Although Yechen saved his own life through quick-response defensive measures, under the powerful impact of the acid-etched salamander's tail blade, his whole body was blown to a height of 50 meters in one fell swoop.

In this way, not only could Yechen not continue to approach the Acid Erosion Tyrannosaurus Salamander, but he also temporarily stayed away from it, unable to provide strong assistance to Canggu and Firona!

Realizing that this is the real purpose of the Acid Erosion Tyrannosaurus Salamander, Yechen's expression changed drastically, and he immediately roared loudly towards Firona below in the air:

"It's going to attack you, get out of there quickly—!"

However, after hearing Yechen's hissing reminder and seeing the acid-etched salamander turn around quickly, Firona, who was sitting on the ground, didn't have any intention of getting up and dodging.

Firona looked back at Kangu who was unconscious beside her.

get me out of here?

I'm leaving, what about Mr. Canggu?

Isn't he dead?

Firona's thinking was running crazily at this moment.

In order to save others, Mr. Canggu was disabled and unconscious.

In order to save others, Errigat was eaten by a monster.

So far, Yechen... you still let me escape? underestimate me, Firona, too, don't you?

Do you really think that I am a weak woman that everyone of you should protect—! ?

Firona's gaze first glanced at her left arm, which was melted by acid, with twisted joints and bloody blood, and immediately activated the "self-healing" technique to forcefully stop the bleeding. The six pitch-black animal eyes on the ground intertwined and stared head-on.

Then, Firona's blood-stained eyes, which should have been invaded and occupied by severe pain, burst out with fearless rage at this moment.

Do you think I'd be afraid?

From the hunter's black ring, she summoned several pieces of iron plates that had kissed her lips in advance, suspended them on her chest, and then used her remaining right arm to stabilize her platinum sniper rifle with one hand and one shoulder. The board acts as a suspended gun mount, which stabilizes the shaking crosshair at this moment.

Just because of this trivial injury...

Do you think……

Will I, Firona, be afraid—! ?

the next moment.

When the Acid Erosion Tyrant Salamander opened its bottomless pitch black beak, and aimed the acid spray gland inside at Firona's figure.

Firona also aimed the stabilized barrel at the open mouth of the acid-etched salamander.

In fact, when the Acid Erosion Tyrannosaurus previously blew themselves up against the besieging Canggu, Yechen, and Errigat.

Firona, who was protecting everyone from far behind, took advantage of the burst of black light not covering her vision, and managed to see a pitch-black round stone embedded in the center of its slender neck at the moment when the abyss monster was torn apart. .

This pitch-black boulder is as big as two fists, with countless pitch-black pipes connected to its surface, shining with turbid black air.

And Firona, who had carefully studied the hunter textbook, understood it the moment she saw it.

This pitch-black round stone is the core of the abyss of the acid-etched salamander, and its location is 30 cm below the center of the acid-etched salamander's neck.

This information has already been baked into Firona's mind!

Therefore, her current behavior of raising a gun is not a meaningless death struggle of a reckless man.

Even this time, his body might be completely dissolved by the acid, turning into a pool of blood emitting black smoke.

Firona is also determined to have a face-to-face confrontation with the acid tyrant, vowing to penetrate the abyss core of this disgusting monster!

At this moment, the hunter's blood-stained eyes were filled with the light of enlightenment that he vowed to accompany to the death.

Dear Holy Spirit...

If I am destined to die here today...

Then please let my bullet, as a proof of my defense of the family's glory, burst out with the last strength in my life.

I, Firona, offer you my last prayers with my life.

Please keep my bullets...

Let's break everything——!

With this thought in mind, Firona, who had fully awakened, angrily pulled the trigger on her fingertips, facing the destructive acid that the acid-etched salamander blurted out, and suddenly fired the sniper bullet that condensed her last strength. out.

Chapter 0274 The direction of victory

The acid liquid of the acid-etched salamander, and the bullets of Firona, burst out from each other's bloody mouth and muzzle respectively, and rushed towards the vital points of both sides at the same time.

And carrying Filona's death-defying consciousness, carrying all the weight of her life, the sniper bullets with lip prints, immediately under the double bonus of the impact and precision of Filona's Lip Arcane Art, are far away. Far faster than the speed of the acid ray, it drew a spiral trajectory in the air and circled around the jaw of the acid-etched salamander.

Immediately afterwards, under the astonished gaze of the Acid Erosion Tyrant Salamander, the large-caliber Olympian bullet suddenly penetrated into the center of its pitch-black neck from bottom to top, tearing layers of flesh and blood, and burning groups of people. The abyss, all the way through the thorns and thorns, finally reached the core of the abyss that beat like a heart.


Under the clear and sudden cracking sound, the most important core of the abyss in the body of the Acid Erosion Tyrannosaurus was pierced by the bullet of Firona with a big hole.

The acid-etched salamander contaminated by the abyss did not expect such a situation at all. He had no idea when the exact location of the core of the abyss was discovered by Firona, so he couldn't help but slightly deviated the direction of his acid rays, and then he was shocked. With an extremely expression, under the outburst of pain that cannot be described in words, he screamed in pain.

However, even though the acid shot by the acid-etched salamander deviated from its original trajectory, it still touched Firona's platinum sniper rifle and melted its entire body in an instant.

Afterwards, the acid flowed along the melted gunstock, passed over Firona's neck, directly dissolved a large piece of blood on the right side of her neck, and pierced through the right carotid artery together.

At this moment, thick blood sprayed out from Firona's pale neck like a dug spring.

She let go of the gun in her hand, covered her burning fatal wound, and fell powerlessly backwards.

However, his blood-stained eyes were still staring at the twitching and screaming Acid Tyrant Salamander.


Obviously, I have already penetrated a big hole in its abyss core... As a result, this beast has not died suddenly on the spot...

Are all the vitality of the abyss so tenacious...

Firona thought weakly, and then felt the warm blood oozing and splashing from her fingers, as well as the skin on her neck that quickly cooled down.

The lip gun hunter knew that he was probably already a dead man.

Then, with the last ounce of her mind, she turned her head and looked at Ye Chen who had just fallen back to the ground and was running towards this side at a high speed, with anxiety written all over his face.

At this moment, Firona, who was already speechless, could only speak silently in her heart.


Although very unwilling...

But, Yechen, I can only rely on you from now on...

With this in mind, Firona moved her red-stained right palm away from her wound, and let the blood spurt out from between the blood holes in her neck.

Then, with the last of her strength, she pointed her trembling right hand at the convulsive and crying Acid Tyrannosaurus in front of her.

I have pointed out the direction of victory for you...

After that, please trouble you...

Avenge me and Errigat....

After leaving these words silently, Firona's right hand finally fell powerlessly, and along with her whole body, she collapsed beside Kangu.

Seeing his companion falling down so heroically, spurting blood, Yechen's heart couldn't help but thump at this moment.

If it is said that before, he knew and understood Firona and Errigat, the two teammates of the 2020 class, but had no feelings for him, so now he can be said to have completely changed.

In the most humane moment of life and death, these two young compatriots all made the same heroic deeds.

One of them chose to throw the companion in front of him out of the monster's bloody mouth, and then chose to be swallowed by the monster alone.

One person chose not to abandon the companion behind him, and faced the monster's ultimate move, and in exchange for the end of the enemy's injury and death.

Undoubtedly, Errigat and Filona's heroic deeds of self-sacrifice won Ye Chen's respect completely.

Because of this, he deeply regrets what happened to these two people.

And this feeling of regret, like a bucket of fuel, was poured fiercely on Yechen's fire of hatred for the abyss, causing it to erupt like a volcano in an instant.

He shifted his gaze from Firona's blood-stained body to the pitch-black animal body on the other side.

At this moment, the pitch-black body of the Acid Erosion Tyrannosaurus Salamander is still convulsing and convulsing. The body sometimes expands and sometimes shrinks, like a balloon that is constantly wandering back and forth between deflation and inflation, which looks extremely weird.

At the same time, its torso and limbs curled up into an elliptical sphere, like a vortex in the sea water. In the form of skin and flesh, it began to twist and whirl wildly, and to stop the trend of destruction by desperately regenerating. .

And the center of this pitch-black vortex was the pitch-black round stone that had a big hole opened by the sniper bullet, and the surface was covered with cracks.

Yechen understood that this black round stone that had suffered heavy damage was the core of the abyss of the acid-etched Tyrannosaurus Salamander, and it was the opportunity that Firona sacrificed her life for.

Seeing this, Yechen took out the magazine of the submachine gun without hesitation, squeezed violently with his palm, and filled it with fifteen rounds of small-caliber blood bullets.

Well, I promise you, Fiona.

Next, leave it to me.

I will completely crush the monster of the abyss until there is nothing left.

Then, Yechen ignored the dizziness and nausea in the brain caused by excessive blood consumption, put the magazine into the magazine well of the box submachine gun in one fell swoop, and immediately leaned over with a determined look, towards the acid-etched salamander at full speed. rush away.

The regenerative characteristics of the power of the abyss, and the self-healing talent possessed by its own race, under the combination of the two, after a lot of crying and struggling, the acid-etched salamander finally managed to stop the core of the abyss. momentum of collapse.

As soon as the mind regained consciousness from the pain, it suddenly realized that the last remaining Orion hunter on the battlefield, bloodsmith hunter Ye Chen, had rushed to the position within ten meters of him with a monstrous murderous aura !

Faced with this situation, the six black eyes of the Acid Erosion Tyrannosaurus were instantly shaken.

After the only vital point was severely injured, and after feeling the endless violent aura emanating from the human body, this monster that was contaminated by the abyss finally felt timid.

Then, it turned around immediately, trying to flee to the side of the river!

And Yechen, who has already imagined various situations, naturally will not give the acid-etched salamander any chance to escape.

I saw that under the trigger of the ability effect of the different silk gloves, the thick blood rope was thrown out by Yechen's left hand immediately, binding the acid-etched salamander's limp hind legs in one fell swoop.

The next moment, under the call of Yechen's mind, the blood rope shrank sharply, and immediately dragged Yechen onto the broad back of the acid-etched salamander, providing him with a platform most suitable for execution. living torture platform.

Chapter 0275 Blood and Iron

Through the abyssal matter attached to the body surface, after sensing Yechen flying from behind and landing on his back, the six beast eyes of the acid-etched salamander suddenly tightened, and immediately slammed the body, trying to kill Yechen. Dust fell from his body forcibly.

However, Yechen quickly threw out a brand new blood rope, directly wrapped around the waist of the acid-etched salamander, and tied himself tightly to the back of the acid-etched salamander.


Immediately afterwards, the group of small abyss groups attached to the skin of the acid-etched salamander swarmed towards Yechen while crying and howling, trying to force him to eat from the back of the acid-etched salamander through massive gnawing attacks. leave.

However, facing this situation, Yechen's face remained unmoved, and he just smashed his fist condensed with strong mystic power, destroying countless small abyssal tentacles in an instant.

Realizing that ordinary means could not force the last Olympian hunter back, the Acid Erosion Tyrannosaurus salamander immediately activated the power of the abyss in its body, and temporarily bred several acid secretion glands for the epidermis of its back.

Afterwards, beams of acid scattered from these mutated secretory glands and poured towards Yechen's body.

Puff puff puff!


Yechen let out a sigh of relief, taking advantage of the time when the Acid Erosion Tyrannosaurus was focusing on the acid, he immediately withdrew the blood rope in his hand and ran along its back. , climbed up to the middle of the thick, bleeding neck of the Acid Erosion Tyrannosaurus Salamander.

At this moment, the part where Firona shot with her life was still covered with countless bloody mouths, which had not yet fully healed, and Yechen was able to glimpse a big hole left on the surface between the bloody fleshy gaps. Covered with fine shattered marks, it is a pitch-black cobblestone that is being filled with countless new flesh and blood.

It is the core of the abyss of the acid-etched salamander!

After realizing that Yechen had reached his vitals, Acid Erosion Tyrannosaurus immediately felt the threat of death, and while rushing towards the river, he began to frantically shake his neck, trying to throw Yechen off with all his strength.

However, Yechen was one step ahead of it, and tied himself and the acid-etched salamander's necks tightly with a blood rope, and his expression did not change at all despite the dizzying situation in front of him.

Afterwards, Yechen grasped the gap under his body tightly with his left hand, and held the box submachine gun filled with fifteen small-caliber blood bullets in his right hand, aiming the muzzle at the monster hidden deep in the monster's neck. The core of the abyss, and immediately pulled the trigger angrily.

Bang bang bang bang!

The ear-piercing gunshot penetrated into the ear canal, and the Acid Erosion Tyrannosaurus immediately condensed all the regenerative power above the core of the abyss with horror on its face. The core does further heavy damage.

However, although the method of acid erosion Tyrannosaurus can be used to deal with ordinary arcane bullets, it is completely useless under Yechen's onslaught of the first five blood bullets condensed by the natal arcane art. .

Even though these flesh walls can buffer 40.00% of the impact of the blood bullet group, the remaining 60.00% of the damage is still enough to penetrate the depths of the acid-etched salamander's neck before it replenishes, and then hit the acid On top of the abyss core that can move the whole body with a single blow!

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