First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 503

Zhang Shuning said helplessly: "He really doesn't want to accept me, after all I'm still too stupid..."

Chapter 698 The Playboy Zhang Shuning

"I'll go with you!" Xia Zhifeng whispered, "With me here, your father won't be too angry."

Zhang Shuning was stunned, then shook his head and said, "It's okay, my father is reasonable, even if he wants to spank my ass, he will definitely not let you see it!"

"Why? I can intercede for you! Mr. is very nice!"

"Wuhe, save face!" Zhang Shuning said sullenly, "I've already been embarrassed once, and there won't be a second time!"

After finishing speaking, the kid walked into Zhang Ximeng's study with big strides.

Xia Zhifeng looked at his back again, and suddenly the corners of her mouth rose slightly. This little friend is quite to describe him?

It should be a proud little peacock that hasn't grown up yet.

Although I try my best to maintain my maturity, calmness, and plan, and I have the wisdom in my hands...and indeed in most cases, I can do it, but after all, due to my age, I will still show some flaws.

For example, the embarrassment of being surrounded by a group of porters... It's just that this kind of Zhang Shuning doesn't make Xia Zhifeng feel disgusted at all, but feels real and approachable. He really looks like a real little friend by his side, not a prince of Lu who is as far away as a star. , the eldest son of the right prime minister...

The most interesting thing is that when Zhang Shuning blushed, her white and tender skin turned red, almost like a ripe peach.

Xia Zhifeng laughed out loud when she thought about it, she ran under the grape arbor, sat on Zhang Ximeng's wicker chair, swayed, looked up, and kept thinking.

Gradually, Xia Zhifeng fell asleep. What happened today exhausted her both physically and mentally. After an unknown amount of time, she finally woke up and found that there was an extra thin blanket on her body, and Zhang Shuning was standing beside her.

"You didn't get punished, did you? What about sir?" Xia Zhifeng asked hastily.

Zhang Shuning shook his head, "No, as I said, my father is very open-minded. He just said that no matter how strict the precautions are, it will inevitably open up his mind and make him happy."

"And those porters did not carry deadly weapons. Even if they caught me, they would not threaten my life, so it cannot be regarded as the negligence of the guards. As for me, I did it to protect the safety of my junior sister. Although I was a little impatient, it is not a big mistake. After all, you can't expect a child under ten to hit ten!"

Zhang Shuning's voice was low, deliberately imitating his father's way of talking, Xia Zhifeng couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing loudly, "It's indeed something that Mr. can say... Then, so that said, everyone is fine? No... and the second aunt and the others , what do you say, sir?"

Xia Zhifeng's heart ached, because she was very worried that her husband would say that it was an ordinary marriage proposal, that the parents ordered the matchmaker's words, and she didn't know Zhang Shuning's identity, so it was not a felony to offend the son... Then things would be muddled. passed.

"What do you want my father to say?" Zhang Shuning asked with a smile.

Xia Zhifeng scratched her little head, and said in confusion: "I don't know, what is this, is it a bad folk custom, forced marriage, or bullying others?"

Zhang Shuning suddenly burst out laughing, rocking back and forth, "It seems that you have some talent in astronomy, and these laws and regulations are still not good... Do you know how my father defined this matter?"

Xia Zhifeng's eyes widened, "How is it qualitative? Is it serious?"

"Very serious, my father said, this is a disguised form of buying and selling people!"

"Ah!" Although Xia Zhifeng doesn't know much about the law, she also knows the power of these four words. This is the highest felony that can be skinned!

"Sir, do you really say that?"

Zhang Shuning nodded, "My father said that under the rule of the Yuan court, people were divided into four classes. Han people in the south lived like cattle and horses. Due to the widespread existence of slavery, human trading is very common. There are even special markets for buying and selling children. Some Girls were sent to brothels, and some boys were also taken into the hands of rich families, who became their servants or even playthings."

Xia Zhifeng was startled, and said in a low voice: "I know that, didn't the Ming Dynasty close the brothels and abolish the servants?"

Zhang Shuning said: "That's true, but the public trading is prohibited, and some secret trading is still rampant!"

"How to say?"

"For example, some poor families can't support them, so they transfer their children to others in exchange for some money... There are also some baby girls who were abandoned early. In other industries, they recruit apprentices and buy godsons. There are also some big families Families have no successors, so they buy children in private, inherit the incense, and some of them can't get married, so they try to use money to cheat women into wives!"


Xia Zhifeng was taken aback. What the husband said is indeed widespread, and there are many around her, such as...Xu Guan!

"Sir, do you mean that inheriting incense and buying children can also be regarded as buying and selling people?"

Zhang Shuning nodded, "Naturally, it counts!"

"What about recruiting a son-in-law?"

Zhang Shuning said: "What my father means is that if it is an ordinary door-to-door son-in-law and it does not involve the issue of changing the surname, it should be fine. But if you force people to change their surnames and have coercive behavior, it should be classified as a disguised trading of people, which is not allowed of!"

Xia Zhifeng was overjoyed, "So Xu Guan can change his surname back to Huang?"

Zhang Shuning nodded and said: "Indeed, the Xu family is too shameless. They treat their son-in-law as a slave, shouting and beating, beating and scolding at will. It's really abominable!"

"Then, if you remarry with your mother, can you change back to your original surname?"

"It's ok... just wait until the child becomes an adult and can decide things by himself, then he can change back to his original surname. Parents are not allowed to intervene!"

Xia Zhifeng was overjoyed, "So, so Luo Shiqi can also change back to Yang's surname! That's great!"

Xia Zhifeng jumped up and clapped her hands happily, "Sir, you are so wise. When will these regulations be implemented? I can't wait!"

Zhang Shuning smiled slightly, "Don't be too busy, there is a bigger cancer that needs to be completely eradicated!"

"What?" Xia Zhifeng asked in surprise.

"Three aunts and six wives! These old godmothers are going to be in trouble!" Zhang Shuning shook his fist fiercely, his small face was full of admiration and excitement.

Zhang Ximeng is reasonable, and will not ask you to do whatever you want just because you offended his son... Everything is based on the law, and it can be done to the extent that it can be done.

But Zhang Ximeng is also terrifying. He has a considerable ability to formulate rules, and he can completely sweep away the evils and make an industry disappear!

That's right, Zhang Ximeng is targeting the group of three aunts and six wives this time!

The so-called three aunts and six wives are nuns, Taoist aunts, Gua aunts, matchmakers, matchmakers, master wives, godmothers, medicine wives, and stable wives... These people go around the streets, trick Lao Li, lie to Lao Wang, and specifically instigate trouble, Defrauding people of money, buying and selling people, not doing good things.

For example, Wang Po, who perfected Ximen's officials, is one of the matchmakers.

If they are just ordinary mediators, how much money can they earn?It's nothing more than a pair of shoes.

The Wang Po disdains this kind of low-end game!

There is no challenge at all for a man who is not married and a woman who is not married. Only if the man has a family and the woman has a husband, it is more exciting and profitable to challenge the laws of nature and ethics!

In order to fulfill this pair of wild mandarin ducks, even if they poison the innocent Wu Dalang to death, they will not hesitate!

This is the boldness and madness of matchmakers!

So it's not unusual for someone like Second Aunt Han to even plot against Zhang Xianggong's disciples for the sake of money.In the name of mediators, they walk on the edge of the law. It is difficult to define their behavior, so there is no way to judge crimes.

But as the saying goes, how can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river!

Wang Po killed Wu Da, so she could only rely on Wu Song to kill her and avenge her brother.

But when he came to Zhang Ximeng's place, he could order the government to investigate strictly to the end!

"Students pay their respects to Prime Minister Zhang!"

Standing in front of Zhang Ximeng was Jiangxi Inspectorate Yang Ji... This man, like Gao Qi, was also a well-known talent in Wuzhong. When he went to the local government, he became an official, and after a lot of experience, he went to the position of inspector in Jiangxi.

Zhang Ximeng nodded, "Sit down! Is it easy for you to be an inspector?"

Yang Ji hurriedly said: "Zhang Xiangming learned that Jiangxi is deeply rooted, and the old forces have retained a lot. In addition, they are not under the foot of the emperor, so it is very difficult for officials to do things."

Zhang Ximeng said: "Well, is there a way to break the situation?"

Yang Jidao: "There is a way. When the next official came, he had already thought about it. The vice envoy of the procuratorate, Tang Ao, was corrupt and perverted the law. His crimes were obvious. The next official was going to take him down. Then he would clean up the corrupt officials and rectify the yamen of the procuratorial envoy! "

Zhang Ximeng said: "What about the place? What about those three aunts and six wives, all those flies?"

"Investigate! Check to the end! The lower officials are going to join hands with the capital, and ask local veterans and militiamen from all over the country to cooperate to arrest those old women who have caused disasters to the local area! For those who have committed many crimes and are responsible for their lives , beheaded immediately, as a warning to others! Others will also be sent to Peiping, and will never be pardoned!"

Zhang Ximeng pondered slightly, "The king of Yan is starting to rebuild Kaiping City in Shangdu. The imperial court intends to add the capital of Daning. In addition, Liaodong has just been recovered, and the population is very short."

Yang Ji was slightly taken aback, what does Zhang Xiang mean?

Don't you think it's not enough to distribute to Peiping?

It seems that Zhang Xianggong is really angry. In fact, it is not surprising to think about it. His son and his lover are involved... Who can be calm if it is changed!

What's more, the ten years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the dregs left over from the previous dynasty are still rotting and smelly, so it's time to clean them up!

"Don't worry Zhang Xiang, the subordinate understands."

Yan Kee resigned and hurried to make arrangements.

It's just that the government's actions are still too slow, and some people can't wait.

On this day Xu Guan came out of the school and was about to go home when he saw Fang Xiaoru waiting with a large group of senior students, and on the other side, Hu Yan also came with dozens of students.

Behind Xu Guan, there are Jing Qing and other students in the same class. There are more than 200 people in the dark.

Fang Xiaoru came over with big strides, "Brother Xu Guan, we all know about your family's situation... The Xu family is indeed indebted to you, but it's easy to get together and get away! Such a thing as a son-in-law is to add insult to injury and take advantage of others' danger. They don't have the slightest bit of mercy, so don't be afraid of them, we are the ones who decide for you!"

Hu Yan also said: "That's right, the school also has law majors. Let's go to Xu's family now and have a good talk with them. It's best if we agree, otherwise we'll sue the government!"

Xu Guan never expected such a result, his eyes were reddened, and he bowed deeply suddenly.

"Thank you, brothers and classmates... I thank you all!"

When he said that he wanted to pay a big gift to worship, someone suddenly laughed and said: "Let's talk about it when we come back! Just remember to treat us to barbecue."

Xia Zhifeng rushed over, and Xu Guan was taken aback, "You, you better not follow, what if something happens?"

Xia Zhifeng didn't care, but pouted and asked Xu Guan to look outside. Only then did Xu Guan notice that at the school gate, there were hundreds of workers from Huaxia Bookstore, each holding sticks, standing there.

And in the middle of the crowd was Zhang Shuning!

At this moment, Zhang Shuning, surrounded by the crowd, had a smile on his mouth, and he looked like a dandy.

It's just that this dude is not annoying at all.

Xu Guan was startled, and hurried over.


Zhang Shuning couldn't help laughing, "You're still smart! Anyway, call it whatever you like! When I come back this time, I'll call you Huang Guan!"

Xu Guan was startled again, and nodded quickly, "Thank you, thank you Zhang Shuning!"

Zhang Shuning showed a smile on his face, nodded vigorously, and then put his arms around Xu Guan's shoulders, "Go, go to Xu's house now!"

The crowd was huge, and people continued to join along the way. When they arrived in front of the Xu family's gate, there were more than a thousand people.

Xu Guan turned his head to look at Zhang Shuning. After getting affirmation, he walked to the door with firm steps and knocked hard!

It's time to settle...

Chapter 699 Jimin School, Rescue Simin

Compared to the last time when he came here with Zhang Shuning, Xu Guan was much more courageous.

Before there is a conclusion, it is true that it is a mess, and it is not clear, but now that there is a conclusion, things are much easier.

The son-in-law, the child bride-in-law, and other servants, adopted sons and apprentices... all have a coercive nature. It is one party relying on money and power, coercion and temptation, forcing the other party to go against their will and accept manipulation and control.

It is entirely reasonable to say that this is a disguised form of buying and selling people.

And there is a huge gray area here. If the two parties simply negotiated, how much money I will give you, you can be a door-to-door son-in-law and listen to my arrangement, which is reasonable.

But in this kind of thing, the status of the two parties is often not equal, and the weaker party has no ability to negotiate conditions at all, money transactions, coercion and temptation, and design to frame.

All in all, there is only what you can't think of, and there is nothing you can't do.Like Wang Po matching Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian, it can only be regarded as a routine operation.

Zhang Ximeng's legislation is also based on this consideration. Is there anyone who is of good character and does not coerce his son-in-law? Surely there must be!

But I'm sorry, there are too many disadvantages here, the good ones are rare, there is no way, it must be banned, there is no politeness at all!

When nearly a thousand people rushed to Xu's house, old man Xu was already out of his wits.

He hid inside, not even having the courage to open the door.

Seeing the overlord-like grandfather turned into a turtle, Xu Guan felt indescribably happy.

"Grandfather, please open the door, they are just here to be a witness, there is no other meaning! Open the door!"

After yelling several times in a row, old man Xu bravely pushed open the door.

He changed his countenance, looked at Xu Guan, and then at the others.

"Okay, you are fine! You have learned to bring people to bully this old man! You are not filial!"

Faced with such severe accusations, Xu Guan was not afraid, but smiled and said: "Grandfather is serious. My grandson doesn't know how you forced my father into marriage... But how you used my father these years, beat and abused him, everything The folks all know it well. My grandson invited these classmates and folks here just to be a witness, and if it weren’t for that, my grandson wouldn’t be able to have a fair talk with your husband!”

When old man Xu heard this, he immediately exploded, "What's fair? I raised you. Without me, both your father and son are dead. How dare you come to argue with me?"

At this time Zhang Shuning took a step forward and said bluntly: "Old man Xu, I have seen you beating and swearing. You said that you are kind to their father and son, and I also ask you, did you give them a bite to eat?" You can do whatever you want? You can do anything? The old godmother in the brothel can also say, I raised girls, so I can let them sell! After all, it’s not bullying! In front of you, there are two Lu, first, you should talk to classmate Xu Guan carefully, and come up with a method that everyone can accept. Second, if you can play tricks, then we will compare who is more powerful and who is reasonable! What do you think?"

To be reasonable, it is better than power!

Come here as you please!

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