First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 433

"Zhang Xiang, please hurry up and give orders. The official is really worried, as if someone has covered him with a big vat, and he can't touch the south, east, west, and north!"

Zhang Ximeng laughed loudly, "Don't be too modest, it's not like you don't know anything about the affairs of the imperial court... The Salt Transport Envoy has an accident, so many people are afraid, and where they are afraid, you should know something about it, right?"

Wang Guangyang hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhang, the salt interest is very important. Over the years, some people have been promoting cronies and placing them among them. After checking the salt transport envoy's office, no one knows who will be implicated. All senior officials in the court are in danger. "

Zhang Ximeng nodded, "This is one of them, then do you know why you can recommend and promote cronies?"

Wang Guangyang was taken aback for a moment, but said honestly, "Please give advice to Zhang Xiang."

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "This is the problem at the beginning of the country. Everything was new. Even if the imperial examinations were held early, it would be difficult for those young people who only read sage books to quickly become familiar with the government. But there are so many government affairs, and things are very complicated. We must rely on According to the recommendation, arrange some capable officials and let them handle the important government affairs."

These few words actually explained Li Shanchang's situation.

Do you think Lao Li is really that sinful?

That's not the case, the problem is that as a prime minister, it is his duty to recommend and discover talents.This group of people were all recommended by Lao Li, and the grace of knowing each other is more important than anything else.

You must know that decades later, the chief examiner of the imperial examination will be able to gain a lot of loyal students just by writing the word "选中" on the paper.

Like Li Shanchang, he didn't even need to take the imperial examination, and he was assigned an important official position with just one sentence.Those who have received grace, who dare not to regard Li Shanchang as the benefactor's parents!

Li Shanchang doesn't need to form a party for personal gain at all, because there are too many people around Li Shanchang.

There is another interesting thing here. Is the person arranged by Li Shanchang a jerk?

Really not, it was arranged by Li Shanchang. I dare not say that he is 100% competent as a minister, but at least he is competent for his job and can do a good job in government affairs.

Otherwise, these years of fighting the world would not be so smooth.

So this is where Wang Guangyang's troubles lie, "Zhang Xiang, I know that Fan Guang. When the Central Plains fought, he sent 100 million taels of silver to a government office. In terms of ability, he can definitely be called a cadre. Naturally, He is greedy for ink, and it is his own fault. What is wrong with the officials now is that it is right to raise such a big prison to punish corrupt officials. But if it affects the court and makes more mistakes, will they be held accountable again? The crime of man? Also, it caused chaos in the government, and many government affairs cannot be implemented, and I am afraid that there will be endless troubles!"

Wang Guangyang thought about it and said: "Master Zhang, you have a thorough understanding of the court situation, can you give me some advice on how to deal with this matter?"

Zhang Ximeng nodded slightly, "You are right. Li Xiang didn't recommend many mediocre people. This group of people are very capable... But it is precisely because of their outstanding ability and coincident with the start-up of the country that they are bold and ambitious. Confidant, greedy for ink, there is nothing you dare not do!"

Wang Guangyang was stunned again!

What does it mean to wake up the dreamer with one word!Zhang Ximeng's skill is definitely strong enough.

Li Shanchang was able to recommend hundreds of officials, and those Shangshu Shilang Yanyun envoys could also recommend their own people. They came down layer by layer, and each of them had considerable power.

This is beyond the imagination of Ming officials in later generations.

Even Zhang Juzheng, who is known as the regent, can't compare at all.He still needs to rely on eunuchs for help, does Li Shanchang need to care about eunuchs?

Powerful, powerful, courageous, and ambitious.

So when you become greedy for ink, you will be unscrupulous.

And there are too many people who are eager to try, want to replace Li Shanchang, and want to be promoted one step higher.

This is the complexity of the current court situation.

"If you want to ask me how I see the current situation... a group of officials with a background in imperial examinations needs to be promoted. They come out of the imperial examinations through examinations. Naturally, they don't have to obey their benefactors. In their eyes, His Majesty's status is They are more important, and they care more about the laws and regulations of the country. This does not mean that the people who come out of the imperial examination are perfect, at least they are more disciplined than those people now."

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "When you come to Beijing this time, you must remember the most important point. You are selecting talents for His Majesty and doing things for His Majesty. You are just a tool in His Majesty's hands. You want to take back Weifu for the Lord. Establish rules for the officialdom. As long as this is done, there is nothing to worry about."

Wang Guangyang was silent for a long time, and finally understood Zhang Ximeng's meaning. He nodded vigorously, engraved in his heart, and even slept very soundly in the second half of the night.

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Guangyang boarded a boat, crossed the Yangtze River, and arrived in Yingtian calmly.

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately summoned Wang Guangyang, and the monarch and his ministers talked for almost an hour. It is said that during the conversation, Zhu Yuanzhang smiled for the first time in many days. His Majesty the Emperor made an exception and left Wang Guangyang for dinner.I praised him again, he has done a good job in Henan, it is simply a blessing.

Then Zhu Yuanzhang issued an order to add Wang Guangyang as the deputy prime minister, to participate in political affairs, and to be the minister of the Ministry of officials.

Chapter 6 and Four Alternate Old and New

Wang Guangyang was appointed to participate in political affairs, and concurrently served as the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. He was in charge of the election of the Ministry of Officials with the honor of the Deputy Prime Minister.

Moreover, he surpassed Hu Weiyong and Yang Xian in one leap, and instantly became very popular.

It also coincides with this juncture when everyone is in danger, there are too many people who want to curry favor with Wang Guangyang and ask for asylum.

But what is surprising is that Wang Guangyang closed the door and saw no outsiders.

He stayed at home for three days, familiarizing himself with the dossiers. On the fourth day, Wang Guangyang arrived at the Ministry of Education.

This day coincided with the gathering of officials from Zhongshu Province, even Zhu Sheng, Hu Weiyong, Yang Xian and others also arrived, but they only nodded with Wang Guangyang and said nothing else.

Among all the senior officials in Shangshu, only Mao Gui chatted enthusiastically with Wang Guangyang.

Among all the ministers, Mao Gui was the most unrestrained and at ease. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs he was in charge of did not have much contact with the country. Because it was a newly formed yamen, there were not many people. They were mainly responsible for understanding the situation from the outside world and formed a department of their own.

He didn't care about the changes in the court at all, and Wang Guangyang had a few times as an envoy to the Han and Song Dynasties, and there was still a little friendship between Wang Guangyang and Mao Gui.

The two chatted happily.

"It takes a lot of courage to clean up the mess!"

Wang Guangyang chuckled, "I'm just doing my best, and I can't talk about anything else. If you want to clean up the mess, that's not something I can do."

Mao Gui raised his eyelids slightly, "That's right, it's just that this situation is really difficult to deal with. One or two people may not be able to handle it."

"Then carry it together." Wang Guangyang said with a smile: "I hope my brother will help you when the time comes."

Mao Gui nodded, "I will definitely do my best."

The two quickly formed an alliance, and Li Shanchang had already arrived. He hadn't seen him for a few days, and Li Shanchang was visibly aging, especially at the temples, with a lot of gray hair.

He scanned the entire audience, only missing him for a few days, and he lost several acquaintances. He really is in the officialdom and can't help himself!

"Sit everyone!"

Li Shanchang let everyone sit down, and then said with a wry smile: "These days, the salt affairs are shocking. More than a thousand corrupt officials have been uncovered, and more than ten thousand accomplices. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there has never been such a big case! It's really frenzied and angry. !"

When everyone listened to Li Shanchang's words, they all lowered their heads slightly, their expressions were solemn, and they didn't dare to say more.

Li Shanchang said again: "The old man is the first one. He employs improper people, makes mistakes in recommendation, indulges traitors, enters the court as an official, harms the country and the people, betrays the emperor at the top, and harms the people at the bottom. The crime is serious, and he should plead guilty to His Majesty. Either dismissed from office, or The distribution is all thanks to His Majesty Hong En."

The prime minister is ready to resign, and he is a little bit overwhelmed, and the situation has come to this point!

The rest of the people became even more panicked, and the atmosphere became a little more depressed.

Li Shanchang changed the subject and said: "Even so, the government cannot be neglected. The national economy and the people's livelihood, and the importance of the country are all on our shoulders. At this moment, we must be careful and repay the grace of God." Turning his gaze to Wang Guangyang, he squeezed out a smile.

"Wang Shenzheng was ordered to return to Beijing, and he has the trust of His Majesty. If he is promoted to participate in politics, he must have a good opinion." Li Shanchang said with a smile.

Wang Guangyang nodded slightly, and hurriedly said: "President Li has been promoted... Let me say that the salt business has developed to this day, and the disadvantage lies in the employment. How do you say that?"

Wang Guangyang subconsciously straightened his back, looked at everyone and said: "Salt is the fundamental thing of people's livelihood, and it is also the source of the country's annual income. It is so important that we must select people with both ability and integrity, so that we can not harm the country and the people. There should be rules and regulations, and things should be done according to the rules. Officials' entry, promotion, daily evaluation, and selection of key positions must all stand scrutiny and avoid private transfers."

Wang Guangyang continued: "However, when a country is first established, there are many rules, but they forget to implement them. They just assign important tasks according to personal likes and dislikes. They only give and receive in private, and there is only a benefactor in their hearts. There is no emperor, let alone national laws and regulations. Not to mention the common people."

"It's not just that the salt transportation made the Yamen like this, but the rest of the government did not give up too much. It is really a great national evil. If it cannot be eradicated as soon as possible, I am afraid that the next big prison will not be far away."

Wang Guangyang's words became more and more serious, and many people had thorns on their buttocks, and they couldn't sit still.

Promising middle-aged Hu Weiyong and Yang Xian were even more shocked... Wang Guangyang was obviously ordered by the emperor to clean up the mess.

I thought he would go on a killing spree to meet Zhu Yuanzhang's goal in exchange for the emperor's favor.

But Wang Guangyang talked about rules and employing people as soon as he came up. What kind of routine is this?

Moreover, from Wang Guangyang's words, he could hear something of Zhang Ximeng's taste. What is the plan of that King Lu who is still in Beiping?

This is the first time for these two confident guys to encounter a situation that they can't understand.

If you kill Li Shanchang, you can replace him, continue to promote your own power, and order civil and military... Now it seems that it is wishful thinking and a complete miscalculation.

"The township party, in-laws, and old ministries, nepotism, and private giving and receiving, this is the root of all problems... The country is the country of your majesty, and the world is the world of all people. Uphold the public heart and select talents for the country. We are all humble You must not be self-righteous as a public weapon, Weifu is self-professional! Otherwise, it will inevitably lead to disaster!"

Good guy, Zhang Ximeng has too much taste.

Li Shanchang had already guessed that this man must have talked to Zhang Ximeng, or at least guessed what Zhang Ximeng meant, so he talked about it.

"Wang Canzheng, every sentence you say is wise and famous. We must be cautious in our words and deeds, so as to prevent erroneous things from happening... Look at the present, how should we deal with it?"

Wang Guangyang said: "Li Xiang, the next official has been appointed Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and there is still a vacancy in the Ministry of Household Affairs... The emperor's original intention was to let the ministers nominate them. I think it is better for the big guys to recommend a few suitable candidates. Not too few, no matter how three Five people, write down their strengths and weaknesses, and then submit them together to His Majesty for the emperor to choose."

Li Shanchang was slightly taken aback, and immediately said: "This method is good, I agree, everyone, let's talk about it, who can take over as the new Minister of the Household Department?"

Just after Li Shanchang finished speaking, Zhu Sheng suddenly said, "There is a big problem in the household department at the moment. To clean up the situation, we need competent people. It is best to have little relationship with the original people. They can make drastic changes and reorganize the household department. , clean up corrupt officials, restore finances and taxes, don’t forget that Beiping is still fighting, and the supply of military supplies is not a small amount, if the Ministry of Households cannot be put into operation as soon as possible, and it harms the country and the people, I’m afraid it will be even more guilty.”

The power of these few words is still very great. A few people who wanted to recommend candidates all shut their mouths. If the recommendation is not appropriate, accidents will happen.

Everyone was silent for a long time, and Hu Weiyong suddenly said: "I propose that the servant of the tax department, Hang Qi, take over."

This guy openly recommended his subordinates, which surprised everyone, Hu Weiyong, do you not understand human speech?

It seems that this is the case, Hu Weiyong said to himself: "Hang Qi is a clean and honest official. He has done a lot in tidying up the Ganjiang trade route and collecting commercial taxes and tariffs. Let him take over the household department, and he will definitely live up to everyone's expectations!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Weiyong closed his mouth.

The rest of the people were a little surprised, and they also began to think about it. At any rate, Hu Weiyong made a good start, and it seemed that it would not be so embarrassing after that.

Yang Xian thought it over and said: "I propose that Zhu Zhao, the chief envoy of Liangzhe, take over the household department. He has supplied military supplies over the years and has never made a mistake. He is familiar with the government affairs of the household department and is also a local official and capable minister."

The two of them recommended candidates, Li Shanchang didn't mean to speak, and the rest of the important officials didn't seem to have the heart to choose.

It seems that we have to choose one of these two intermediates.

But at this moment, Mao Gui suddenly said, "Since we want to nominate a few more for the emperor to choose, to show publicity. I will nominate Luo Furen, the governor of Huguang!"

Wang Guangyang immediately said, "Why him?"

Mao Gui smiled, "I'm afraid I don't need to say this reason... After Chen Youliang was destroyed, Huguang was devastated by war, people's livelihood was in decline, and the people could not make a living. Luo Furen proposed emigrating from Jiangxi to enrich Huguang, and personally handled the immigration matters. In the past few years, he has worked hard and contributed to restoring the people's livelihood in Huguang. Now the household department is a mess, let him take over the household department, or restore order, and give His Majesty an explanation as soon as possible."

Wang Guangyang nodded slightly, and then said to Li Shanchang: "Li Xiang, let's hand in the resumes of these three people, and let His Majesty judge!"

Li Shanchang looked at the others again, and there was indeed no more suitable one.

Li Shanchang nodded, "This time, the selection of talents is based on public recommendation, and there is no selfless giving and receiving, and only relatives. Who among the three will win depends on the emperor's decision... This old man thinks that this method is very good. In the future, it is possible to select talents for the country. Do it this way!"

The ministers pondered over and over again, but they had nothing to say, and then the results of this discussion were sent up.

A few days later, Lao Zhu's decree came down. Among the three, Luo Furen was selected and promoted to Minister of the Household Department, and he was asked to go to Beijing immediately to organize the Household Department, and he was asked not to delay the collection of autumn grain.

Due to the tight schedule and heavy burden, Luo Furen was not at all relaxed, and when he got the order, he immediately went to Beijing and rushed over.

Originally, Luo Furen thought that after entering Beijing, he still needed to select a group of subordinates to fill the vacancies before he could run the government affairs, but after he entered Beijing, he found that the vacant officials in the household department had been filled.

It turned out that after the Minister of the Ministry of Households was elected, the Ministry of Officials immediately contacted Menxia Province to select a group of young civil officials with high evaluation.It is worth mentioning that this group of civil servants has generally passed the imperial examination and has been trained in the local area for many years.

They are not very big officials, and it is not bad to be able to be the county magistrate or the chief bookkeeper, and many of them are just clerks... Since Zhang Ximeng advocated the liberalization of the imperial examination and increased the number of admissions, the result is that the people who passed the imperial examination did not start well. Most of them have been lingering below for several years, some even for almost ten years.

Today, they should also take a step up.

Soon, below the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, more than 80 civil officials were filled in the various official departments.It turned out that the vacancy caused by the wanton arrests was quickly filled.

The big prison that Zhu Yuanzhang set off did not cause much trouble, it is really dumbfounding...

Chapter 6 and Five Ten Years of Achievement

Zhang Ximeng was in Yangzhou, and Zhu Yuanzhang had invited him to clean up the mess, but since Zhang Ximeng recommended Wang Guangyang, he hadn't done much.

I just occasionally find time to wander around the streets of Yangzhou.

Go to Guazhou Ferry to have a look, go to the business store, the tavern and the tea stand, Zhang Ximeng will not let it go.After shopping for most of the day, he usually writes down the prices of the commodities in his mind into a detailed list, and then arranges for people to send them to Yingtian.

From the beginning to the end, that's what Zhang Ximeng did.

Then in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, there was a pile of price lists, one day after another... At first glance, nothing could be found, but after more than ten consecutive days, an obvious curve could be seen.

Especially salt, it is even more obvious.

Yangzhou City was the first place to sell salt relying on Changping warehouse, and it was also the first place to stop.

Afterwards, the new salt law was implemented, and prices were lowered one after another in various places. Yangzhou was indifferent, and even seemed to rise against the market... Until Zhu Yuanzhang issued an order to arrest people and copy the transshipment envoy of the Lianghuai Capital, there was movement in Yangzhou.

The price of salt did not fall, but rose upwards, reaching the sky-high price of [-] cents a catty, almost doubled.

Afterwards, more than a dozen salt merchants were arrested and escorted directly to Yingtian.

Along with the arrest of the salt merchant, there were also Yangzhou officials, a total of more than [-] people, who were also escorted to Yingtian.

Now Yangzhou City is silent.

It turns out that there is really a force that can attack the stubborn salt merchant group, and everyone is waiting to see.

Then the salt was sent to Yangzhou. It turned out that several officials in the Changping warehouse were responsible for selling the salt.

Like Yingtian, they are all seven coins.

The long-awaited Yangzhou people came to line up one after another. The big guys greeted their friends, helped the old and the young, and rushed to Changping warehouse.

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