First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 44

These ten thousand households, which Feng Guoyong saw, were those who could practice for five days and take one day off.

So Lao Zhu asked Feng Guoyong to look at it casually, and when he came to Zhang Ximeng's place, he was arranged to visit the most powerful part... Is it possible that who would take the initiative to let people see their own shortcomings?Can't!

To put it bluntly, this is the room for Zhang Ximeng, the great secretary, to operate, and it was allowed by Lao Zhu.

These soldiers were trained hard, and the food and treatment were quite good. Basically, they could eat a meaty meal in two or three days.In order to ensure their supply, Ma even hired a group of women to raise chickens and ducks.

But even so, the nutritional supply is still insufficient, and it is impossible to carry out high-intensity training like armed cross-country long-distance running every day, only once every two or three days.But this is enough, not to mention Peng Da and Zhao Jun using these people, even the elite of Yuan Ting may not be able to reach this level.

Moreover, there is another consideration for five days of training and one day off, which is to tie the soldiers in the barracks to prevent these energetic young men from going out to make trouble.

Zhu Yuanzhang is very concerned about military regulations and discipline. He often patrols the camp at night, and if he finds someone gambling or staying out at night, he will be severely punished.

Flogging and punishment to sweep the latrine are commonplace.

After talking about the first ten thousand households, the latter ones will be hip-stretched. The soldiers here are mainly from Lvpaizhai and Hengjian Mountain, and many of them are recruited by the Yuan court.

Although efforts have been made to rectify, it is only beginning to take shape.

Under Lao Zhu's command, they mainly play an auxiliary role. They usually train for three days and rest for one day.Not only has the strength been reduced, but also some civil engineering and barracks construction have to be undertaken, which is a bit like the existence of the Xiang Army.

But one thing is clear, no matter which thousand households, as long as they are under Lao Zhu's hands, they will be able to eat enough.

The main force, Qianhu, has training food subsidies, and can eat meat, and other soldiers can also get it occasionally, about once every ten days.And make it clear to the big guys that in the future, when we have a large territory and good conditions, or if you make great contributions, you can be promoted, compared with the main force of thousands of households.

Similarly, if the main force of Qianhu is not strong, it faces the risk of downgrade.

No need to ask, the idea of ​​rolling up must be Zhang Ximeng's idea.

But even if they are treated differently, a catty of food per day is still necessary for each soldier, especially for thousands of households of type B, where there is less oil and water, but more food.

In the army, never compare your appetite with others. There are not many ruthless people who can eat a bowl of food.

"About 4 people, 12 catties of grain a day, 4 shi a month, [-] shi a year. This is just normal consumption... If there is a war, you need to recruit civilians to carry food, grass, and luggage. The consumption is several times more. Not counting the thousands of war horses, in terms of consumption, [-] horses are no less than [-] people."

Li Shanchang calculated silently, then frowned, very embarrassed.

"My lord, at the moment our food source is still very small, mainly... robbing." Li Shanchang didn't shy away from it. Haozhou's soldiers and horses collapsed, and Zhu Yuanzhang got a lot of food. Although he gave some to Guo Zixing later, he never stopped. Flowers brought more.

In addition to copying Lu's family, Zhu Yuanzhang's starting grain was about [-] shi.

Then they captured Lvpai Village, captured Hengjian Mountain, seized [-] stones, destroyed the Mu family, and obtained some food.

Calculated to be over one hundred thousand shi.

So far, almost [-] shi have been consumed, and the rest is enough to feed for several months. It is still in the absence of large-scale battles, otherwise there will be really not enough food.

"Since we relied on robbing in the past, is there any place around us that we can rob? Can we replenish the army rations?" Lao Zhu asked again in a deep voice.

This time Zhang Ximeng said, "My lord, I'm afraid it won't work. The next biggest piece of meat is Chuzhou. But Chuzhou has a prosperous trade with merchants. The population is also large, and the consumption is also high. If we plunder food, it will cause famine for the people." , will really damage the prestige of the lord."

When Li Shanchang saw what Zhang Ximeng had said, he didn't hesitate anymore, and said directly: "Your superior, I want to remind my superior to settle this account. The brothers of the Feng family proposed to capture Jiqing. They have a good vision, but judging from the current situation, Indeed, we have already divided the land, and it is best to wait until the people have harvested, taxes and food are paid, the granary is abundant, and the luggage is full before we can use the army. Step by step, steady and steady, this is the army of the king!"

It is rare that Zhang Ximeng and Li Shanchang are highly consistent in dealing with food.

In the final analysis, what Lao Zhu is taking is not the route of rogues who want to fight one place and rob one place, and then find the next place after eating all the food. Instead, he wants to divide the fields evenly, establish a solid base, take one step at a time, steadily, and move towards victory. .

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully calculate the military and financial resources, how many soldiers and horses there are, and how big things to do.

Old Zhu pondered carefully, and asked again: "Mr. Li, how many people do we have right now?"

"Returning to the superior, right now we have more than 1 people from around Linhuai. After capturing Hengjian Mountain, we have about 15. In addition to Dingyuan and other places, now the superior has less than 30 people. land, and the number of people under his rule can reach [-]."

Hearing this, Lao Zhu couldn't help but take a deep breath. Even if calculated on the basis of 30 people, to support [-] soldiers, and less than ten people to support one soldier, the burden is too great.

Only this kind of people, is it reasonable?

Zhang Ximeng felt that it was not only reasonable, but also thanks to Lao Zhu's good reputation, the surrounding people took the initiative to gather here and did not run away, otherwise there would not be so many people!

According to historical records, in the 26th year of Hongwu, a national investigation found that Fengyang Mansion had more than 9000 households, with a total of more than 40 people.

Even including the hidden household registrations, the entire Fengyang Mansion has only about 50 people. Don't forget that under Lao Zhu's rule, there will not be too many hidden household registrations, otherwise the machete will come down.

Moreover, after the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Fengyang Mansion expanded a lot, covering five prefectures and thirteen counties.

Obviously, there were far fewer people in Haozhou at the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

Speaking of which, it was thanks to Zhiyuan Lao Zhang, who gathered [-] family members of soldiers and stationed troops in Hengjian Mountain, and gave Lao Zhu a super big pill.

Without his assistance, the people under Lao Zhu's rule would only be in the early [-] to [-]. After all, what he really controls now is Dingyuan County.

"According to the calculations, there are still fewer people and more soldiers, and the people are too miserable." Zhu Yuanzhang sighed, turned his head and asked Li Shanchang, "Mr. Li, in Dingyuan and other places, do you have extra acres of land?"

"Yes!" Li Shan said, "Baogong River and Hao River are surrounded by fertile fields, and there are also many abandoned fields around them."

Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a while and said: "It's good to have an acre of land. Order the soldiers to cultivate and garrison the fields. Let's work with the big guys!"

Li Shanchang was taken aback, "Sir, I'm afraid this is inappropriate!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile: "There is nothing wrong with it. We are from plowing fields. Before, we didn't have any land to plant when we wanted to farm!"

Zhang Ximeng clapped his palms and smiled, "That's good, this is called doing it yourself, and you have enough food and clothing!"

"That's right, let's do it yourself!" Old Zhu said with a smile.

Only Li Shanchang, the majestic leader of one party, ran to plow the fields, is it plausible?

Li Shanchang also wanted to persuade a few words, but Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Mr. Zhang is too young, Mr. Li, you can follow us to work in the fields, and set an example for the big guys!"

Chapter 66 Guo Zixing, don't come here!

"He who raises soldiers but does not get sick from farmers, is better than farming!"

This is Zhu Yuanzhang's attitude towards military settlements, and it is also the origin of the guard system.

If the soldiers sit and feed on the farmers, the farmers will suffer, and it is not the pursuit of long-term stability.It ordered the guards of the world to supervise the soldiers and farms, and several soldiers and farmers worked concurrently, so that the country could use them for comfort.

Lao Zhu's idea is very simple. If the soldiers are completely out of production and rely on the local supply of military rations, the common people will definitely not be able to bear it.Therefore, the best way to raise soldiers is to farm the fields and let the soldiers grow their own food and eat it for themselves. It neither affects the people nor needs the state to supply it.

Of course, from the perspective of future generations, the Weisuo and military household systems are very failed and need to be completely reformed.

However, a system can go through several generations, and after a hundred years, there are many disadvantages. Isn't it a huge success?Let me ask you, how many good governances are there in the world that can last for more than a hundred years?

It seems that there are not many!

So when Lao Zhu proposed farming, Zhang Ximeng agreed with both hands.

However, he has some ideas of his own, and it seems that some patches can be applied.

"My lord, do you think this military settlement has to pay land taxes?"

Old Zhu smiled, "This is for us to farm and eat by ourselves, and pay taxes for it troublesome?"

"Who will own the reclaimed fields?"

"Of course it is..." Zhu Yuanzhang paused, he wanted to say that it would belong to himself, but in this way, wouldn't the soldiers be his tenants to farm the fields?

It's not impossible, it's just that something is wrong.

Old Zhu simply said: "What exactly is the master's plan, explain it clearly to us, there is no need to hide it."

Zhang Ximeng nodded, "My lord, we now have few troops and a small territory. Farming crops and producing food will be used for the military. There won't be any problems. After all, the lord will keep an eye on it personally, and any problems will be solved... It's just that we will use the land in the future. It is too big to take care of it, and it will definitely go wrong. If I want to say what is wrong, I can’t say, but I think it is very important, that is, all the land cultivated must be returned to the public. In the hands of the lord. With this, even if you encounter problems in the future, it will be much easier to adjust."

"Furthermore, there is such a thing as land tax, it's better not to exempt it casually. Because as long as there are acres of land that don't need to pay taxes, someone will try their best to rely on them. Some military leaders who lead the army will also use their power to get people to donate them... So What I mean is that the land tax is the same as the civilian land, and as for the other parts, they are all reserved for the soldiers and horses of the headquarters. If the lord wants to requisition, he has to spend money to buy it."

When Lao Zhu heard this, he frowned immediately, "Sir, isn't it too troublesome to do this?"

Zhang Ximeng smiled, "My lord, it's still the same sentence. It's a little troublesome now, it's for the convenience of the future. Soldiers in the army also have losses, and they will grow old. Of course, the lord will give me a reward, but if I can get some money from the army, The soldiers will also be more generous. Please rest assured, my lord, this money belongs to the soldiers, and the minister will manage it centrally, and no one can spend it at will."

Zhu Yuanzhang still had a sullen face, and he still found it troublesome.

But the trouble is not his, but Zhang Ximeng is responsible for it.

He is willing to suffer, so why hesitate?

And what Zhang Ximeng said is right, with him here, if it doesn't suit him, he can just abolish it, and there won't be any trouble.

In fact, when some people in later generations reflect on the demise of the Ming Dynasty, they will even point the finger at Zhu Yuanzhang, saying that it is his ancestral rubbish, ignorance of economics, finance and taxation, and rigid household registration system, which made the Ming Dynasty only live for 270 years... …

Could it be that if these ancestral systems were abolished, would Daming be able to exist forever?

In fact, the maladministration considered by later generations has been very effective in the hands of Lao Zhu, and the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages, because those mistakes and loopholes that are more obvious and the harm exposed have long been corrected by Lao Zhu's will.

It’s not that the founder of the country can’t make mistakes, but that he can correct his mistakes... The king of subjugation is not that all measures are wrong, but that under the constraints of all directions, he can’t do anything at all, even if it’s right, he can’t implement it .

Obviously, Lao Zhu is a person with super execution ability.

From Linhuai to the south, all the way to Dingyuan, above the fertile fields, there are teams everywhere to take advantage of the winter to clean up wormwood and dig ditches.The soldiers went about their business with enthusiasm, and no one complained.

The food grown, except for a small amount of land tax, is the property of the army... The big guys can eat more, and the rest of the food can be used to raise pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese and dogs to enrich the dining table.

After the harvest, it is not a luxury to eat meat every day.

If there is more food produced, the higher-ups will buy it with money, and after selling the money, the big guy can receive a subsidy in addition to the military salary.If you are unfortunately injured and die in battle, the pension can also be doubled.

Who would refuse such a good thing?

While the big guys were busy, an old man walked around the field a few times, occasionally took out a pen and paper, drew a few times, and then left.

A few days later, there was a whole set of methods for digging the canal.

As a water conservancy expert for the management of the Yellow River, making a few diversion canals is simply like playing.

Zhang Ximeng got the plan from Jia Lu, specifically requesting that the diversion canals should be given priority to supplying the civilian fields of the people... If there is a real disaster and the water source is in short supply, the military can not harvest, and the civilian fields must guarantee irrigation water.

Zhang Ximeng believes that the real invincible master is the military and civilian fish and water, rooted in the hearts of the people.

So in every aspect, Zhang Ximeng tried his best to benefit, facilitate and benefit the people... All of his propositions were unconditionally supported by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Throughout history, among the hundreds of emperors, Zhu Yuanzhang is definitely the one who loves the people the most...Of course, some people say that he cares about this and that, but isn't his son also a jerk?What about those feudal kings who did evil?

How else can it be calculated?

He is an emperor!

He is not a saint, so he can't even let his own son go, right?In fact, Lao Zhu tried his best to teach his sons a lesson, to restrain their behavior, and to act like an old mother. He tried his best!

How well Lao Zhu is doing can be seen from the attitude of the Feng family brothers.

After the two brothers saw it in Lao Zhu's camp, they were thoroughly convinced.They gave up Miaoshanzhai and personally led 800 people to join them.

Moreover, driven by the brothers of the Feng family, several cottages joined Lao Zhu.

Without exception, these people were all required to participate in farming.

In a word, in Lao Zhu's place, food is the most important thing!

From the army to the people, especially those who have acquired their own land, they all burst out with unparalleled enthusiasm. They only rest for half a day during the Chinese New Year, and then they can't wait to wade in the cold river water to fish the river mud to fertilize the fields.

On Zhu Yuanzhang's side, the wind and rain are miserable, but there is unfortunate news from the other side...Peng Da is dead!

"This matter is strange. Could it be that Zhao Jun used his hands to harm people?"

Old Zhu hurried back with mud on his feet and called Zhang Ximeng and Jia Lu over to discuss.

Peng Da has always appreciated Zhu Yuanzhang very much. During the period of guarding Haozhou City, Peng Da helped him with all his strength. In terms of effect, he used it more than Guo Zixing.

Although Peng Da swelled up after the Battle of Haozhou, he became king first, and later attacked Sizhou, but he always maintained close contact with Zhu Yuanzhang, and he was Lao Zhu's only reliable ally.

Now that Peng Da suddenly died suddenly, Zhao Junyong's family dominates, which is really not good news.

"My lord, regardless of how Marshal Peng died, the young commander Peng Zaozhu must be in a difficult situation. I propose to send Xu Da over there with some food and weapons to help him maintain the overall situation. We can't just give up on the Peng family army. If Peng Zaozhu If there is no place to stand, you can retreat to Dingyuan, and we will take him in."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded immediately, and he also appreciated Peng Zaozhu's bravery.

"That's all for now. Let's write a letter to Young Marshal Peng to express his condolences."

After discussing a few more words, Lao Zhu turned around, planning to wash his hands and feet first, and then write a letter immediately.

Just as Lao Zhu went to the back, he bumped into his wife Ma Shi head-on.

In Ma Shi's hand, there was also a letter, which was sent by Guo Zixing.

Zhu Yuanzhang took a look at it, turned his head and came back, don't wash your feet, let's continue to discuss, Guo Dashuai is afraid of Zhao Junyong, and he wants to lead his troops to find Zhu Yuanzhang to avoid disaster.

"My lord, can I let the old minister take a look?"

Jia Lu took the initiative to ask for the letter, and Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly handed it over. The old man looked at it, and gradually his face became serious.After reading all of them, Jia Lu heaved a long sigh.

This Guo Zixing is simply shameless. In the letter, his words are humble, saying that he only asks for a place of size and accommodates an old body.If the virtuous son-in-law does not accept him, there will be no place to bury him!

Jia Lu frowned and said, "Marshal Guo still has more than 1 soldiers and horses. Now we have just rectified, and there are more than [-] thousand households, which have begun to take shape. If Marshal Guo wants to come, people will inevitably flutter, and there is Marshal Guo, with him around , I’m afraid it’s not easy to handle!”

Zhu Yuanzhang lamented and was annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

"It's still the same sentence, no matter what, he is our benefactor. If we know he is in trouble and we don't even take him in, what will the big guys think of us?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked back.

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