The audience also saw clearly what the five cards looked like.

Then there was a national quintessence followed by God.

【Gudoria's Secret】

Type: Equipment Card, Underwear

Rating: 6

Quality: Legendary+

Color: pink

Durability: 10000 (Durability -1 each time you are attacked, cannot be recovered)

Effect ①: The damage is reduced by 40% when receiving an attack that does not exceed the sixth level.

Effect ②: If the attack form is a bullet, it will consume 100 durability to resist the damage.

Additional effects: body shaping, bigger and more straight.

Legend +: The passion of life, which can continuously restore physical strength for the wearer.

Features: Model automatically adapts.Disposable cards that disappear after use.

Introduction: Why are you wearing Master Gu's underwear?

"Fuck, it's really underwear!"

"It's still a bulletproof underwear!"

"Oh my god, I swear, I've never seen such cute yet sexy lingerie!"

"Are you sure it's the underwear that's sexy, not the legend+?"

"I want to know if this card is for sale!"

"Don't think about it, Master Gu's newly made cards are not for sale. I bet this is a gift from Master Gu to his girlfriend."

"There are so many cards, should I give them to my girlfriend or my girlfriends?"

"We... huh?"

"Continue to restore physical fitness...Master Gu is quite good at playing!"

"So, Master Gu's waist is very good?"

"I actually made the equipment card into underwear..."

Viewer Z guessed right.

From the appearance, [Gudoria's Secret] should indeed be considered a fashion card.

It's just that with the attributes and effects installed at that time, the fashion card became an equipment card.

And although it is an equipment card, it looks similar to a fashion card.

The card disappears after use, leaving only a piece of underwear there.

Wear it when you want to wear it, and put it in the closet when you don't want to wear it.

If a few more pieces are used for changing and washing, it is really no different from ordinary underwear.

But the problem is, this is a rule card!

Ordinary star card masters may get more than one rule card in their lifetime, but it has become a daily necessities with Master Gu...

The super rich on the Starbucks Global Rich List dare not be so rambunctious!

They can't help it either.

Legend-level and regular-level star cards are not guaranteed to be bought with money.

[Fashion Card] is a luxury item in itself, and it is a standard equipment for local tyrants.

But only high quality and rare.

Most of the [Fashion Cards] sold in the mall have these two qualities.

There are very few epic-level ones, and only those big-name manufacturers can produce them.

The prices are outrageous.

Epic-level costumes without attributes are ridiculously expensive, but what about Legend+ with the power of rules?

"What is it that blurs my eyes and makes me unrecognizable?"

"It's jealousy!"

"You can't even imagine the life of the rich!"

"No, it's Master Gu's life that we can't imagine!"

"No, not only we can't imagine, the life of Master Gu is beyond the imagination of rich people!"

Master Gu can make regular-grade underwear for women, and naturally he can also make regular-grade underwear for men.

And no matter how rich you are, you and your girlfriend still only wear ordinary underwear.

Does ordinary underwear reduce injuries?


Can ordinary underwear be bulletproof?


Can Regular Underwear Sustain Recovery?


This is the gap.

Whether it's fighting or fighting, Master Gu's regular underwear completely crushes ordinary underwear.

Audience S still felt weird after listening to audience Z's analysis at the beginning.

How can Master Gu make women's underwear in public?

If you want to make it, you can do it secretly!

Otherwise the club will die.

But the result?

Master Gu not only survived, but also made many female viewers shed tears of envy.

"Is this the treatment of being Master Gu's girlfriend?"

"Underwear are all regular star cards?"

"Honey, I want it too!"

"Who doesn't want it? I want your husband too!"

Just for the 2.5 glittering words of "Legend +", why not dress up as a woman?

That night, many rich women shouted on Xingbo.

As long as Master Gu is willing to sell [Gu Dolia's Secret], they are willing to buy it no matter what the price is.

Not bad for a dive.

Many well-known underwear brands also called Gu Ci for cooperation.

Of course, it's not about asking Gu Ci to make underwear for them.

They know it's not realistic.

After all, Master Gu is the champion of the Grammy Card Creator Competition.

He is the man standing at the top of the pyramid of the card maker world.

Some time ago, the mechs and battleships used by the Xinglan Academy team were watched by many official organizations, looking for opportunities to cooperate with Master Gu.

Even if Master Gu wanted to make cards for others, it would not be their turn.

They just want Master Gu to be their brand ambassador.

Gu Ci: "..."

Then do I still have to wear your underwear, take a few sets of sexy photos for you, and make them into electronic posters and put them on major advertising platforms?

Just weird all right.

How can there be a lingerie brand looking for a man to endorse?

Even if you are really handsome, you can't be a woman.

Gu Ci Mao Mao was speechless.

Gu Ci never thought that he would attract so much attention by making a few cards casually.

He is really handy...

Oh no, not casually either.

He did not use his hands.

Gu Ci politely declined the invitation to cooperate with underwear brand manufacturers.

Not to mention rich women.

These are cards specially made for Xia Zhi and Jiang Qianye, no one will sell them.

You can't even bring star coins.

Make a few more at most.

As for Star Dance... don't worry.

Tier [-] equipment cards are useless to Xingwu, at least Tier [-].

Seventh-tier cards need seventh-tier materials.

Gu Ci has no star coins now.

He was going to wait for the first deal with the Star Card Club of the Island Country to be completed, and then come to make something fun for Xing Wu.

In the past few days, Saito Asuka has gradually become proficient in using the [Master Brush].

In other words, the girl's mental strength is increasing bit by bit.

From the very beginning, it was very difficult to make five cards at the same time, but later on, a certain success rate can be guaranteed.

Around 70%.

This success rate is compared to the success rate of girls who follow the rules to make cards.

Saito Asuka currently has a success rate of 80% in making Card Creator Girl cards normally, but the success rate of making five Card Creator Girl cards at the same time with [Master Pen] is only 56%.

It sounds like it's low, five cards out of ten.

But in fact, it is not easy for a sixth-level card maker to reach this level.

Lu Beibei, who had been exposed to the [Master Card] a few months earlier, only had a 10% higher success rate than the girl.

Saito Asuka's talent in mental power is really good.

But Saito Asuka himself doesn't think so.

She thinks it is the teacher who has taught her well.

After Group F, Group G and Group H will play.

In the past four days, the teacher seemed to have sensed her desire for the imperial pen card making, and would teach her every day.

It's not the kind of empty talk theory, but it will correct mistakes based on her performance in each round of card making and carry out targeted teaching.

The teacher also taught her a lot of experience in making cards with imperial pens, and she didn't hide any secrets.

For example, for the same star symbol, where should the pen be drawn, and what stroke order should be used, so that it is easier to draw a perfect star symbol.

The same is true for the structure. Which part to draw first and which part to draw later will affect the success rate of card making.

Royal pen card making and pen card making are two completely different concepts.

The required brushwork is naturally different.

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