First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 48

"Superior, in fact, let the humble official say that it is not difficult to find out what is right and wrong, what is difficult is whether you have the courage to deal with it with an iron fist, uphold justice, and make decisions for the people!"

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to laugh out loud when he said this, do you have the courage?Do you need to ask us?

He glanced at Li Shanchang, and found that this Mr. Li was meeting his gaze with a pleasant smile.

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to feel something.

This guy Li Shanchang seems to be different from before, with a little more sincerity in his smile!

"Mr. Li, since this is the case, you are responsible for this matter and let Mr. Zhang assist you!"

After Zhu Yuanzhang explained, he rode forward. He commanded the soldiers and horses, took over the yamen, barracks, prisons, and warehouses, and replaced the four soldiers with his own.

He also ordered notices to be posted to appease people's hearts, business and residential trade, everything remains the same.

The people in Chuzhou were surprised to find that these red scarf soldiers did not enter the houses.

They just seized things related to the Yuan court, and Qiu did nothing to the people's property.

There were also people who set up tents in the open space on the side of the road, and the soldiers rested in the tents, but they didn't enter the houses!

How can it be?

These are all bandit soldiers, burning, killing, looting, committing all kinds of crimes, how could they let the common people go?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

They must want to let the big guys relax, and then catch them off guard.

Everyone can't relax their vigilance... Girls and daughters-in-law, be sure to tie your jacket and skirt with cloth strips, and prepare some gold and silver jewelry in your hands.

The thieves are impatient, they rush in, they want to force it unreasonably, and they cannot be untied if they are tied with cloth strips.At this time, give them gold and silver again, get a bargain, and go to the next one.

Also, put more pot ashes on your face to make people look like ghosts, safe!

The elderly, patiently teach the method of life-saving, the young are skeptical, and don't know if it is useful or not, anyway, get ready!

By the way, the door is the most important thing, and it should be sealed with a stone water tank, so no one can come in.

Those gold and silver are soft, put them all in the stove, don't light a fire, don't cook, but don't attract the red scarf thief!

What else can ordinary people do, if they can't torment others, they can spoil themselves!

It's just that I don't make a fire, don't cook, and don't go out, just stay at home bored.

One day or two days, on the third day I couldn't hold it anymore.

There is no food in the stomach, no rice in the jar.

If you don't go out to work, you will be hungry.

Especially some small merchants and hawkers have no savings at all. They work to earn money during the day, and the family eats at night. If they don’t earn money during the day, they will starve at night.

How can this be endured!

On the third day, I couldn't bear it anymore, and tremblingly went out onto the street, carrying a load, walking in a hurry, not even daring to hawk loudly.

But at the end of the day, they found that there were not many old customers, but there were many red scarf soldiers.

They are generous and fair in buying and selling, and they definitely don't take advantage of the common people.

What's more important is that the Red Scarf Army is not red-browed and green-eyed. On the contrary, they are all white-toothed and red-lipped. The Sloppy is much better.

"Different?" Some people still couldn't believe it.

"It's really different! I've heard people say that their leader's surname is Zhu, but he is a great hero who leads the troops strictly and loves the people like a son!"

"Amitabha! It's God's blessing!"

People's hearts in Chuzhou are quietly changing.

There were more and more people on the street, and they were surprised to find that these soldiers would take the initiative to clean up the debris on the street, sweep the dust, and make it spotless, which was very different from before.

And just as more and more people realized that the Red Scarf Army was different, a new order was delivered.

The Red Scarf Army has been released!

All the people, who have any grievances, can go to the Yamen.

Especially those backlog cases are given priority.

It doesn't matter, just in the afternoon, a group of cavalry unexpectedly appeared, beating gongs in front of them, and there were actually more than a dozen people in the group.

These faces are too familiar... There are two small Mongolian officials, three Semu people, and the big businessman Huang who collects grain for the Yuan court, and a few small officials who specialize in collecting black money in the yamen and entrapping the common people.

How did they all get arrested?

Still holding the parade?

"Folks, after investigation, these people have committed crimes. In order to find out what they have done, please go to the yamen and take the initiative to report. After verification, there will be a big reward!"

Duang! !

The soldiers beat the big gong vigorously and kept telling the people.

Gradually, pairs of eyes appeared from the crack of the door, staring closely at the team, looking at those bastards who are high above... Suddenly, a door opened.

The gray-haired old man wandered out, tears streaming down his face, standing in the middle of the road, with all his strength, raised his head and shouted: "Folks, there is blue sky!"

Chapter 72 The Humble Public Artifact

Countless people flocked to the yamen like a tide, wanting to witness with their own eyes how Master Qingtian avenged them!

There is no doubt that if it can be done well, at least [-]% of the hearts of the people can be harvested. If it is just a false story to fool the big guys, no one is a fool, and they have a score in their hearts.

Anyway, I have come here all these years, so I shouldn't have extravagant expectations!

The common people are like this, as the two senior talents under Lao Zhu's command, Li Shanchang and Zhang Ximeng, they know it well.

Cleaning up unjust cases and judging corrupt officials and tyrants is a crucial first step. Only when this cannon is fired can we continue to use other methods, otherwise there will be many obstacles and it will be as difficult as climbing the sky.

So they were busy long before the announcement was made.

"I have selected fifteen people here, and there are no less than a few hundred cases on them. They are all heinous crimes, and they are not wronged."

Li Shanchang is indeed a veteran, and he has already made up his mind.

After entering the city, immediately seal the file and find out these heinous guys.

Zhang Ximeng naturally believed in Li Shanchang, and said with a smile: "This is the rule of handling cases in the yamen, right?"

"What rule?" Li Shanchang blurted out.

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said, "Of course you don't know the result, so don't start an investigation!"

Li Shanchang was startled, he had never heard anyone say it, but it is not wrong to say so, after thinking about it for a while, it is quite reasonable.

"With heavy responsibilities, we must be careful. Take this case of releasing the case and clearing up the wronged prison. If a clean and moral gentleman is found, the case will not go through. It will naturally affect the important affairs of the superiors. It is reasonable to choose these surety ones." middle."

Zhang Ximeng expressed his understanding.

"Under the management of Mr. Li, it is natural that there will be no disadvantages and success in no time."

Li Shanchang smiled, but then said: "Mr. Zhang, if I want to investigate these matters, I will only have a rough idea, and helpers are indispensable!"

Zhang Ximeng understood, "Is it time to increase the manpower?"

"Well, I have already ordered a few people to come over...just need Mr. Zhang to look over it." Li Shanchang still remembered the agreement with Zhang Ximeng that if he wanted to employ someone, he had to go through Zhang Ximeng's hurdle.

"Alright, let them come here quickly, I also want to meet Chuzhou Yinghao." Zhang Ximeng agreed with a smile.

After Li Shanchang left, five scribes came soon, all from Chuzhou.

The leader was dressed in a Confucian uniform, with slender eyebrows and long eyes, and a gentle manner. He introduced him on his own initiative, and his name was Yang Yuangao.

The next four were Ruan Hongdao, Li Menggeng, Hou Yuanshan, and Fan Jingzhao.

Zhang Ximeng looked at it and said with a smile, "Both you and Mr. Li work together in Chuzhou?"

Yang Yuangao hurriedly said: "That's true. Brother Baishi (Li Shanchang's character) is a virtuous official who chooses the master, and his decision-making is smooth, which is far better than us. Now we are attached to the Ming Lord, and we are willing to do our best to assist the superior and achieve great things!"

After he finished speaking, the remaining four people also agreed together, constantly praising Lao Zhu, and almost praised Zhu Yuanzhang as a flower that is rare in the sky and hard to find on the earth.

Zhang Ximeng couldn't help laughing, he really deserved to be from the Yamen, and his flattery was really smooth.They are exactly the same as the former Li Shanchang, not to mention very similar.

Zhang Ximeng suddenly had a kind of enlightenment in his heart... Li Shanchang, the first civil servant in the founding of the Ming Dynasty, why did he leave the court? At such an age, he would still be implicated in it, so he must be eliminated!

In fact, it can be seen from the recommendation of talents this time.

Are you saying you don't need these people?Who else can I use?

Chuzhou is so big, and there are not too many scholars, and even fewer are familiar with official documents.Therefore, Lao Li's recommendation must be accepted.

But the problem is that these few people, with their merits of Conglong, will at least be officials above the magistrate level in the future, and it is not impossible to even become officials of the frontier.

They were all recommended by Li Shanchang, and Lao Li single-handedly promoted them. It seemed self-evident who they would listen to!And such people, in the process of Lao Zhu conquering the world and governing the world, kept emerging, from the six ministries of the imperial court to the local yamen, they were almost everywhere.

This group of people is not just threatening the imperial power, Lao Zhu treats the people kindly, formulates many policies for the convenience of the people, such as Dengwen Drum, and even allows the people to turn corrupt officials into Beijing.

May I ask, can these people obey Zhu Yuanzhang honestly?After all, they are all contaminated with the habits of the Yuan Dynasty. Once they lose their suppression, no one knows what will happen...

There is no intention to whitewash Zhu Yuanzhang here. It is just an objective reality. Any decision has complicated reasons. not for.

Zhang Ximeng pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "You have worked in Yuanting for many years and have rich experience. What do you think should be done?"

Several people looked at each other, and it was still Yang Yuangao who spoke first.

"Naturally, one does not avoid difficulties, one is not afraid of suffering, and one-heartedly assists the superior."

Zhang Ximeng smiled, "Of course it's good for you to say that. But I want to ask you, how do you see yourself?"

"Well... I think that since you are an official, you naturally have to be a superior, guard your side, dedicate yourself to your duties, put your heart and soul into it, and never regret it."

Zhang Ximeng laughed and shook his head, Yang Yuangao was baffled, could there be something wrong with his words?

Zhang Ximeng sighed: "Of course it's good, but if you ask me, the big guy seems to think too highly of himself."

A few people don't know why, since Lao Zhu intends to fight for the world, they come here with the hope of making some achievements and leaving a name in history. Is it wrong for a person to have ideals and ambitions?

They looked at Zhang Ximeng suspiciously, could it be that the young man's brain is broken and he is talking nonsense here?

Zhang Ximeng motioned them to sit down, and then said: "As an official, you should go up to the lord, and go down to the people. Some people think that you should help the emperor and be the master for the people. This is also right. If I can do this, I will naturally It's five-body projection. It's just that not every official can do this step."

"As an official, the most fundamental thing is to communicate from the bottom to the top, and to implement the orders from the top... To put it bluntly, it is to communicate with the top and bottom, and to be a bridge. Do you think so?"

Yang Yuangao hurriedly said: "Sir, I admire you for your high opinion."

Zhang Ximeng shook his head and said: "This analogy is not the same. People are different from bridges. After a bridge is built and placed there, people on both sides can pass by at will without hindrance. But when people open their mouths, when they pass on a message, they can say it or not. Whether it’s more or less, it’s all in one thought. Isn’t there such a saying that it’s called deceiving the upper and lower?”

When these four words were spoken, all five people changed their colors, and some of them were timid, and their hands trembled.

Li Shanchang didn't tell them, is this kid so difficult?

Could it be that he has something in his hand to settle with the big guys?

"Don't be afraid, everyone. I'm just talking about the facts. I don't mean anything else. I just want to tell everyone that as officials, we are nothing more than lowly public servants!"

"Speaking of being humble, we must remember that there is a lord above, and there are countless people below. We can't afford to mess with this. Be honest, understand the upper and lower levels, don't be self-righteous, think that you are great, you can play with the lord, you can bully the people... this Everyone must be clear, this is not the Great Yuan Dynasty, and the bad habits of the past will be thrown into the sky!"

"Of course, no matter how humble we are, we are still public weapons... Now that we have this official name, we must be clear. As a conscience in doing things, we must maintain the existing rules and maintain this piece of foundation! No matter how far we develop in the future, we must not forget this iron law!"

Yang Yuangao and the others were quite shocked, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

In fact, with Zhu Yuanzhang's current strength, it is a bit early to say this.

But Yang Yuangao and others are not stupid, why did they all come when Li Shanchang said hello?

After all, I was still shocked.

Look at the soldiers in the city who don't enter the houses.

Don't demolish houses if you freeze to death, don't plunder to death if you starve to death.

The Yue family army is nothing more than that!

Zhu Yuanzhang has a strong army and is quite capable, and the future can be expected!

Among other things, Xu Shouhui, who was born as a cloth seller, has already become the Great Emperor Tianwan.

Zhang Shicheng, who was born as a salt worker, just became king on the first day of the first lunar month.

It's hard to say where Zhu Yuanzhang can go.

And when it got to that step, what Zhang Ximeng said was the most reasonable words.

"Thank you for your advice, I will remember it in my heart!"

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