She can't read astrology.

But she firmly believed in one thing: "Brother Gu Ci will never lose!"

The voice just fell.


A beam of light illuminates the arena.


But not quite gold.

Including Xingwu, everyone on the scene opened their eyes wide.

They found out.

In the golden light, there is a strange red.

Gorilla like blood.

A blink of an eye.

The blood red disappeared again.

As if it never appeared.

Audience A was dumbfounded: "Am I dazzled?"

Spectator B pinched his thigh: "If so, then I'm dazzled too."

Audience C rationally analyzed: "It should be dizziness, I have never heard of a star card that can glow red."

Lu Beibei also saw this scene.

Rubbed his eyes.

Looking at the past again, the field is golden.

"That's all right."

Lu Beibei breathed a sigh of relief.


Wait for the light to dissipate.

Gu Ci picked up the star card and walked out of the arena. The aerial photography didn't even have time to show the audience the attributes of the card.

The referee team also came down to the arena.

After learning that Gu Ci is also an offensive spell card, he erected a damage test stake for a sixth-order star card in the open space.

Measure the actual damage first, and then talk about other things.

"Lu Beibei, you come first." The referee said.

Lu Beibei nodded, took a deep breath, and slowly mobilized the star power.

next second.

The golden flame burst out from the star card and flew into the air.

Condensed into a huge golden flame phoenix.

The burning wings cast a large shadow on the ground, making the air in the arena a bit hot.


After screaming sharply, Fenghuang spat out a ball of fire and smashed it towards the stake.

Then swooped down and hit it directly.


The tumbling flames engulfed the stake.




After the damage jumped five times, it finally settled down.


Although expected.

The audience's eyelids still jumped wildly.

"Damn, this damage is gone after rubbing against the shield."

Lu Maomao looked at Xing Wu: "How is it, is it amazing?"

Xing Wu didn't bother to talk to this boyfriend.

On the field, the referee changed a new stake.

This time, all eyes were on Gu Ci.

Lu Beibei's spell card hit 24600, is there any chance for Gu Ci to surpass him?

Gu Ci took two steps forward.

The power of the stars gathers in the palm of your hand.

Seeing that Coach Gu was finally about to make a move, all 20 students clenched their fists.

24600... It's too scary, they don't know what to do.

Xia Zhi even held her breath.

Inject star power into the star card.

A phantom suddenly appeared on Gu Ci's body.

The phantom was dressed in a black robe and held a magic wand in his hand.

The nose is flattened because there is no bone, and the face looks very strange.

Gu Ci raised his right hand and pointed it at the stake.

Xu Ying also raised his wand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Unforgivable Curse - Avada Kedavra!

The sky suddenly darkened.


A green light pierced the air like lightning and hit the stake.

It's like a soul out of body.

A phantom of a stake peels off from the stake and then dissipates.


The stake also turned into dust and returned to the star card state.

The pattern on the star card is gone.

There is also a hole in the middle.

Referee: "???"

Lu Beibei: "???"

Lu Maomao: "???"

Audience: "???"

"What do you mean?"

"Gu Ci just wiped out the stake...?"

"No, it just wiped out the stakes."

The aerial camera flew over secretly and found an angle to take pictures of Gu Ci's card.

Gu Ci didn't hide it either.

【Avada Kedavra. Star Power Edition】

Type: Spell Card, Attack

Rating: 6

Quality: Legendary+

Damage: ∞

Effect: Unleash the Killing Curse, destroying any target.

Legend +: Destruction of star power, the attack can destroy the star power of the target.

Restriction: This card is only valid for targets no higher than Tier [-].

A series of question marks appeared in the auditorium again: "???"

Then it exploded.

"God is so infinite!"

"Legend + what the hell!"

"I don't understand anything, I just want to say one thing - Master Gu is awesome!"

【Avada Kedavra. Star Force Version】There is a very big limitation.

It cannot cause any damage to things of the seventh order and above.

But no one cares.

Because this is a Tier [-] card maker competition.

Most of them can only stay at the sixth level for the rest of their lives.

For them, this card is just two words - strong and invincible!

Not only destroy your monsters, but also your cards!

The damage of 24600 is terrifying enough, but in the face of infinity...

Everything seems so small.

Xing Wu glanced at the stunned Lu Mao Mao.

Snorted softly.

"How is it, great, right?"


===Chapter 80 Never let his plan succeed (please subscribe)===

The remaining tests are no longer necessary.

Leaving aside the strange quality of legend+.

It can destroy any target of level [-] or below and destroy the effect of the star card.

This alone is enough to hang Lu Beibei's [Tianfeng Fuyan] up and beat him.

At this moment, Lu Beibei has four words written all over her face.

I don't understand.

Star power is destroyed.

This is an entry that only appears on regular quasar cards.

And to make regular star cards, at least the level of a big star card master is required.

Rules are more illusory than a beautiful spring dream.

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