First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 82

At this time, there were several soldiers of the Zhu family army, holding a cauldron with wooden sticks, and when they reached the crenel, they fell down with a crash!

Something like yellow porridge, emitting a foul smell, was poured down.

Suddenly there was a scream!

Several Yuan soldiers were poured on his face, and he wiped it subconsciously, and a large piece of skin disappeared, revealing bright red flesh and blood.The golden juice made from dung water is full of bacteria and dirt, and the skin is burned on a large area. Even if it survives for a while, it will definitely be infected when it returns, and even gods can't save it.

There are so many tricks in the small Liuhe, emerging one after another, which surprised the Yuan army outside.

After suffering huge losses, the remaining Yuan army fled in haste.

And at this moment, Geng Bingwen drew out his saber.

"Brothers! Let me ask you, how is the big guy doing now?"

"Okay! That's great! In the past, we were not even as good as livestock! Now we finally look like humans!"

Geng Bingwen nodded, "Well said! Now the Tartars are here again, and he wants to turn us back into beasts, can you agree?"

"Can't! Can't!" The soldiers shouted loudly with the same hatred.

"Okay! The big guys follow me and kill them!"

The gate of the city opened suddenly, and five hundred Zhu's troops rushed out quickly, like a dagger, stabbing fiercely at the fleeing Yuan army. This was no longer a battle, but a massacre!

Geng Bingwen chased Yuan Jun, one by one, stepped on the corpse, and rushed forward.

Not only did the Yuan army fail to take down the small Liuhe in one fell swoop, but they lost more than 500 people and stayed under the city of Liuhe.

In one attack by Geng Bingwen alone, more than 200 people were beheaded, and they returned with blood all over their bodies.

The people of Liuhe are as happy as Chinese New Year!

Zhou Huiniang, who lived in the inn, walked outside and listened carefully. The street was full of cheers, "We won, we won!"

we won!

It turns out that in the hearts of these common people, they and Zhu Jiajun are one.

It's really a military-civilian unity!

Zhou Huiniang turned and went into the house, and when she came out again, she had a pipa in her hand, maybe she could do something...

Chapter 115 One Table of Dishes, Two Tables of Guests

Liuhe fell into the siege of the Yuan army. Geng Junyong and Geng Bingwen, father and son joined forces, the army and the people united, and the Yuan army refused to give an inch. The bloody battle lasted for three full days.

Yexian Timur, who had been confident of winning, was completely beaten out of his temper.

Obviously there are not many people in the city, and the defense is very reluctant, but they are capable of fighting out at every turn, giving them a good look.What is even more frustrating is that the soldiers and horses in the city are indeed good at fighting. The soldiers and horses under him have no other skills except to suffer.

If it goes on like this, it's still uncertain who will win and who will lose... First, Timur went through two disastrous defeats, this time he didn't just run away, but commanded the soldiers and horses to continue the siege, consume the troops in the city, and at the same time let his brother go Letter, requesting tactical guidance.

In contrast, Liuhe City was in full swing, and everyone was mobilized from top to bottom.

Due to the abundant harvests of summer and autumn grains, the city has enough rations for the army to last for three months.The weapons prepared before were not too small, and the Geng family and his son simply started building large-scale construction projects. They dug trenches in the city to prevent the Yuan army from sneaking in.

What's more, they dug a ditch to lead out of the city, and instead attacked the Yuan army.

Such a group of young soldiers showed extraordinary enthusiasm and imagination, and tried their best to fight the enemy and protect themselves!

In the midst of such a busy crowd, the sound of pipa will be played every day. The melodious melody makes the soldiers temporarily forget their fatigue and pain, and listen attentively with happy smiles on their faces.

Some people listened and even cried.

They are still young, they don't want to kill people, they just want to live in peace and security, farming and supporting their families happily... But the Yuan Tartars don't agree, they kill ruthlessly, destroying the homeland they have built with great difficulty.

In this case, don't blame us for risking our lives!

In the days of fighting, some people sacrificed their lives, some were injured and disabled.

Life and death are happening all the time.

But the cruel reality will only make the soldiers more tenacious and united against the enemy.

Zhou Huiniang was terrified at first, but when she saw a wounded soldier being carried on a stretcher, his face was bleeding and his flesh was turned outwards, she cried in fear: "I haven't married a wife yet, I don't want to be a bachelor!"

The heart was poked hard, and this soldier was almost like her brother.

He killed two Tartars, and he also had five or six scars on his body, especially on his face, even if he recovered, there would be scars.

Why are they willing to risk their lives and fight the Yuan army?

Zhou Huiniang couldn't figure it out for a while, she just felt heartbroken, she had no other choice but to play the pipa over and over again outside the wounded soldiers' quarters to ease the pain of the big guys.

Gradually, everyone got to know this beautiful woman, and her pipa became a must in the city.She played for the wounded soldiers, the soldiers who defended the city, and the civilian husbands.

Others have swords and guns in their hands, but she has a pipa in her hand, which is her weapon.

On this day at the top of the city, the killing was extremely brutal. People were injured every moment and were carried down from the top of the city. There were not enough soldiers and horses, and even civilian husbands went up.

The dark blood stained the top of the city red, and heaven and earth are bleeding!

This day, Zhou Huiniang played until night until her fingers bleed... She seemed to have forgotten the pain, and became one with the pipa. The majestic Lanling King's Entrance Song rang out under the city wall over and over again.

Inspired by the music, the soldiers resolutely rushed to the top of the city and fought a bloody battle with the Yuan army. Accompanied by the generous melody, they beheaded one Yuan army after another and drove these beasts off the city.

Corpses piled up like mountains, and blood flowed into rivers.

It wasn't until the second watch that the Yuan army finally retreated, and Zhou Huiniang finally stopped. Her fingers were trembling, her flesh and blood were bloody, and the piercing pain made her forehead sweat.

But at this moment, applause rang out from among the soldiers, prolonged and enthusiastic.As far as the eye can see, there are pairs of pure eyes, full of praise and admiration, without a trace of coveting and greed.

Compared with the previous song of red silk and rewarding thousands of silver, another kind of emotion made her tremble all over.

Zhou Huiniang suddenly picked up the pipa and ran back to the residence quickly. She cried, but she cried happily.

The first 20 years of life were simply a nightmare!

She thought that she had seen all the cruelty of the world in the brothel, but after these few days, she realized how shallow she was!I finally know the wonderful feeling of being respected and affirmed by others.

At this moment, Zhou Huiniang was very sure, she finally understood what it means to be like a human being!

"Third Uncle, I have the answer to your question." Zhou Huiniang put away her sadness and calmed down.

"You said that a group of young people who can blush when they talk, how can they fight the vicious Yuan Tartars! Now I can tell you that it is because they are kind, shy, kind and polite...the more they want to fight and keep everything, No one is allowed to destroy it. The bravest person in this world is not a vicious bad guy, but a good guy who fights for himself!"

Zhou Huiniang's eyes sparkled, she was very glad that she chose to come to Chuzhou and participated in such a battle.

She, enlightened!

Jiang San squinted his eyes, thought for a long time, and suddenly smiled, his thick eyebrows raised, and said with a sneer: "It's good for the girl to figure it out. Although the third uncle is old, the knife in his hand is not old! The dog tartar wants to enter City, you must first ask me if I agree!"


The defense battle in Liuhe became more and more tragic.

And this battle, from the very beginning, has affected the hearts of everyone in the Zhu family's army.

First of all, there are not many defenders in Liuhe. Feng Guoyong left half a thousand households, Geng Junyong had one thousand households, Geng Bingwen only had three cavalry hundred households, and then there were Liuhe militiamen, young and strong in the city.

No matter how you calculate it, the elite that can be pulled out to fight will not exceed 2000 people.

With so few soldiers and horses, how can they fight against the imperial army?

Tang He, Feng Guoyong, Hua Yun, and other generals all actively called for the battle, and they happened to bring the newly recruited soldiers and horses to teach the Yuan army a lesson.

It's just that Xu Da had nothing to say amidst the voices asking for a fight. He lowered his head, thoughtful.

As for the other key person, Zhang Ximeng, the manager of the experience department, suddenly said quietly, "Timer is such a fat man first, just to beat him? Isn't it too conservative?"

Hearing Zhang Ximeng's words, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes widened suddenly, and he nodded unconsciously, indeed!

First of all, Timur is Tuotuo's younger brother, the royal doctor of the Yuan court, and his position is very high and powerful.

But from another point of view, Shahe's disastrous defeat showed that this guy is a complete idiot.

Now that he is leading [-] soldiers and horses to besiege Liuhe, if he is allowed to leave easily, it will appear that Zhu's army is too useless.

"Sir, if you want to eat it, Timur first?"

Zhang Ximeng nodded, "My lord, Tuotuo's attack on Gaoyou is unsuccessful, and the battle over there has entered a stalemate. Tuotuo will definitely not be able to divide up the troops in a short period of time. We have more than [-] soldiers and horses in our hands. If we are still indifferent , It’s too conservative to just be beaten passively.”

After Zhang Ximeng finished speaking, Xu Da also stood up and echoed, "Master, Zhang's experience makes sense. Now Tuotuo has at most tens of thousands of people, and we are just on par with us. Moreover, his soldiers and horses are exhausted after a long battle. It is no longer time to send troops. We take the initiative to attack, which can not only inspire people, but also save Gaoyou and pull the yuan army. It is best to take the opportunity to force away tens of thousands of yuan troops. Only in this way can we calmly develop and grow, and will not be passive everywhere !"

Xu Da didn't dare to imagine that Tuotuo's army would collapse overnight.

But his thoughts are already highly consistent with Zhang Ximeng.

One month into the Battle of Gaoyou, Zhu Jiajun's chance finally came!

Lao Zhu looked at his most trusted ones, one civil and one military, and thought about the current situation for a while. He finally said slowly: "How should we fight this battle?"

Zhang Ximeng thought for a while, and immediately said: "Master, Geng Junyong and Geng Bingwen are both thoughtful, brave and good at fighting. Although there are not many Liuhe, the city defense is still strong and the supplies are abundant. It is impossible for the Yuan army to conquer it all at once. Since In this way, I thought we should give the Yuan army a pocket array and eat them all."

When Zhang Ximeng said this, he was not without excitement.

The previous encirclement and annihilation of Zhao Junyong, because of Miao Daheng's rebellion, made it anticlimactic and did not enjoy the joy of the war. Now the opportunity comes again, and there are still [-] Yuan troops, which is much more enjoyable than getting rid of Zhao Junyong.

In fact, if you turn over the map, you will find that along the Yangtze River, this battle is not difficult to fight.

First, Timur was outside Liuhe City. He wanted to escape, but he wanted to go to the northeast, go to the sky, escape back to Gaoyou, and join forces with Tuotuo.

Or go south, pass Zhenzhou (later Yizheng), and go to Yangzhou.

For Zhu Jiajun, if he wants to wipe out Timur first, the key is how to seal these two doors and complete the complete closing and beating the dog!

Zhang Ximeng said: "My lord, the difficulty of these two routes is different. The road to capture Zhenzhou needs to avoid alarm and Timur first. Therefore, it is necessary to advance along the north bank of the Yangtze River. The road in total is more than 150 miles, and it is very rough and difficult. , must rush to Zhenzhou within three days, and successfully win it, but also hold it, the difficulty can be imagined!"

After listening to Zhang Ximeng's words, all the generals under Zhu Yuanzhang were also thinking, can they do it by themselves?

If it fails, the consequences will be disastrous.

After a long silence, Feng Guoyong suddenly stood up, "Superior, leave this matter to the humble officer! Originally stationed in Liuhe is the matter of the humble officer, this time give the humble officer a chance, and definitely win Zhenzhou!"

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a while, although Feng Guoyong was not the original team member he recruited from his hometown, but he is versatile in both civil and military affairs, and has strategic strategies, he is a very trustworthy person!

"Okay! If that's the case, let's give you two thousand households, plus some scouts and cavalry, what do you think?"

"Thank you sir!"

Feng Guoyong received the order and was overjoyed.

At this time, Zhang Ximeng said again: "The next step is the crucial direction of Tianchang. This place is just between Liuhe and Gaoyou. Originally, Zhang Shicheng sent people to occupy it, but later Zhang Shicheng withdrew Gaoyou, and this place fell into the hands of the Yuan army, but the garrison Not many. However, because it is close to Gaoyou, once a battle breaks out, Tuotuo will definitely send reinforcements. How to block Tuotuo, close the door and beat the dog, and kill him first. .”

While Zhang Ximeng was speaking, his eyes kept scanning Xu Da, after all, he was the only one who had the best grasp!

Xu Da lived up to Zhang Ximeng's expectations, he stood up resolutely, and asked Lao Zhu for orders.

"Since this is the case, Xu Da will lead the soldiers and horses of the headquarters, and immediately set off from Lai'an, marching concurrently, to seize Tianchang." Lao Zhu said again: "The two of them lead the troops out, and the rest of the soldiers and horses will follow us to encircle and wipe out those in Liuhe. Timur first!"

With a wave of his hand, Zhu Yuanzhang decided on the battle policy.

Everyone was actively preparing to go, but Zhang Ximeng stopped Xu Da.

"With less than five thousand soldiers, isn't it too thin?"

Xu Da knew Zhang Ximeng's good intentions, so he thought for a while and said, "Soldiers and horses are expensive. There are too many people, and I'm afraid of adding to the chaos. But if you have the heart, can you let Peng Zaozhu and Miao Daheng attack Huai'an?"

"Attack Huai'an?"

"Yes, Huai'an is the base camp for Tuotuo going south, and he has hoarded a huge amount of luggage. As long as Huai'an is attacked, Tuotuo will definitely return to the army! Moreover, even Huai'an can't be kept, and the criticism against Tuotuo in the court will inevitably increase."

Hearing this, Zhang Ximeng couldn't help being shocked and overjoyed, because Xu Da wasn't there when he analyzed Tuotuo's situation.At this moment, he can actually say a high-level theory that takes advantage of Yuan Ting's contradictions, which is really a rapid progress.

War is the thing that can improve people's ability!

"Okay, I'm going to discuss with the lord now!"

Xu Da thanked him again and again, and then bid farewell to Zhang Ximeng.

He led the troops of his headquarters, and traveled day and night to raid Tianchang. On the other side, Feng Guoyong had already set off, and rushed to Zhenzhou regardless of the dangers and obstacles.

As for the middle road, from Tanghe down, the main generals of thousands of households are all listed, and they all follow Zhu Yuanzhang to the expedition.

This time can be called the largest military operation since the establishment of the Zhu Family Army.

There was tension in the air.

Zhang Ximeng also accompanied the military counselor, they did not make a big fanfare, but set off one by one, heading towards Liuhe, and surrounded them.

But when the main force of Zhu's army was about to arrive in Liuhe and launched an attack, a top-secret letter passed through Jia Lu's hands and was delivered to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Tuo Tuo was dissatisfied with Timur's failure, and another 3 people were sent to help Liuhe."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the date and couldn't help taking a breath.The Yuan army has set off for two days, and the vanguard soldiers and horses may not be far away from Tianchang.

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