to humans and animals, and did not look at Joe at all. Signs of Sk's attack.

Everything is like an illusion.

What rushed towards him, from the beginning to the end, was only the scent of flowers pouring into the tip of his nose.

The Holy Light Knight savored the strong fragrance, and his expression immediately showed enlightenment.

"Could it be that--!?"

He opened his mouth and muttered, and immediately circulated the power of the holy light in his body, causing it to flow into the olfactory center in the cerebral cortex, temporarily blocking his sense of smell, so as to resist this strange flower fragrance.

Then, Josk turned his gaze away from the gray-haired man, and turned to the silent brown-haired woman standing behind her with her arms crossed.

After Josk sealed his sense of smell, the thin mist wall constructed by the power of the Olympian in front of the brown-haired woman immediately dissipated and separated in the air.

Like the remnant snow under the sunshine of spring, it disappeared from Josk's vision in a blink of an eye.

Josk trembled for a while, and then turned his head to look behind him.

I saw another wall of fog condensed by the power of the arcane, standing a hundred meters behind him, together with the lush forest, covering Josk's whole body in it.

Looking at the enchantment of arcane power that has swallowed him firmly, Josk's face immediately became extremely ashen.

I... have come in a long time ago... I have already stepped into the hunter's domain...

But I was completely unaware of all this, and I was deeply trapped in hallucinations...

The reason lies in that woman...

Josk blushed, thinking in his mind, and couldn't help but look back at the brown-haired woman.

Afterwards, the tall beauty changed her previous expressionless face and showed a friendly smile to the suddenly enlightened elderly knight, which was exactly the same as the grey-haired man's expression, which made the elderly knight feel extremely frightened and terrified.

Fragrance is the medium of this woman's arcana.

Hallucinations are the effect of this woman's arcane magic.

I... have already fallen into their trap...

They planned to attack me from the very beginning!

Josk thought to this point, his forehead was filled with beads of sweat due to nervousness.

Intuition told Josk that now is undoubtedly the most dangerous moment in his 40-year career.

And all of this... was the result of that young man sitting paralyzed in the flower field.

For Josk, Yechen is simply a god of plague.

Chapter 0102

"Huh~ Judging by your expression, you should have figured out the whole story, right? It seems that I don't need to explain it specifically."

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