First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 660

After half a day of trekking, Zhang Ximeng was sweating profusely, his clothes were cut in two places, and his shoes were covered with mud. They finally arrived at a mountain village.

This mountain village is very small, with less than [-] households, all of which are adobe houses built against the mountain. There are very few fields that can be cultivated, no more than [-] mu by visual estimation.

The yield in the mountainous area is low, and even this little field can't meet the food ration.

Therefore, the villagers have to go into the mountains to hunt, gather medicinal materials, or chop firewood, and then go out on the rugged mountain road in exchange for some money and items to maintain the family's livelihood.

Is there any way out for such a mountain village?

To be honest, it's really hard!

It's not that they don't work hard, but that they can't see a way out... They are almost isolated from the outside world and lack land, so they can only live by hunting and gathering, from generation to generation, going back hundreds of years, maybe it's the same.

The years hardly leave any traces.

Difficulty, poverty, day after day, year after year... The Ming Dynasty outside is changing with each passing day and developing rapidly, but in this mountain village, the ancient well is calm and there is no ripple.

If it wasn't for an old man named Yang Shu who went over mountains and mountains to persuade them to send their children outside to study in schools, nothing would have changed here.

Even with the development of the outside, the gap between here and the outside will become wider and wider.

When hunting is no longer possible in the mountains, medicinal materials cannot be collected, or they cannot be sold at a price... This small village will probably wither and die, and the men will not be able to marry a wife, and after a few generations, it will cease to exist.

"Mr. Yang is doing meritorious deeds! He is a real Bodhisattva!"

The old man in the village said with tears in his eyes.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who is the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, and Zhang Ximeng, the grand master, deeply think so.

"Today's Ming Dynasty is indeed changing with each passing day, with a myriad of phenomena. But there is also a not so glamorous Ming Dynasty. Here, the habits of thousands of years have continued, and people's lives are difficult and almost isolated from the world. This is something no parent official can do. ignore."

Zhang Ximeng said to the officials of Guizhou's third department: "The Southwest reformed the land and returned it to the people, set up Chengxuan Zhengshi, arranged officials, and governed the local area. You have a responsibility to lead them out of the mountain village and toward prosperity. This is not something that can be solved simply by giving some money. The most important thing is to promote enlightenment and let them master the skills to change their destiny. Only in this way can we truly treat both symptoms and root causes.”

After Zhang Ximeng finished speaking, the officials present nodded repeatedly, and what the grand master said was almost the same as the imperial decree.It's just that from now on, the big guy is afraid that there will be one more thing.

And it's a very tough job.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang said again: "The words of the grand master are also what we mean. The selection of officials by the imperial court is not to allow you to be superior and give orders. You have received the imperial salary, let alone self-righteousness. You must pretend to be good for the people's livelihood. In my heart. The quality of life of the common people determines the black hat on your head! Those who are capable go up, and those who are mediocre go down! Keep in mind that all corrupt officials who corrupt the law and ignore the common people must be reported to the court and severely punished!"

"Also, from now on, in addition to salaries, river works and other expenses, the budgets of various places will also specifically increase poverty relief expenditures... especially the expenses for subsidizing education will also increase!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang said this, he glanced at Zhang Ximeng. He wanted to spend money, but Lao Zhu still didn't know how much he could spend.

At this time Zhang Ximeng took it over and said: "I want to say one more thing. During this period, the imperial court is preparing to cast the Huaxia Jinding. Maybe some people can't figure it out. Since some places are so poor and it is very difficult to study, why can't gold be used? In terms of people's livelihood? Do you have to waste people's money and do some big and useless things?"

"I can tell everyone that casting the Huaxia Jinding is by no means too big and useless. Behind the Jinding is the supreme majesty of Huaxia, and it is also the credit of pure gold. With the Jinding, there is financial unification... Conservative estimates, it can increase by 300 million every year There will be at least [-] million yuan in Guizhou’s poverty relief expenditure! Bridges, roads, schools, poor students, and teachers’ lives will be subsidized... In a word, everyone should enjoy The bonus of going to Huaxia's development. No one is allowed to be left behind!"

Zhang Ximeng's words were resounding and resolute.

No matter how many changes there are on the outside, and no matter how far it has developed, this country belongs to all the people.

Just like when the army was raised, the ups and downs of more than [-] years have come to this day, and the original intention has not changed!

This is true of Zhang Ximeng, and so is Zhu Yuanzhang!

As for the Ming Dynasty, it will be the same!

After explaining to the officials present, they were led by the villagers to the only brick house in this mountain village.

This is a temple, and the person enshrined in it is Yang Shu!

The old man passed away unfortunately, and the villagers did not hesitate to travel through mountains and rivers to carry bricks and tiles, and built this simple small temple for him.As the old man said, Mr. Yang is their real Bodhisattva.

Zhu Yuanzhang led all the officials to offer sacrifices.

Zhang Ximeng took the little girl's hand and offered incense to Mr. Yang.

There were tears in the little girl's eyes. After burning incense, she turned around and asked, "Grandpa, will Grandpa see it?"

"Yes! I will definitely!"

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "We are a country that respects heroes... In this country, we respect and love heroes and keep them in our hearts. And heroes also protect us, and we will always be together!"

"Is grandpa a hero?"

"Yes! And a real hero!"

The little girl took Zhang Ximeng's hand and smiled through tears. Zhang Ximeng hugged her distressedly, not wanting her to suffer any grievances.At a young age, she lost her parents and her grandfather. In the following days, she should always be happy.

Zhang Ximeng and Zhu Yuanzhang did not leave in a hurry, but let everyone gather in the open space in front of the village, around the bonfire, and talk together... They talked about the reform of the southwestern provinces, how to educate the people of all ethnic groups, how to bring Come live a rich life.

There are many chieftains in the southwest, there are profound objective conditions, and it is definitely not enough to replace the native officials with the local officials... There are too many things to do next.

Even one day, if we can build roads, break the barriers of terrain conditions, make the southwest smooth and accessible, and connect it with other regions, it will be considered a complete merit.

Education is very important, but education is not the only thing.

In the final analysis, it is still necessary to treat the poor disease!

This is the core of the discussion between monarchs and ministers.

Huang Guan, who had witnessed everything, was quite moved... He had always had a knot in his heart, and felt that it was a shame that he had to change his surname to Xu when his father got married.

But compared with the real poverty, there is really no need to take his experience into consideration.

Or rather, he had a new idea.

"Sunning, I'm about to resign."


"Yes!" Huang Guan said with a smile: "Compared with teaching, I prefer to be an official. And I believe that only after becoming an official and serving as an official can we benefit more people! The higher the official position, the more you can do." more and more."

Zhang Shuning nodded, "I hope you will never forget what you said today!"

Chapter 916 The Personnel Withered

Zhu Yuanzhang stayed in the southwest for three months. In addition to local officials, he also received thousands of people, including Han people, Miao people, and Yi people.

This time, Lao Zhu was no longer imposing and harsh, on the contrary, he was like a kind grandfather, chatting with big guys, just talking about life.

Zhu Yuanzhang listened happily to basic necessities of life, education of children and grandchildren, even problems with parents and disputes among neighbors.

His Majesty the Emperor did not express any opinions, but just listened patiently, but even so, it was enough.

In the southwest, the non-Hunan people, especially those non-Han, really felt that this was their own emperor, not just a Han emperor.

His Majesty the emperor cares about big guys and understands big guys.

In fact, for ordinary people, what they really care about is always food, clothing, housing and transportation, and what they think about is three meals a day, being able to eat and wear warmly.

Other than that, there really isn't much to care about.

And the imperial court also tried its best to meet the needs of the big guys.

Zhu Yuanzhang clearly told the common people that in order to help the poor through education, we must give full play to the local advantages... For this reason, Lao Zhu also took the calculus written by Xia Zhifeng in his hand.

"This girl is the most powerful person in our Ming Dynasty, even stronger than our emperor Lao Tzu! Her book has unparalleled wisdom. Now she is in Guizhou, and everyone's ingenuity is the same. You are close to the water... ...Teacher, what did you say a while ago?"

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "What I said is to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you will be afraid to go all over the sky!"

"Yes!" Zhang Ximeng smiled, "That's not the case! Let's tell them little guys, Xiao Ming's sky is very, very small... Going out from Guizhou, going out from the southwest, not yet the vast Central Plains, leaving the Four Kingdoms of China There is no limit to the territory of Zhouzhou. The rivers and seas are vast, and the mountains and rivers are beautiful. The sky is low and the sea is wide, and there is nothing small to do!"

Liu Zhenyuan encouraged the little guy, and said with a smile: "Although we were born outside the mountains and grew up in the village, we must keep our eyes on the sky, and we must be bound by narrow eyes. Learn the skills, master the essence, and use knowledge to change the sky. Also change their hometown! Ten years, 70 years, 100 years, 200 years...Looking back, the small land in Southwest China will definitely be turned upside down!"

Liu Zhenyuan is like a ferocious old grandfather, inspiring young people.Zhu Yuanzhang also had a smile on his face, I doubt if it took that long.

In Yingtian and other places, the speaker has finished building rail carriages, and the technology of steam engines has not yet made a breakthrough.

Perhaps in another eight or seven years, something should be achieved. In ten and a half years, maybe someone will plan the Southwest Railway, and the Shu Road will be greatly improved at that time.

And it ends in Kunming and extends southward, radiating the entire Indochina Peninsula.

At least Zhu Yuanzhang suspected that in his lifetime, he could see earth-shaking results.

The monarch and his ministers decided to leave and return to Yingtian.

Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest grandson and Yang Shu's grandson also left with us.

"Father, you and Zhifeng have made a plan. You will probably stay in Guizhou for a while. You still have a few books to write, and you also plan to disperse a group of scholars to lay a solid academic foundation in the Southwest. Then you go In other places, I plan to investigate everywhere, accumulate accumulation, and then make a decision.”

Zhang Shuning revealed his thoughts to his father.

Zhu Yuanzhang had a smile on his face, I agree with the idea of ​​his son and apprentice... In fact, in academic research, apart from financial conditions, the initial layout is also very important.

Just like Xia Zhifeng, with your status, as long as you sit in town for a period of time, you will surely be able to gather a large number of scholars, thus forming an academic center in the Southwest.

With sufficient scientific research and academic capabilities, the future of the entire Southwest is promising.

In the future, if the Ming Dynasty can be limited to Yingtian and Beiping, and the southwest develops to form an eight-legged confrontation, and even Guanzhong in the northwest can rise again, and the land of China, the stars are shining, and go hand in hand, this will be the best result.

Moreover, Liu Zhenyuan has also calculated that, in fact, there is really no need for the industries of the Ming Dynasty to be completely located along the coast.

Although sea transportation has incomparable huge advantages, the Ming Dynasty has a vast inland, a large population, and an astonishingly large market.

In the original history, Huaxia opened its doors passively, and the entire industry was shaped by external forces.

The strong ships and guns of the West first arrived in the coastal areas, and industries appeared in those areas... Then, in order to develop inland trade, industrial centers were also placed in places where sea transportation is convenient.

But the current Ming Dynasty obviously needs to rely on its own strength to develop an industrial civilization.

Since it is up to oneself, it is necessary to carry out industrial layout according to one's own needs, and to satisfy one's own domestic market.

Yingtian and Beiping are in a unique position, so I need to say more.

Southwest is also a little hopeless.

Because of Zhu Ying's management, Burma, Siam, Champa, and even the Bengal region of Tianzhu... Such a vast area, abundant resources, and abundant manpower.

There is also inland waterway shipping, which cannot link that large area together.

If it develops, what will be the result? Zhu Yuanzhang dares to think too much

"The seven meridians of Ren Du in Huaxia land are unblocked. What to do next really depends on the wisdom of the next generation, and you can't rest in peace."

Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile, with relief and tension on his face.

Zhang Ximeng looked at me and said with a smile: "Sir, don't worry, Zhuding Huaxia, there are so many things that have not yet been concluded, but he can take the pick."

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly, "My lord is worried. This is a major matter of the country, and I will not neglect it. But I can explain clearly, that is the last thing, and you don't care about anything else."

Old Zhu resisted and said: "Sir, we discovered very early on that he doesn't seem to be too keen on fame and fame, and he is reluctant to be an official for us. Doesn't it feel good to have power over the world and keep his promises?" What exactly is your ambition, sir? Can you tell us the truth?"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said: "My lord speaks of power, which is good. But the more power comes, the more responsibility, and you are so exhausted that you have to keep your eyes open even when you sleep. I must talk about ambition. I am probably a person with small ambitions. I only want to live in a powerful country, have no worries about food and clothing, and be able to study and fish in my free time, that’s all.”

The dignified grand master said that he has a small ambition in his chest. If others listened to it, they would probably vomit blood. He is still a small ambition. What are you chasing after?

Are you kidding me?

But Lao Zhu listened to it, but it was very useful, and he felt that he had nothing to do with it.

Is there anything more pleasing to the ear than that? After all, for me, the greatest ideal is to guard dozens of acres of land and enjoy the pastoral happiness with my wife and children!

"If the Great Yuan Dynasty back then showed mercy and gave us a way to survive, where would Zhang Ximeng come from!"

The pair of monarchs and ministers looked at each other and smiled, stretched out their hands, held each other tightly, and then laughed loudly.

The cabin down the river was full of laughter and laughter.

The monarch and ministers returned to Yingtian, and Zhu Biao followed the ministers of civil and military affairs to welcome them together.

Both Zhang Ximeng and Zhu Yuanzhang were searching the crowd. As far as they could see, both of them were in a low mood.Everyone thought they were tired from the journey, but the two of us were the most ambiguous, and the personnel affairs were worn out. Looking at the group of officials, there were still many people, and we felt the speaker.

Even if there are still strangers outside, there are not many.

Xu Da is still there, but I said that I resigned from the position of doctor censor and was replaced by Zheng Yuchun.

Although he is still from the army, Zheng Yuchun belongs to the trainer system and is a general who truly leads the army. I took over as the imperial envoy doctor, and the nature of the speaker is quite different from that of Xu Da.

As for Tang He, did I appear in the welcoming crowd that time? Tang He hasn't gone to Wa country yet.Hu Weiyong is the governor, but the Tang family is not qualified to establish a country, and it happens to be preparing to build a "Tang Kingdom".

As the earliest old brothers, Zhang Ximeng was happy to see Tang He not having that result.

On the other hand, Chang Yuchun, the rampant and unscrupulous Chang Shiwan, as he got older, his body suffered from more and more old diseases, and recently he was bedridden to recuperate from his illness, so he hasn't recovered yet.

Among the civil servants, Song Lian has not yet resigned from his position in Dugeshi, and Gao Qi will replace me.As for Liu Bowen, because he had reached the age of becoming an official, he returned to his hometown with multiple titles to spend his old age in peace.

Among the crowd, there were only a few unfamiliar faces that could be seen, including Qian Tang, Yao Guangxiao, Luo Furen, Mao Gui and others.

Most of the rest have not known each other yet, or even if they do, it is only a superficial understanding and only a few encounters.

To this day, both Liu Zhenyuan and Zhang Ximeng are thinking of quitting.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who returned to Taishi's mansion, met his wife who had been away for a long time.

"How about it? He has no plans? Do you want to accompany you to the shore of the West Lake, find a comfortable place to live and live for the rest of your life?"

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