At the same time, options popped up in his mind:

"Accepted the bribe of the lawyer Situ, convicted Li Ming, public opinion +5, luck -20, silver tael +100."

"Do not accept bribes from Lawyer Situ, check carefully, luck +5."

It's really good for Xu Chuan to secretly talk about corrupt officials. Just such a lawsuit can earn 150 taels.

However, public opinion is really the same as what the lawyer said. Now most people sympathize with Li Yulan, whose husband has died. Xu Chuan directly sentenced Li Ming without any trouble. They don't care about right or wrong. efficient.

"But my master will be lucky."

Although Xu Chuan doesn't know if this luck is useful now, but if he can cultivate to live forever, that's his pursuit. Just 50 taels to make him give up his dream?dream!

Thinking of this, Xu Chuan's face turned pale, and he said solemnly: "Situ lawyer, hurry up and put away the banknotes. I should have never heard what you said before. If you mention it again, this official will not spare you."

When did Lawyer Situ see Xu Chuan's appearance, he was taken aback and didn't dare to say any more.

After that, no matter how Li Yulan pulled his pants, he didn't dare to respond.

Soon, the village chief of Lijia Village and several clan elders brought them to the hall, and Zuzuo even ordered the body of Li Daniu to be brought up.There is also Li Ming's palm print on the murder weapon.Xu Chuan asked questions one by one.Li Ming only said that the bloody handprint was made when he saw the corpse and wanted to draw a knife to save people, but everyone in Lijia Village agreed on the same caliber, and there were many things that slandered Li Ming, and the county residents who were watching the fun also shouted Xu Chuan severely sentenced Li Ming.

The lawyer Situ is also high-sounding and sharply criticizing Li Ming... It can almost be said that he is intolerant of heaven, and he is inferior to a beast.

Xu Chuan looked at the options in his mind,

Sentenced to Li Ming, Qi Yun -20.

Obviously it should be wrong.

Li Ming originally expected the clansmen to come and say a few words to him, but he didn't expect to push himself to death completely, and he was already desperate in his heart.

The world is like this, what can he do?

"I know it's wrong, but there's no evidence, what's the use? Everyone else thinks he killed it." Xu Chuan finally understood how the three people became a tiger.

Black can make you white, and white can make you black.

"My lord, there are all witnesses and materials, so we can close the case." Lawyer Situ said with a smile.

Xu Chuan's eyes swept across the people in the hall, but his eyes suddenly condensed.It settled down in the corner of the hall...

There was a corpse of Li Daniu covered with a white cloth. Just now, the corpse moved.

To be precise, a soul floated out of the corpse, and the soul was twisted and twisted, and it could be seen that it was Li Daniel's appearance. I saw that Li Daniel's soul stared at Li Yulan for a long time, and then looked at the bringer. Witness Lijia Village mayor!Its whole soul fell on the village chief.

But the soul is only empty, after all, the village chief is thin and shrewd in his eyes, but he wears a pair of bearskin earmuffs on his ears. When Li Daniu's soul rushed towards him, he felt A chill came, and he couldn't help but close the cotton robe on his body.

Then Li Daniu's soul was full of apology, so he glanced at Li Ming, and then he bowed his hands respectfully to Xu Chuan, as if he knew that Xu Chuan could see him, and then pointed to the ear of the village chief, and then pointed to himself mouth.

Xu Chuan blinked.Fortunately, he went to the underworld for a while, otherwise he would have been apprehensive when he saw this scene.Obviously, this is Li Daniu's soul grievance.This should also be a major effect of the underworld gift package!Xu Chuan, who received his prompt, also cheered up, and shouted at those who were shouting that Li Ming would be severely sentenced:

"stop fighting."

Everyone was silent.Xu Chuan walked down from behind the case and walked a few steps to Li Daniu's body.A shroud was lifted.

"Sir, who are you?" Zuo Zuo and Master Bo hurried forward.

"This officer will examine Li Daniu's body carefully." Xu Chuan said, he stretched out his palm and landed on Li Daniu's face, which was already cold and stiff, and squeezed the latter's mouth with his fingers.Seeing that there was blood in his mouth, where was there anything else, Xu Chuan secretly thought to himself that this dead ghost was lying to him?Before he could react, Li Daniu's ghost had already rushed over and took it out of his own mouth.

Only then did Xu Chuan follow the place where his soul was digging and saw that there was actually a piece of flesh embedded in the back molars in Li Daniu's mouth, Xu Chuan immediately put his hand in and dig it out.

The whole room was shocked.

"This... what is the fainting officer doing?"

"too disgusting."

Master Situ also stepped forward and said, "Sir, you are disrespectful to the deceased."

Xu Chuan rolled his eyes at him and said in his heart, "You know what, he asked me to dig it out himself." But he said, "If he is wronged to die, that would be the greatest injustice to him."

When the words fell, he raised his arm, and he took a small piece of meat skin out of Li Daniu's mouth.Although the meat skin was bitten, it could still be seen clearly. It looked like an earlobe. Xu Chuan looked at the meat skin and laughed, "Haha, the evidence, this is the evidence. When the murderer killed Li Daniu, Li Daniu desperately resisted. , bit off the murderer's earlobe!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

"Public opinion +40. Prestige +30." A prompt also popped up in Xu Chuan's mind.

Chapter 3 The Lord of the Blue Sky

Compared with the addition and subtraction of the decimal value just now, this time the public opinion has increased by 40 and the prestige has increased by 30, which is a small increase.

Xu Chuan analyzed the reasons for these two figures rising so much in an instant. The public opinion was probably that he had produced evidence himself, and it was taken from the mouth of the deceased. This kind of truth-seeking spirit made the people a little admired and moved. I think if he didn't take out anything, hehe... Maybe it's another scene. A group of people watching him laugh, and public opinion may drop by 40. As for prestige, it is also obvious that the county magistrate who dared to take something out of the mouth of the dead , he is afraid that it is the first one, presumably it will be spread all over the streets and alleys tomorrow.

Xu Chuan held the earlobe in his hand, and in the eyes of the stunned people who had not returned to God, he pointed to Li Ming, who was kneeling in front of him, and said loudly: "Li Daniu bit off the murderer's earlobe before he died, but Li Ming's ears are intact, so the murderer will naturally not. It might be him."

Everyone was stunned.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but stretched out his palms and touched his ears. The expression on his face changed from despair to ecstasy.Just now, he thought that he must be doomed this time, and he must die. He didn't expect that there will be another village in the dark, and he will be saved!

"I'm not a murderer, I'm not a murderer, my lord is wise, my wise man!" Li Ming knelt on the ground and gave Xu Chuan three head bangs.

A reminder also popped out in Xu Chuan's mind: "Li Ming's favorability rating is +90, and the existing favorability rating is 95."

A favorability rating of 95, this is the level of a savior.

"Sir, Li Ming is not the murderer, who is the murderer?" Wang Zhu Bo Ze asked quickly.

Even the people outside the hall were full of curiosity and looked at the county magistrate in the hall. Several old villagers from Lijia Village who came up to testify looked at each other, and the village chief was sweating long ago. Consciously shrinking into the collar, at this moment, I wish I had to have this head, and hurriedly hid behind.

Xu Chuan glanced at the village chief. According to the reaction of Li Daniu's ghost, the murderer was undoubtedly the village chief.Therefore, Xu Chuan looked around the hall with a smile on his face, and then said aloud: "It's easy to find the murderer, just find out whose ear is injured and match this earlobe, and the murderer is now Right above the court."

As soon as these words came out, several people in Lijia Village in the hall looked at each other in dismay.The village chief had already hid behind a few people, ready to smear oil on the soles of his feet and slip away.

"Village Li, this official's case is not over yet, where are you going in a hurry?" Xu Chuan said with a smile.

When everyone heard the words, they looked back and saw that the village chief of the Li family had already moved to the entrance of the yamen without knowing when. Village chief Li was already frightened, but suddenly heard Xu Chuan's voice behind him, and did not dare to stop. , like a frightened rabbit rushing towards the outside of the yamen.

"Village Chief, Village Chief." Everyone in Lijia Village was stunned.What is their village chief running?

The yacha in the hall didn't respond. In fact, they haven't encountered a serious case trial in the past three years.

"Damn, what are you looking at, chase!" An angry shout came, but it was our grandfather of Xuchuan County who shouted out without caring for a heart attack.

Because just now, a prompt popped up in Xu Chuan's mind, "If the murderer escapes, public opinion will be -20, prestige -30, and luck will be -10."

How could Master Xu allow the murderer to escape? !

With Xu Chuan's shouting, the yamen came to their senses no matter how stupid they were, and they all chased after them with sticks. Unfortunately, these yamen didn't know if it was because they hadn't exercised for too long. In the face of this unexpected situation, they rushed to chase. One of the yamen who went out was unstable, and suddenly a donkey rolled and fell to the ground. It was enough for a person to fall into a dog and eat shit, but the killer stick in his hand swept out violently, and this stick was sure to hit the back. At the feet of my colleagues, one by one suddenly fell one after the other.I almost vomited three liters of blood when I showed it to Mr. Xu Chuan.

What a bunch of trash.

At this moment, Li Ming, who had just been released from the suspicion, was the first to react. Although he was simple-minded, he was not stupid. The county magistrate just said the murderer, and the village chief turned his head and ran away. Being detained by the village chief with the villagers, and repeatedly identifying himself as the murderer, the feeling of humiliation and humiliation accumulated in my heart.At this moment, it turned into a burst of anger, and immediately ran out with both legs.

When Xu Chuan was speechless at the pair of shrimp soldiers and crabs under his hands, a flower suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and a figure passed by, like a rabbit jumping, and fell behind the village chief of Lijia Village. It was Li Ming. He raised his palm on the latter's neckline, and even directly lifted the lean village chief of the Li family. He threw it back, and thumped. The sound was crisp, and two of his teeth were shattered, the bearskin earmuffs on his head fell off, and blood was oozing from the cotton cloth wrapped around his right ear.

"Good work." Xu Chuan praised Li Ming secretly.Then he hurriedly looked down at the village chief of the Li family, who had been pressed to the ground by the yamen, and smiled at the latter's bleeding ears: "Li village chief, what's the matter with your ear injury? Yes? Do you actually recruit, or let this official interrogate more?"

The village chief of the Li family knew that the situation was over, and the blood in his mouth rushed to his forehead, and said vaguely: "Big, big, please forgive me, it's Li Yulan who seduced me..."

Li Yulan, who was already bewildered by the side, became anxious when she heard this. Li Yulan was full of tears, and she didn't know whether it was from fear or grievance. She pointed at the village chief of Lijia Village and said sharply: "You fart, when did the old lady seduce you, no? You are sending money and jewelry to the old lady while the big cow is not there, can the old lady be with you? It's not because you have taken a fancy to the acres of land in his house when you framed Li Ming, your conscience let the dog eat it..."

The village chief was in a hurry and wanted to say something, but he lost two teeth and his mouth was full of blood. Seven seven eight eight.

In short, Li Yulan and the village chief have been on good terms for a long time. That day, the village chief wanted to meet Li Daniu while Li Daniu was not at home, but when the two were going through a storm, Li Daniu came back. At first, the village chief of the Li family also begged Li Daniu I let him go, but later killed him with a backhand... There are serious differences in the confessions between Li Yulan and the village chief of the Li family.According to Li Yulan, the village chief of Lijiacun took the initiative to kill, while the chief of Lijiacun said that Li Yulan signaled him to kill.Although the two of them are both villagers, they are not stupid. They know that they can't bear the sin themselves, and there may be a chance of survival.

When Xu Chuan was arguing, an option popped up in his mind: "I believe what Li Yulan said, public opinion -10, luck +5."

"I believe what Li's village chief said, public opinion +10, luck -5."

Xu Chuan couldn't help but be stunned again, under what circumstances would this option still affect public opinion?To believe in Li Yulan, that means the village chief deliberately killed people, but the people don't believe it, or in other words, the people tend to believe in the village chief of the Li family!

The village chief of the Li family said that it was Li Yulan who instigated... Li Yulan became the main culprit of the murder.People are more willing to believe this.

But from the perspective of luck, what Li Yulan said should be true.

Xu Chuan suddenly remembered that when Li Ming and Li Yulan confronted each other just now, the people all supported Li Yulan, but now that they have turned around, they don't believe her from the bottom of their hearts, or rather believe that she is the one who is "evil" to the core!

Xu Chuan sighed in his heart, people are unpredictable, and the people don't care about right or wrong. Now they think that you are running on the train with your mouth full, and everything you say is false. This is the consequence of the collapse of the human design.

However, Mr. Xu still has to be lucky.public opinion?This group of swaying and hard-to-serve scoundrels know what to ask.

The supervisor, the litigator, received money from the village chief of the Li family. He told him to take care of Li Yulan in the hall. He wanted to say something for this employer just now, but he was so happy to see the two of them bite the dog and just pushed the responsibility. He couldn't help but look contemptuous, and he quietly retreated to the side, not to get involved in this matter.

Xu Chuan listened to the two of them arguing endlessly, and the case was also explained in various ways, and then he coughed lightly: "Cough. Be quiet."

However, the light cough of his sick seedling was like a mosquito, and the two people below did not hear it at all.

Li Ming has been looking at Xu Chuan, the master of Qingtian who has returned his innocence. Seeing Xu Chuan open his mouth, the two murderers who harmed him did not stop talking, and roared violently: "Sir, be quiet!"

This roar was much more effective than gavel, and Li Yulan and the village chief of the Li family, who were still splashing dirty water at each other, stopped in unison.

The people in the hall looked at Xu Chuan again.

Xu Chuan glanced at Li Ming with admiration, nodded and smiled, "Thank you."

thanks?There was a hint of incomprehension in Li Ming's heart, he was a small farmer, and the adults thanked him?This made him feel an unprecedented feeling... that was the feeling of being respected!

"Li Ming's favorability is +5, and the existing favorability is 100. If you use it for your own use, you can increase your luck by 50."


Xu Chuan raised his eyebrows in surprise. What did he do? Li Ming's favorability level increased by 5, and after becoming 100, there were other options?Take it for your own use, add gas luck?

Mr. Xu was a little confused, but this is not the time to be entangled in this, he looked at the village head of Lijiacun and Aunt Li Yulan below the hall, his face was cold and said: "Li Yulan, the deceased Li Daniel made a husband and wife for you, as the saying goes, one day husband and wife Bairien, as his wife, you have double intentions and have sex with others. This is one crime. Being discovered by your husband and cooperating with the Li family village chief to murder her husband is a second crime. Later, I heard the Li family village chief bewitched and framed people in the same village. Li Ming, this is three crimes, three crimes are punished together, and the death penalty cannot be escaped, so this official will put you in the county jail first, and then you will be sentenced to death when you get a clear sentence."

According to the laws of the Xia Dynasty, if the criminal case decided by the county magistrate involves conscription, exile, death penalty, etc., it must be submitted to the general sentence for review. Although it is generally a process, it is a rule.He continued:

"The chief of the Li family's village, as the chief of a village, did not want to educate, seduce other people's wives, the scandal was exposed, and he actually wanted to kill, and he did not regret it afterwards. Same as above." Although Xu Chuan's voice was not loud, at this moment the court was silent as if a needle was falling.

Li Yulan and the village chief of the Li family were ashes.

Xu Chuan looked at Li Ming again, and said with a smile, "Li Ming was framed, innocent, and was acquitted. For the loss of his psychological and reputation, the Li family should pay a certain amount of silver."

"Yes, my lord." Although the clan elder from Lijia Village didn't know what psychological compensation and reputation compensation were, he couldn't understand the things of cultural people, so he quickly took orders.A group of villagers from Lijia Village looked at Li Ming with complicated expressions.

Li Ming knelt down on the ground, bang dong dong three heads: "Li Ming kowtows to thank Qingtian Master."

This time, Xu Chuan didn't get the prompt of his favorability, and sure enough, when his favorability reached 100, he was the top.

He smiled slightly, then waved: "Okay, leave the hall."


Don Megatron.

There was a commotion outside the hall.

"How did the county magistrate change his sex?"

"This, this is Master Qingtian."

"The county magistrate is so smart. But Li Yulan should be sentenced to soak in a pig cage again!"

A voice of discussion.

Master Xu Chuan didn't look back, and walked down the hall calmly and unrestrainedly, a gorgeous reminder already appeared in his mind: "Successful trial of Li Daniu case, public opinion +80, prestige +80, luck +10."

Hey, the luck added a little bit, Xu Chuan kept walking down the back office, and now there is only one thing he wants to do the most... is to carefully study this hell gift package!

Chapter 4

"I have seen the master."

Xu Chuan walked into the backyard of the county government office, and the servants all saluted.

Xu Chuan was full of thoughts, nodded and went straight to his room.After locking the door, he sat cross-legged on the soft couch in the room. After three years, Xu Chuan also put a lot of effort into his practice.In this world, there are many ways of cultivating the body, but you can pay attention to the way of fate.

"I've been through three years, and I haven't seen a few cultivators." Sitting on the bed, Xu Chuan sighed in his heart.

Cultivators, very few.

The cultivation system can be divided into three major realms: acquired, innate, and golden elixir according to the realm.

Only after Jin Dan can be regarded as a cultivator!

Before Jindan, it could only be regarded as Qi refining.

Acquired is divided into nine stages of qi refining, and innate is divided into two stages.The acquired method of qi-refining is quite easy to seek, with roots and bones, and if you are diligent enough, you can try it.It is said that there is no fate, even if the cultivation method is placed in front of you, you can't understand it, you can't see it.

Even if cultivators teach their disciples, they can't speak the "Great Way" bluntly. As soon as the words are spoken, they will be scattered in the wind, and they will not reach the disciples' ears at all. They can only realize it by themselves.

Such a high difficulty of entry has resulted in the scarcity of practitioners.But it is rare, but it does not mean that there is no one. The Emperor Xia of the Great Xia Dynasty is the first-class powerhouse today. The Xia Dynasty was established for 3000 years, and the Emperor Xia lived for 3000 years. His cultivation is so deep that it is unimaginable.

"I was born with a weak physique. I was born with a lack of heart. It is difficult to refine Qi. Now I am 21 years old. It can be said that I have no strength to restrain a chicken. I am desperate for cultivation. I hope I have the opportunity this time, and I must have the opportunity. This trial package , must be helpful to practice." Xu Chuan longed in his heart, longed for three years, only hoped for this opportunity, and at the same time his mind was already immersed in his mind.

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