First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 7

Although Zhu Chongba was angry and aggrieved, he knew that there was a huge difference in status between himself and Guo Zixing, and he was very kind to him.If Guo Zixing was really annoyed, it would be difficult to blame him.

Noticing that Zhu Chongba's face was getting serious and seemed to be displeased, Zhang Ximeng was afraid that Lao Zhu would blame him, so he quickly explained: "Benefactor, the boy also thinks that the people's hearts are the most important, and the opportunity is rare. That's why he boldly arranged it. As for the benefactor, he is worried The kid thought maybe it wouldn't happen."

Zhu Chongba frowned, really can't?

"Tell me, we want to hear Mr. Xiao's high opinion."

"En!" Zhang Ximeng nodded and said: "Grandfather, you know people and discuss things. The commander-in-chief is 50 years old this year, and he is also a powerful local landlord in Haozhou. He has a lot of money, and his life in the past was pretty good."

Zhu Chong nodded eight times and said: "Little Mister, this is a well-known fact, what else can I say?"

Zhang Ximeng laughed, to put it bluntly, isn't Guo Zixing the landlord of Haozhou!Is it hard to guess what this kind of person thinks?Of course, Zhang Ximeng can't draw a conclusion directly, he still wants to blame the dead father... I'm sorry!

"Engong, my father once wrote an article summarizing the founding monarchs of the past dynasties. Regardless of whether Qin Shihuang inherited the ancestors... The struggle between Chu and Han, to put it bluntly, is the struggle between the three robbers and the noble descendants of the six countries. In the end, the humble Han The great ancestor Liu Bang won the world... Although Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty Liu Xiu is a descendant of the clan, but in his generation, he is no different from a commoner. Counting down, the founders of the Sui and Tang Dynasties were all from powerful families. Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin also reluctantly He is a martial artist, but Yuan Ting is from a foreign race." Zhang Ximeng laughed and said, "How did you taste the benefactor?"

Zhu Chongba thought for a while, and then slowly said: "Mr. Xiao, do you want to say that it is difficult for a powerful landlord?"

Zhang Ximeng nodded and gave Lao Zhu a thumbs up, quick!

"Engong, take this Red Turban Uprising as an example. Liu Futong was from a humble background and was the first to raise the uprising flag. The rest of Zhima Li, Bu Wangsan, Meng Haima and others are all poor people. Only Marshal Guo, he is better than others. It was a few months late to start the incident, and after occupying Haozhou, he hesitated to move forward and hesitated, the knowledge in this is not small!"

Zhu Chongba thought for a moment, and seemed to have realized something, and asked quickly, "Speak quickly, Mr. Xiao!"

Zhang Ximeng said: "The reason is simple. The commander-in-chief can live a good life. He never thought of being caught in a deadly trap. Seeing the fierceness of the Red Scarf Army, he had a chance. He took advantage of the opportunity and took Haozhou. But then When the red scarf came down, it encountered a problem, and the commander also knew that it was not easy to be the leader of one party, so he wanted to guard Haozhou, and he didn't want to make progress."

Landlords, tyrants and the bourgeoisie still have some similarities. They are all decent people who have no worries about food and clothing. New universe.Sorry, they don't have the guts.This situation may be called the weakness of the propertied classes.

Therefore, landlords and powerful landlords are very important forces in the previous dynasties, but almost no founding group of any dynasty has these people... But there seems to be an exception, and that is the Sima family in the Western Jin Dynasty... Let's not mention it!

Zhu Chongba thought about it seriously. He knew Guo Zixing better than Zhang Ximeng.Of course Guo Zixing has the time to be a corporal, nonsense, otherwise how could he marry his adopted daughter to Zhu Chongba.

But in many cases, Guo Zixing didn't like to talk to the soldiers below, and there was always a sense of alienation.So much so that Sun Deya and others were able to usurp Guo Zixing's power, relying on the support of the soldiers to challenge the authority of the general.

"Sir, do you think Marshal Guo can't make things happen? Let us do it alone?" Zhu Chongba shook his head directly, angrily said: "We can't agree, Marshal Guo is kind to us. At this juncture, the officers and soldiers are oppressing the situation. Became a deserter? No matter what, it won’t work!”

Zhang Ximeng was not surprised. He smiled and said, "Engong is right. Now is indeed not the time to leave Marshal Guo. On the contrary, you need to use all your skills to help Marshal Guo keep Haozhou. Only by repaying Marshal Guo's kindness can you conspire Next step!"

What he said was categorical, but made Zhu Chongba hesitate, not to persuade himself to go... so what's going on?

"Grandpa, just now we talked about Marshal Guo's character. This time, we can see the problem of food handling. Since he is the leader of one party, he should stand up and deal with the grain merchants decisively, gather the hearts of the people, and defend the city against the enemy. It's what a hero should do. But the commander-in-chief doesn't dare to offend the rich merchants in the city, and always wants to borrow a knife to kill people, so he won't offend. With his personality, I'm afraid he won't even be able to keep Haozhou in the future."

Zhang Ximeng is really not talking nonsense. Looking at the historical data, if there is no son-in-law like Zhu Yuanzhang, Guo Zixing will only be listed in the "Others" in the annals of history. He is completely incomparable with Liu Futong, Xu Shouhui and others.

"Engong, it is most correct for you to assist the commander-in-chief and protect Haozhou. You still need to accumulate popularity and talent, and you have to wait for the opportunity. But if it is because of this, you will be loyal and filial, and be a big boss honestly." A handsome chess piece. I am really worried that one day, the commander-in-chief will abandon you. After all, the commander-in-chief does not have enough structure and is easy to play tricks, which is really dangerous."

Old Zhu Yizhen, Zhang Ximeng's words were considered treasonous, and they provoked the relationship between him and the commander-in-chief.

But when it comes to Zhu Chongba's heart, he is not in a good situation under Guo Zixing, and the biggest problem is Guo Tianxu. Heavy eight, difficult everywhere.If Guo Zixing listened to his son, he would be in trouble.

Moreover, in Haozhou City, several other marshals were also intriguing with each other, and they didn't look like they were doing big things at all.

Going out to develop alone is the best way out.

Lao Zhu couldn't help being tempted, but the time was not yet ripe.

Zhang Ximeng captured Zhu Chongba's heart perfectly.

"Little sir, I understand what you mean... You mean that we should do our best for the commander in chief. But we can't be a fool. We must let the commander in chief know our worth! That's why you stand among the common people for us. Fame!"

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Benevolence and enlightenment, the commander-in-chief has all kinds of scheming methods, but he is not a decisive hero. Obedient obedience may not be of any benefit. Properly showing his prowess is just enough to make the commander-in-chief stand in awe. In general, you must fight for what should be fought, and don't hold back when you should get angry!"

Zhu Chongba couldn't help being excited, he quickly understood Zhang Ximeng's meaning, just like him in Huangjue Temple, working blindly and honestly, he couldn't change the love from above, he would only think that you are a bully, and anyone will play around you.

This time Guo Zixing was unfairly rewarded and punished, and he was used as a swordsman, so he simply showed his strength and showed Guo Zixing.Thinking about it at this critical juncture, Guo Zixing couldn't cut off his arm!

Zhu Chongba figured it out, "Sir, let's ask again, do you think the commander-in-chief will bow his head?"

"Yes! Soon! To deal with Jia Lu and defend Haozhou, you must be benevolent. Marshal Guo will definitely come to invite you!"

Zhu Chongba said again: "Then what should we do?"

"Of course I agreed, and I am very happy and grateful."

Zhu Chongba shook his head, "We are asking you what to do next? Do you need to restrain yourself?"

"Restraint? Why restraint? Engong should be more decisive and go forward. The morale of the army and the people in Haozhou City are all in the benefactor's thought. If you are obedient and follow the rules, those who have just had expectations for benefactor Shouldn’t the common people be disappointed? It boils down to doing things in a high-profile way and being careful!”

Lao Zhu's heart shook again, showing a look of surprise.After weighing it over and over again, he fully understood Zhang Ximeng's thinking. This kid had seen through Guo Zixing, and he also knew that the enemy was in front of him, and the common people urgently needed a hope, so he let himself stand up and shoulder this burden.

Really great!

"Sir, are these all written by your father?" Old Zhu asked suddenly.

Zhang Ximeng was startled, almost lost his composure, and hurriedly said: "The kid just figured it out based on the article, so it may not be right..."

Zhu Chongba just laughed and said nothing.

At this moment, suddenly there was a noise outside the courtyard gate, and Guo Zixing came in person with several guards.

Zhu Chongba was shocked, "Mr. Xiao knows things like a god." Turning around, he ran out in a hurry...

Chapter 10 Lady in Action

Guo Zixing's sudden arrival caught Zhang Ximeng by surprise.

Although he saw Guo Zixing's weak nature, as long as Zhu Chongba was strong enough, Guo Zixing would still bow his head.The only problem was that he knelt too fast, making Zhang Ximeng a little confused.

Could it be that this is also the kind who really can't hold back when he's too old to hold back?

Zhang Ximeng guessed wildly that Lao Zhu was not there, and he had no sources of information, but fortunately, Ma Shi was still there.

Perhaps this girl had big feet, walked fast, and was well-informed. It took less than an hour to figure out what was going on outside. With a worried face, she hurried back to discuss with Zhang Ximeng.

"Little Mister, there are 10,000+ yuan soldiers this time, which is more than twice as many as the previous news!" Ma Shi's voice trembled.

"So many?" Zhang Ximeng was startled, and asked quickly. Mrs. Ma turned pale and nodded. Most people have never seen a terrifying scene where tens of thousands of people gather together in their entire lives, let alone more than [-] people like wolves and tigers. Officials!

Compared with these, the nonsense of those few grain merchants and Guo Zixing's small calculations are not worth mentioning.Therefore, I can't wait to make love with Zhu Chongba's son-in-law and father-in-law.

Zhang Ximeng also gave up his plan to fight Guo Zixing, and focused on the upcoming battle with all his heart.

It is now the end of the 12th year of Yuan Zhizheng, and it has been a year and a half since Liu Futong's uprising.

But as Yuan Ting reacted, a fierce counterattack came. As mentioned earlier, Bu Wangsan of Beisuo Hongjin was killed, and Nansuo Hongjin also fell into a hard fight.

Among them, the worst is Zhima Li and Li Er who occupy Xuzhou.

The reason why it is called Sesame Plum is that during the disaster year, it took out sesame seeds from a warehouse at home to help the victims, so its reputation spread and it was supported by the people.

Zhima Li was responding to Liu Futong's attack, but he never expected that the imperial court would send heavy troops to let Liu Futong not fight, and beat Zhima Li first, and the worst thing was that the leader of the army was the prime minister Tuotuo!

Zhima Li guarded for more than a month, but Tuotuo stormed the city, beheaded him, and his whole family died.

Only Peng Da, Zhao Junyong and others took the remnants and ran to Haozhou to seek refuge with Guo Zixing.

Until his death, Zhi Ma Li was a fool.

Just because he doesn't understand doesn't mean others don't either.

Tuotuo, as the prime minister, led tens of thousands of people to attack Xuzhou. The reason is very simple. This place is the key point of the canal. There are constant disasters in the north. The Yellow River bursts. Canal, Yuan Ting still doesn't fight him hard!

Tuotuo was successful in the first battle, and the emperor in Dadu was very satisfied. He not only gave Tuotuo the title of Grand Master, but also ordered the construction of a shrine in Xuzhou to commend Tuotuo's achievements.

If it is said that Tuotuo is going south at this moment, Haozhou has almost no capital to resist, and if he continues to go south with all his strength, Xu Shouhui, the emperor of Tianwan, will also be in danger.

However, Wanyan Gou, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty in Dadu, possessed himself, and immediately issued an order to recall Tuotuo back to the capital.

At this time, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty didn't understand what this move meant, and he would do it again in Gaoyou City in the near future, and the consequences of that time were beyond what the Yuan Dynasty could bear...

Although Tuotuo returned to Dadu, the work of suppressing bandits continued.

Some people besieged Liu Futong, and some fought against Xu Shouhui, having a great time fighting.

The Red Turban Army in Haozhou was not too big. The Yuan court sent two ministers, one Han and one Mongol, namely Jia Lu and Yuege Cha'er.

It is generally believed that Han and Mongolia are at odds, and they will fight each other openly and secretly. Jia Lu is a man who is very good at controlling the water, and is highly respected, and he can suppress Yuege Cha'er.

They drew up a relatively safe marching plan.

First of all, the army went south from Xuzhou, passed through Suzhou, and took Haozhou directly.

Along the way, Jia Lu recruited and accepted rebels, and took measures to appease the bandits and grassroots everywhere.

In this way, Jia Lu gathered tens of thousands of miscellaneous soldiers, which doubled his strength!

Surround it with ten and attack it with five. Jia Lu knows very well that without enough troops, it is impossible to take down Haozhou.

In addition to recruiting bandits and water bandits, Jia Lu also ordered Cheli Buhua to be severely reprimanded, and at the same time asked him to lead the army to respond, and besieged Haozhou together to make meritorious deeds.

This Chelibuhua was originally here to exterminate Guo Zixing.It's just that he was timid and didn't dare to attack Haozhou City directly. Instead, he sent troops to plunder the people, killed the good and pretended to be meritorious, and deceived the Yuan court.

Of course, it would be a lie to say that Cheli Buhua has no merit. It was a coincidence that his men burned down the Huangjue Temple, causing Zhu Chongba to lose his last foothold, and he had to go to Haozhou and become a famous hero. A member of the towel.

From a certain point of view, Cheli Buhua is the wrong person of the Yuan Dynasty.

"According to the latest news, Jia Lu has 5 soldiers and horses, and Yuege Cha'er has 3 Mongolian elite cavalry. They have recruited no less than [-] people. Adding the [-] people who don't spend at all, the total number of enemy soldiers exceeds One hundred thousand!" When Mashi said this, his face was pale and his eyelids couldn't stop twitching.

Even Zhang Ximeng's heartbeat accelerated, and his whole body was cold.

It is said that there are 10,000 people, boundless and boundless, and [-]+ people are overwhelmed, like mountains and seas, how can you wait for nothing!

Moreover, Jia Lu is not an ordinary civil servant. He can mobilize 10,000+ people to repair rivers in an orderly manner, and he can mobilize the same people to attack Haozhou.

Although leading the army and governing the river cannot be equated, Jia Lu's ability should not be underestimated.

Zhang Ximeng thought about it again and again, but his heart was jumping with fear, and his hairs stood on end.

"Madam, right now the benefactor is with the Marshal, can Madam lead the boy around the city wall to see if there is any way?"

Mrs. Ma immediately agreed, she knew Zhang Ximeng's ability very well, and even thought that he was planning for her own family, not an outsider.So Ma prepared a battle jacket for Zhang Ximeng, and took him to Haozhou City.

Zhang Ximeng stepped onto the top of the city, looked inside and out, and suddenly his scalp became numb.

I really don't know, Guo Zixing has occupied Haozhou for more than half a year, what is he doing?

As we all know, an isolated city is difficult to defend. It is best to occupy the surrounding cities and cooperate with each other. Even if they cannot be defeated, it is appropriate to build some fortresses outside the city and use each other as horns.

It's a pity that Guo Zixing didn't do these two things.

It is not easy to conquer a city and build a castle, which may be understandable, but why is the moat not even cleared?

Haozhou is close to the Huaihe River. Since the Yellow River burst, the entire Jianghuai area has become a flooded area. The floods are severe, the river is silted up, and there is a lot of sediment.

Haozhou's moat was originally more than one foot deep, but now due to siltation, some places have leveled out.

That's not to mention, Haozhou City has not been heightened and reinforced, nor has it built sheep and horse walls, nor has it dug trenches... It is completely lying down and beaten. Zhang Ximeng is stupid. He really doesn't know the history of Haozhou. How did you keep it?

Is Jia Lu too good-for-nothing, or is Zhu Chongba so lucky that he is really protected by dragon energy?

Zhang Ximeng's scalp was numb, and Mrs. Ma saw Zhang Ximeng's worry, so she tried to ask: "Mr. Xiao, did you see the problem?"

What can Zhang Ximeng say, it's not just a disease, it's a terminal illness!

"Ma'am, is it possible that no one suggested strengthening the city in the past?"

Ma Shi said: "Some people have said it, but some people think that strengthening the city is too tiring. The Yuan court just repaired the river and changed money to destroy people's hearts. It is not good for the rebels to enslave the people."

Zhang Ximeng was shocked, what's the point?

"Ma'am, there are tens of thousands of soldiers in the city, why not let them build the city?"

Mashi breathed out slightly, but said in a low voice: "There were originally five generals in the city, and now there are two more... Common people often say that there are too many dragons to cure the water!"

Zhang Ximeng was really stupid. It is understandable to push the blame and blame, but because of this, he gave up the city defense and waited for the officers and soldiers to kill him. This is what Zhang Ximeng couldn't understand.

Seriously, this is war!

"Xiao Mister, what do you think we should do?" Mrs. Ma also knew that his life was at stake, so he couldn't wait to say: "You have a good way to tell me, I'll go find my godmother!"

This is not the first time that Mrs. Ma mentioned the godmother, and it seems that Guo Zixing is also afraid of guilt.

Zhang Ximeng took a serious look at the situation inside and outside the city, thought carefully for a while, and could only say: "Madam, the moat needs to be cleaned up, and an eight-foot sheep and horse wall should be built for emergency. It's just a temporary construction, I'm afraid it won't stop it If you live in Jialu, you can only make a fuss in the city."

"In the city?"

"Yeah!" Zhang Ximeng pointed, "These houses near the city wall must be demolished, and a distance of [-] feet must be cleared. Jia Lu's army must have return cannons, thunderbolt cannons, and a city wall can't stop it. And Jia Lu Lu will definitely dig a tunnel into the city... Dig a trench against the inner side of the city wall, and then build a low wall, and dig a ditch behind the low wall... Deploy layers of defense, no matter how many soldiers Jia Lu has, he will die in Haozhou Under the city!"

Zhang Ximeng gritted his teeth fiercely, and said many key points of defending the city in one breath.He has long been no longer an outsider with a God's perspective, but a person who bears the blood feud of his parents. No matter what, he must defeat the Yuan army!

Madam Ma thought secretly, then nodded vigorously, remembering it in his heart.

"Sir, I see."

Chapter 11 Women beat men

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