Said, wiped the sweat.

It's really not that hot here.

He took out another wet wipe and wiped it for Xing Wu.

Seeing the tenderness and seriousness in Gu Ci's eyes, Xing Wu gently pursed her lips.

"This guy still has a bit of conscience." She said in her heart.

have a break.

The two walked towards the volcano.

There is a hole at the bottom of the mountain ahead, leading to the interior of the volcano.

As soon as he walked in, the scorching suffocation in the air became heavier several times.

Gu Ci felt that his breathing was not smooth.

"It seems that no one has come yet."

Walking in the passage of the cave, there were only the footsteps of him and Xing Wu.

"Others are not so fast." Xing Wu said, "At least we have to wait for an hour."

Gu Ci feels at ease now.

An hour later, he had already filled the sack and returned to the camp.

Gu Ci quickened his pace.

Turned a corner along the cave.


A gust of scalding hot air rushed towards his face, and his face was flushed red by the firelight.

This is a huge magma sea.

The dark red magma was bubbling and bubbling, making the air distort.

The lava lord "grows" in the middle of the magma sea.

A half-human monster made entirely of magma.

The upper body has a head and hands, but the lower body is like a waterfall of flames, hanging straight into the magma.

It is very large, wearing armor made of lava, and is at least ten meters high by visual inspection.

Gu Ci was separated by a distance, and he had to look up to see its face.

And this look.

Gu Ci immediately lost interest.

This scene has a sense of grandeur in the fantasy style.

A warrior and his beautiful partner go deep underground to explore and discover a new world, then the BOSS appears, and then...

The boss fell asleep.

...Yes, the big guy in front of him who is not easy to mess with is sleeping.

No wonder I hadn't heard anything about it before.

Gu Ci complained: "When you're born, you sleep in sleep, and you don't know how you'll die after a while."

Xing Wu asked strangely: "Isn't it just that you need to sleep well when you are just born?"

Gu Ci: "..."

It seems oh.

Quality sleep can promote growth and development.

The lava lord's current attack is only 2800 points, but after a month, he can break through the limit of the fifth level, reaching 8200 points.

The fragility of the newborn stage is far below the fifth level, in exchange for one foot into the sixth level of growth.

If you don't kill the lava lord at this time, after a while, it's really not something that a third-tier star card master can deal with by relying on numbers.

"Let's make a quick decision. Go back and maybe catch up with the hot supper."

Gu Ci said: "It's up to you, Xingwu sauce!"

Star Dance: "..."

Star what sauce?



"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, streams of magma shot up into the sky in a columnar shape.

The ground trembled violently, and the gravel on the top kept falling off.

The lava lord in his sleep was finally awakened by Gu Ci's deliberately high volume.

The lava lord was angry: "Yes!"

Lava Lord opened his eyes: "Who!"

The lava lord saw a knife: "There!"

The lava lord closed his eyes again: "..."

Lava Lord played GG.


The hard lava armor on the lava lord's body shattered in the brilliant white light of the sword.

The entire magma body also exploded, torn apart, and rained fire all over the sky.

Gu Ci's eyelids trembled.

Can this fall on me?

I'm afraid it won't be melted directly.

Gu Ci took out an acceleration star card on the spot and prepared to move.

Xing Wu: "Don't hide, it's not hot, these are materials."

Gu Ci's eyes lit up: "Understood!"

Pick up the fruit game begins.

Accelerate star card activation.

Gu Ci took the sack and frantically left and right BABA on the magma bank.

A lot of those that fell into the magma couldn't be picked up.

But do you think that you can stump me, Gu Xiaoci?


Take a picture of a magical girl card.

"Come on a hurricane spell and blow it towards me."

Magical Girl: "Tekio."


Hurricanes enter.

Except for the one that fell in the opposite direction from the beginning, almost all the other fire rains were blown over.

Gu Ci also found a mass of burning flames, bigger than his head.

"Can this thing also be picked up?"

"That's the Molten Core."

Xing Wu said: "It's worth about 1000 million."


Gu Ci: "If I am burned to death, remember to burn the 1000 million to me."


===Chapter 40 I was scared to tears by the second-order little brother===

After catching the flame, Gu Ci discovered that there was a heart made of magma in the flame.

Molten Core.

Currently on the market, it is one of the most expensive fire attribute materials below the sixth rank.

Commonly known as the nobleman in the fire.

Of course there is a reason why it is so expensive.

Compared with ordinary fire-attribute materials, Molten Core has a greater improvement on the fourth- and fifth-tier star cards.

More than a little bigger.

The addition of general materials to star cards is mostly reflected in the increase of attributes.

For example, the shield star card with special materials will become [Fire Shield], [Ice Shield], [Healing Shield]...etc, with additional effects.

The values ​​will not change much.

There are improvements, but very few.

About 1-5 o'clock.

But the nobles in the fire are different.

In addition to the basic attribute increase, the Molten Core can also bring a 100-500 point value increase to the star card.

The specific amount depends on the brushwork of the card maker.

As long as it is not too bad, it is no problem to increase by about 300.

Don't underestimate the value of 300 points.

It is likely to turn a star card that was originally a rare level into a truly epic level.

A single Molten Core yields 10 vials of Molten Spark Ink.

If the skills and luck are good, this is 10 epic quality Tier [-] star cards.

The value is not just 1000 million.

Gu Ci didn't care about these things.

He does not need material assistance to make epic cards.

All he knew was: "1000 million is here!"

Xingwu: "I suggest you use it yourself."

Gu Ci: "Why?"

Xing Wu: "Others waste it."

This kind of rare and precious material is not used to impact the epic, and doing so is completely reckless.

"Only you can display its true value." Xing Wu said.

Gu Cishen thought it was: "If you can talk, talk more."

Xingwu turned off the microphone directly.


after an hour.

The two came to the canyon before.

In order to avoid bumping into people who organized a group to enter the volcano on the road, Gu Ci specially let Xing Wu take a detour.

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