First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 662

Zhang Ximeng had a smile on his face, "First of all, you, the imperial envoy of the Great Yuan, and the ordinary people of the Ming Dynasty, have come here for so many years, and it is also a beautiful story, which is rare in ancient times!"

Yexian Timur blushed and couldn't help laughing: "The grand master said so, you can write it down, if one day you leave, I hope the grand master will write a few words for me, you will be grateful! "

Empress Ma laughed, "Worry, you write down that matter, when the time comes, you write a long article for him, and just ask an ordinary citizen of Daming... how about it?"

Also first Tie Zhu Biao rolled his eyes and sighed heavily: "Of course the grand master's intentions are good, but can he be an ordinary commoner who can be changed into a Ming Dynasty?"

"Special?" Empress Ma pondered for a while, then smiled, "It's good that his intentions are higher than yours, so let's use that title!"

We laughed and chatted. At that time, no one inside came back and reported to Queen Ma.

Prince Jinding came with his grandson Zhu Yuanzhang.

Li Ningqi got up, and the father and son retreated very slowly. Before greeting the big guys, Jin Ding complained to Empress Ma: "Sir, I just discussed with my father. I said that Li Ning will take his mother with him." You wanted to persuade me to stay longer when I returned to Suzhou to live in peace, at most a year or so, but my father listened. I also said that I would bring my grandson there.”

Empress Ma was slightly taken aback, because I was vague about Lao Zhu's plan, leaving Yingtian earlier, I didn't mean it, but it was not surprising that I took the emperor's grandson away.

After all, when Jinding wanted to ascend the throne, he made Zhu Yuanzhang the crown prince and let the child follow me for a few years. Then there were always gaps in the line, and I was appointed as the supervisor of the country, following the way of Jinding. After a while, he would not be able to directly inherit the throne up.

But obviously Lao Zhu thought so, and I still want to bring Zhu Yuanzhang by my side, "What did your Majesty say?"

"Father said that he wanted me to plant land for a few days. My feet had to be covered with mud before I could take charge of Li Ning. He also didn't work too hard, that's why you strive for success."

When Empress Ma heard that, she couldn't help laughing, "Your Majesty, you are so wise! After your majesty ascends the throne, it is not too late to establish a crown prince in eight or seven years. You see, that is very good."

Empress Ma agreed, and Jin Ding was instantly isolated and helpless, so he could only bow his head obediently.

But Zhu Yuanzhang, I really want to stay in the capital, and I am very angry that I can go to farm with the emperor's grandfather.

It's just that once that arrangement is made, before the golden seal is cast, Empress Ma will go to West Lake to write a book, and Empress Ma's two sons will also go there.

Zhu Yuanzhang has many good friends, Zhang Laoba and Zhang Laoqi can play with me.

When we parted suddenly, it was difficult to meet again before.

Zhu Yuanzhang ran to meet the two friends, and I left a piece of mutton fat jade engraved with the words to the two brothers.

At first Empress Ma didn't care, but Li Ning saw the jade.

Almost instantly, Mu'er froze.

I know that piece of jade, and I didn't buy it.

When Jinding was born, Lao Zhu retreated to Jinling to start Lao Zhu's journey to compete in the sky. At that time, in order to build momentum, it was said that Jinding was born with jade.

At that time, the effect was really outstanding, Lao Zhu calmed down all parties slowly, and his power advanced by leaps and bounds.

And that piece of jade was always worn by Jinding.

But with the stability of the world, the talk of strange powers and gods is also much less.Li Ning gave the piece of jade to her son.Unexpectedly, after a long turn, Zhu Yuanzhang gave the jade to Zhang's eighth and seventh sons again.

Mu'er frowned tightly, the inscription on the jade seal reads "Ordered by Heaven, long life will last forever".That piece of jade is never lost and never forgotten, and the longevity of immortality is constant.

That's something the prince should not have!

Now Li Ningqi handed her over, was it a deliberate move, or was it a coincidence in the dark?

Mu'er also said it was a good thing for a while, and I just told my two nephews to keep it properly and never lose it.

As the date approached, Huaxia Jinyin's plan was finally announced.

It was a shape with seven sides, seven legs and two ears.

There are seven faces, each without ornamentation. The front is the scene of the people dividing the land, which means the foundation of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, and the front is the army's restoration of the capital, which means to regain the homeland.

On the right and left, there are preaching and enlightenment, and the looms are lined up, which means that the people bathe and educate, the industry and commerce develop, and the people are prosperous.

It is worth mentioning that the frontal image of the person in charge of Fentian has sharp edges and corners, without much of Zhang Ximeng's demeanor, while the person who educates the common people from the side has a slender figure and does not have the charm of Queen Ma.

In the entire Golden Seal, there are only two very obvious positive characters, the intention is self-explanatory.

In addition, on the bottom of the gold seal, there are seven characters.

The people are the foundation of the country!

That was another question, showing the original intention of a golden seal.

Empress Ma also imagined that the seven-faced decoration could not use Dayu to control the water, contend among a hundred schools of thought, and unify the eight in one, plus the revival of the Ming Dynasty... In this way, it may be more in line with the purpose of the Chinese Golden Seal.

But the plan I proposed was unexpected and was rejected by Zhongshu.

It's very complicated. It's the golden seal cast by the Ming Dynasty. According to the grand master's intention, your Ming Dynasty will be divided into one side, and there is a high probability that it will be the first side. It is actually the past.

And put you and His Majesty aside, who is standing in the middle?

Empress Ma also has nothing to say, anyway, she is in her position to seek her own government, so let us toss!

But who would dare to ignore Empress Ma's suggestion.

My thoughts have been implemented on the emperor's seal.

At that time, old Zhu wanted to find the jade seal, but the problem was that the jade seal of the Yuan Dynasty might not be real, or that Empress Ma encouraged Lao Zhu to gather gold from the sky to make a Zhu Ying, which was definitely more important than Heshibi.

After all, He's Bi was only the treasure of Chu State. Before it fell to Qin State, He's Bi was also thick, and it was used to engrave jade seals. It was passed down through the generations, and it was probably damaged long ago.

The meaning of being attached to this thing is small.

In any case, Lao Zhu accepted it.

But it's harder said than done.

Carefully find some gold and cast a big seal, of course there is something.

But it is difficult to make gold cover the sky.

No matter how difficult it is, the possibility has not yet been realized.

In the past ten years or so, explorers of the Ming Dynasty have successively discovered many large-scale gold mines in the sea.

There is no gold from the Americas, Oceania, or Africa, let alone gold from Japan, Liaodong, and Tianzhu.

And after a long time, a batch of gold bricks was also sent from Constantinople.

All the gold was gathered in Daming, Zhang Ximeng's Zhu Ying finally disappeared.

Under the personal supervision of Lao Zhu, an extra-large Zhu Ying weighing fourteen catties and four taels of money was finally cast.

What is the biggest advantage of Zhu Ying?

It is certain that the emperor has something to do, and it cannot be used to practice arm strength.

If you are really angry, if you use it to smash the minister, the effect will definitely be outstanding.

Li Ningqi thought it sounded vulgar, but Zhang Ximeng loved it so much.

I clapped my hands against Zhu Ying, smiling with joy.

"Sir, his whole life has been devoted to these books, so it's natural to see that thing. But our life's fame is all on that Zhu Ying!"

Although Zhang Ximeng said that, I did not do anything else with that Zhu Ying. I just wrote a Zen edict, deciding to pass the throne to Prince Jinding.

"Heavy four, he is still in good health, what if we have to wait a few more years?"

The only one who can say that is Zhu Xiongying.

Zhang Ximeng was startled for a while, then suddenly smiled, "Sister, I'm hungry, cook us a bowl of noodles!"

Li Ningqi was taken aback, and nodded in agreement.

Old Zhu added, "I asked him to roll it by himself."

Zhu Xiongying paused for a moment, and replied, about a quarter of an hour ago, Li Ningqi came over with a large bowl of noodles, and also brought Zhang Ximeng a large bowl of garlic cloves.

"Let's eat!"

Zhang Ximeng's face was filled with joy, knowing that it was too hot, he ate it with big mouthfuls, and then threw another clove of garlic out of his mouth, suppressing his happiness.

"Sister, I still remember that when we got married, we drank too much and were hungry, so he cooked us a bowl of noodles. After so many years, the taste is still the same, it has changed!"

Li Ningqi nodded, "There are changes, but people are getting old!"

Zhang Ximeng couldn't help but smile, "He, he doesn't understand that we are going to live in Suzhou? Our concubines are all going to Fengyang, but we don't have our old husband and wife together, and we live in peace. We don't even know Mr. Zhang. There is a cry, doesn’t he understand?”

Li Ningqi had a smile on his face, but his mouth was polite, "He wanted to call, but Mr. Zhang also listened to him. I am a scholar, and I hate poetic and picturesque places. The shore of the West Lake is picturesque, and the writing is like a fountain. I went there , just write a lot of books and talk about it, and pass on the past life.”

Old Zhu nodded happily, "Yeah, when I think of our husband and wife being together, everything is important, and I thought about leaving Yingtian all night."

Li Ningqi waved his hands quickly, but if he could leave like that, he would be a joke.

Half a month ago, the scheduled auspicious time finally arrived, and the red money collected from all over the place turned into a furnace of golden water under the attention of everyone.

Immediately pour it into a mold specially made by Beiping.

After cooling down, a golden seal weighing no more than ten thousand catties was born out of nowhere.

Glittering gold, shining brightly...

Chapter 919 Extra Story: Lao Zhang Loves Fishing

The three-entry small courtyard on the bank of the West Lake has lush bamboos and fragrant osmanthus trees.

This is the place Zhang Ximeng chose for himself to retire.

He was afraid that the humidity would seriously hurt his body, so he built two earth dragons underground, so that in autumn and winter, he would get up early to dispel the cold.As for the chairs in the room, there are also wolf fur cushions, and the stove, brazier, and Mrs. Tang are the must-haves after Zhang Zhongqiu.

It seems that in the winter moon, Zhang Ximeng almost froze to death outside. The older he gets, the more Zhang Ximeng cares about health preservation, which is why he doesn't want to be neighbors with Lao Zhu.

On weekdays, Zhang Ximeng still has many things to do. For example, in the morning, he eats [-]% full, then carries the fishing rod, goes to the West Lake, and sits until noon. Regardless of whether he has harvested or not, he returns home to eat and then takes a nap.

When he got up, he started writing.

Zhang Ximeng would read a lot of books, brainstorm to form a set of theories, and then write quickly, occasionally stopping to think deeply, sometimes for a joint, he would think for a long time, three to five days, or even ten days and a half months.

But once he straightened out his thoughts, he was able to write like a dragon, and it was normal for him to write tens of thousands of words a day.

The book Zhang Ximeng wrote at this time is called "The History of the Development of the Chinese Nation", which can roughly be understood as the formation of a unified country.

Zhang Ximeng tried to find experience from history to solve the problems facing the Ming Dynasty.

Is there anything wrong with the Ming Dynasty at this time?

In fact, there are still some. For example, recently, a young Jinshi named Jian Yi wrote to the imperial court, hoping to speed up the construction of the province and spread it widely to include the whole world.

Jian Yi wrote the letter, and unexpectedly received enthusiastic responses from Fang Xiaoru, Huang Zicheng and others, and it was discussed everywhere for a while, and it was overwhelming.

It's just that standing on the opposite side of them, they are still strong, including Yang Shiqi and Hu Yan, the son-in-law. These two resolutely criticize Jian Yi, saying that he is a waste of people's power, too big and useless.

But Jian Yi also argues with reason. He believes that although there are great difficulties now, it is inevitable to repeat, but the key is to implement it. Even if it is only for a short period of time, it will form a routine like Qin Shihuang's unification of the world, and it will last forever. Absolutely unified.

No one can reverse the trend.

If you don't take advantage of the opportunity to do it now, you will lose the opportunity, and there will only be more constraints in the future.

Do you want to be Qin Shihuang or Zhou Tianzi?

Jian Yi and others even sent out soul torture, directly hitting Zhu Biao's weakness.

"Father, can you tell me what to do?" Zhang Chengtian sat on the small bench and watched his father go fishing. He was still young, and he couldn't stand this kind of game where the wishers took the bait.

But he had no choice. He had just been transferred from Jiangxi to the capital, and he was a housekeeper in Zhongshu Province. He was usually in charge of contacting Zhongshu and Zhu Biao. When something urgent happened, it was only natural for him to ask the grand master for advice.

Otherwise, what's the point of deliberately transferring him to the capital?

"Father, tell me all the time, Jian Yi or Hu Yan, who is more trustworthy?"

Zhang Ximeng finally let out a long sigh, and said with a smile: "Why do you listen to these two people and not have your own ideas?"

Zhang Chengtian's face turned bitter, "Father, if my child has your old knowledge and can see through such complicated things, I won't come here to bother you. Your Majesty is also very confused about this matter!"

"Your Majesty is confused, he can ask the Supreme Emperor!" Zhang Ximeng said casually.

Zhang Chengtian was even more helpless, "Father, I know the level of my master best. If you ask him, the old man will only say that he will overcome all difficulties and must build more provinces."

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said, "Since you know what's going on, why don't you advise Your Majesty?"

"Let Your Majesty learn from the Supreme Emperor!" Zhang Chengtian quickly shook his head, "Father, it's not that you don't know that your Majesty and the Supreme Emperor are two people. Since you have always avoided the West Lake, the Supreme Emperor went to Suzhou, and last year Sun Xiang returned to his hometown. No one can suppress the courtiers. Although Qian Tang succeeded as the chief assistant, he is far inferior in terms of power. It is even more difficult to carry out administrative affairs. In such a situation, I really have to ask your old man to help you make up your mind .”

Zhang Ximeng had a smile on his face, not surprised at all.

Even he had expected it.

"The Book of Changes says that dragons have no leader, good luck! The current court situation is actually quite good, better than mine at that time!" Zhang Ximeng said, suddenly raised the fishing rod in his hand, and a crucian carp flew into his hand.

Zhang Ximeng was overjoyed, "After fishing for so many days, I finally opened my business!"

Zhang Chengtian almost cried, it’s only opening now, what are you busy with, old man? Isn’t this a waste of time?

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