First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 86

This is too curly!

How many scholars don't know what's going on outside the window, so it's impossible for them to explain what the White Lotus Sect and the Red Turban Army are.

A woman from a brothel wants to know everything clearly, talk with eloquence, and solve puzzles for scholars. What kind of skill is this?

Any guest who comes to the brothel, seeing this posture, must be astonished, willing to empty his pockets, not for anything else, just to be able to talk, he is already satisfied.

From their point of view, this woman must be extremely talented, or she must be acquainted with high-ranking officials and dignitaries, otherwise how can they speak clearly.

Mysterious, talented, strange woman in the world... Only such a deep impression can make these guests willingly take out the money in their pockets.

But what they didn't know was that the strange woman in front of them was taught by a group of people painstakingly, and their casual words were carefully designed.

Everything is an illusion created by painstaking efforts.

Zhang Ximeng sighed deeply, feeling more and more that this woman was unusual and that he had underestimated her.

"Miss Zhou, so to speak, the energy expended on you must be extraordinary, so how did you escape? Also, why did you come to Chuzhou...Of course, if you find it inconvenient, we can talk about it later , or ask someone else to come."

Zhou Huiniang smiled, "There's nothing bad to say. They put all their heart into cultivating me, but they just treat me as a cash cow. If I get old in a few years, or if someone with more power wants to get me, it will naturally be a matter of one word. I always It’s not enough to be grateful for their cultivation, so I’d like to repay it, right?”

"That's natural, I'm just curious, what does the girl think?" Zhang Ximeng said.

Zhou Huiniang smiled brightly again, "They asked me to study, and asked me to deceive those talented scholars. But I never thought that the more I read, the more I think, and I have all kinds of skills, how can they trap me?" Uncle Jiang was rescued by me a few years ago. I asked him to drive the car for me. Naturally, no one doubted me for three years. It’s so easy to escape.”

"It's just that there are fire pits and hells everywhere in the world. It's not the same where you flee to! I was determined to give up, but more than a year ago, I heard that Chuzhou equals the land. Men and women are treated equally. Everyone has a ration field and a transfer field." , I felt some curiosity in my heart. Later, I heard that although Bantou Wu is an opera singer, he is respected, can stand up straight, and live a decent life. I made up my mind and wanted to take a risk. At this time, Zhang Shicheng snatched away several famous women in Yangzhou, so I made a quick decision and left Yangzhou city, this is the past experience."

Zhang Ximeng listened patiently. Zhou Huiniang's words really shocked him. It completely opened a door, but behind this door was not a beautiful new world, but a cruel hell.

Zhang Ximeng pondered for a while, before asking again: "Miss Zhou, I know your background, so why did you become a member of the army and help us do things?"

Zhou Huinian smiled slightly, better than Peach Blossom.

"Sir, what you said is wrong. I am not doing things for you. I am doing it for myself. I am also a poor person, and I am the most miserable and helpless person from head to toe. Don't you think so?"

Zhang Ximeng took a deep breath, "Of course you are right, but don't worry, girl, since you have joined us and become a member of us, no one will discriminate against you anymore."

"Really?" Zhou Huiniang said with a smile: "I'm just a girl, and I came from a brothel. In the end, I can't stand on the stage. If the master can tolerate me, so can your army?"

"Must be able to!"

Zhang Ximeng said decisively: "In the world, there is a childlike innocence that is not stained with dust. This childlike innocence is everyone's initial heart. From the initial heart, everyone is generally the same. The saints say that there is no distinction between education and education, but they never said that people can't. Teach, don't teach!"

Zhou Huiniang was startled, and then sighed helplessly: "Sages also pay attention to dignity!"

"Honorability lies in status, not people's hearts. For example, if I am an official, the people below will naturally obey my orders. If there is any dereliction of duty, they will be punished. This is only right and proper. If I feel that I am nobler than them, I will punish and insult me ​​at will. It is my fault to treat them as adults. The Yuan court treated thousands of Han people and southerners as cattle and horses, oppressing and killing them at will, so that the people could not make a living. Death! It's been like this since ancient times!"

When Zhou Huiniang heard this, her eyes widened, she was extremely surprised, she looked at Zhang Ximeng stupidly, her heart beat wildly, and said in admiration: "If you can do this, you can be a sage!"

Zhang Ximeng smiled dumbly, "I can't be a sage, and I can't accomplish great things alone. If you want to achieve success, everyone should be a sage, and a girl can also be a sage!"

1 Chapter Twenty

Zhang Ximeng chatted with Zhou Huiniang for a few more words, and found that this woman was really eloquent and insightful, and she was very scheming, even if it was a national event, she could open her mouth.

But Zhang Ximeng also quickly discovered some problems, that is, when it comes to court figures, she can lift weights like light, and outline a lifelike image in a few words.

But when it came to the specific money, food and soldiers, she was speechless. Even if she forced to say a few words, it would be ridiculous.

Zhang Ximeng understood in an instant that the level of those who taught Zhou Huiniang behind them was nothing more than that.

Moreover, although Zhou Huiniang's spirit is high, but limited by the situation, she can't really reach that level. She typically knows what's going on and doesn't know why.

During the conversation, Zhou Huiniang kept probing and questioning Wu Datou, as if she cared about this prospective colleague. After all, in her opinion, no matter how good the conversation with Zhang Ximeng was, she could not completely let her guard down. Wu Datou was a safe and reliable person.

After Zhang Ximeng heard the last word, he already had a complete judgment on Zhou Huiniang.

"Wu Baihu is doing a very big and big thing, which is very dangerous, but once it succeeds, it will benefit the world, and its merits are immeasurable. Even after a hundred years, it will still be praised by people."

Zhou Huiniang was shocked. She admired Zhang Ximeng's idea that everyone is holy, but she didn't think it could really be realized.Just like when she went from Yangzhou to Chuzhou, she didn't think about what to do all at once... As long as she doesn't have to force herself to be happy every day, don't act on every occasion, and can have her own space outside of performing on stage, and can grasp her destiny, that's enough , as for more things, she dared not think of them.

This is the paradox of this woman. She pretends to be a talent for pointing out the country, but when it is her turn, she is so humble and realistic.Therefore, she cared about Wu Datou and this role model.

"Sir, can you tell me what Wu... Baihu did?"

Zhang Ximeng pondered for a while, then smiled and said, "He went to Dadu!"

"Dadu!" Zhou Huiniang's face changed instantly, what can Wu Datou do in Dadu?He had crossed into Huaiyuan before, and he was able to capture it without any fuss.

Then when he goes to Dadu, will it be the same thing?

The goal this time is definitely not to spend nothing, it should be bigger, that is... the dog emperor?

Wu Datou wants to learn from Jing Ke and wants to leave, and do Bolangsha attack?

If this is the case, then Wu Datou is really a great hero.

It's just that no matter success or failure, he can't come back alive.

Such a character is about to disappear... Zhou Huiniang suddenly gave Zhang Ximeng a meaningful look... Is this your attitude towards Wu Datou?

Give him unparalleled courtesy, buy people's hearts, and then let him assassinate with his life?

Sure enough, people's hearts are like this, who would really care about poor people?

What I said was just nice to hear, and I was also confused and confused, and I still had a little bit of luck... In just a short moment, Zhou Huiniang thought too much, and she planned to get up and leave, find a place, and tidy up. Lower your mood and reflect on your own mistakes...

"Miss Zhou, don't you want to know what Wu Baihu does?"

Zhou Huiniang was startled, bowed her head and remained silent.

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said, "I can tell you that he is going to sing an opera."


Zhou Huiniang turned pale with shock, isn't this a joke?

I tried my best to send my partner to sing in Dadu. Is it necessary to enrich the spiritual life of the Dayuan court?

This is too nonsense?

"Sir, please excuse the little girl's difficulty in understanding!"

Zhang Ximeng smiled again: "What's so hard to understand... Since ancient times, in order to deal with the enemy and achieve the goal, it is not uncommon to use prophecy and nursery rhymes. A few years ago, didn't you just use the phrase stone man's eyes to provoke the Yellow River to rebel? Now I just imitate my predecessors."

Zhou Huiniang was still puzzled, "Sir, did you ask Wu Baihu to spread the prophecy?"

"It's about the same, but there may be some deviations in the specifics. I hope they can perform a few good plays and make Tuotuo famous."

"Prime Minister Tuotuo?" Zhou Huiniang asked in surprise.

"Yes! It's him." Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "You have learned so many skills, I want to ask you, how is Tuotuo's current situation?"

Zhou Huiniang pondered for a while, and then said: "Maybe it's not good... He looks like a raging fire, and flowers are blooming. But the power is too heavy, the status is too high, and everyone in the court and the opposition are jealous of his opponent. I can't take it off." It's not going to be good."

"Sure enough!" Zhang Ximeng praised, "Then can you see when Tuotuo will collapse?"

"This..." Zhou Huiniang was dumbfounded. Fortune-telling has always been a double-sided thing, so how could she kill her with her mouth? She and her Hongru teachers didn't have this ability either!

"Hahaha!" Zhang Ximeng laughed loudly: "Tuotuo's defeat is right in front of us, and it will not exceed two months at most. I arranged for Wu Baihu and others to come to Beijing just to make a few plays and to add to this matter." Get the firewood!"

"A play? What play?"

"There are "Tongque Terrace", "Huanwen Northern Expedition", and "Eternal Life Palace".

Zhou Huiniang frowned, "Hey, what do these three things mean?"

Zhang Ximeng smiled, "With the girl's intelligence, can't you guess it?"

Zhou Huiniang thought about it again and again, and suddenly cold sweat broke out on her forehead, "Well, this first trip to Tongque Terrace said that the Cao family should be the emperor and be blessed by heaven. This second trip, Huanwen Northern Expedition, should be said to use the name of the Northern Expedition to seize Gaining great power, threatening the emperor, deposing the king... As for the third release, the Palace of Eternal Life talks about leading the generals to rebel, killing back to the capital, forcing the emperor to flee, the imperial concubine perishing, the mountains and rivers being shattered, the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed!"

The three plays are interlocking, like three sharp knives, slashing towards Tuotuo.

Zhou Huiniang didn't dare to stay calm anymore, Zhang Ximeng did not assassinate the emperor in a vague way, but solidly created public opinion, set the target on the Great Yuan Pillar, and got away with it.

Looking at it this way, the chance of success is much greater, and Wu Datou is not guaranteed to die.

Thinking of this, Zhou Huiniang couldn't help but blush, it turned out that it was because of her villainous heart that she was confused.

But Zhou Huiniang thought about it again, and it seemed that something was wrong!

"Sir, no matter how good Wu Baihu's play is, if he enters Dadu alone, where will he act, and how will he create momentum? Two months may not be enough!"

"Young lady is really clever, but who told you that you are alone?" Zhang Ximeng said indifferently: "We have already made arrangements here. Before Wu Baihu came to Beijing, there were rumors that famous opera masters in the southeast came to avoid disaster. Performing arts in Beijing. Singing a big drama for ten days without taking any points, just to ask the elders of the majority to enjoy the food. Afterwards, there will be famous scholars, wealthy businessmen, and even the Yuan court clan. By the way, even Tuotuo Party feathers will also go over to support Wu Baihu."


Zhou Huiniang was stunned. Although she learned a lot, no matter what absurd books, she would not record such things!

Obviously rushing to get rid of it, but still wanting to get rid of the party's support and waving the flag.

Although the world is absurd, it is not so absurd. In any case, it cannot be true.

Zhang Ximeng was still smiling, Zhou Huiniang couldn't imagine it, but for Zhang Ximeng, this matter was not difficult.

First of all, Jia Lu has long been in contact with old friends in Beijing to inquire about Yuan Ting's information.Zhang Ximeng had already arranged for people and sent generous gifts, which completely opened up the joints.

So as long as Wu Datou comes to Beijing, these people will stand up, wave the flag for them, and arrange everything.After all, in the current Yuan court, there are very few things that cannot be done with money.

To put it bluntly again, when the country has reached this point, are all the officials of the dynasty loyal to the emperor and serving the country?

Even if these officials are like this, don't they have family members?Are you not afraid that the Red Scarf Army will attack their hometown and wipe out their clan?

Everyone has to leave a way out these days.

As for getting rid of his party members, how can he be obedient?

This is even simpler. Didn't Zhang Ximeng seize the seal of Tie Mu'er?There happened to be a talented painter beside him, and he immediately imitated Yexian Timur's handwriting and wrote a few letters to Beijing with his seal.

The general idea is that Tuotuo's victory is imminent, and the red thief is not worth mentioning.How should the imperial court reward the grand master for such meritorious service?

Tuotuo is now a grand master, a prime minister, and an extremely human minister... Shouldn't he be crowned a prince next time, or go to the palace with swords and shoes, enter the court without going, and praise without being famous!

Anyway, most of them are looking forward to the prime minister's promotion after getting rid of the party feathers. As for the emperor of Yuan Dynasty?They can achieve the miraculous efficiency of changing nine in 20 years, and there is nothing wrong with abolishing an emperor.

Zhang Ximeng's move wasn't very clever, but it just happened to grasp the complicated and delicate court situation of the Yuan court. Tuotuo's party members and opposing forces were fighting fiercely.

At this time, even a straw stick may decide the outcome and crush the opponent.

What's more, Zhang Ximeng's long-planned big move.

Although in history, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty also had his own body, recalled Tuotuo, and changed his commander.But right now a strong enemy is on the side, fighting every day, and every battle means hundreds of thousands of lives.

The sooner you get rid of Tuotuo, the better, time waits for no one.

After Zhou Huiniang figured this out, she couldn't help but be infatuated.

She is still too simple, how many things can be learned from books?Reality is the best teacher.

Who would have believed that Prime Minister Da Yuan, the pillar of the imperial court, would fall into the hands of an opera singer, and behind this, it was this ordinary young man who was planning!

Although Tuotuo's situation is very delicate, he has reached the edge of a cliff.

But being able to push forward and accelerate his downfall is also a remarkable achievement, enough to shine in the annals of history.

Moreover, Tuotuo could almost be regarded as the Great Yuan Dynasty, among the Mongolian nobles, he was the only one who could do it.

If he were to die, there would really be no hope for the Great Yuan Dynasty.

Realizing this, Zhou Huiniang actually felt a sense of enthusiasm... She is just not awakened, but once she figured it out, the fighting spirit she could burst out was beyond ordinary people's comparability.

She can play the pipa and beat the drums for the Liuhe defenders, which is proof.

Now that Wu Datou can do it, her conditions are even better!

"Sir, I, I also want to follow Wu Baihu and do my best to get rid of Tuotuo!"

Zhang Ximeng was smiling, not surprised at all.

"Miss Zhou, I'm afraid it's not safe to go here!"

"I'm not afraid! Instead of being a duckweed in troubled times with nowhere to go, it's better to risk your life. Even if you die, you will be generous and heroic, with a clear conscience."

Zhou Huiniang smiled and said, "Sir, I just have two more requests, please agree, sir."

"any request?"

"Second, I want to ask my husband to give me the land that belongs to me, and I will give it to my maid Xiaoju for the time being; moreover, I want to ask my husband to promise that after he entered Yangzhou in [-], if there is a woman from a brothel Get out of the sea of ​​misery, and ask your husband to act righteously and pull them! These are poor people!"

Zhang Ximeng nodded slightly, "The two requirements are not difficult, I can issue you a land deed in Liuhe right now." He did what he said, and immediately wrote a land deed to Zhou Huiniang.

Moreover, since she has already joined the army and is going to Dadu to perform tasks, she is a special personnel. She has three shares of the ration field alone, which is a total of fifteen acres!

Zhou Huiniang took the Tian Deed, her hands trembling unconsciously.Aside from the joy, she shed tears, shook her head, and tried to force a smile, "Sir, the little girl has earned dirty money for so many years, this, this is finally clean!"

Zhou Huiniang didn't stay too long, and actually set off for the north overnight, escorted by Uncle Jiang.

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