However, to enter the artistic conception at the limit of techniques requires great comprehension, and the threshold is high, and after that, it will be improved layer by layer...

The higher you go, the harder it is to improve. Xu Chuan is only at the third level of the legendary artistic conception of swordsmanship and the fourth level of the artistic conception of superior formation.

Compared with Dahuangyu and Xia Wuzheng, they are far worse than the evildoers, the thirteenth level of great perfection?Don't even dare to think about it.

The commander of Xuanbing is also a cultivator of transforming spirits, and the level of artistic conception is only No. 12, which shows how difficult it is.If Xu Chuan really wanted to say who is the Great Perfection, Emperor Xia must be the state shepherd?Should be too?

"The jug young man just now is a Dzogchen monk?" Xu Chuan was shocked.

After the shock, it is dignified.

If the flagon young man wanted to attack him, he might not even know how he died.Life and death are in the hands of others, or unconsciously, this feeling...

A thought suddenly arose in Xu Chuan's mind. He had been fighting outside the border recently, but because there were many means to save his life, there were many soldiers and guards, and what he was facing was a major event that he could not do by himself, so the pressure on his own practice was not great. , but at this moment, he suddenly had a sense of crisis and the desire to become stronger.

The mentality has changed.

It's okay to be in awe of the strong, but life must be in your own hands!

Just when Xu Chuan felt the turmoil in his heart because of the strength of the wine pot youth, he felt a line of sight converge, Xu Chuan's heart moved slightly, and he looked up.

The couple who were arguing and scolding had already chased away.

Two figures were standing at the entrance of the tavern, one was a tall and burly middle-aged man dressed in black, his eyes were like whirlpools, swallowing everything around him like a prehistoric beast full of oppression, the other was a An old woman, holding a dragon-headed crutch and smiling kindly, looked towards Xu Chuan.

"I didn't expect that on the first day I returned to the capital, I would meet many talented people." Xu Chuan smiled.

"Xu Consort, long time no see." The burly middle-aged man in black said.The voice rang directly in Xu Chuan's ears.

"Mr. Lu, it's been a long time." Xu Chuan cupped his hands and smiled.

Who is this burly middle-aged man but Tianya Luhe?

Ranked third on the Jindan list, the reputation is illustrious.And another...

"I have seen the son-in-law." The old woman with a kind smile on her face bowed towards Xu Chuan.

"Dragon Mother, you are welcome." Xu Chuan also smiled and cupped his hands.Although there was a smile on his face, there was indifference in his eyes.

This mother of dragons is also a Jindanshidan cultivator, but despite the kind smile on her face, she seems to be easy to get close to. In fact, she kills people without mercy!He used to exterminate a family just because his disciples were killed in fighting skills. He protected his shortcomings to the extreme and was unreasonable, but his cultivation was not weak. He even killed dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators in the past century, ranking sixth on the Jindan list!

He has an irrational temper, and kills at every turn.Of course, because they are not in the city, the monks are fighting outside the city, and the imperial court will not intervene too much in the management.Just like Mr. Fuyao back then, he was going to kill him, the court official, outside Ancheng County.

The Dragon Mother didn't care about the indifference in Xu Chuan's eyes either.

The two smiled and walked into the tavern.

As soon as they entered, the originally chaotic voices in the tavern instantly quieted down and turned into silence. Even the children playing in the corner became extremely obedient, snuggling up to their parents, and the invisible oppression made them dare not speak out. breathe.

The two sat down on the table in front of Xu Chuan, and Xiao Er had already served the wine.

Xu Chuan and Lu He were also old acquaintances, so they sat down again.At this time, a charming woman in red came over respectfully and poured wine for the three of them. Only then did Xu Chuan notice that there was such a woman behind the Dragon Mother. This charming woman was slender and taller than the Dragon Mother. It's just that she was too respectful, almost bowed like a monster, and followed behind the dragon mother with her head down. Xu Chuan didn't use his spiritual sense to check, so he didn't see it.

The charming woman poured wine for the three of Xu Chuan, and her bright eyes were also looking at Xu Chuan. For some reason, a blush rose on her pretty face.

Her neck, skin, eyes, and lips are all beautiful and exquisite to the extreme, like a piece of suet jade carefully carved, without the slightest blemish, people can't help but want to pity, get close to, even As long as she can show a smile, there are countless men willing to die for her.

This is a stunning beauty.

Xu Chuan suddenly frowned.


He snorted coldly.The charming woman's face changed, her eyes shrank, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, she looked at Xu Chuan in horror.

"You bastard, how honorable Madam Xu is, and you can charm him?" The smile on the kindly face of the Dragon Mother faltered.

The charming woman didn't care about the shock of her consciousness, and said repeatedly: "Master, I..."

But before she could speak, a ray of light had already passed across her face, and the blood splashed down and landed on the food, like delicate red flowers adorning it.

In a blink of an eye, the charming woman's cheeks were no longer beautiful and flawless, and a hideous wound stretched from her forehead to her chin.

"Within ten years, this scar cannot be removed, get out of the way." Longmu snorted coldly.

"Thank you, Master." The charming woman thanked repeatedly, and then obediently stood behind the Dragon Mother.

Both Xu Chuan and Lu He watched this scene calmly.

The Dragon Mother raised her glass with a smile and said: "The little boy is stubborn and offended the son-in-law, and I will apologize to the son-in-law."

Xu Chuan shook his head and smiled: "Women, especially beautiful women, always want to show their most beautiful side and make men fascinated by them. I treat men as stupid pigs, and when I see too many stupid pigs, I feel that all men in the world are pigs. But I don’t know that I am also a pig, just a pig dressed up and dressed up.”

Lu He smiled.

The Dragon Mother also smiled, turned her head to look at the charming woman, and said: "My son-in-law said you are a pig, and a pig should look like a pig, so slap your mouth."

The charming woman trembled, but immediately began to slap her face hard, and there was a crackling sound, so under the dumbfounded eyes of many guests in the restaurant, this beautiful and delicate woman turned into a A pig's head.

Xu Chuan got up without much interest.

"It's really hard to swallow a pig, Mr. Lu, you and I will meet again another day, oh, send my regards to Mr. Xia Jin."

"Okay." Lu He nodded.

Xu Chuan walked out of the restaurant with a smile, without even looking at the Dragon Mother.


"You have such a magnanimity at such a young age, and you will be feared later in life." The Dragon Mother put down the wine glass in her hand and frowned. Although the words were flattering, she was obviously a little annoyed.

"You are too stupid to play these little tricks. If it were me, your disciple would be dead by now." Lu He laughed.

"I'm just trying to test the depth of this famous concubine Xu, to see if it's a vain name or a real talent." The Dragon Mother snorted coldly.

Lu He said: "Try? Some people can try, some people can't."

The Dragon Mother glanced at the pig-headed disciple behind her, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu is ranked third on the Golden Elixir List. If you make a move, you can't try it? He is only ranked above 90."

Lu He smiled: "The ranking will change soon."

"If you change again, can it be placed on Mr. Lu's head?" Long Mu empress shook her head.

Xu Chuan did have great military exploits before the frontier pass, but that was the frontier pass, with many soldiers and guards, and King Yan and King Yun were in charge.In monk fighting, life and death are only on the line, and the difference is much greater.

Lu He didn't say much.

Seeing that Lu He was silent, Mother Long moved her chopsticks to pick up the blood-stained stewed meat on the table and put it into her mouth, she said softly: "No matter who he is or how strong he is, if he interferes with Mr. Xia Jin's affairs, then I will You can’t just sit back and watch.”

Only then did Lu He take another look at her: "Do you dare to kill him?"

"Hehe." The Dragon Mother smiled kindly: "Mr. Lu would say such a thing. In this world, killing is not the only way to solve the enemy."

Lu He shook his head and said instead, "He won't interfere."


Xu Chuan walked out of the tavern and strolled down the street, but his expression was very serious.As soon as they met, Lu He had already sent him a voice transmission.

Lu He is now serving Xia Jin!This time, Xia Jin was also ordered to welcome Xu Chuan back in triumph.Saying it is welcoming, of course it can also be seen as showing strength!

Xia Jin's fangs have been exposed. Xu Chuan doesn't know what happened while he was away from the capital, and how Xia Jin made Lu He, the third-ranked monk on the Jindan list, willingly serve him. It is not difficult to understand.

Lu He is also a monk, a human being, has a family and a career, even if he is aloof outside, he still can't leave the Xia Dynasty in the end, so he can only go with the flow.

Do you think that Emperor Qi can't survive the catastrophe?

Xu Chuan was walking on the street, thinking of Emperor Qi, the future catalog once again appeared in his mind.In the catalog, Emperor Qi sat in a tower, already dead and gone, but the scene of a Gu insect biting at the golden core made Xu Chuan a little restless.

To Emperor Qi, Xu Chuan still thanked the latter for his acquaintance with him, and Emperor Qi nodded his head for the Xia Yuan Banquet.Moreover, although this old emperor is not a perfect emperor, he is also a good emperor who is diligent and caring for the people of the world. Compared with Xia Jin, he is really better than Xia Jin.

Whether it was out of sympathy, gratitude, or something else, Xu Chuan always had a thought in his heart, he didn't want Emperor Qi to die in an unclear manner.But why die?

Because of Xia Jin?Or because of something else?Xu Chuan has been confused, not only confused about the reason, but also doesn't know what to do.

It's as if you know that your friend's wife is cheating, should you tell your friend, or not?It's not good for you or your friends if you tell it. If you don't tell it, you'll always feel bad.

At some point, a ray of fragrant wind blew by Xu Chuan's side, and Princess Miaoyin was already walking by his side.

"Is there something on your mind?" Princess Miaoyin asked.

Xu Chuan shook his head: "Why did the princess say that?"

Princess Miaoyin smiled: "The son-in-law came out of the restaurant, and we followed behind. With the son-in-law's cultivation, we can easily find it, but we have never paid attention to it."

Xu Chuan was startled, then turned his head to look at Feng Gu and the others who were following from a distance.

"Princess forgive me..."

"What did the son-in-law say?" Princess Miaoyin waved her hands and said, "The son-in-law is thinking about Emperor Qi?"

Xu Chuan looked at Princess Miaoyin in surprise, and Princess Miaoyin smiled sweetly when she saw her expression: "The son-in-law has a noble status, so you can stay out of court affairs, because no matter how the court changes, the son-in-law is still a son-in-law. When Miss Su comes back, our family can rest assured Cultivation is the pursuit of longevity, so why bother too much."

Xu Chuan was shocked when he heard the words, and he didn't see the unnatural look on Princess Miaoyin's face when she said our family.

Of course, that unnaturalness was only fleeting.It's more about looking forward to the future.

Xu Chuan woke up with a start.

Yeah, what was he thinking?

Does he need to do something?Who is he?He was just reincarnated, a monk who came to this world, maybe he saw some visions of the future, but he didn't have any choice to force him to make a choice.

Why is he bothered?

He has the memory of his previous life. Since he has memory, he should understand his pursuit. What he pursues is to live forever in the world, to stay with the one he loves, to have children in the future, to have a wife and children, and to be rich. Chang Le, this is what he wants in his heart, and this is enough.

Changes in the imperial court, worrying about the country and the people?

This shouldn't be the psychology he should have.

He is Emperor Xia's son-in-law, the commander of Tiance Guard.What does it matter to him if the court changes?

What is Xia Jin going to do, and what can he do to him?

It didn't affect his luck, but the options that affected him made him do great things.

Who is the emperor, is he a good emperor, none of his business?Emperor Xia is still behind the scenes.

"It's me who has added to my troubles."

Xu Chuan shook his head with a wry smile, but he also understood that this might be the disadvantage of predicting some things in the future. If he didn't know anything, he wouldn't have these troubles.

"Thank you, princess." Xu Chuan stopped and cupped his hands towards Princess Miaoyin.

Princess Miaoyin hurriedly pressed his hand down, and said, "My son-in-law has helped me a lot..."

"It's different." Xu Chuan said solemnly: "If there is no princess, Xu Chuan is also in the court, just a monk in the court. Because of the princess, he can jump out of the turmoil and sit and watch the wind and clouds. I can't help but thank you .”

Princess Miaoyin knew what Xu Chuan meant, and a hint of sweetness appeared inexplicably in her heart, so she could only say: "We are a family."

Xu Chuan listened to this sentence, a family?He and Su Qing are a family, Princess Miaoyin?

Does it count?

Xu Chuan suddenly felt a little guilty. Did he have too much luck? He was so lucky that he boarded the big ship of Princess Miaoyin.In the past, he felt at ease because he agreed to Princess Miaoyin's request. At this moment, Xu Chuan really felt that he had taken advantage of it.

If you take too much advantage, you will feel guilty.

How do you make up for your guilt as a man?

Xu Chuan flipped his palm, and a vermilion jade had already appeared in his palm, and said: "Princess, just now the jug young man lost a magic weapon to me. Help me take a look."

Princess Miaoyin was astonished, took the beautiful jade magic weapon, and took a look, she immediately saw how rare this "beauty magic jade" was.However, it is only rare, and there is nothing that cannot be figured out.

She understood immediately.For some reason, her heart beat a lot faster suddenly, but her face was still calm and she said: "Okay, let me take a look for you."

Xu Chuan also knows how honorable Princess Miaoyin's status is, and the gifts are expensive?Just kidding, I can only give these strange magic weapons.Seeing the princess accepting it, Xu Chuan also smiled happily.

The two walked in front, and Yin Xingfenggu and others watched the scene behind.

"Young master finally got the hang of it." Lan Gu snorted.

Chapter 6 The True Power of the Bone Flute

Awakened by Princess Miaoyin's words, and seeing the method of the suspected artistic conception, Xu Chuan was indeed enlightened. People in the court have to worry about the affairs of the court. One's own strength is the most important thing. What's the use of thinking too much?There is no choice for him to do, isn't it good to practice peacefully?What's more, many people would not want to come to this kind of peace.

In the words of Beiyang Grand Commander, high cultivation and long life are the most important.

Back at the mansion, Xinlan had already prepared a table of sumptuous delicacies, Xu Chuan and Princess Miaoyin were eating the dishes, listening to Xu Chuan talking about the trip to the border, those female cultivators in Qingfeng Mountain were pitiful, and Zhao Qiankun was full of tricks , the ruthless means of the demon island master in the ancient fairy pool, the thrill of Xu Chuan's seizing the eyesight of the Jiuyou demon, the danger of the battle with the Fengyuan monster, and the killing of the real fire sect, Xia Kun's conspiracy , Entering the customs at starry night, evil envoys are vicious...

These are the real dangers outside the border. Princess Miaoyin's heart was surging and her eyes were shining. Yinxing and Xinlan couldn't help but worry about Xu Chuan. Fenggu and Langu, two experienced souls The monks were all moved by it.

Besides, after one person left the customs to save tens of thousands of people, the evil king's avatar actually sneaked into the city gate and turned into a guard beside Fengyang princess, it was thrilling...

It can be said that if Xu Chuan didn't notice, or was not careful enough, he would have died countless times.Of course, when they heard how the soldiers and guards who fought bloody at the border fought bravely and bravely killed the enemy, their blood boiled with enthusiasm.

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