First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 62

Only then did Zhang Ximeng realize that he had forgotten that after the summer harvest, it seemed that there was not much rain in Chuzhou, which indeed affected the sowing... But does praying for rain work?

Don't Li Shanchang and Yang Yuangao bewitch Lao Zhu?

With a strategy in mind, Zhang Ximeng went to the Dragon Temple in Fengshan, southwest of Chuzhou.

When Zhang Ximeng arrived, it happened that Zhu Yuanzhang had something to say.

"If there is a drought like this, let's pray for rain for the people. How could the Erlong God be disrespectful to the people who rely on the people here to worship them? Within three days, rain will fall from the sky. If there is no must destroy this ancestral hall and smash the golden body!"

After Lao Zhu finished speaking, he took off the big bow from his back and shot three arrows at the Dragon God!

Whoosh whoosh!

After shooting, he came out proudly, scaring Li Shanchang and Yang Yuangao into a fool... What kind of praying for rain is this, it is clearly to intimidate the Dragon God!

Zhang Ximeng was also dumbfounded when he witnessed all this.

Lao Zhu, I really have you!

Zhang Ximeng looked up at Si Yulongshen, who was standing there, and hoped that there would be no rain within three days.Coerced by a mortal, if he bows his head, what kind of dragon god is he?

Remember, don't bow your head, the crown will fall off!

Chapter 91 The Dragon King Bows His Head

Zhu Yuanzhang shot the Dragon God with three arrows, and a shooting star came out. Zhang Ximeng was slightly astonished, and hurriedly hugged the official document in his arms, and followed closely, leaving only Li Shanchang and Yang Yuangao, looking at each other. After a long while, Li Shanchang looked up.

Although Lao Zhu was merciful and didn't shoot at the dragon's head, one arrow still stuck to the dragon's claw and shot off a piece of paint.

"Brother Baishi, our superior has offended the Dragon God, right?" Yang Yuangao said tremblingly.

Li Shanchang gave him a hard look, "It's all your bad idea!"

Yang Yuangao was speechless, why did you agree with my idea?

This dragon temple is effective, I saw fish and turtles floating up again, thinking about the long time without rain, I wanted to persuade the superiors to come and pray for rain.

Respecting the gods and cultivating virtue is also a reasonable thing.

If it rains smoothly, it is naturally a great achievement. Even if it doesn't rain, it doesn't matter, just find another temple.

Yang Yuangao shared his ideas with Li Shanchang, and Li Shanchang immediately felt that this was an opportunity.

He knew that Zhang Ximeng was greatly admired by Lao Zhu because of the plum blossom poem. Li Shanchang thought that if he could pull his superiors to worship the Dragon God, it would really make it rain.

Our old Li can also pass through the gods!

With the backing of the Dragon God, he can be much tougher.

Taking advantage of Zhang Ximeng's handling of banknotes, the two of them encouraged Lao Zhu to fast and bathe and come to pray for rain.

It was all good at first, but when Lao Zhu was formally worshiping, he ignored their sacrificial rites, threatened the Dragon God directly, and even shot three arrows!

This is too much!

"Brother Baishi, what should we do if the Dragon God punishes Chuzhou for three years without rain?"

Li Shanchang rolled his eyes, he was so angry!

How would he know what to do?

"Didn't you say that if fish and turtles float up, there must be heavy rain?"

Yang Yuangao cried, "It's raining! But let the superior shoot these three arrows, I don't know."

Li Shanchang really wanted to give him two mouths, and you pig teammates, it's no wonder that I can beat Zhang Ximeng!

"Remember, if it doesn't rain for three days, it will be said that you have made a mistake in etiquette and neglected the dragon god, and you are waiting to have your head chopped off!" Li Shanchang stomped his feet and walked away angrily.

Yang Yuangao was the only one left, he was determined to die, and he was completely stupid.


"My lord, these three arrows of yours are shocking, weeping ghosts and gods! That little dragon dared not let it rain, and would be crushed by it when it turned around!"

Zhang Ximeng kept flattering.

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed suddenly, "Sir, do you believe in dragons?"

Zhang Ximeng is slightly serious, "Confucius said that offering sacrifices to gods is like a god, and a word like a word expresses what Confucius meant. The theory of ghosts and gods may not be absurd, but humans and gods have different paths. The more supreme gods, the less lazy they are to care about ordinary people." It's a bad thing. Ghosts and gods can only be hired, not relied on."

Zhu Yuanzhang had a smile on his face, Zhang Ximeng told him other things, so he might not believe it.But no one knows more about gods and Buddhas than him!

After more than four years in the temple, Zhu Yuanzhang saw too much filth, and he knew what was going on with those merciful monks.

Let him believe in gods, it is better to say that food will come down from the sky to make everyone full!

"Sir, it's a high opinion, but we have another insight."

"What kind of knowledge? I also ask my lord to give me some pointers."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled, "It's not about pointing out, it's just joking... Do you think we are the true son of heaven?"

"That's natural!"

"Since we are the Son of Heaven, what is enshrined in the Dragon Temple is just a small dragon in the pool! Do you want it to listen to us when we talk?"

"Of course I want to listen!" Zhang Ximeng answered dumbfounded.

Lao Zhu laughed again: "What if we are not the right man?"

"No!" Zhang Ximeng said immediately, "My lord must be!"

"Hahaha!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly, "Even if it wasn't...we have swords in our hands, soldiers under our command, and my husband's assistant. If the sky is against us, we will turn against the sky!"

Lao Zhu swore the oath domineeringly.

No matter what, we have the final say!

What kind of bullshit Dragon God, get the hell out of here.

Sure enough, he was the founder of the country, but he was unusual.

Zhang Ximeng's mind was agitated, and some of his traits might really be innate.

He became more and more confident that the Ming Dynasty in the future would definitely be even more splendid than in history.For a person like Lao Zhu, as long as you show him a way, he can go farther than anyone else!

Zhang Ximeng had a grain bank plan in mind, so he planned to explain it to Lao Zhu in detail.But at this moment, they passed a pond in front of the Dragon Temple.

Lao Zhu paused and pointed to the inside of the pond.

"Sir, please see."

Zhang Ximeng looked over, and saw many carp swimming on the water surface, and looking at the pond, there were also many tortoises, densely packed, basking on their backs.

Zhang Ximeng hesitated a little, but immediately understood.

Fish and turtles float up, which is a sign of rain.

"So the lord is also proficient in astronomy?"

Old Zhu sneered twice, and said in a low voice, "Fart, if you've been wandering outside for three years without a fixed place, you'll know everything."

Zhang Ximeng was at a loss for words, and there was a trace of sadness in his heart. He quickly shook his head, "Master, please listen to the plan of this food bank! If the people can accept it, we can prepare for the war with all our strength..."

After returning from the Dragon Temple, Zhang Ximeng started to set up a food bank.It has to be said that it is a miracle that the Yuan Dynasty has been maintained by banknotes for decades.

Moreover, in order to promote banknotes, the Yuan court strictly prohibited gold and silver from participating in the circulation, and even copper coins were not minted. The copper coins circulating in the market are all cultural relics of the previous dynasty.

Chuzhou also lacks precious metals locally, which is not enough to mint metal coins... and even if it is minted, there are so many forces around, seeing that Chuzhou's coins are of good quality, they will try their best to get them, and the collapse of the currency system is almost inevitable.

So it is God's will to block all the roads.

You can only choose the food standard.

But this is the food standard. Even if there are 1 inconveniences, outsiders cannot easily get food.All intersections are guarded by soldiers and horses, who are responsible for registering and paying taxes.

Any grain exceeding ten shi, if there is no special official document, cannot be separated from Chuzhou.

In other words, Zhang Ximeng doesn't need to think about high-end financial wars, currency wars...he just needs to be solid, collect and store food, and then prepare all kinds of tickets.

Then gather the people's livelihood materials into a big market, and then use grain to price silk cloth, pots and pans, tables, chairs and benches, everything.

If any type of commodity is found to be lacking, Zhang Ximeng can take some food from the food bank, build workshops, hire craftsmen, and even poach people from other places.

Anyway, in this troubled world, food is the best hard currency!

Simple to the extreme, in some cases, it is the ultimate cleverness, which contains the most fundamental and purest truth.

Putting aside all the complicated things, in the agricultural era, food is the root of everything!

The more food produced, the harder the fist!

In the industrial age, the truth may also make sense, industry is king!

The production of material wealth is the core of national power.

Zhang Ximeng suddenly felt that maybe one day, he could write a book about economics, write his own experience in it, and pass it on to future generations.

Just when he was immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself, suddenly there was a muffled thunder.

After a while, it rained like a torrential rain!

Zhang Ximeng was stunned for a while, then hurriedly got up, looked outside, there was a vast curtain of water between the sky and the was really raining heavily!

Doing the math, it was indeed Lao Zhu's third day of praying for rain!

Lord Dragon, can you have some backbone?

You are a dragon, you are not a running dog!

Why are you flattering Zhu Yuanzhang?

Zhang Ximeng was so angry that he laughed.

But at this moment Yang Yuangao was ecstatic, rushed into the rain, roaring loudly.

"It's raining, it's raining! The superiors are virtuous!"

He has been like a sweet potato in the oven for the past two days, with the outside scorched and the inside tender, and his whole body is dripping with juice. I can't keep it.

Now everything is fine and it's finally raining.

This stupefied didn't have an umbrella or a bamboo hat, but just stepped on his wife's new layered floor, and let Zhu Yuanzhang's mansion run away.By the time he arrived, it was already drenched.

But Yang Yuangao didn't care at all, he was only excited.

"If you return to the superior position, the rain will fall from the sky, and the dragon god will manifest...the superior should immediately go to the Dragon Temple to fulfill his vows and thank the Dragon God. Only in this way, the dragon can protect Chuzhou, and the weather will be smooth every year, and the grain will be plentiful every year!"

After Yang Yuangao finished speaking, he looked up at Lao Zhu. What made him hesitate was that Zhu Yuanzhang was lazy and not very interested. In his hand, he was holding a "Han Changli Collection". Zhu Yuanzhang had already begun to study the Eight Great Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties Oh, this learning progress is really embarrassing!

"Mr. Yang, you said that little dragon has manifested, should we thank it?"

"Little Dragon?"

Yang Yuangao was dumbfounded, I said superior, everyone has manifested, it is a real dragon, so don't hold it up, hurry up and pay homage to Xie En!

Old Zhu put down the book slowly, stood up, stretched his waist, and actually walked to the desk next to him. He picked up a pen, pondered for a long time, and finally wrote four words: Respect and protect the people!

After finishing writing, Lao Zhu looked at it for a long time. It was the first time for him to send words, so don't make mistakes!

After confirming that it was correct, Zhu Yuanzhang handed it to Yang Yuangao.

"Just trouble Mr. Yang to send it to the Dragon Temple, hang it up, let that little dragon do things honestly, don't be lazy, don't play tricks."

Yang Yuangao held it in his hand like a piece of wood, and he didn't know how he got out of the government office... Master, are you crazy?

Do you really think you can command the Dragon God?

The most important thing is that the Dragon God is worthless, he just cooperated with Lao Zhu in acting, are you a family?

He also had no choice but to put a plaque on the Dragon Temple according to Lao Zhu's wishes.

It's just that this story spread without knowing it. Gradually, someone even said that on the day of the rain, they saw a four-clawed black dragon in the sky, facing the direction of the mansion, and worshiped again and again, with a faint and thick voice : "Xiaolong worships the real dragon, the heart of heaven is the heart of the heart!"

The clouds disperse and the rain gathers, but the black dragon is not there.

May I ask who is the real dragon emperor?

The common people were surprised when Wu Datou's team released a new play called "Double Dragon Club".

Chapter 92 The Sea

"Gentlemen, although it has rained, you can't rely on God's blessing after all, not to mention that there will be disasters if there is too much rain. You all discuss what to do." Old Zhu said calmly.

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