The magic girl's blue stripes have bottomed out, and she is approached by a goblin giant, how can she lose?

It doesn't matter if the attack power is only 1 point, just play a few more sets of combination punches.

Without the barrier of the hurricane, the goblin giant suddenly felt much lighter, and his forward speed increased a lot.

In a blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of the magical girl, and then punched out.

The corners of Lei Meng's mouth turned up wildly.

Great revenge!


The next scene stopped the smile on his face abruptly.

The corners of the mouth are curled up, but they can't move.

Facing the sandbag-sized fist, the magical girl slammed her magic wand into the goblin giant's face, then reached out to catch the fist, put it on her shoulder, turned around abruptly, and threw a standard over-the-shoulder throw.



The goblin giant was directly smashed into a ball of light dust, leaving only one card lying quietly on the floor.

Lei Meng slowly put out a question mark:?

"What do you mean?"

Gu Ci:?

"what do you mean?"

"Isn't she a magic apprentice?"


"Then why Taekwondo??"

"How normal... After all, she is a beautiful girl, she must learn something to defend herself, right?"


It's you!

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

"You don't make cards according to the routine, do you?"

===Chapter 5 He is really hateful===

This time the test went very smoothly.

Gu Ci obtained the second-level card maker certificate with SSA printed on it, and also successfully became an associate member of the Star Card Master Association... Yes, only an associate member.

A first- and second-tier Star Card Master is like a preschool class for nine-year compulsory education.

Just have a hand.

The civil energy cards sold on the market are almost all made by first-tier card makers, which is also their main source of income. In this era of cards, anyone can become a first-tier card makers as long as they are willing to learn.

Then work a little harder, practice more with your brain, the second level is only a matter of time.

The same is true for war card masters.

Until the third level, the difficulty rises sharply.

Only after crossing this hurdle can one be qualified to become a full member of the Star Card Masters Association.

Only then can we truly see the magnificence of this card world.

Come out of the association area.

It was almost noon.

Gu Ci was going to go to the cafeteria to have lunch before going back.

Prospective members also eat for free at the association, and they don’t prostitute or whore for nothing.

But I didn't expect to run into my old acquaintance Lei Xiansen just after entering the elevator.

Before Gu Ci had time to say hello, Lei Meng spoke first.

"Is your Magical Girl Apprentice for sale?"


Gu Ci was a little unresponsive.

You can sell it, but aren't you a Tier [-] Battle Card Master?

What's the use of buying a Tier [-] star card to go back?

The numerical difference between the second-tier star card and the fourth-tier star card is not usually large.

and many more.

Could this be the magical girl who took a fancy to the magical girl card?

For a moment, Gu Ci looked at Lei Meng with strange eyes.

Lei Meng knew at a glance that Gu Ci's thinking was wrong, and he squinted his eyes and said, "I have a wife!"

Gu Ci didn't believe it: "Your wife is as good-looking as her?"

"My wife is [-] times more beautiful than her, and she can give birth to me!"

Oh, it's a three-dimensional wife...that's fine.

Gu Ci immediately lost interest in discussing with Lei Meng in depth, and said, "One price, 5000."

"make a deal!"

It should be noted that the price of even a top-notch second-tier star card on the market is only around 3000 yuan.

Like that goblin giant.

Gu Ci's card was nearly twice as expensive, but Lei Meng still transferred the money without even thinking about it.

Being a certification examiner in the Star Association is just one of his jobs, and he also goes to the school every week to help train first and second-level battle card master students.

In order to allow the children to accept better torture... No, tempering, what is it worth spending a little more money on yourself?

It is our duty to dedicate ourselves to the cause of education!


Come to the cafeteria.

Gu Ci ordered a serving of steamed beef and a serving of scrambled eggs with tomato, and sat down at an empty table.

"The structure of your card is not encrypted, so you just sold it to someone else?" Xing Wu asked.

"It doesn't matter, whoever wants to imitate, let him imitate."

Gu Ci didn't care about this, and it wasn't that Avada ate big melons, so there was nothing unusual about it.

"Although it's only Tier [-], the structure of the card is common in many cases. Are you afraid that those card makers who have no bottom line will use the structure you created to make star cards to make money, so that you don't have to make money?"

Xing Wu knew that this guy only cared about money, so he put it in a more intuitive way.

Gu Ci said: "You don't think I can only make cards that follow the rules, do you?"

Star Dance: ?

"You call these cards you made yourself "following the rules?"

At this time, a girl sat diagonally across from Gu Ci with a dinner plate.

The school uniform with its bulging upper body looked familiar, so Gu Ci took a second look.

Then he lowered his head and ate seriously, and did not continue to chat with Xing Wu.

A person who talks to himself is easily regarded as a neurotic.

The food in the cafeteria tastes good, Gu Ci eats on his own.

The girl picked up a phone.

"Hey, Dad."

"After the exam, eat in the cafeteria."

"No, I only got second place."

The girl was a little aggrieved and a little angry when she said that.

"The opponent's card is too strange, I can't beat it."

"It's not strong, it's really weird."

"Toxic fireballs, ice picks with anesthesia, earth walls that buried the power grid..."

"It's all good. With other students as a lesson from the past, I have dealt with it."

"But I didn't expect that he also has a second-level summon card, which is an apprentice magician."

"I just chanted a spell, and the weapon was gone before I could react..."

War card masters also have long-range and melee points.

The girl was the latter, the kind who showed the weapons in the star card and went into battle with the sword herself. Once the weapon was knocked out and there was no spare weapon, she could only rely on her own hands to continue fighting.

Fortunately, the girl's physical fitness is good, and she just avoided all the spell attacks with the boost of a "swift" star card.

But the star power in his body was also consumed by such high-intensity movement.

However, this is already the opponent's last star card.

As long as the magical girl is eliminated, she can still get the first place in this exam.

Finally, the girl found the magic apprentice in the mist.


Throw over the shoulder!

The last victim was a goblin giant.

Lei Meng didn't feel much at the time, after all, it wasn't him who was thrown.

But the girl was thrown in real life.

For a moment, the girl who was almost exhausted felt that her bones were about to fall apart.

It's not that she doesn't know how to fight with bare hands, but God knows, this summoned magician can actually do taekwondo...

The girl was careless and didn't flash.

So lost the final game.

The girl became more and more angry.

"How can there be such a star card? It's too cunning. The card maker who made these cards is also very hateful. They are full of bad water, and they must be very ugly."

"Cough cough cough..."

Gu Ci almost choked.

Only then did the girl realize that there was someone beside her.

"Dad, let's not talk about it, I have dinner."

After hanging up the phone, the girl gave Gu Ci an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, it was a bit loud just now, did it disturb you?"

"That's not true, I'm just curious why you are so sure that the card maker is particularly ugly?"

"Because it's born from the heart."

The girl picked up a piece of beef, took a hard bite, and said angrily, "I hope he won't find a wife in the future!"


Seeing that Gu Ci didn't speak, the girl couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Did you scold yourself too hard?

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