That's the little fat guy.

There's nothing to say, it's all magical girls, and it's hard to tell who belongs to who.

So why is Xingwu worried that Gu Ci will take Xinglan Academy's style of painting astray?

Because the style of painting in the town has begun to go wrong...

"I feel fine."

Gu Ci pondered: "How about I print my avatar on the back of the card, and add some recognition to my card?"

Star Dance: "???"

"Just kidding." Gu Ci said happily: "If you want to imprint, you must also imprint the two of us."

"It's more or less..." Xing Wu realized something was wrong after finishing speaking, you got the point wrong, hey!


field center.

The head of admissions at Xinglan Academy frowned.

On the left is a bunch of magical girls fighting, and on the right is also a bunch of magical girls fighting.

Show him face blind.

"Are they fighting or are they in a beauty pageant?"

Assistant: "Should it be a fight? These girls are all equally cute."


Assistant: "...I mean, they should all be using the same card."

Person in charge: "Nonsense, do you need to say this?"

The assistant suddenly realized: "I'll borrow one right now!"

After speaking, he quickly walked to the rest area on the sidelines, found a student who had just won with a magical girl card, and borrowed the card.

The person in charge took the card borrowed by the assistant and examined it carefully.

"It's really cute."

Assistant: "Huh?"

Person in charge: "Ahem, I mean, this card is really strong."

The assistant nodded: "Attack and physique have reached the limit of the second-tier star card, and the skill design is also very special, both offensive and defensive, and explosive..."

"More than that." Lei Meng who was signing the contract interjected, "She can also taekwondo, black belt level."



Do magical girls know taekwondo?

What hell setting is this?

"If this is the case, this card will not be able to find an opponent in the second-order summoning quasi-star card."

The assistant said: "If you can't break through the fog and become invisible, other types of star cards will hardly pose a threat to it."

To put it bluntly, the magical girl is already invincible at the same level, and the only way to defeat it is to rely on the talent of the battle card master.

"I've never heard of this card before." The person in charge asked Lei Meng, "Is it a new card created by the card maker in your town recently?"


"Do you know him? What's his name?"

"Gu Ci." Lei Meng pouted his lips, "Here, just sit there."

"Gu Ci?" The person in charge looked towards the audience, "Is he the Gu Ci that your association has been talking about for the past few days?"

Think for a while.

The person in charge handed the card to the assistant: "Give it back, wait for me."

After speaking, he bypassed the examination area and went straight to Gu Ci.

Gu Ci just watched him approaching him step by step, with the word "why" written on his face.

"Hi, I'm Chen Xiao, the person in charge of the special recruitment examination at Xinglan Academy."

Chen Xiao stretched out his hand and said, "Are you Gu Ci?"

"Yes, hello." Gu Ci shook hands with him and asked, "Does Director Chen want to make a card?"

Chen Xiao: "...No, but I want to buy a card."

Gu Ci immediately understood why Chen Xiao came here, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Director Chen, I don't plan to sell the card you asked for, neither does the design drawing."

"You might as well listen to my conditions first."

Chen Xiao said, "I understand why you don't want to sell that card, but don't worry, I'm here to talk to you on behalf of Xinglan Academy.

We guarantee that the card will not be used for any commercial purposes after it is bought back, it is only for academic research.

In terms of price, the university can offer [-] million yuan, if it is not enough, you can add more, or you want other forms of value, these can be negotiated. "

"Sorry, not for sale."

"Two billion."

"Not for sale."

"Three hundred million."

"Not for sale."

"Five million."

"If your school really has a lot of money, you might as well find a few smart card makers and try to figure it out by yourself."

Gu Ci suggested, "Maybe you figured it out?"

Chen Xiao: "Is it really not for sale?"

Gu Ci: "It's really not for sale."

"Well, what a pity." Chen Xiao sighed, "Then don't bother me."

Turn around and leave the auditorium.

Xing Wu sneered: "I'm quite courageous, I've tried it on my old lady."

Gu Ci: "I'm not your mother."

Star Dance: "..."

===Chapter 26 Li...===

"You can also see that he is testing you?"

Xing Wu found that Gu Ci didn't seem surprised at what she said.

Gu Ci said: "I don't know whether to try or not, I just think he doesn't really want to buy a card."

Although it is a bit boastful to say so, the Card Creator Girl is indeed a very special card.

Those who don't need it don't need it, and those who need it need it very much.

Chen Xiao's performance didn't look like he needed it very much.

Moreover, can a person in charge of the special recruitment examination really negotiate with him on behalf of Xinglan Academy?

"Probably to see if you keep your word."

Xingwu didn't like this kind of temptation at all. "Xinglan Academy has a close relationship with the Star Card Master Association. There are often people who hold titles in both the Star Association and the academy. For example, this Chen Xiao said that he represented Xinglan Academy. It's the Star Card Masters Association."

"It's okay, if you want to test it, let them test it." Gu Ci said indifferently.

Card Creator Girl is a low-level card, but its impact cannot be underestimated. It is completely understandable for the Star Association to do so.

In order to maintain the stability of Star Card society, Gu Ci is not unreasonable.

It's just that he is reasonable, but women are not.

My people can also be tested by you?

Xingwu is very displeased with Star Association's little move this time.

If she is upset, someone will suffer.


Exams are still going on.

After 5 rounds of elimination, there are still 10 people left.

There were supposed to be 11 people, but one student suddenly had a stomachache and went to the toilet.

After 10 minutes, no one was seen.

The person in charge said that time waits for no one, let him work hard for the final exam.

The final round of matches is as follows.

Xia Zhi vs player No. 2.

Player No. 3 vs Player No. 4.

Player No. 5 vs Player No. 6.

Fukada Yongxin vs player No. 8.

Fatty vs contestant No. 10.

...Yes, the little fat man successfully reached the finals by relying on the magical girl group.

And he was lucky.

I didn't meet Xia Zhi and that foreign friend.

Otherwise, I might really be out in tears.

In the last round of battle.

Fukada Nagatobu still played against his opponent.

Not only because of the special way of using cards, but also his own skills and reactions are superior to another student.

As a layman, Gu Ci could tell that the gap was really too big.

It's the same with Xia Zhi.

The opponent is a long-range.

As soon as it came up, three magical girls were summoned.

The battle was fierce.

But Xia Zhi stepped on the magical girl all the way up.

Apart from Gu Ci, she is now the one who understands the weaknesses of magical girls best.

Xia Zhi could go through a process and defeat the three magical girls one by one before dealing with the Star Card Master.

First this and then this and then this.

But Xia Zhi didn't do that.

Brother Gu Ci specially sent him a card. If he didn’t use it once, wouldn’t it be a disappointment to Brother Gu Ci’s painstaking efforts?

Therefore, Xia Zhi retreated while fighting, but never rushed into the fog.

Repeatedly jumping repeatedly among the skills of the three magical girls.

"Damn it, why is your magical girl so strong."

Student No. 2: "..."

Well done, I almost believed it.

Xia Zhi's strength is still a bit overwhelming in his heart.

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