First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 94

Everyone else gritted their teeth, and when it comes to the bitterness in their stomachs, some people have more than him.Those who were tricked into joining the army were forced to join the army.

There are also Mongolian dignitaries from all over the country, who are asked to join the army to serve the country and wipe out the red thieves.They didn't dare to go to the battlefield by themselves, so they tried every means to frame and frame them. They used all means, and even simply kidnapped and blackmailed them, forcing Qing Zhuang to take up arms and serve for Yuan Ting.

During this period, many families died. Some parents were killed, some daughter-in-laws were snatched away, and some sisters were kidnapped... There is a saying that there must be brave men under great rewards.

Yuan Ting has reached the end of the road, so he should put aside the past, take out the treasury, recruit warriors, and save the peril, which also echoes the conventional logic.

But in fact, if there is such a high awareness, Yuan Ting would not be where he is today.

In order to exterminate the Red Turban Army, they collected food from everywhere, frantically printed precious banknotes, and robbed civilian supplies to meet the needs of soldiers.Then after the army suffered heavy losses, they took the husband from the folk Latin.

And those powerful landlords who helped the Yuan court collect taxes in the past, now turned into conscription officers one by one, and even used this to blackmail the people.

If you don't want to join the army and die, you will take the initiative to pay money, in exchange for a side of the net, if you don't pay, then I'm sorry, you will have to work for the court... So in the countryside, there have been many strange and unimaginable things.

What Zhang Ximeng heard was not even the tip of the iceberg!

"My lord, let us decide!"

Zhang Ximeng nodded heavily, "Don't worry, everyone, I will report it to the lord, and I ask the lord to make a decision."

The captives were all overjoyed, but there was one person who didn't believe it, and muttered among the crowd, "Don't let the officials protect each other? I don't believe it, there are people who are really good to us!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt his shoulders sinking. He turned his head hastily in fright, and found a man with big ears and clear facial features smiling at him.

"This brother, we are thinking, you should believe us."

The prisoner turned pale with fright, and had no idea what was going on.

It was only when Zhang Ximeng noticed Lao Zhu, "Since the lord is here, let the big guys decide!"

Lao Zhu nodded, he reached out and grabbed the prisoner's shoulder, "Come, come with us!"

The prisoner was so frightened that his legs were limp, he really wanted to slap himself twice, why couldn't he control his broken mouth?

He was trembling, but was caught in the middle by Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang smiled at him, "Little brother, the big guy said so much just now, should you kill that Qianhu?"

"Yes, why not kill him!"

"That's good!" Lao Zhu nodded, and then handed him the saber, "Then I'll give you this knife, and go kill him!"

The prisoner was taken aback, heard right?

Let him kill, or their original Qianhu!

"Don't you dare?"

"Dare...don't dare..." His legs were all limp, this is the next crime!In the past, let alone murder, even a little disrespect would be whipped, and those in poor health would be beaten to death.

It is easy to break the mountain, but it is difficult to break the heart.

The captive's hands were trembling, and Zhang Ximeng saw it. He felt that after the soldiers complained, they would be executed on the spot.But Lao Zhu asked the soldiers to kill his officials, which was a bit cruel.But after thinking about it, this is the end of the Yuan Dynasty, far from being so tender and affectionate, and there are all kinds of captives, who are also from poor backgrounds, and they may not really love the red scarf.

That being the case, it is better to be more straightforward.

"Killing these harmful beasts is for justice, and for a fresh start. Don't you want to be ambiguous with the Yuan Dynasty and continue to be eagle dogs for the Yuan Dynasty?"

Zhang Ximeng's scolding question not only frightened the prisoner, but also frightened the others.All of a sudden, more than a dozen people jumped up from the crowd, and then more people stood up, and they all wanted to kill Qianhu to settle the score with their own hands!

The soldier finally mustered up his courage. He clenched the handle of the knife, screamed strangely, and rushed over, piercing Qianhu's weakness with a knife, and blood gushed out like a fountain. The soldier was full of surprises, "I, I killed him!" ! Kill Chito!"

Others are angry and anxious, waste, people are not dead yet, let us make up for it!

A few more soldiers rushed over. They had no weapons, so they just punched and kicked Qianhu. After a few blows, Qianhu died, and then more people rushed over and drowned the corpses.

When all the big guys had dispersed, there was only a piece of dark red left on the ground.

At this moment, the soldier who stabbed him for the first time was kneeling on the ground, crying and laughing at the same time... Only then did he tell his own story. He was an officer and soldier, and was first captured by the troops of the Red Turban Army Liu Futong. , he became Liu Futong's soldier.

Then he was attacked by the Yuan army again, and he became the Yuan army again.

In the past few years, he jumped repeatedly between the Yuan army and the red scarf, and he was numb.

He saw too many landlords armed, so he simply rode on the wall, and fell to whichever side was stronger... The jump was so fast that the crotch was rubbed with sparks.

The irony is that the Red Scarf Army has been uprising for several years. Han Shantong was killed, Zhima Li died in battle, King Bu died in three battles, Monk Peng died in battle, too many leaders of the Red Scarf Army died, and the generals of the Yuan court also died. Not a lot.

But the small army leaders below, the armed landlords, and the bandits are powerful. This group of people relied on repeated jumps and maneuvers, and many people were safe and sound. No matter who came, they could get benefits.

As for the soldiers below, whoever pays the food will fight for whoever!

At this point, such as this grumbling soldier, ask, what happened to the mutual protection of officials?

Ask a question, what is the difference between the red scarf and the Yuan court?

Aren't the people who suffer and suffer the disadvantages still ordinary people, when will they see the Paradise of Paradise?

But today, facing Zhu Yuanzhang and being in the Zhu family's army, I really feel unusual!

A thousand households in the Yuan army were executed just because they had done harm to the common people and because of the soldiers' complaints.The new superior did not win over and appease this thousand households, did not let him continue to manage the soldiers under his command, but followed the people's hearts and decisively killed them. Almost instantly, these hundreds of people felt that Zhu Yuanzhang was much kinder, and their hearts were closer to each other. a lot.

"My lord, the current situation is very clear. The officials and generals of the Yuan court are still not convinced. They are trying to encourage the soldiers to rebel."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, "That's right, what do you think sir?"

"An order should be issued immediately to distinguish the generals from the soldiers. Let's solve the soldiers' problems first and communicate with the big guys. Most soldiers are good. Even if someone does evil, it is ordered by the superiors and has to do it. Therefore, except for the extreme A small number of scum need to be eliminated. Others can be educated and explain the truth clearly. If they are useful, they will be added to the army. If they are not useful, they will be allocated fields and let them settle down."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded again and again, agreeing with Zhang Ximeng's proposition.

Soon, Zhu Yuanzhang appeared and got rid of a thousand households who had committed many crimes. The news spread quickly among the prisoners of the Yuan army.

Then one after another, the generals of the Yuan army were taken away, and more than a hundred households were wiped out.

Anyone who is guilty will be thoroughly investigated one after another.

Although the captives were still in shock, they were generally stable.

Zhang Ximeng thought about it again and again, and decided to take a risky move.

"My lord, let our people bring the captives to build food distribution points in the city and distribute food to the people, how about?"

Old Zhu said: "What is the intention of the master?"

"Firstly, to see if the captives are obedient and honest; secondly, to resolve conflicts between the military and civilians; thirdly, to select those who are honest and willing to work, promote and appoint them on the spot, select qualified good people, and manage these prisoners , completely get rid of the bad habits left by the original Yuan court!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. is indeed very flexible in his mind and full of clever tricks. We accept it. But we must arrange our people to watch from the side, and there must be no accidents."

Zhang Ximeng agreed that he was more worried than Lao Zhu. After all, he had just surrendered, and he couldn't tell if there would be any accidents. He could only say it was a gamble.

After all, there was once someone who directly let the captured soldiers turn their guns and become their own soldiers. This is the power of ideological work.

Zhang Ximeng couldn't catch up with his flattery, and he didn't dare to let the captives go directly to the battlefield, but it seemed that he could look forward to letting the captives do some work.

Sure enough, just half a day later, the first batch of [-] captives happily entered Yangzhou City carrying hoes and shovels.

According to the selected location, they built an earthen platform, used bricks to set up the queuing position, and built a wooden shed to shelter from the wind and rain.In addition, there is a special rest area for the elderly on the side.

The captives worked quickly, and gradually, some Yangzhou people also came out to inquire about the situation, what is this all about?

When they heard that the food would be delivered soon, everyone was overjoyed.

Someone immediately sent clear water to thank these "Wang Masters" and said that Jun Ye had worked hard.

The captives of the Yuan army holding the water bowls are all stupid, what kind of masters are they!

They were soldiers of Yuan Ting yesterday!

"Hey, let's work hard and strive to become the master of the king!"

Only then did the people of Yangzhou understand, my dear, how could this group of people do good things in the blink of an eye if they only harmed the people in the past?The harmful eagle dog can turn into a good person!


This Zhu family army is really a king descended from heaven!

1 Thirty Chapters

In a day's work, the ferocious Yuan army actually worked honestly and diligently... The common people didn't understand the reason.

I just feel that the new Zhu Jiajun is too amazing, if it is not for the blessing of the gods, it is absolutely impossible to do it.Then I heard that food was going to be distributed to the big guys. Almost instantly, the hearts of the people calmed down. Yangzhou has gained a firm foothold.

Zhang Ximeng figured that there should be no accidents with such a simple matter, but he didn't dare to relax. He personally led the people to inquire everywhere, and solved problems on the spot.

The second general Heng Ha who usually followed Zhang Ximeng was not there, Li Wenzhong went busy with his father Li Zhen.This kid is very assertive. He and Zhang Ximeng are good at studying, but that's all. Li Wenzhong is more interested in leading troops, so he often finds those generals and learns from them.

Everyone has their own ambitions, Zhang Ximeng will not interfere with Li Wenzhong's choice, on the contrary, he is very encouraging.

As for Sapphire, this kid didn't show his civil and military tendencies, but he showed a lustful nature... Ever since he accompanied Xiaoju to Yangzhou, he has been with Xiaoju all day long, talking together whenever he has time.

I have to sigh, it's really early for this group of people to understand.

Xiaoju didn't have these thoughts. Apart from waiting for Zhou Huiniang and Third Uncle Jiang to come back, she just wanted to do something, at least she said something to the girl.Especially after sneaking into Yangzhou once, this girl became more courageous.

She took the initiative to take the job of a food distribution point, and because she knew Yangzhou dialect, had a sweet mouth and a good attitude, it went smoothly.

"Listen up, big guys. There is no shortage of food for the poor. There is no shortage of food. At present, we can only send ten catties to each family. It is not much, but it is enough for the big guys to eat for a few days. But in case Some people claim repeatedly, and if they take two or three, someone will starve. So, please keep an eye on it. Whoever takes more, can report it, and the extra food will be divided in half Those who reported it... Listen carefully, don't throw away all your skin just because of this little food."

As Xiaoju said, she also specially instructed some old ladies.

At this time, Sapphire had already prepared over there, a bucket of ten catties full of grain, and those who came to collect the grain were waiting with their pockets, one for each family, ten catties for each.

And everyone who received the food had to report their name and register it.

Obviously, there are loopholes and repetitions in doing so.But at any rate, basic data can be established, how many people, how many households, and how they are distributed, which will greatly help the next governance.

Zhang Ximeng just happened to come here when he was inspecting everywhere.He found that the crowd lined up very long, but basically they were well-organized, and Sapphire's command was also good.

Aside from this kid's intentions, he did a pretty good job.

At this moment, there was a thin and short body in the crowd, carrying a bag stooped. Sapphire saw that she was pitiful, and made her look taller. A bucket of rice was poured into the bag, and the woman's body was shaking, almost unable to hold it firmly. .

Xiaoju who was next to him hurriedly stretched out his hand to help, but the woman seemed to be afraid, she hurriedly avoided, thanked him vaguely, turned her head and was about to flee.

The soldier in charge of the registration hurriedly said: "Stop, there is no registration yet, what are you doing so fast?"

The woman was called back again. Facing the questioning, she bowed her head in silence at first, but he didn't speak, stuck here, and the people behind stopped doing it, and they all started clamoring.

The woman had no choice but to say in a rough voice: "Wang, Wang Liu."

Her voice had been changed as much as possible, but it still caught Xiaoju's attention. In fact, from the moment she appeared, Xiaoju felt familiar.

This opening confirmed the identity even more!

"It's you!"

The woman also realized that something was wrong, so she turned her head and ran away, but she was weak, and she was carrying food on her back, and fell to the ground within a few steps.

Zhang Ximeng urged the horse to come over and blocked the way, at this time Xiaoju also rushed over, grabbed the woman and made her lift her face.

"It's you! It's you!"

Xiaoju was so excited that her voice changed. Suddenly, she raised her hand and was about to hit someone.

Zhang Ximeng coughed lightly, "What are you doing? Are there any rules?"

Xiaoju was startled, then raised her head, and complained to Zhang Ximeng: "Sir, she is Huafang's owner. This old woman has no hearts. She runs a brothel and forces a good girl to do that kind of thing... I, I am very young." She bought it!"

It turns out that Wang Liu's family is actually Zhou Huiniang's boss... It stands to reason that she is also a well-known figure in the brothel, and her family is quite rich, how could she be reduced to this point?

It has to be said that there is really no good end for people in this line of work!

Zhou Huiniang saw Zhang Shicheng's subordinates robbing women, so she decided to run away. After she left, Zhang Shicheng's subordinates robbed the painting boat.

Several cash cows of the Wangliu family are gone.

But at this point, there is no need for Wang Liushi to be afraid, she still has so much savings, gold and silver are soft and inexhaustible, no matter what, it is enough to become a rich man.

But she neglected that she was engaged in a wicked industry and deserved to be punished by heaven and earth!No, seeing that she lost power, the thugs ran away first, taking away a lot of money before they ran.

Then the thieves came to the door and stole the property from the house.

Wang Liushi and her husband tried their best to chase them away, but they were not afraid at all.

"You have done so many bad things, and all you earn is ill-gotten gains. We will help you spend some money, which will alleviate your sins. Don't be ignorant!"

"That's right, you still want to sue the officials? Look, which yamen will take care of you? Hahaha!"

These bandits became more and more rampant. At the beginning, they were stealing, and later they took them openly. First, they took small items, and even borrowed tables, chairs, benches, and those big beds.

Wang Liushi and her husband couldn't stop them, and they were beaten severely.

They had no choice but to take the last bit of softness and wanted to escape.As a result, before leaving the city, the beggars in the city stared at them, took away all the money, and even seriously injured Wang Liu's husband. Some said he was beaten to death, and some said he was boiled alive by beggars. , anyway, the end was very miserable.

Wang Liushi escaped by chance, but then he could only hide in Yangzhou City. For half a month, he hadn't eaten any serious food. He lost weight and his back was bent. Yes, and the hair is also gray.

"Girl! This is retribution! It's my retribution! Girl, because I've raised you for so many years, you can leave me alone and let me fend for myself!"

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