But now the middle-aged man understands.

Unscientific appearance + unscientific talent.

The "friend" that the young lady referred to was not an ordinary friend.

It is the kind of friend who is not very pure.

Helping is not helping either.

It is to develop.

I understand everything I understand.

Therefore, these rare materials cannot be sent.

If you give it as a gift, it will leave a first impression on the family.

this is not good.

On the contrary, if the rare materials are won by his own ability and come into the family's sight in the form of contract party B, the senses will be completely different.

Missy is paving the way for her lover.

And it was very successful.

No matter how powerful a family is, it is impossible to be indifferent to a card maker who can steadily produce legendary star cards.

"No wonder the young lady hasn't returned home after being away for so long..." the middle-aged man said in his heart.

He glanced at Gu Ci.

Although the young man is only at the fourth level, his physique is still very strong.

After signing the contract, the two signed a non-disclosure agreement.

The content of this transaction shall not be disclosed to third parties.

Rare materials and legendary star cards traded by the two parties are also prohibited from entering the market.

Everything has to be done quietly, without even telling the Star Card Masters Association.

Fortunately, Xing Wu found him.

Otherwise, Gu Ci will definitely suspect that the other party is some wanted terrorist organization.

In order to implement the cautious principle of secret joints.

After the transaction was over, the two left the Red Romance Leisure Club separately.

Gu Ci walked through the door.

The middle-aged man locked the door, opened the window and jumped out.

Just landed on a motorcycle parked on the side of the road.


The motorcycle turned out of the alley and headed west all the way to the airport.


On the taxi back.

Xia Zhi sent a text message: "Brother Gu Ci, tell me secretly, are you going to participate in the competition?"

Gu Ci: "Yes."

Xia Zhi: "Then we won't have a coach for a long time?"

Gu Ci: "Don't worry, I will go to school when it's time to train you."

Xia Zhi: "A big man keeps his word!"

Gu Ci: "You seem to be looking forward to seeing me?"

Xia Zhi was vague: "We can't live without a coach."

Gu Ci: "Is it 'we' or 'me'?"

Xia Zhi: "Me."

Then quickly added: "With us!"

Gu Ci asked again: "Is that the coach or the elder brother?"

Xia Zhi: "Brother Coach!"

The two asked and answered frantically.

Xing Wu: "Just get off here."

Gu Ci glanced out the window: "Isn't there still a street?"

Xing Wu: "There happens to be a film shop in front of it, I'm afraid I'll forget it later."


Gu Ci sent Xia Zhi the last message: "I'm home, you go to bed early and chat another day."

Then call the driver to pull over.

It's rare that Xing Wu still remembers to give him a small gift, what reason is there to refuse?

Go into the sticker shop.

Xingwu voice-controlled Gu Ci personally chose a 99K ultra-clear tempered glass worth 4 yuan.

Not privacy-proof.

Gu Ci took the pasted phone and looked left and right: "Not bad, it feels like a new phone."

Xing Wu smiled: "As long as you like it."

the other side.

Xia Zhi, who was lying under the blanket and playing with her mobile phone, blushed.

After saying good night to Gu Ci, the girl turned off the chat software and opened the browser.

Xia Zhi had a feeling.

Brother Gu Ci may have noticed his little thoughts.

But she didn't know if Brother Gu Ci had the same care for her.

The most important thing is that Xia Zhi is not sure if this little thought of hers is the kind of little thought she thought.


"Search: What does it feel like to like someone?"

"Answer 1: I want to make a card for him."

"Answer 2: Want to fight for him."

"Answer 3: Want to go to jail for him."



The next day.

Gu Ci spent the whole morning reading.

About Tier [-] and Tier [-] Star Cards.

From the point of view of the production method, there is no difference between the fifth-tier and sixth-tier star cards and the fourth-tier star cards.

The only difference seems to be that there are more stars that can be drawn.

The single card value of the sixth-order star card has reached 7000-10000.

But in Gu Ci's eyes, the most important thing is never the value.

He cares more about what kind of structure the extra star symbols can make.

Seeing Gu Ci's brow furrowed in thought, Xing Wu felt a little distressed: "Why don't you upgrade first? It's too much effort to dream like this."

Gu Ci didn't answer.


A large package from an anonymous sender was delivered to the door of the store.

It is the first batch of rare materials secretly traded with middle-aged men.

Gu Ci made a toolman card to help prepare Xingmo.

After listening to Xingwu's words, he didn't continue to think about the structure, but took out the undead star ink that he made before.

He was going to try to see if he could make the key card of the Deathrattle system.

But after six hours of continuous production, Gu Ci came to a conclusion.

This card does not belong to Tier [-].

Not even the fifth step.

The bond effect between the same race is mostly achieved by the halo structure in the star card.

To change the characteristics of this halo, it is necessary to dismantle the structure of the halo.

First delete the star symbols that make up the original effect, and then add the star symbols that make up the desired effect.

It is equivalent to pouring out the water in the glass and filling it up again.

But Gu Ci found that the cup was too small and not enough.

He needs more water.

That can only change the cup.

Tier [-] cups are barely enough.

Although the card was not produced this time, the design drawing has been basically completed.

Next, as long as your level is raised to the sixth level, the Deathrattle system will be complete.

In addition, Gu Ci also had an unexpected harvest.

He discovered that the essence of the halo structure is actually the skill structure.

It's just that a specific star character has been added to turn the active skill into a passive skill.

Principle construction is similar to talent.

Just the buff target for the aura, often not containing itself.

Stand on the energy side.

Talent is introverted, while fetter aura is extroverted.

And the release of energy is the manifestation of active skills.

Then put it together.

Combine the structure of passive talent, halo fetters, and active skills.

Cards will explode... no.

A completely new structure will be obtained.

It will have the characteristics of most passive talents taking effect immediately.

It also has a huge range of effect of the aura fetters.

At the same time, it also has the powerful power of active skills.

Can cause high damage, healing, or other effects in an instant.

The enemy was caught off guard and looked for teeth all over the place.

The name of this structure is -

battle cry.

===Chapter 60 The restroom is for washing hands===

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