give up?It doesn't exist, and the ancient god tablet may not be considered for him for the time being.But who knows if it will be needed in the future, this kind of treasure is a treasure for most monks, so if you don't use it, you have to fight for it!

Option [-] and Option [-] are [-] times less lucky, and also less treasures like ancient god monuments.

"When I got it, I let it go first. Xia Wuzheng is different, he is eager to improve his strength."

Xu Chuan smiled and immediately made a choice.

"Well...then I will go with you and help you get this ancient god tablet." Xu Chuan said with a smile: "If you can achieve the perfection of artistic conception in the future and your strength soars, I might be able to embrace a strong man at the state animal husbandry level What about the thighs..."

Xia Wuzheng's heart warmed up.

He invited Xu Chuan to look for the ancient god stele. At first, he didn't know what kind of treasure the ancient god stele was, but he had a verbal agreement that if it was a magic weapon, it would be assigned based on its strength, and if it was the inheritance of supernatural powers and spells, then it would be studied together.

Now that Xu Chuan told him the true purpose of the ancient god tablet, and even offered to help him directly, how could he not be touched by this kindness.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me in advance, I'm afraid it's not easy to fight for the sacred monument, and it's even more difficult to get away safely." Xu Chuan said via voice transmission.

"I'm sure." Xia Wuzheng smiled, they were talking through sound transmission just now.Immediately, he turned his head to look at Zhuyuan Ziyu and Uncle Bai, who were still shocked by the phantom light of the sacred monument in the distance, and also confessed a few words through voice transmission.

"Don't worry, son." Uncle Bai cupped his hands.

"Be careful, if you encounter danger or get the sacred monument, send me a message, and I will move you back." Zhu Yuanziyu also said.

"Move?" Xu Chuan was surprised.

"Hey, brother-in-law Xu Chuan, the function of the heaven and earth acacia ring is to move. As long as one party is activated, no matter where the other party is, the other party can be moved to the side instantly. It's just that you have to hold hands when moving." Zhu Yuanzi The fish monster laughed.

Xia Wuzheng helped the forehead.

Xu Chuan was stunned.

The Heaven and Earth Acacia Ring turned out to be this treasure, such a treasure.He was a little envious.

"Then it's easy to get out if you really get the sacred tablet."


Zhuyuanziyu and Uncle Bai rushed towards the Seven Sacred Mountains.Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng rushed towards the light of the divine tablet.

The divine stele does not show light, and it is still difficult to find it in the vast Seven Sacred Mountains. At this moment, when the miraculous light appears, it is as if a bright light suddenly appeared in the dark, and it is very easy to find.

Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng rushed towards the phantom of the divine tablet.

When approaching the sacred monument, the phantom is nearly a hundred feet away.


An invisible coercion spread.

Clouds and mist filled the air, mixed with this invisible coercion, as if hitting the soul.It actually made Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng suffocate.

"This coercion?"

Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng looked at each other, Xu Chuan had condensed into the golden elixir of the divine treasure, coupled with the cultivation of the spiritual consciousness method, the spiritual consciousness has become stronger recently, but it can withstand this coercion.

The sixth level of Xia Wuzheng's legendary artistic conception can also hold it.

It's just that this is only within a hundred feet of the phantom of the sacred tablet, so the coercion is so strong?I'm afraid it can stop many monks.This coercion is that ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators may not be able to bear it.

The consciousness of a normal Nascent Soul cultivator can only detect the surrounding hundreds of feet.

"This coercion alone may be able to stop a large group of monks."

"It's a good thing to stop many monks." Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng exchanged glances, and then continued to fly forward.

The further forward, the heavier the coercion.

Finally, when Xia Wuzheng's face turned pale.

"That is…"

Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng finally appeared in the area where the phantom of the divine stele appeared, and the dazzling divine stele was suspended in the sky.

The light was reflected from a fissure in the ground, and at the moment the fissure was wider with the vibration of the Seven Sacred Mountains, but the whole fissure was filled with monstrous flames.The space is distorted, undulating like ripples, and ordinary creatures are afraid that they will die if they touch it.Fortunately, the weakest practitioners who dare to come to the Seven Sacred Mountains are golden cores, and they can easily resist the high temperature.

Except for the cracks, the entire ground in this area is almost cracked, revealing a strange palace like a honeycomb.

This palace is like a cave, but also like a mausoleum palace.

At this moment, there are only three figures around the cave.

An old man in white, a golden core monk in black, and a woman in flowered clothes.

The arrival of Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng also attracted the attention of those three people.

"Huh? The golden core cultivators are really good now." The old man in white looked over.

Xu Chuan moved in his heart.

"Warning perception, cultivator of transformation spirit!"


Xu Chuan looked at the white-clothed old man in surprise. Under the pressure of the Seven Sacred Mountains, all the monks who transformed themselves into souls only had the cultivation of Yuanying. How dare this cultivator of transformed spirits dare to take risks?

The old man in white was unfamiliar, but the other two were familiar, one was the lifeless necromancer, and the other was the heart-watching witch.


At this time, several figures flashed past in the distance, flying out of the clouds with difficulty.It is the Lord of Guiyuan Palace, Hefeng Xiangshi, Prince Poison Dragon, and Grand Master Qianliu.

These four are the strongest among the Seven Sacred Mountains at the moment.

Because of coercion, these are the only people who can come here.

Prince Du Long and others first looked towards Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng, narrowing their eyes slightly.Then he swept towards the old man in white.

Palace Master Guiyuan and Xiangshi Feng shrank their eyes at the same time.

The Dulong Prince was also very surprised, and the green-browed and green-haired Master Qianliu was even more apprehensive.

"It turned out to be Senior Jin. I didn't expect Senior Jin to come to the Seven Sacred Mountains. It seems that there is no hope for me to wait for this sacred monument." Palace Master Guiyuan said in a very respectful tone.

"The treasure is right in front of you, whoever gets it depends on his ability, what are you putting on?" the old man in white snorted.

Chapter 28 Don't step on me

Palace Master Guiyuan's face turned red immediately, he was just saying hello and being polite.But he didn't expect the other party to be so disrespectful to him, but when he thought about the other party's identity... he was relieved.

"The naughty boy Jin Sihai, a cultivator who transforms spirits, likes to wander alone the most. He has a vicious and changeable temperament and is extremely difficult to get along with. I shouldn't talk to him."

It was really difficult to get along with.

If he had seen this urchin in other places outside, Palace Master Guiyuan would have turned around and left immediately, but here was the Seven Sacred Mountains, and he was not afraid of the cultivator who transformed himself to the level of the Nascent Soul.He snorted coldly and said no more, and looked down at the honeycomb palace and cave.

"This temper..."

Xu Chuan also took a look at the white-clothed old man, and directly sent back Palace Master Guiyuan?Where is it sacred?At this time, Xia Wuzheng's voice transmission sounded in his ears.Xia Wuzheng stayed outside the border for a longer period of time, and he was swayed by his ears and eyes, and he also knew more about the rumors of monks in the cultivation world outside the border.

Devil boy Jin Sihai?Temperament is fickle.Both good and evil, he likes wandering through secret places, and his strength is unpredictable.

When Xu Chuan heard this, he secretly sighed in his heart, the world of cultivation is vast, and indeed there are countless strong people.Like to go on a wild adventure?The more this kind of personality, the more destined to be not weak.

They transmit the sound here,

Jin Sihai seemed to be talking with someone through sound transmission.He didn't give Palace Master Guiyuan a good look, but then looked at Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng with bright eyes.

Especially Xu Chuan.

"Are you Xu Chuan? That little Golden Core doll who suffered a lot from Xiebugui outside Xiaming Pass?" Jin Sihai asked.

"One, admit it frankly. Luck +5, Jin Sihai's favorability +50."

"Second, admit it humbly. Luck +5, Jin Sihai's favorability -50."

"Three, ignore it. Luck -10."

Three options emerged in Xu Chuan's mind.Although Jin Sihai, the devil's naughty boy, has a devil in his name, Xu Chuan feels that he is eclectic and quite chic.It doesn't look like a demon, but it's interesting.

"It's me." Xu Chuan admitted with a smile.Although at his current position of strength, he no longer needs to look at anyone's face.But interesting people are worth getting to know.

"Haha, good, good manners, good courage, that evil boy should have learned a lesson a long time ago, you did a good job." Jin Sihai laughed and looked at Xu Chuan with satisfaction.

"Jin Sihai's favorability is +50, and the current favorability is 60."

"Violating the border is a disaster. If you dare to come, you have to be prepared to pay the price." Xu Chuan said.

It seems that Jin Sihai and Na Xiebugui are not to be dealt with.

After hearing this, Jin Sihai smiled even more.

"well played."

"Everyone, the treasure is in front of you at this moment. There are only nine of us here, first come, first served, let's talk about how to get the stele." A beautiful voice sounded, but it was the Guanxin Witch who laughed.

"Hmph. The stele belongs to my demon clan."

Prince Dulong snorted coldly, and Grand Master Qianliu beside him also had cold eyes.

"The ancient divine stele is there." Feng Xiangshi and Guiyuan Palace Master also looked at the ghostly shadow of the divine stele looming under the towering flames.

The cracks in the ground opened, and the god monument could just be seen.But the flames are too strong to be approached from above.

There must be other treasures in this cave palace, but the primary goal of everyone is the ancient god tablet, other treasures, any treasure is probably inferior to the ancient god tablet.


Master Qianliu raised his green eyebrows, and raised his palm first.


Dark green demonic light mixed with billowing demonic wind rose from Great Master Qianliu's body, his two arms turned into countless vines, each vine shone brightly, the vines soared and stretched directly into the flame.

"Idiot." Jin Sihai looked at him and snorted coldly.

Chi Chi Chi.

Great Master Qianliu is a willow tree that became a demon. Because of the great opportunity, the cultivation of the body has long been like a magic weapon, and it is like a flame that can't do anything to him.Only then did he reach in confidently, wanting to wrap the sacred tablet out in one fell swoop, but he didn't expect that the vines that turned into his arms would burn quickly when he touched the flames, green light rose, and the vines, like magic weapons, were quickly burned into pitch black of ashes.

Great Master Qianliu was so frightened that he quickly retracted the vines.

"What a powerful flame."

"I don't know what kind of mysterious fire it is."

Both Palace Master Guiyuan and Xiangshi Feng were frightened.

They were planning to use some magic weapon to take out the sacred tablet just now, but seeing the power of the flame, they resolutely dismissed this idea.

"You can only enter the Honeycomb Palace, but with so many entrances, the routes inside must be complicated. Once you enter, it's uncertain who will get the stele." Palace Master Guiyuan frowned.

The Witch of Mind, Jin Sihai, and Necromancer were all watching. They came one step earlier than Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng. They just tried the flame intensity and knew that they could not get it directly from above. The same is true for the newcomers at this moment.Then you can only enter the palace.

"Come on, let's go in." Master Qianliu said.

"Wait first." Prince Dulong suddenly transmitted the voice.The blood-red eyes looked at Xia Wuzheng and Xu Chuan in the distance.

Palace Master Guiyuan and Xiangshi Feng also looked at Xu Chuan and the two of them.

"They are?" Jin Sihai couldn't help being a little confused.

Necromancer was lifeless and didn't care at all.

The Heart Witch understands.

Xu Chuan threw the "raw" face copper coins four times in one breath before in front of the ancient temple, which was a bit too lucky.

So several people were watching Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng's actions, and they would follow in whichever entrance the two walked.

Xu Chuan also instantly understood what these people were up to, and smiled instead of anger.

"Follow us? Very good."

Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng made a brief sound transmission, and then flew towards the entrance of a honeycomb palace first. It was a good thing that they got the divine tablet first.

Seeing them go in, Prince Dulong and Palace Master Guiyuan followed them in.

"Haha, interesting, but I firmly believe that my luck has always been good. I'd better go my own way." Jin Sihai laughed, found an entrance at random, and flew in.

The heart-observing witch's eyes flashed, but she remained motionless. Mosquito-sized insects flew out of her sleeves. There were not millions of these insects, but hundreds of thousands of them. Like a black cloud, they quickly scattered and rushed After entering the honeycomb palace, she stood there motionless.

Necromancer took a look at the entrance where Xu Chuan and Xia Wuzheng entered, and immediately stepped forward, his figure flashed, and entered an entrance at random.

The two of Xu Chuan entered the cave palace, and the coercion was even stronger. Their spiritual consciousness was oppressed again, and they could only cover three feet around. hint.Could it be that he should take the initiative to consume luck judgment?

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