"No problem at all~"

Chapter 0204 The Bottom of the Ruins

For Oke's natural answer, Wei Meng immediately fell into a dumb speech, and once again he couldn't help but sigh in his heart how powerful this genius monster in front of him was.

After the three of them introduced their new labyrinth relics one by one, Yechen couldn't help asking Oke a question that had caught his attention before:

"By the way, why did you fight that corpse eagle in that open-air environment just now? If you ran directly into the narrow relic room, its flying advantage would be useless, and there is basically nothing you can do about it .You can just ignore it."

After hearing this, Oke smiled without any fluctuation in his eyes.

"I know, in fact, I chose to do this from the beginning. But I turned around in the ruins, and I couldn't find you when I reached the bottom floor, so I simply ran out to play with it again. I thought that the movement created in this way should attract you guys... Looking at it now, my guess is really good~"

Listening to Oke's words and watching Oke's smile, Yechen felt speechless for a moment. Her thoughts were indeed very clever...

Yechen nodded, he was too lazy to continue to expand the topic, then turned around and walked to the edge of the stone fence on one side, looking down at the creepy mountain of corpses.

Just now because he was busy helping Oke, he didn't pay close attention to the scene at the bottom of the hole, but now after such a look, Yechen immediately noticed that at the foot of the hill piled up with countless corpses of creatures, there seemed to be lying down. Several extremely large black shadows.

Oke and Wei Meng walked to Yechen's side, took out the binoculars at the same time as Yechen, and carefully observed the appearance of those black shadows.

Then, everyone discovered that these black shadows were scattered at the bottom of the mountain of corpses like the torn apart remains of a giant earthworm.

After a little combination and association, the three of them immediately realized that the original owners of these corpses were the corpse worms that had attracted their small group from the top of the pit earlier?

"That big bug... is dead?" Weimon said in a tone of surprise as he watched the scene in the telescope.

"And he was cut into pieces. It seems that our seniors did it. Sure enough, he won't be killed so easily." Ou Ke held up the binoculars and reasoned in an unsurprising tone.

Yechen didn't speak, just moved the telescope lens around, but he couldn't find any figure resembling Dodilla in the mountain of corpses below.

In addition to the endless bones, there is only endless carrion left.

Seeing this situation, Yechen immediately suggested to Oke and Wemon: "Mr. Dodilla is not down there, maybe he has already entered the ruins alone to find the source of the ringtone, let's go there too."

Ouke and Wei Meng expressed their agreement to Yechen's idea, so the three turned back to the inside of the ruins and continued to descend deep.

Yechen and Ouke are in charge of security work, and are ready to meet the enemy at all times, while Wei Meng continues to send out his rats to conduct a large-scale search and investigation through the rat swarm, so as to guide the new hunters to the The right path deeper into the ruins.

Although the strange ringing sound was very shrewd, there was no sound from the moment the hunter team stepped into the ruins of the castle. It was obvious that they were deliberately hiding their position. We are all controlled by it, so the source of the ringtone will inevitably leave traces of its own energy transmission in the air, so Yechen and the others can rely on their sensitivity to the power of the mysterious spirit to follow this trace of energy Go in the opposite direction, so as to approach the source of the ringtone step by step.

In this way, the three new hunters headed towards the bottom of the ruins together.

On the way, Yechen and Oke worked together to repel several groups of skeleton monster armies, and Wei Meng also led the team to avoid countless dead ends and traps by relying on the rat swarm's search.

Through orderly cooperation, the exploration efficiency of the new hunters has improved by leaps and bounds. Less than 10 minutes later, Yechen, Oke, and Wei Meng successfully reached the bottom of the ruins, and then walked into the darkness Abandoned cave tunnel.

The three of them remained vigilant, and followed the traces of energy emitted by the bell, and soon reached the end of the tunnel, and finally came to an ancient and tall stone gate.

Feeling the strong energy breath coming towards his face, symbolizing the power of the mysterious spirit, Yechen took a slight deep breath, and immediately reminded his companions.

"This is probably the source of the ringtone. There is a high probability that powerful enemies will show up and attack us later, so prepare for the hard battle now."

After hearing this, Wei Meng swallowed nervously, and quickly asked, "What about Mr. Dodilla? We haven't found him yet!"

"That senior might have gone in long ago~"

Ouke responded in a flat tone, and Ye Chen also expressed his agreement.

"I think so too. Mr. Dodilla's nightmare realm is higher than ours, and his perception of the power of the mysterious spirit flowing in the air will naturally be more sensitive than ours. And we didn't see it coming from other places on the way here. There is no movement, so I think that Mr. Dodilla is probably already inside the stone gate."

Hearing what the two said, Wei Meng's expression suddenly became even more strange.

"But now there is no sound coming from the stone gate... If Mr. Dodilla really entered inside... then he has been given by the enemy..."

Ye Chen was silent for a while, and finally gave his opinion.

"No matter what, we have to go in and find out. If the enemy is really not at the level we can handle, then prepare to escape."

After hearing Yechen's words, Wei Meng swallowed again because of his nervousness, and hurriedly checked whether his shield ax and shotgun could work normally.

On the other side, Oke was only lightly holding the three rapiers with both hands and the ponytail, his expression still seemed to be so indifferent, and his emotions were not at all touched by the strange situation he was facing.

Ye Chen condensed a blood cell on his fingertips through the blood-taking wristband, and then filled it into the bullet nest of the hand cannon revolver, and confirmed that the one "blood bullet" and four "Ao Ling bullets" inside were all loaded, and then The blood on the surface of the meniscus arc knife was reapplied to keep the blade in its sharpest state.

After that, Ye Chen took out the red blood scented tea and poured a few mouthfuls into his mouth to restore his lost energy and blood.

When everything was ready, Ye Chen led Oke and Wei Meng, strode forward, clenched the crescent knife with his left hand, then stretched out his right hand to the closed ancient stone door in front of him, and pushed gently.

Chapter 0205 Alien Old Man

Although the stone door was thick and heavy, it was easily pushed open by Yechen's palm filled with mysterious power.

However, the moment the stone gate opened, a strong energy swept towards Yechen and the others, like a gust of wind, directly dragging them into the stone gate.

Afterwards, an open and bright ancient circular hall with a completely different style from the previous dark and gloomy ruins appeared before the eyes of the three new hunters, Yechen, Oke, and Weimon.

Immediately afterwards, the stone gate closed by itself.

However, everyone had no time to pay attention to this sudden change of scene at the first moment, because their attention was completely attracted by the scene in the center of the hall at this moment.

There is a long black stone table with rows of stone chairs standing on both sides of the long table, and a black stone throne built in front of the long table.

And on the throne and the stone chair on the side of the long table below, there are two figures with different appearances sitting respectively.

Sitting on the throne was an old man of foreign race wearing a royal robe, dark complexion, long pointed ears, and shriveled skin.

The old man put his hands between the throne, something floating on his chest was glowing slightly, and his head was down, his eyes were dull, his mouth was open, and several blood holes had been pierced through his chest, and he was slowly moving. Dazzling blood flowed outward.

It seemed that he was dead, and he had just been killed.

As for the culprit, it was obvious that it was another figure sitting on the stone chair under the stage.

He was wearing the hunter uniform that Yechen and others were most familiar with, but at this time his whole body was covered with filthy flesh and blood, and he was holding a lit cigarette in his mouth. Spit out circles of smoke.

And this person is the senior who was swallowed by the corpse worm and disappeared in front of the three new hunters Yechen, Oke and Wei Meng.

Smoke Hunter, Dodilla.

After Yechen pushed open the stone gate of the palace, Dodira immediately turned her head vigilantly.

However, after seeing that the visitor was his junior, his eyes were filled with jokes, and he couldn't help feeling emotional: "I didn't expect you to find this place by yourself, I thought you all died on it... ..."

Ouke heard this, and immediately responded with a smile on his face: "Our side is very worried after seeing our seniors being eaten by insects, but since you can safely crawl out of that corpse worm, everyone is happy." .”

Ye Chen and Wei Meng saw that the two sides were finally reunited, but the atmosphere was full of gunpowder, and they felt a burst of helplessness in their hearts.

But this time, Dodilla didn't intend to challenge everyone, just snorted softly, then turned her head and shifted her gaze to the corpse of the old man sitting on the Blackstone Throne.

To be precise, what he was staring at at this moment was the mysterious object hanging on the corpse's chest that continued to emit a cloudy light.

Ye Chen, Oke, and Wei Meng looked around and found that the ground around the throne was already full of fragmented bones and wreckage from various creatures, making the scene look chaotic. It seemed that a big battle had just been experienced, and Dodilla was the only winner who came out of it.

Wei Meng subconsciously looked away from the bones of these losers, and turned to look at the walls around the hall, and then he was shocked.

Because, from the empty window in the wall, he saw a scene that he never expected.


After going through many dangers, Wei Meng, who explored from the first floor of the castle ruins all the way to the underground city below to the bottom cave, at this moment, unexpectedly saw the cloud-shrouded sky outside the stone window of the palace...


"Outside the window... is actually the sky!?"

"How is this possible!? We obviously walked all the way underground—!?"

Ye Chen and Ou Ke followed Wei Meng's exclamation, and as expected, they saw a blue and cloudy sky outside the stone window of the hall, and the situation seemed to have turned upside down.

However, Dodilla looked familiar with this, turned his back to the three newcomers, and immediately explained in a flat tone.

"There is some kind of unknown ancient magic circle in the ruins of this castle, which has caused a serious split between space and time, so although you are walking down in the senses, you are actually transported to the top of the castle tower by the magic circle , but this kind of phenomenon is not strange in the Olympian Labyrinth, after all...anything can happen in the labyrinth."

Hearing this, Yechen was silent for a while, then walked to the stone window on the side wall, looked around, and then saw the familiar mountains and forests below, which was the terrain and road they had passed before entering the castle.

"Just now we didn't see any tall towers outside the castle. All the stone buildings above the first floor collapsed into a pile of ruins. Could it be that those are illusions?" Ouke stood beside Yechen, scanning The scenery of the mountains and forests below the hall, and then asked Dodilla curiously.

"It should be, I don't know too much." Dodilla shrugged and replied vaguely.

Ye Chen looked away, and turned to walk towards the black stone throne in the center of the hall where a dead body was sitting.

As the distance narrowed, he was able to quickly see clearly that the object that was hanging on the chest of the dead alien old man, emitting a muddy light, turned out to be a copper bell connected by a silver chain.

Witnessing this scene, Yechen instantly noticed several key information, and immediately asked Dodilah who was sitting under the throne.

"This gleaming brass bell...is a labyrinth relic?"

"It...is the source of the ringtone we've been looking for these two days?"

"And this old man of the foreign race sitting on the throne and wearing this copper bell...could it be the culprit who used this labyrinth relic to revive the corpses in the border of the Holy Light Pure Land and summon them to the ruins of this castle? The culprit?"

Facing Yechen's question that directly touched the core of the situation in front of him, Dodira nodded his head expressionlessly and responded calmly.

"You're right, this alien old man and his labyrinth relic are the ultimate goal of our mission."

After listening to Dodilla's confession, the three new hunters including Ye Chen fell silent for a while, while Dodira continued to talk about her experience and opinions to the younger generation.

"Judging from his skin color and facial features, this old man should be an Inhuman race who used to live in the Holy Light Pure Land, Heiyan people."

"However, they should have been completely exterminated thousands of years ago because they rebelled against the Holy God's rule and failed in the war with the Church of the Holy Light."

Chapter 0206 Weird Quiet

Dodilla continued talking.

"Although I don't know what the relationship between this black rock old man and this castle is, and why he brought it into the Olympian Labyrinth to survive until today, but when I entered this ancient palace, although the old man was still breathing, his brain was gone. Conscious, to put it simply, he has become a vegetable."

"However, even so, the chain of copper bells on the old man's chest still actively released energy, awakening all the skeleton soldiers scattered around and besieging me. I guess, this old man should have been a lord once, and these The skeleton soldiers used to be Black Rock people, and they were the old man's subordinates."

"Then, after I cleared all these skeleton soldiers, I directly killed the old man Heiyan sitting on the throne, and once the owner of the copper bell died, the copper bell as a contract object lost the consciousness of action directly. In the end, it became the ownerless posture you see now."

After listening to Dodilla's slow narration, Ouke couldn't help raising his hand to ask questions because of his burst of curiosity.

"Since he doesn't even have consciousness, why did he revive the corpses in all directions through the ringing of the bell, and summon them to the ruins of the castle?"

"Could it be that it's the copper bell itself that dominates all of this?"

"The reason why it does this is to fulfill a certain wish of the master? For example... the master is too weak to move, but in his heart he hopes to continue to live, and it just so happens that the copper bell, a labyrinth relic, has a special The ability is also related to the concept of corpses, so it will follow the master's wish and gather corpses from the world to absorb nutrients and extend the life of the master?"

Ye Chen listened to Oke's conjecture, which had a big brain hole, but was able to explain the ins and outs. He remained silent on the surface, but in his heart he felt that this statement was indeed somewhat credible. After all, his companion's intuition was always accurate. Outrageous.

And Dodira, who was sitting under the throne, was also silent for a while at this time, and finally responded with a subtle expression.

"I think so too, but since the owner of the copper bell is dead now, there will be no resurrection of corpses in the Holy Light Pure Land. As for the cause of the incident, it doesn't matter now... "

After Wei Meng heard this, his face that had been deeply at a loss finally brightened at this moment.

"So... has our mission been successfully completed this time? Is it possible that we can go back now!"

As Weimon spoke, his face became extremely excited.

After all, he had listened to Ye Chen's description outside the door, and thought he would have to go through a fierce battle in this hall later, but he didn't expect that Dodilla, who was a senior, had already defeated them in front of these novices. The task objective was solved ahead of time!

However, when Wei Meng's voice raised this doubt in surprise, Dodilla did not respond aloud, and Yechen and Ou also chose to remain silent when they saw the situation.

In the spacious circular ancient hall, the atmosphere instantly fell into an eerie silence.



"Mr. Dodilla, and Yechen and Oke, you...why didn't you talk all of a sudden?"

Seeing the scene suddenly became strange, Wei Meng suddenly fell into a state of mist, and he didn't understand why the three of them chose to ignore him at this time. Isn't the question he just raised a very important matter? Is it important?

After the strange silence lasted for a few seconds, Yechen finally broke the silence, and asked the senior who was suddenly silent: "Mr. Dodilla, can you tell us what you are thinking now?" ?"


Hearing Yechen's question, Dodilla still didn't make a sound, her eyes just opened wide, staring closely at the unowned copper bell emitting a muddy light on the old man's chest, without any sign of moving away.

In this regard, although Wei Meng was completely puzzled, Yechen and Ouke immediately noticed something, and then walked towards the black stone throne at the same time.

As the two of them approached, the energy aura emanating from the surface of the strange copper bell became thicker and thicker, and the pressure on Yechen and Ouke became stronger and stronger.

And when the two finally walked to Dodira's side, which was also five meters away from the strange copper bell, the aura of arcane power released by this labyrinth relic was finally so strong that Yechen and Ouke both Everyone feels that it is difficult to move forward.

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