After hearing this, Yechen was silent for a few seconds.

Afterwards, he turned his head to look at the blue murloc, raised his head with the back of the knife, and then pointed to the depths of the coral terrace with the tip of the knife, as if reminding the blue murloc:

"Okay, you can go."

The blue murloc, who understood Yechen's meaning through body movements, froze for a while, and finally woke up like a dream, suddenly got up, ran in the direction Yechen indicated, and then thought for himself in his heart Survived and cheered up.

Chapter 0315 The Doctor's Kindness

Seeing that Yechen chose to let the other party go, Li Weidun's eyes sank slightly.

However, just when the Blink Hunter was about to launch his natal arcana and was about to take action, Yechen was one step ahead of him, and directly filled his hand cannon with the large-caliber blood bullets that had been condensed in advance. In the magazine of the revolver.

After the bullets were loaded, Yechen pointed the muzzle of the gun at the ecstatic blue murloc expressionlessly, and then decisively pulled the trigger on his fingertips.



Under the double resounding of gunshots and explosions, the upper body of the blue murloc was instantly blown to pieces by the bloody bullets, and with such an ecstatic state of mind, it ushered in the moment of extinction unconsciously. end.

Seeing the mutilated corpse of the blue murloc falling to the ground, Li Weidun immediately suppressed the power of the mysterious spirit in his limbs, turned his head to look at Yechen's unchanging face again, and then said in a slightly joking tone:

"I thought you were really going to let it go."

Ye Chen answered calmly.

"Of course it's impossible."

"If they are really members of the Homo sapiens tribe, then there is a high probability that this blue murloc will inform other tribesmen after returning, so it is too risky for us to keep it alive."

"What's more, these murlocs are always intruders to the Holy Light Pure Land. We don't even know if the injured and mutated residents can return to their original state."

Upon hearing this, Li Weidun answered with great interest:

"Well, I agree with what you said, but what I'm curious about is... why did you let it go and then kill it?"

Yechen was silent for a while, and then gave a brief explanation.

"After all, it gave us information, so in return, I also intend to make it die easier."

After learning about Yechen's inner thoughts, Li Weidun was stunned, and then couldn't help expressing emotion.

"Hehe, show mercy while eliminating risks..."

"You are a newcomer, you are really interesting..."

"I understand more and more why the hunting group arranged for you to participate in this mission..."

Speaking of this, Li Weidun changed his previous gloomy posture, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

This was the first time that Blink Hunter showed a smile in front of Ye Chen, so to some extent, this faint smile may also be regarded as a way for Leviton to express his affirmation to Ye Chen.

However, in the next second, Li Weidun quickly withdrew the kind look on his face.

"It's just... I still have a question I want to ask..."

After he finished muttering in a low voice, he shifted his gaze to Shia on the other side, and then opened his mouth to initiate a new round of questioning:

"More fingers."

"Just now, when I asked you how you want to deal with that blue murloc..."

"Why... are you silent?"

After listening to Li Weidun's question, Shia's eyes suddenly changed, and her originally expressionless face was also faintly shaken at this moment.

Seeing that Shia didn't reply, Li Weidun continued to ask in a cold tone:

"If I'm right...just did have thoughts like 'just let that blue murloc go' in your mind, right?"

When Shia heard this, although she still didn't respond aloud, her eyes were already involuntarily avoiding Leviton's sight, silently revealing a sense of guilt and entanglement.


And just when the atmosphere on both sides became frozen and stiff because of this topic, a figure with white wings stretched just fell from the sky, and then quickly landed in front of Yechen and the others.

"I'm back!"

Amanlo declared with a relaxed face.

However, after seeing Leviton's aggressive face and Shia's silent posture with her head lowered, she immediately felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.


Amanluo was puzzled, and quickly put her hand on Shia's shoulder, and asked with concern: "Xia, what's wrong with you, why do you keep your head down like this? Is there something wrong with your body?"

Shia shook her head lightly.

"No, Senior Amaro, I'm completely fine..."

Seeing her strange posture, Amanro turned her head and challenged Leviton.

"Leviton, did you bully Shia while I was away!?"

Li Weidun stared at Amanlo speechlessly.

"How is it possible, who do you think I am?"

Then, Shia stretched out her hand and pulled Amanro's cuff, signaling her to calm down.

"Wait a minute, Senior Amanlo, Senior Li Weidun didn't do anything to me, in fact, it was my fault..."

After speaking, Shia looked at Li Weiton again, and apologized to the other party in a solemn tone.

"I'm sorry, Senior Leviton."

"The facts are as you guessed. Just now, I really wanted to let go of that blue murloc for a moment..."

"I won't make this kind of mental mistake again, so please forgive me."

Seeing Shia, Li Weidun finally opened his mouth to respond positively, and admitted his mistake bluntly, and then quickly restrained his original aggressive aura.

"Well, as long as you understand, I don't intend to pursue too much on this point."

"A person with healing abilities like you will have stronger empathy and sympathy than ordinary people. In fact, it is quite normal. It is the so-called benevolence of a doctor."

"It's just that you have to keep in mind that you are not a doctor, but a hunter."

"Just like what the blood craftsman said just now, letting go of that blue murloc will pose a great risk to our entire team."

"So, excessive mercy will become a burden to hunters in the maze. You must get rid of it as soon as possible. Whether it is attacking you or begging for mercy, you have to treat them equally. Remove as many risks as you can. How much risk."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Amanro felt foggy for a while, and then turned her head to look at the blue murloc wreck on the side, and with Yechen's explanation, she learned the ins and outs of the matter.

"So you were discussing this with Shia."

After figuring out the situation, Amanro immediately cast a disgusted look at Li Weidun.

"Oh, if that's the case, then why don't you just teach her in a nice voice? You have to use such a scary way... Really, you, senior, are too inhumane."

For Amanluo's accusatory comments, Li Weidun responded with a slightly unhappy expression.

"Don't meddle in it. I'm here to let her remember this truth more deeply in her heart, so that she can get rid of her naive way of thinking as soon as possible. Otherwise, with this mentality, this girl will die in the maze." Not long to live."

Chapter 0316 Cross Island

Amanro snorted impatiently.

"Ah, good, good, that's really hard work for you."

After finishing speaking, Amanro hugged Shia, and comforted the young junior with a smile on her face.

"Sister Shiya, it's okay, this stinky man's way of speaking has always been so annoying, don't take it to heart, just remember the useful truth in it."

Shia's cheek was squeezed by Amanluo's round chest, and she didn't know how to respond, so she fell into an awkward silence.

"It's really unbearable..."

Seeing Amanluo talking to herself, Li Weidun sighed softly, and then brought up the business to her.

"So, after you flew up, did you see a clear border of chaotic color in the surrounding sea area?"

Amanluo let go of Shia, her appearance quickly returned to normal, and then she replied to Li Weiton:


"Although the distance is very far, I can still see a gray-white hazy space at the end of the sea in all directions through the telescope, between the gaps between the water lines of their day."

"It is like a fuzzy circle, enclosing the land and waters we are in. Ye Chen is right, we have indeed entered a "hidden area" at this moment."

Knowing what Amanlo observed, Li Weidun bowed his head thoughtfully and murmured.

"Is that true..."

Yechen on the side raised other questions to Amanro at this time.

"Senior Amanro, besides the boundary of the hidden domain, have you observed the topographical structure of this world? For example, the coral terrace we are on, where will it lead if we go forward or backward, etc. .”

Amanluo nodded to Ye Chen without hesitation to express her affirmation.

"Well, don't worry, of course I have read this too, now I will briefly describe the information to you."

"According to my visual inspection, the total area of ​​this hidden area should only be a few hundred square kilometers, but its landform structure is very unique. The overall outline is like a huge square that is completely divided into four areas: upper, lower, left, and right. And The contents of these four areas are all vast oceans, or lakes? Well, that’s what it means anyway, as long as you can understand it.”

"The four square-shaped sea areas are divided by two vertically intersecting coral islands in the shape of a cross. For example, the coral platform where we are now is a point on one of the straight lines of land. If we Going south now, we will eventually come to the southern boundary of this hidden area. And if we go straight north now, we will be able to reach the central intersection of this cross-shaped island."

"The small coral island in the shape of a seems that the blue murloc just now wasn't lying."

After listening to Amanluo's narration, Ye Chen couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Well, our mission goal this time may be at the central junction of this piece of land."

After Li Weidun finished speaking, he turned to Amanro and asked further: "If we go north, how far will it take to reach the center of the land?"

Amanro bowed her head and thought about it for a while, and then gave an answer in an uncertain tone: "It will take about ten kilometers to walk. I can't be sure about the exact number, but it should not exceed twenty."

Yechen thought for a moment, then asked her: "What about the island landforms in other areas? Is it similar to the coral terrace where we are now?"

Amanro shook her head.

"No, this cross-shaped land, only the area near the end is as open as our place, and the area near the center, looking down from the sky, I can only see a continuous rock formation and mountains, if you want Arriving at the center of the land, I think I can only pass through them..."

After hearing this, Yechen asked again: "Rock formations and mountains? Then did you see other living creatures on their surfaces? For example, the blue fish group that fought us just now?"

"No. The surface of those places is covered with intricate coral forests, which are uneven and difficult to walk on. I only saw some small birds in them, and I didn't find any other creatures." Oman Luo answered truthfully.

Next, the hunter team sorted out and analyzed some minutiae information, and then, Li Weidun suddenly remembered something, and reminded Ye Chen:

"By the way, bloodsmith, although the holy light knight said before that the mutant infection of murlocs has little effect on people like us who have taken anti-infection potions, but since your skin was cut by them just now, you have to take time to Pay attention to your physical condition, if there is something wrong, tell us immediately, do you understand?"


Yechen responded calmly.

In fact, before he joined the crowd just now, Yechen added more anti-infection potions into his mouth, and he never underestimated the hidden dangers that might befall him.

After entering the maze, Yechen's performance satisfied Li Weidun one after another, so he naturally didn't worry too much about this junior, and instead ended the team talk with everyone.

"Okay, then, it seems that there is only so much information we can know now, without further ado, let's set off to the north, and strive to destroy the abnormal points of the deformed maze pits as soon as possible."

Regarding this proposal, the other three members of the team all nodded and had no other opinions.

Thus, the hunter team stepped across the blue murloc corpses all over the ground, passed through a huge crack in the rock formation, and then stepped into a long and narrow path surrounded by giant coral forests.

The top of this path is blocked by towering rock formations, and the sunlight can only penetrate through the cracks. However, although its environment is narrow and dark, the corals standing on both sides of the path grow colorfully and in various poses. The sunlight projected against each other makes this area look colorful and beautiful as a whole, making Yechen feel as if he has come to a fairyland on earth.

However, despite being in such a beautiful spectacle, Yechen and his party did not slack off because of this, nor did they have time to savor the surrounding scenery carefully.

They are hunters who come to carry out missions, not tourists for sightseeing. What's more, everyone has just experienced a bloody battle with fish schools. Relaxing their guard, on the contrary, increased their inner vigilance.

After all, no one can be sure whether there are other dangerous creatures lurking behind these tall and beautiful corals, ready to plot evil against the visitors of the hunter team...

Chapter 0317 Tanshui Cave

After leaving the coral terrace full of blue murloc corpses, the hunter team began to travel through the beautiful and quiet coral forest road.

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