First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 72

Are they also worthy of talking about military affairs?

Li Shanchang raised his brows, but he hesitated again and again, and didn't speak, so he asked you Zhang Ximeng to toss, what if you screwed up?

Lao Zhu thought about it, and agreed. After all, Xu Da and the others are all confidantes, so there is no harm in listening to their ideas.

Not long after, the thousand households headed by Tang He and Xu Da came to the lobby, and briefly explained the situation of the discussion, depending on their opinions.

Unexpectedly, Xu Da and Feng Guoyong stood up on their own initiative, "Supervisor, Mr. Zhang has a high opinion, listen to him!"

Old Zhu asked calmly, "Why do you say that?"

Xu Da and Feng Guoyong looked at it, and Xu Daxian said: "Your Majesty, the Yuan army has too many soldiers and horses. No matter how many soldiers we send, once they enter the territory of Gaoyou, they are nothing more than hitting a stone with an egg. Even if Zhang Shicheng doesn't play tricks, we can't do anything about it." Yuan army. On the contrary, only in Chuzhou, Hezhou, our own territory, can we fight the Yuan army! After all, I have my heart!"

Feng Guoyong also nodded vigorously and said: "Please think about it, if Zhang Shicheng can hold Gaoyou, Tuotuo will at best send partial troops to attack us. If Zhang Shicheng can't hold it, we will form an alliance with him, and Zhang Shicheng will retreat with the remnant soldiers defeated. When we arrive in Chuzhou, shall we pick it up or not?"

"If you accept Zhang Shicheng, the Yuan soldiers will definitely come after you. If you don't accept it, it will ruin the friendship of the allies. Even if you take a step back, even if the Yuan army attacks and destroys Zhang Shicheng, they may not necessarily come to attack us. There is really no way, Can we still make peace with Yuan Ting and delay time! There are many soldiers in Yuan Dynasty, but the stronger the man, the more he eats. Don't look at this time taking off the soldiers who are overwhelming the country, and want to wipe out the red scarf in one fell swoop, I dare say He is a fool! Yuan Ting has enough food and salary, why wait until today?"

With Feng Guo's words, everyone suddenly became enlightened.

Xu Da also added: "Yuan Ting gathered a lot of soldiers from the Western Regions. I learned from Wu Datou that these soldiers are afraid of the scorching heat. It's October now, and after March and April next year, they won't be able to continue fighting , we must retreat to the north to avoid the summer heat. If Zhang Shicheng can withstand two or three months, our pressure will not be so great, we just need to beware of the Yuan army in the south of the Yangtze River." Gu


The views of the two military generals are completely different from those of the literati, and even Zhang Ximeng is very different from them.In their view, in order to delay time, even making peace with Yuan Ting is okay.

That's very military.

Only focus on the battlefield, don't think about other things too much, anyway, whatever is beneficial will come.

In their view, Zhang Shicheng can be pushed to the front and consume with the Yuan army first.When necessary, you can even make friends with Yuan Ting, confuse the enemy, and buy yourself time.

In the eyes of literati who are divided between Han and thief, these ideas are unscrupulous and deviant.

Sure enough, Wufu has no virtue!

But if you think about it carefully, it might not be a way.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought longer than before, and he did not immediately draw a conclusion.

Instead, he said: "Xu Da, Feng Guoyong, and Tang and you, when there is a major military situation in the future, you should also discuss it!"

The military generals have won the right to participate in decision-making. Although these thousands of households don't understand what it means, they are all in a good mood.

Moreover, among the civil servants, only Mr. Zhang agrees with them, so he naturally feels that Zhang Ximeng is more friendly, Mr. Zhang is really amazing!

Although Zhu Yuanzhang did not finalize the strategy, no one paid any attention to Luo Guanzhong. He was thrown aside, and no one paid any attention to him.

Is Luo Guanzhong who lives in the inn very sad?

On the contrary, his happiness is beyond the imagination of outsiders.

He has a huge sum of 3000 taels of gold in his hand. If Zhu Yuanzhang doesn't see him, he can't send it out, so it can only become his small treasury.

Eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want.

Luo Guanzhong booked a yard in one go, and by the way, he also found two girls to accompany him.

Red sleeves add fragrance and write books all night.

Accompanied by a beautiful woman with fragrant tea, in the dead of night, with a spring of literary thoughts, Luo Guanzhong only felt that the art bubbles in his body had been sublimated. The teacher wrote "Water Margin", and he will definitely surpass the teacher and write an even more amazing book!

Luo Guanzhong went out to watch plays during the day, and he chased after Wu Datou's troupe, wherever he performed and wherever he saw, he regarded it as collecting folk songs.

Then I went back to write a book at night, and even joked with the beauties when I was free. Even Platinum would be envious of this day!

What King Cheng, just pretend he doesn't exist.

It's just that there are some things that even Zhang Ximeng couldn't predict... "Superior, something is wrong, Zhao Jun used this thief to surrender to Yuanting!"


When they got the news, everyone in Chuzhou was shocked, including Zhu Yuanzhang. They had been calculating the strength of the Yuan army and thinking about how to deal with it, but they never thought that Zhao Junyong could betray the red scarf and join the Yuan court.

"Is the news reliable?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

Guo Ying explained: "Superior, this is the news sent by a guard beside Zhao Junyong. He said that Zhao Junyong is willing to serve as a forward for the Yuan army, and Tuotuo's younger brother Timur will lead an army of [-] troops first. Behind him. They plan to divide their troops to attack Chuzhou Red Scarf first, that is us!"

The Yuan army actually wanted to attack Chuzhou and Gaoyou at the same time!

First, Timur is the younger brother of Tuotuo, the royal doctor of the Yuan court.

He commands a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and his combat power must not be underestimated, and he can also echo Tuotuo and advance together.

The pressure brought on can be imagined.

Whether it was the civil servants who advocated an alliance with Zhang Shicheng, Zhang Ximeng who advocated sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, and several generals, none of them expected that the Yuan army would be so entrusted with such a large force, and they would directly divide their troops and advance side by side!

To put it bluntly, it was Zhu Yuanzhang who developed too fast. He implemented the strategy of eliminating tyrants, which touched the interests of some big households. They desperately sent letters to the Yuan court, hoping that the court would send troops to exterminate Zhu Yuanzhang.

Tuotuo got the news, and it happened that the Yuan army was so powerful that Zhao Junyong surrendered, so he simply asked his brothers to send troops, and destroyed Zhu Yuanzhang by the way.

It's just a walk and a pass, and it doesn't take much effort.

In an instant, all the pressure fell on Zhu Yuanzhang.

What is being in charge of the family is the one who makes the final decision!

Regardless of whether it is life or death, any consequences, he must bear it on his shoulders!

Zhu Yuanzhang, what should we do?


Lao Zhu slapped the table and suddenly stood up. He looked around, laughed loudly again, and said loudly to everyone:

"In all the battles in which the weak defeated the strong, the strong side was always arrogant and complacent, thinking that it would win! Now Tuotuo, relying on his own strength, has actually sent out a team to destroy Chuzhou. He wants to die by himself, so we will help him!"

A few confident words from Lao Zhu immediately reversed the worries of the big guys.

And his attitude inspired everyone, including Zhang Ximeng, this kind of ability to see opportunities in danger is the demeanor of the founder of the country!

Zhang Ximeng immediately had a thought, "My lord, since Zhao Junyong has become Yuan Ting's running dog, let's kill this dog first and give Yuan Jun a blow!"

Chapter 1 and Four: All Rebels

Zhang Ximeng advocated dealing with Zhao Junyong first, and immediately received enthusiastic responses from the big guys, including Li Shanchang, who took the initiative to say: "Your superior, if you can't beat the Yuan army, you can't beat Zhao Junyong! This white-eyed wolf must be eliminated! "

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly chuckled, "Mr. Li, you mean we can't defeat the Yuan army?"

Li Shanchang was at a loss for words, and hurriedly said: "Yes, we can beat Zhao Junyong, and even the Yuan army! No matter what, we can't hand over the foundation that was so hard-won!"

In desperation, Li Shanchang said the most crucial sentence.

After such a long period of struggle, not only Zhu Yuanzhang's wings have plumped up, but his strength has soared.These people under Lao Zhu's hands are constantly promoted, and their status is increasing day by day.

Who is willing to give up the great results!

Zhang Shicheng can do his best to protect the territory, and Zhu Yuanzhang's willingness is even stronger.

Old Zhu thought over and over again, and finally said: "This time to fight Zhao Junyong, we must go all out and kill him with one blow! If we can't kill him as soon as possible, and the Yuan army comes to kill us, it will be difficult for us. If there is another , Solving Zhao Junyong is a military training. We have rested for several months, and we have to test what level the big guy is."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at all the generals, and those who were seen couldn't help but straighten their chests...Xu Da, Tang He, Wu Zhen, Wu Liang, Hua Yun, Fei Ju, Guo Ying, continued until the end, Hu Dahai and Chang Yu In spring, there were more than [-] Qianhu officials, as if they felt some kind of calling.

The tiger is out of the cage, the dragon is flying into the sky, and the Huaixi beast is about to start!

But before that, the big guys have to decide on a strategy, how to lure Zhao Junyong to take the bait... Peng Zaozhu directly stood up.

"Your Majesty, leave this matter to me. I have a mortal feud with Zhao, so forget it!"

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered a little, nodded and agreed, but Lao Zhu was still very cautious.

"Peng Qianhu, Zhao Junyong is too familiar with the Haozhou red scarf with this thief. If we let him escape, we will be in a dangerous situation. It is only natural that you want to avenge your father. But you can't get lost because of your father's revenge." The eyes are messed up!"

Peng Zaozhu smiled, "Please rest assured, I understand what to do!"

It was quickly negotiated here, and Peng Zaozhu led his troops to come out and escort the food and grass back to Chuzhou, so as to attract Zhao Junyong's attention.

At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang mobilized fifteen thousand households, led by Tang He, Xu Da, Feng Guoyong and others, to quietly leave Chuzhou and other places, enter a preset position to ambush, and weave a large net.

At the same time, another force was also mobilized, that is, the field guard militias all over Chuzhou... Yes, after dividing the land, Zhu Yuanzhang accepted Zhang Ximeng's suggestion and encouraged the rural people to form associations to practice martial arts and form militias. Maintain local security and assist in dealing with bandits and bandits.

In wartime, they are responsible for transporting food, grass and the wounded.

The militiamen have no military salary, but they are subsidized with five buckets of rice every month.

In addition, the village should take out some property to reward the militiamen.

All in all, the militia is a team formed voluntarily by the people to protect the results of land distribution, and it is a supplement to the regular military force.

According to Zhang Ximeng's suggestion, Lao Zhu gave the order.

The result was better than expected!

Young people from all over the country actively joined the militia, and some older and experienced ones even joined it.Over the years, natural disasters and man-made disasters have happened one after another.After several years of war, no one has an account in mind, this is not a peaceful time.

It's so easy to have a good boss who is willing to do things for the big guy, to give the big guy fields, so that the big guy can eat well and dress warmly.What a kindness this is!

What's more, forming a militia to protect oneself is also for oneself and for the sake of the folks, so that the rioters and bandits will not come, so they can only sit and wait for death!

Therefore, from Chuzhou to Hezhou, militia organizations were in full swing, and Wang Bi and his fellows were from the militia.

So far, Zhang Ximeng does not have an accurate figure on how many militiamen there are.

However, it is conservatively estimated that it will not be less than 5 people, and among these 5 people, at least [-] can leave the county and go hundreds of miles away to transport food and fight.

So far, Zhu Yuanzhang's military strength has formed three distinct levels.

First of all, there are a dozen of the most elite thousand households. They are well equipped, well trained, and can even basically be out of production. They are the fists of the entire army.

Then there are twenty second-class thousand households. Half of these people are trained and half are farming, and they also have a strong will to fight.As long as conditions permit, it can be promoted to the first-class thousand households at any time.

Finally, there are tens of thousands of militiamen distributed in various villages.

From top to bottom, the iron wall is impregnable.

It is with this confidence that in the face of tens of thousands of people in the Yuan court, they can quickly unify their opinions and fight to the end with the Yuan army!

It can be clearly seen that Zhu Yuanzhang's side is much stronger than the noisy Zhang Shicheng.

Zhao Junyong didn't know what kind of behemoth he was going to face, but he was quite proud of it.

Just a few days ago, Yuan Ting sent him the big seal and official uniform of Wanhu, as well as a reward of one thousand gold and a golden knife.Encourage Zhao Junyong to kill the red thieves and serve the country.

Zhao Junyong put on an official uniform and a golden knife, which made him somewhat dignified.

"You guys, tell me, do we count as honoring our ancestors?" Zhao Junyong couldn't help laughing, "There have been no officials in my family's ancestors for many generations. , the ancestors will be happy under the Nine Springs! When I have time later, I will definitely rebuild the ancestral hall and compile the genealogy, so that the ancestors will also bathe in the emperor's favor!"

Zhao Junyong was full of joy, but one of his men frowned, his name was Mao Gui.

"Your Highness... Since you are the king, how can you accept a mere ten thousand households?"

Zhao Junyong was taken aback, calling himself king?

That's right, he was called King Yongyi, but what is this Caotou King?

"Mao Gui, are you unwilling to join the imperial court?"

Mao Gui took a deep breath and said seriously: "Your Highness, I followed you, followed Li Tianwang (Sesame Li), occupied Xuzhou together, fought a bloody battle with the Yuan army, from Xuzhou to Haozhou, and from Haozhou to Sizhou, from beginning to end, How many brothers have died at the hands of the Yuan army, bloody feud, irreconcilable! Anyone can surrender, but we..."

"Enough!" Gu

Zhao Junyong suddenly shouted angrily, interrupting Mao Gui's words.

He was also furious, "You think I'm willing to take refuge with the Yuan Tartars? I don't care about this shit?" Zhao Jun yelled, "It's not that thief Zhu Chongba! He's nothing but a beggar! Fortunately, Dingyuan, Chuzhou, and even Hezhou have fallen into his hands. Now we are trapped in Sizhou, unable to attack Huai'an, and the back road has been cut off by Zhu Chongba. If he swings his troops back, he can reoccupy Haozhou , what should we do? Stand still? "

"Also, that Zhang Shicheng, he started his army later than anyone else, but now he has established a country and became king! A while ago, he even fought with Lao Tzu! I don't want to join Yuan Ting, I also want to lead everyone Team up with Wang Jianguo and dominate one side! But the current situation does not allow it!"

"I have to pretend to join Yuan Ting first, and use Yuan Ting's power to destroy Zhu Yuanzhang first, and then I can have a chance to open up a world. After all, I am not thinking of my brothers, you don't understand!"

After Zhao Jun finished speaking with some grievances, he looked at Mao Gui again and found that he had lowered his head. Then he looked at other people, and it was no different. Zhao Junyong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't think about it, listen to my order, send troops tomorrow, take it down first, give it to Timur first, let him know how powerful we are, every household is not enough! I want you to call Grandpa Zhao to be loyal , Why should I be like Chen Yexian and give the Marshal Dangdang! Hahaha!"


Obviously, Zhao Jun's high-sounding remarks couldn't dispel the doubts of the big guy... On the contrary, the last sentence still missed the details.

In the final analysis, he is still a woman who has a milk and a mother, and all he wants is power.

He had captured Guo Zixing and killed Peng Da before, and now he is taking refuge in the Yuan court. All kinds of actions are only for the sake of power, and he will do anything by hook or by crook.

No one is a fool and can see clearly.

After Mao Gui came out, he thought over and over again, and sighed up to the sky.

He decided to leave Zhao Junyong.

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