Yin Xing looked at Princess Miaoyin's expression, couldn't help smiling, and said softly: "Princess, Empress Donghe doesn't object to the matter of the princess and the son-in-law now. It's easy for the princess to see the son-in-law. It will be a long time in the future. After the big wedding, I can see it often. The princess doesn't have to be so reluctant."

"Who doesn't want to give up, I'm just thinking about something, I want to cultivate, break through the golden core..." Princess Miaoyin glared at Yin Xing with her beautiful eyes, then turned and left gracefully.

Yin Xing stuck out his tongue playfully, and Lan Gu followed closely behind.

Princess Miaoyin didn't realize it herself, she said it easily, but when she heard Yinxing said that the days would be long in the future, and that she would meet each other from time to time, the smile on the corner of her mouth couldn't help but burst out, bright and shining human eye.


When Xu Chuan and Feng Gu walked out of the palace, half of their hearts were absorbed in feeling the artistic conception.This time, I got another 2000 yuan low-grade spirit stone and a small five-element elixir from Concubine Donghe. Everything is ready to break through the golden elixir.

Once you enter the golden core, you will be a cultivator!Shouyuan rose sharply.Now that he is in his congenital stage, when he comes out and goes in, besides the guards at the gate, there is no one who is congenital, no matter how powerful he is, he has not reached the realm of cultivation.Keep your head down in front of others.

This lowering of the head is not about momentum, but about the level of life!Only when one has become a golden elixir can one become a cultivator and truly step into a new circle.Even the military orders given to him by the Emperor Xia were to be condensed into golden pills within a year.

It's just that the mood is hard to find.

Xu Chuan thought in his heart, and when he raised his head, he saw a carriage coming slowly from the opposite side. The carriage was magnificent, with four horses, and the carriage was gilded, exuding the aura of magic weapons.The chariot just stopped, and a person came out of it, it was the young master Xia Jin who was wearing a gorgeous magic weapon robe.

Xia Jin also saw Xu Chuan and was slightly taken aback.

"Why did he come out of the palace? Could it be that he has already met his father? No, if his father has already agreed to something and ordered Peng Hao to be executed, then I will be one step too late."

Emperor Qi's golden mouth made it difficult for Ling Chu to change it.A Jindan military guard respectfully walked to the side of the car and knelt down on one knee. Xia Jin stepped on the shoulder of the military guard and walked down. come out?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "I just met Princess Miaoyin, this is Mr. Xia?"

Xia Jin felt relieved when he heard that, and his face became more calm: "I'm going to meet my father."

Xu Chuan gave a faint "Oh".Immediately the two passed by.The black-robed Nascent Soul cultivator next to Xia Jin glanced at Xu Chuan indiscriminately.

If Xu Chuan sensed something, he sent a warning alert.

"This black-robed monk may not be as strong as Yang Fan who leads them."

In the nineteen prefectures of Great Xia, strong men came out in large numbers, not all strong men were recruited into the army guards.There are more casual cultivators, sect cultivators, and the Blood God Sect, which caused a shocking storm in Great Xia back then, also recruited many powerful cultivators.They all killed many state pastoral festivals and retreated.

Strength is too important in this world.


The moment he and Xia Jin crossed each other, two options emerged in Xu Chuan's mind: "One, go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate immediately and punish Peng Hao and Granny Yin. Public opinion +50, reputation +80, luck + 30."

"Two, ignore it. Public opinion -100, reputation -160, luck -60."

Seeing this option, Xu Chuan couldn't help but cast a glance at the back of Xia Jin walking into the palace.

"Come on, let's go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

"Yes, uncle."

Just now, Feng Gu wanted to remind Xu Chuan that when he heard what Xu Chuan said, he immediately admired him. My uncle is indeed a bright-minded, alert and capable person.

The longer she got along with Xu Chuan, the more she felt that Xu Chuan was always ahead of the enemy, mature and prudent, and unfathomable.Cultivation can be improved slowly, but this scheming... is talent!


The Metropolitan Procuratorate, when the Xia Dynasty was established, there was no Metropolitan Procuratorate, only the Yushitai to monitor the world. Later, as the years developed, the emperors who took over the affairs of the heavens were replaced. In the generation of the "Salary King", the Yushitai evolved again. Out of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The highest official of Yushitai is left, and the right is Yushi.As for the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the highest official is the Inspector Da Yushi.

Theoretically, the inspector censor and Zuodu censor have the same official rank, but their background is much worse.Many people used to only recognize Zuodu Censor, so they wouldn't bother with an inspector Censor.

Zhou Yun, the censor of Zuodu, has already arrived at Jindan Shidan. With a pair of eyes, he can spy on the scenes that happened in a certain area in the past half a month. So even if it is the state shepherd and king, they all value this Zuodu censor very much.

At this moment, Taoist Huoyun and Zhou Yun were sitting opposite each other in the main hall of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. In front of the main hall hung a picture of the auspicious beast Qilin, which seemed to be a top-grade magic weapon, exuding a magnificent momentum.

"Brother Zhou, you and I belong to the same lineage of King Qi, and we have a good relationship. This time, you don't need to excuse my apprentice, but you just need to forgive me. Don't punish my apprentice first, the old Taoist will be grateful Already." Taoist Huoyun said earnestly.

Zhou Yun was handsome, with a long beard, and his eyes were as bright as candles. He looked at Taoist Huoyun, and said hesitantly: "The law of the court stipulates that it involves evil cultivators. Once arrested, the evidence of the crime is convincing. Let's not talk about the emperor's punishment." , it should be punished first to warn the world, the collusion between the disciples and the ghost girl, the sky is angry and the people complain. This matter has been suppressed for a while, but I can't keep suppressing it."

He is loyal to Emperor Qi's lineage, but now Emperor Qi's lifespan is approaching, if he can't break through the Yuanying, then the Crown Prince Xia Jin should succeed him. Zhou Yun knows the relationship between Taoist Huoyun and Xia Jin, so of course he is willing to sell his face.

When Taoist Huoyun heard Zhou Yun's agreement, he was overjoyed and said, "As long as Mr. Zhou can not punish me and save my apprentice, the old Taoist has another opinion, so Mr. Zhou doesn't need to worry about it."

Hearing the confidence of what he said, Zhou Yun's heart moved, knowing that Xia Jin might have already stepped out, so he stroked his beard and said, "That's fine, but... this case was decided by Concubine Xu, if Concubine Xu intervenes."

Taoist Huoyun also thought of this when he came, but when he came, he saw Xu Chuan and only Zhou Yun, secretly happy in his heart, maybe Xu Chuan didn't think of this, he never came and ordered Peng Hao to be punished by the Metropolitan Procuratorate!

That's right, although Xu Chuan rose to the top position suddenly, he was a bit scheming, but he was still young after all, and the biggest official he served was the magistrate of a locality, how could he understand the way of the procuratorate.It's a good thing to catch someone and let it go...or delay it for a while.

"It's okay, that kid Xu Chuan might not have thought of it..." Taoist Huoyun was about to belittle Xu Chuan carelessly.Suddenly the mouth opened and couldn't close.

Two figures walked in from outside the lobby, the leader was dressed in green clothes, smiling, and behind him was a Nascent Soul woman guard, and the young man said: "Gu Feng, do you think it's interesting or not? The son-in-law is the chief censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate appointed by Emperor Qi, this Metropolitan Procuratorate is my government office, I still need to report when I enter the house? Who should I report to?"

He walked in talking and laughing like this, as if entering his own home.Zhou Yun, who was sitting in the hall, had already got up. Seeing Xu Chuan coming in, he didn't even need to search with his spiritual sense. He knew who it was with his eyes as bright as candles.

The rumors are really extraordinary, this kind of bearing, only that Concubine Xu can do.

"Censor Zhou Yun, the left capital of Yushitai, has seen the son-in-law." Zhou Yun came up from behind the case and said with cupped hands.

"Master Zhou is polite. Huh? Daoist Huoyun is here too?" Xu Chuan politely bowed to Zhou Yun, and then he glanced at Taoist Huoyun.

Zhou Yun was silent, Taoist Huoyun took a look at Zhou Yun's appearance, and could only bite the bullet and get up.

"Old Daoist..." He was about to speak.

However, Xu Chuan had already waved his hand and stopped looking at him, but looked at Zhou Yun again and said, "Master Zhou, I went to the palace for a while and wasted time. Now I'm here to see the captured ghost girl and Peng Hao." How is the punishment for this evil cultivator who caused disasters in the capital city? Where is he going to be punished? Priest Prison?"

When Zhou Yun heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Whoever said that this concubine Xu didn't understand the situation of the Metropolitan Procuratorate? It's a trivial matter, so no punishment has been imposed yet."

Xu Chuan just stopped in front of the unicorn magic treasure picture in the hall, and said in surprise: "What? Mr. Zhou hasn't understood the details yet? The evidence in this case is conclusive. What else do we need to know? Mr. Zhou is always shrewd and capable, why is he so so this time?" Slack? Oh...is there someone interfering in it?"

Zhou Yun was choked and speechless.

Taoist Huoyun also looked unnatural.

But Xu Chuan didn't care, he waved his hand and said, "Lord Zhou, although my son-in-law is the censor appointed by King Qi, but I don't know much about the affairs of the government office. Master Zhou is different. Lord Zhou has been the censor of Zuodu for a long time. Please Master Zhou ordered, quickly impose the punishment."

As soon as Zhou Yun heard the words of Emperor Qi, his expression immediately became serious. Some face can be given, but some face cannot be given. Xu Chuan, the inspector and great censor, said this, so he could only cup his hands immediately and say: "The officer obeys."

After saying that, he ignored Taoist Huoyun's begging eyes, and directly took out a summoning talisman, and the talisman sent a message. In a short while, there were many Jindan soldiers and guards, wearing dark red robes and black pointed hats, carrying two Dao's figure came to the front of the hall.It was Peng Hao and Yin Guinv.

"Master, master is here to save me? Master is here to save me?" Peng Hao was lifted out, and when he saw Daoist Huoyun in the lobby, his soft and handsome face showed longing light.

The ghost girl's ugly face just looked at it coldly.

Regardless of Taoist Huoyun's eagerness to see his disciples and Xu Chuan's indifference, Zhou Yun's face darkened, and when he raised his palm, a golden light caused the arrow to fly out, floating in front of many soldiers and guards, reflecting the paleness of Peng Hao and Yin Guinv Looking at his face, he pointed his sword and shouted: "Evil cultivators are a disaster, heinous and heinous, execution!"

Chapter 18 Emperor Qi has a decree

"What..." Peng Hao's eyes widened.The ghost girl also showed fear, punishment?

The punishment for a cultivator is terrible.But before they could react, the military guards on both sides had already rushed over like wolves and tigers.

The magical robes and other things worn by Peng Hao and the ghost girl had been taken away long ago, and they only wore special prison clothes, and their true energy and cultivation were suppressed.

The two of them were thrown to the ground by the military guard like chickens.

Peng, Peng!

With this fall, both of them were full of gold stars.Then two burly execution guards on the left and one on the right showed evil spirits, and each had a golden hooped iron rod in their hands.This golden hoop and iron rod is just a low-grade magic weapon, but it can be infused with real energy along with the execution guards.Immediately exuded fierce might.The two swung their sticks at the same time, one left and one right, and the whistling sound of the wind was piercing, as if two golden lightning bolts struck down fiercely.


They landed neatly on the hips of Peng Hao and Yin Gui Nu, and the contained force made the ground tremble, setting off a layer of dust and air waves that floated in all directions. Fuzzy, if it wasn't for the special magic weapon wrapped in the prison clothes, this stick could break the two of them in half!

But one of them was a Jindan cultivator, and the other was a Nascent Soul cultivator. Naturally, it was impossible for them to die on the spot. Their strong resilience allowed their bodies to recover quickly.

But before he recovered, another stick had already fallen.

"Ah! It hurts me to death!" Yin Gui Nu couldn't help but screamed miserably.

"Ah! Master, save me!" Peng Hao's eyes were tearing apart, his face twisted, and he stared at Taoist Huoyun for help.


Zhou Yun looked gloomy.As the censor of Zuodu, he has seen this kind of scene a lot.

Xu Chuan looked at this scene indifferently, with a slight sneer on his face, and said to Feng Gu: "Eighteen kinds of punishments, this is the lightest punishment stick, after that there are deboning, skin cracking, nailing, and tendon picking." , piercing the throat, burning the body with profound fire... Let's appreciate it slowly."

When he came, Xu Chuan specifically asked Qian Xiaolou to learn about the punishment rules.

He said it calmly.Daoist Huoyun at the side twitched cheekily.

Golden core monks have strong vitality, but they have a limit, and it is impossible to survive!After this round of punishment, I don't know if the ghost girl can hold on.Peng Hao was afraid that he would be crippled even if he didn't die!

He stood up abruptly, about to speak.

I just heard Xu Chuan say quietly: "It's so miserable, you still beg for mercy? Have the face to beg for mercy? I don't know if those innocent people who died at their hands also begged for mercy like this, evil will be rewarded with evil, and they should be killed!"

His voice was not loud, but he deliberately contained his own artistic conception, which contained the incomparable spiritual consciousness condensed by the divine treasure golden elixir, and spread out, making Zhou Yun, a monk in the golden elixir real elixir realm, feel awe-inspiring.

Taoist Huoyun couldn't bear it anymore. Hearing his disciple's wailing and begging for mercy, his heart was pierced like a knife. How could his disciple's skinny and tender buttocks withstand such punishment, so he hurried to Xu Chuan's side Chen Kende said: "Prince Xu, my apprentice was only bewitched by that ghost girl, and I am not a cultivator, so I don't need to be punished so severely. Please forgive me, I am begging you from the old way! The old way has a top-grade one." The magic weapon "Fire Cloud Cover" can be attacked and defended, it is a first-class treasure, please accept it by Concubine Xu. "

As he said that, a fiery red bead flew out of the sleeve of Master Huoyun. The bead exuded a mighty flame of true essence fluctuations, and the true essence fluctuations floated away in circles. , as soon as it appeared, the temperature of the entire hall rose.

The quality of a magic weapon is very important when it is first produced, and it will be continuously strengthened in the hands of a cultivator in the later stage, and its accumulation is even more important. This fire cloud cover is one of the magic weapons of Master Huoyun.

Zhou Yun glanced at the fire cloud cover, but didn't say much.Feng Gu frowned slightly.

This real Huoyun was also in a hurry, and began to beg for mercy in front of them.


Two options emerged in Xu Chuan's mind: "One, accept the "Fire Cloud Cover" and exempt Peng Hao from punishment.Prestige -70, luck -10, public opinion -80, longevity -90.

Two, no charge, reputation +70, luck +5, public opinion +80.It can improve the quality of the magic weapon of Qi Luck, the quality of the prestige sword, and the quality of the public opinion sword. "

Of these two options, the value next to the first option is fine, but the decrease in lifespan makes Xu Chuan feel embarrassed.He is not Jindan now, but innate!

How much is the innate lifespan, and if you live longer, it is just over a hundred years old. Now he has lived for more than 20 years, and it is directly reduced by [-] years?

I'm afraid I might die on the spot...

As for the second option, the prestige value, public opinion value and luck value do not change much, but the quality of the three great swords is additionally improved.

Xu Chuan had no intention of forgiving Peng Hao in the first place, but now that he looked at the options, he would not spare him!

Xu Chuan focused his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Reverend Huoyun, you'd better put away this magic weapon. Peng Hao colluded with evil cultivators, many innocent women died because of him, and he helped the evildoers. It's even more hateful. How can you forgive me lightly?" ?”

Immortal Huoyun raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and the aura of the Nascent Soul on his body spread uncontrollably, filling the entire hall, and said angrily: "Mr. , why do you insist on making life difficult for him! He is ignorant of the world and bewitched by others, so you refuse to give him a chance?"

Feng Gu's figure flashed, and she was already standing beside Xu Chuan, facing Huoyun Daoist directly, a Nascent Soul aura that was not inferior to him pervaded, pressing back, the air in the whole hall seemed to be distorted and collided, faintly still I saw clusters of flames emerging in the air, and on the other side, there were whirlwinds flying around Xu Chuan.

Xu Chuan sneered and said, "Ignorant of worldly affairs? What a joke, a villain who can design to harm others and order his subordinates to forcibly abduct women has turned into an image of ignorant of worldly affairs in Huoyun's mouth. It's really funny No need to say more, the real one, this Peng Hao deserved what he deserved, he was not wronged at all, and the punishment he deserved should not be less."

Huo Yun was trembling with anger.This Xu Chuan is really reckless, he doesn't give him face at all, and he is not tempted by the treasure at all? !

Zhou Yun watched from the side, looking at Xu Chuan's fearless, righteous expression. He was a person close to Emperor Qi, and he had also lived in the officialdom for a long time. He was used to the Zuodu Yushi who colluded with the officialdom. My own set of rules, but at this moment, looking at Xu Chuan, there is only one feeling...

"The future is terrifying!"

If a fledgling young man with no background and background did this, he would just say stupid and reckless.But when Xu Chuan did this, he felt that it was commendable!

In terms of background and backstage, Xu Chuan doesn't need to be afraid of Master Huoyun, but in terms of benefits... what good does it do him?I'm afraid it won't do any good, but he just did it.

The afterlife is terrifying.

The stick hitting in the courtyard was over, before Peng Hao and Yin Guinv could catch their breath.Immediately, two execution guards came forward. They each took a sharp knife and raised the knife at the two prisoners who were still screaming in pain. They quickly lifted the prison clothes on their backs and cut open the skin. Muscles, a knife cut off the spine...

Screams sounded.

Feng Gu couldn't bear to look directly at her, Taoist Huoyun jumped in anxiety, wishing to rush up to rescue Peng Hao.

Zhou Yun's face became more and more indifferent, and he continued to watch.

Xu Chuan withdrew his gaze.He is a human being, and Peng Haoyin's ghost girl should be killed and punished. This kind of punishment is to warn the world of evil cultivators, and he also finds it shocking. Next, the end is also a ghost, those baby spirits who can't be reincarnated after death, dissipate in this world.

Xu Chuan didn't feel sorry for Peng Hao and Yin Guinv.

If he did it himself, he would kill the two thieves, and once he killed Karma, everything would end.

But the punishment set by Emperor Xia is to deter the evil cultivators in the world.Any cruel law exists because the world needs it to exist. There is no time in the world that is peaceful, but there are strong people who are trying their best to formulate rules and maintain this beauty.

"Xu Chuan! Zhou Yun! I'm going to kill you, and my brothers and sisters from the Star God Sect will avenge me, and they will avenge me!" The ghost girl growled, her voice was hoarse, and the intense pain made her want to explode herself. The baby died.But she couldn't do it, the prison clothes on her body tightly imprisoned her real essence.

Peng Hao could no longer scream, he sank in pain and almost fainted.

"Star God Religion?"

Xu Chuan's face was calm.Zhou Yun didn't even bother to pay attention.Great Xia was established 3000 years ago, and there are countless sects of evil cultivators. The Blood God Sect is one family, and the Star God Sect is also a family, and the Star God Sect has a longer history than the Blood God Sect.

The exercises practiced by the Star God Sect are mostly related to the soul and consciousness.Either absorb people's souls to strengthen oneself, or use spiritual consciousness to control each life... In short, all of them are appalling.That is to say, Emperor Xia firmly deterred the Xia Dynasty, which made these evil cultivators dare not show their heads.

Just a bunch of street rats.

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