First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 70

Ma Dadao immediately poured wine for Chang Yuchun, "That's right, it's a joy to be with Master Chang! Brothers, you've made it through!"

Chang Yuchun was in a good mood, drinking and celebrating with these bandits.

Before he knew it, Chang Yuchun was drunk, he took a rest early and went to see him tomorrow, so don't miss it.

Chang Yuchun rested, but the bandits didn't stop, they got together, in twos and threes, and started gambling.

A table is full of people, the big guys are throwing dice, drinking five and six, so happy!

Outside this group of gambling guys, two people sneaked in, a majestic man in his late thirties, and a teenager. They walked around the crowd, and saw that the bandits were so engrossed that they didn't notice them.

The two couldn't help frowning and shaking their heads, then they went directly to the Chinese army and found the largest tent.

Standing outside, I heard thunderous snoring.

The soldiers who were supposed to be guarding outside also went to gamble.

"A bandit is a bandit after all, so he can't get on the stage!" Zhu Yuanzhang snorted angrily.

Zhang Ximeng was also very emotional, "Master, let me call Chang Yuchun!"

"Need not!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked around and found a torch, so he grabbed it and threw it directly on the curtain of the tent.After a while, the fire flared up.

Chang Yuchun, who was sleeping, suddenly smelled a strong smell of smoke, which made him cough.

In the next second, Chang Yuchun turned over and sat up, looked at the door, and the flames burst out. He was so scared that he didn't even have clothes on, and he jumped out of the window next to him, shouting at the top of his voice to get out of the water.

He happened to see Zhu Yuanzhang's angry face, and in an instant, the wine he drank turned into cold sweat. Chang Yuchun panicked and fell to his knees in fright.

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly, "How capable are you? Just like this barracks, we didn't set fire to it when we came in, but killed you with a knife, and your head was already cut off!"

After finishing speaking, Lao Zhu flung his sleeves angrily, and walked forward, "Tell your soldiers, get out of here!"

Seeing that Chang Yuchun was in a mess, Zhang Ximeng couldn't help laughing and said, "Hurry up and put on some clothes, and wait for the lord to scold you!"

Chang Yuchun's old face flushed, he quickly agreed, and fled quickly.

Facing his back, Zhang Ximeng shook his head again and again, is this Chang Shiwan?

It's not even close!

Chapter 1 and One

Chang Yuchun really wanted to slap himself in the face, to wipe out this big black face.Why can't I control my mouth and insist on getting drunk.

After finally explaining the misunderstanding, he got the opportunity to gather his subordinates and flex his muscles.

As a result, this incident happened, and he wondered if he had been a robber for a long time, had done too many wicked things, and God was going to punish him?

That's not right, we have always killed the rich and helped the poor, and done justice for the heavens?

What went wrong?

Chang Yuchun was full of grievances, panic and fear, and hurried to the middle of the camp.

At this moment, Lao Zhu was already standing on the general platform, accompanied by Zhang Ximeng.

Hundreds of Chang Yuchun's people rushed over, all of them disheveled and barefoot due to their haste, messy and unseemly...

Looking at this group of people, Zhu Yuanzhang frowned, and his anger surged. How could he look like a soldier?

If it was replaced by other thousand households, Lao Zhu would have ordered severe punishment, and no one would be able to escape from the thousand households down.But Chang Yuchun's hundreds of people were still bandits after all, not official soldiers.

Lao Zhu suppressed his anger, looked at Chang Yuchun who was standing at the front, and then said earnestly: "We came here this time to see how you are doing. We swaggered in at the gate of the barracks. From the gate In the Zhongjun, just from what we saw, there were three or five gangs gambling, drinking five and six, it was so lively! Those who didn’t know thought it was a casino?”

Chang Yuchun lowered his head and listened, his hair stood on end with anger, you bastards!

I clearly told you, don't gamble, why are you doing this while I'm sleeping?

Look back and see how I deal with you!

"In the military camp, why should there be military regulations, and why can't there be people who gamble?" Old Zhu snorted coldly, "Since you have gambled, you will inevitably gather a large group of people, either coming in and out at will, or recruiting bandits. The door is also ignored, looking for Zhang and Li, there are no rules! Some people may say that it is just gambling in ordinary times, and it will not be like this when it comes to war. But old habits die hard.”

"When you came here from the cottage, you naturally wanted us to give you a good look. When you came, someone probably told you that you are not allowed to gamble, you are not allowed to mess around, and you have to be human! But why do you still gamble? Why are you still in such a mess? It’s not just a habit, it’s this habit that will kill you guys! Military training, military training, is not only to teach you how to bow, horse, archery, and kill people. You also need to practice these bad habits. Only in this way can we win battles and survive!"

Zhu Yuanzhang has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and he has long had experience in how to train them.Moreover, he also gained a lot of advanced experience from Zhang Ximeng, so he talked eloquently and hit the point.

All the gangsters lowered their heads, especially Chang Yuchun, who was sweating profusely. He was really far behind.

"What the superior taught me is, please punish me severely!"

Chang Yuchun took the lead and touched the ground on one knee, bowing his head to plead guilty.

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "You just came here, and you haven't been formally incorporated into the army. If you haven't joined the army, we won't use military law as a crime. But since you're here, let Mr. Zhang tell you about it."

Lao Zhu took a step back and left the seat to Zhang Ximeng.

Zhang Ximeng stepped up to the crowd and smiled slightly.

"Military discipline, training, these important things, my lord has explained clearly, I'll just tell you a little bit about gambling." In Zhang Ximeng's hand, there were actually a few more dice, and he directed at Chang Yuchun ha ha With a smile, "Would you like to bet with me?"

Chang Yuchun thought that Zhang Ximeng was joking with him, so he quickly waved his hands, "No, no, no, I know I was wrong, you can't gamble in the army, I absolutely dare not!"

"No!" Zhang Ximeng said, "It's not just the military that can't gamble, even the civilians shouldn't gamble. Let me demonstrate to you why you can't gamble. The so-called knowing what it is, knowing why it is so. If you don't explain it clearly The key is that just relying on military orders to intimidate people cannot be convinced."

Zhang Ximeng ordered Chang Yuchun, called Ma Dadao, and then called two ordinary soldiers from the crowd. One of them looked like a teenager, and should be about the same age as Zhang Ximeng, but his body was much thicker and more vigorous, like A little calf.

Unbeknownst to Zhang Ximeng, this boy was Lan Yu, Chang Yuchun's brother-in-law.

Chang Yuchun was not easy to point out, so he stood behind the table and bet with Zhang Ximeng!

The others also watched, and Zhang Ximeng handed out twenty treasure notes to each of them.

Then, according to the usual rules, they paid money to Zhang Ximeng who was sitting in the dealership, and then the four of them took their seats and started gambling.

Ma Dadao's luck was very bad today, he lost all his money within a short time of gambling.

A game ended hastily, but Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Don't be too busy, all of you do the math, how much money do you have, how much is it added up?"

It doesn't matter if Ma Dadao lost all, among the three people, Lan Yu won the most, and Chang Yuchun also lost five pennies. In the end, they added up to a total of 76 pennies.

Zhang Ximeng had a smile on his face, holding the four-pass banknote they had handed in in advance, shaking it in his hand.Then the 76 guan were divided equally between four people, and each person had only [-] guan.

"Do you guys understand?"

Several people were silent for a while, and it was the young Sapphire who said, "I, each of us lost a lot of money!"

"Why did you lose money?" Zhang Ximeng asked.

"Because, because the money was given to you!"

"Why give it to me?"

"Because you are the banker! We gamble with you, so naturally we will give you a share."

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "That's right, before I started to gamble, I just collected the usual entry fee. No matter how you gamble, whoever wins and who loses, I will make a steady profit."

Zhang Ximeng turned his head to look at all the soldiers again, and said to the big guys: "Think about it, is it so reasonable? Enough. There is only so much money on the table, no matter how you play, you will lose!"

"How do you say that if you gamble for a long time, you will lose, do you understand?"

Many of these people often gambled. Let Zhang Ximeng say this, and he quickly realized that this is really the case. It is true that if you gamble for a long time, you will lose. This little gentleman makes sense.

But since it is a long-term gambling, you will lose, why are there so many people willing to gamble?

Zhang Ximeng continued: "Everyone has a fluke heart, expecting to get something for nothing. I won't talk about the mentality of a gambler. I will only talk about the situation in the army. Think about it, everyone, every time you gamble, is it right? Yes, are they sitting in the manor?"

Everyone nodded one after another. Needless to say, the person in charge has prestige. With an order, the big guys dare not not come.

"Think about it again, big guy. Is it true that when you have money in hand, there will be more people gambling?"

These people nodded even more, yes, that's it.

Whenever they snatched fat sheep and had spare money in their hands, someone would gamble for money. When Liu Ju was still alive, he liked to get a group of people to gamble.

"Gambling in the army, to put it bluntly, is some officials who take the opportunity to oppress the soldiers, and use the way of gambling to defraud the big guys of the money they have worked so hard and sacrificed their lives for. Their intentions are so vicious!"

When Zhang Ximeng said this, the crowd was in an uproar.

The more you think about it, the more reasonable it becomes, and the more you think about it, the more you feel that this is the case.

The spoils we fought so hard, the people above had to hand them out.But they were still not reconciled, so they organized gambling and let the big guys lose it back at the gambling table, so there was nothing to say.

Sure enough, Zhang Luo gambled, and none of them had a good thing!

The discussion among the crowd became louder and louder. Those who often gambled and gambled felt chills down their backs. Why is something wrong?

There are unkind eyes all around, what's going on?

Even Ma Dadao stared at Chang Yuchun angrily with his eyes widened.

"Master Chang, you have a lot to do with gambling!"

Chang Yuchun rolled his eyes angrily, "Ma Dadao, you have to be conscientious. When did I not lose money? When did I take advantage of my brothers?"

Ma Dadao didn't appreciate it at all, and snorted coldly: "Anyway, I understand that people who gamble with money are not good things!"

A group of gangsters who murdered and set fire made Zhang Ximeng's words confuse him. I have to say that the power of these words is three points sharper than a knife!

Zhang Ximeng continued: "It's still the same sentence, most people lose money if they gamble for a long time without winning. But why do they still gamble? People with power and power call you to go over, and dare not not go. If you don't go, you will I will give you small shoes to wear. This is not a matter of a rat droppings ruining a pot of soup. It is the rat droppings boiled in the pot, which stinks and rots from the inside out!"

"My lord's army has strict military discipline from the very beginning, and recruits good families to join the army. Fundamentally, gambling, drinking, fighting are not allowed, and bullying of the people and women are not allowed."

"Clarify this clearly to everyone, that is, whoever dares to collect money for gambling or organize gambling games in the future can report it. As long as they are found out, they will be severely punished! Even if it is an officer, no one will cover it up!"

Under Lao Zhu, Zhang Ximeng was in charge of the basic necessities of life in the army, and gambling and drinking were naturally within his scope of authority.

Chang Yuchun blushed when he heard this, and bowed quickly.

"The teacher's lesson is that I understand it. From now on, I will not gamble in Chang Yuchun, and I will never agree to anyone who gambles!"

Zhang Ximeng nodded, "I believe this, but I also want to say one thing, there are so many brothers, there is always something to do at ordinary times. If you don't gamble, what are you doing? This is about our army. troupe."

Zhu Yuanzhang also smiled at the moment, "That's right, we have the best theater troupe in the army, "Single Riding to Catch a Thief", "Mu's Ancestral Hall", "Double Dragon Club" are all their plays, we will arrange as soon as possible to let them come Acting, among you, if you have any skills, you can also show them to open the eyes of everyone! Let me tell you, if the play is done and the unique skills are performed well, there will be rewards!"

Zhang Ximeng also added: "Yes, there may be archery, horse racing, wrestling, tug-of-war recently... There are a large number of competitions. Whoever wins is the hero of the whole army. He must wear red flowers, be on the red list, and inform everyone."

Chapter 1 Zhu Yuanzhang is ready for battle

"Look, guys, these are all the gambling tools, and now they are on fire... If anyone dares to violate the military regulations, don't blame my surname Chang for being rude!"

Accompanied by thick smoke and flames, all the dice, dominoes, and card tables were reduced to ashes.

This also became the first lesson for these people to enter the Zhu family army!

Then they took the second lesson: the unity of officers and soldiers!

A few days later, ten days' worth of military rations, including japonica rice, white flour, bacon, and vegetables, were delivered from Hezhou.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Ximeng still stayed in the barracks. They also lined up in the queue and ate the same meals as ordinary soldiers.

"Brother-in-law, what does the superior mean?" Lan Yu was puzzled.

On the contrary, Chang Yuchun seemed to realize something, to share joys and sorrows, and be united as one, this is the bearing of a person who achieves great things.Thinking about it back then, Liu Ju was just more than 1000 bandits, and they were divided into three or six grades. He eats popular food and drinks spicy food every day, and never cares about the life and death of the people below.

Compared with Lao Zhu, it is simply the difference between a dragon and a worm.

"Superior, lowly position has to meet the Ming Lord, and three lives are lucky. From now on, whatever the high level asks the lowly position to do, the lowly position can do whatever. In short, the lowly position belongs to the high level!"

Old Zhu saw Chang Yuchun's sincerity, so he also said: "You are brave in battle, you are a warrior. But that is not enough. To run an army and fight a war is not to be brave and ruthless. You must have character, you must have resourcefulness... the most important thing, You must be clear about what you are fighting for!"

Chang Yuchun was thoughtful, "Humble job, the humble job is to follow the superior and fight for glory and wealth. But that day Wang Bi told the humble job that he just wanted to get an extra ration field so that his mother could live comfortably. The sky is always pondering, but still confused."

Zhu Yuanzhang actually laughed, "If you can think of this, you are not confused. Of course everyone wants glory and wealth, but we have tens of thousands of soldiers under our command. Most of them just want to survive. It is Yuan Ting who does not give people a way to survive." , so we had no choice but to take up weapons. We are all poor people! No matter what time it is, we must not forget our roots!"

Zhu Yuanzhang stood up, patted his buttocks, and said with a smile: "We still have a lot of official business over there, so we can't keep more. If you have any questions in the future, you can ask Mr. Zhang, even though he is young, he is very knowledgeable. At last It’s good to take some time to read a few more books, completely change the habit of banditry from the inside out, and first become an upright and good man!”

Old Zhu taught earnestly, Chang Yuchun nodded vigorously, keeping these words in his heart, and then Chang Yuchun found Zhang Ximeng, asking for advice on how to manage the army.

Zhang Ximeng led Chang Yuchun to visit other thousand households and chatted with him more.

Walking down this circle, Chang Yuchun looked stupid.

Hey, they were really bandits in the past!

There is no way to compare with others!

After he returned, he immediately enforced military discipline.

All soldiers, from the inside out, must be cleansed and changed.

Start with basic necessities of life, walking, sitting and lying down.

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