First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 42

Chapter 62 The Zhu Group was established

Guo Zixing took the initiative to add an official to Zhu Yuanzhang. No need to ask, he must have encountered difficulties that he could not solve.

Needless to say, this Marshal Guo has the ability to beat a good hand.

Zhu Yuanzhang rescued him earlier, so it stands to reason that this guy learned his lesson and is honest, just rest and recuperate.But he was not reconciled, and wanted to take revenge.

Therefore, Guo Zixing and Peng Da joined forces to attack Xuyi and expand their influence so as to suppress Zhao Junyong.

Unfortunately, Guo Zixing suffered a bloodbath again and suffered heavy losses. The number of troops under his command has dropped from more than 2 to more than 1. Let alone comparing with Zhao Junyong, even Sun Deya is stronger than him.

Guo Zixing fully interpreted four words: people are addicted to vegetables.

Everyone has a bright moment. Perhaps capturing Haozhou was the pinnacle of his life. Since then, he has been in a state of decline, and he cannot be saved.

Zhu Yuanzhang also thought about it, he was too lazy to wipe Guo Zixing's butt.

Since he saved his life last time, he no longer owes Guo Zixing anything. If he wants to rely on an official position, let him work hard, which is to underestimate Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Whether the official position of the governor is given or not, let's issue orders in the name of the guardian... What do you think, sir?"

Zhang Ximeng was overjoyed, nodded his head hastily, and gave Zhu Yuanzhang two thumbs up, "My lord, this method is absolutely impossible! In fact, the official position of Zhenfushi was established between the Song and Song Dynasties, and it is very important to control the military, political and financial power of a place. Yue Wu Mu will be the guardian envoy of Tong and Tai. Now that the lord occupies Dingyuan, he is already the leader of one side, and it is logical that he will be ruled by the order of the envoy."

Zhang Ximeng felt that it was absolutely impossible for Xiang Pengda and Zhao Jun to use that kind of eagerness to become king.

But it's too humble to always be the head of the nine husbands.When others ask, what is the official position?Let’s just say it’s the chief nine, can you open your mouth?

It would be appropriate to replace it with a pacifier, and Lao Zhu also thought so, and the two hit it off.

It's just that Zhang Ximeng soon realized that even though he was just a pacification envoy, it was a sign that Lao Zhu wanted to build his own civil and military team, and began to be serious and strive for supremacy in the world.

It may have been said to be earth-shattering, but it is destined to be recorded in history.

Maybe others don't know, but Zhang Ximeng is very sure... Any team cannot avoid seniority.

It's the same with Lao Zhu.

Who is the most senior?

Undoubtedly, Zhang Ximeng ranked first, and Tang He followed Zhu Yuanzhang to guard Kaifeng, disdainful of everyone else.The rest of Fei Ju, as well as Xu Da and other fellow villagers recruited by Lao Zhu himself, belonged to the same class. Even if they belonged to the original shareholders, Li Shanchang could barely squeeze into this rank.

But other than these people, if other people want to occupy a place, it will be very difficult, and they must make unparalleled contributions.

In fact, Chang Yuchun is like this. He hasn't joined Lao Zhu's group yet, so he is undoubtedly a junior. .

On the contrary, Liu Bowen, who had a great reputation among the people, did not join him until after Zhu Yuanzhang crossed the river.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Li Shanchang was the head of the duke, and Liu Bowen was the bottom of the earl...the two men made a difference in the entire list of titles, and I don't know how they fought each other?

It can only be said that some works disregard even basic common sense, and they are the real model of cool writing.

"My lord, I think that the appointment of an official this time has a lot to do with it... How to arrange the official position must not be sloppy. This matter must be decided by the lord himself." Zhang Ximeng suggested earnestly.

Old Zhu's face was serious, and he understood Zhang Ximeng's meaning, but Old Zhu frowned tightly, wondering: "Sir, you let us print and divide the land evenly. We are not afraid of hardship. But let us appoint civil and military officials and arrange official positions." ... It's not that we don't know how to do it, but we're afraid of making people laugh. How about this, sir, come up with a plan, and we'll discuss it later."

Zhu Yuanzhang is not afraid of hardship or tiredness, but the system design is not that simple.It stands to reason that Li Shanchang can also do this, but how could Zhu Yuanzhang trust Li Shanchang?

Zhang Ximeng is still caring!

"Since that's the case, I'll do what I can!"

Zhang Ximeng took over this heavy task, and the news spread like wildfire. Zhu Yuanzhang's subordinates couldn't help but want to spy on the news to see what position they could get...

Quietly, Zhu Yuanzhang had more than [-] soldiers and horses!

The expansion rate is quite amazing.

And these subordinates are also divided into several factions... The earliest Haozhou old people followed Zhu Yuanzhang to Linhuai Town. They belonged to the Linhuai faction. They were the first to follow Zhu Yuanzhang. They were powerful, well-equipped, and belonged to the core.

Then there are fellow villagers recruited by Lao Zhu himself. Although there are only a few hundred of them, they are Lao Zhu's confidants and the core of the core.

In addition to these two groups of people, the surrendered soldiers from Lvpaizhai and Hengjian Mountain were the largest in number, exceeding 5000. In addition, after the land was divided, the young and strong who volunteered to join the army made Lao Zhu The total strength of the army exceeded [-] people.

Just looking at this number is enough to make Guo Zixing, who only has more than 1 people left, feel ashamed.

You have to live like Lao Zhu, and get stronger and stronger.

It's just that if there are too many people, people's hearts will become complicated. If there is no proper management system and the chaos continues, no amount of troops will help.

This is something that cannot be delayed. After three days passed, Lao Zhu summoned his men and martial arts to gather together.

After a brief exchange of greetings, everyone sat down one after another, looking forward to it.

Zhang Ximeng held a list and took a step forward. At this moment, all eyes were on him.Enjoying the collective gaze of the nobles of Huaixi in the future, Zhang Ximeng couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

The list in his hand is not an ordinary list, it is simply a list of gods!

A scene related to the future destiny of countless people is coming!

Zhang Ximeng met everyone's gaze and scanned the audience. Finally, he coughed, cleared his throat, and said, "My lord, let' about the civil servants first?"

Tang, Xu Da and others all rolled their eyes. If you want to say what the civil servants are looking at us for, it will make everyone frightened... What can the civil servants say, you must be the leader!

But they thought wrongly, "My lord, in the Southern Song Dynasty, there was a councilor under the governor...Mr. Li is familiar with government affairs, mature and prudent, and a rare talent. It's up to him!"

Li Shan was taken aback. Ever since he knew that Zhang Ximeng was in charge of assigning positions, his mood had declined.

It's over, it's over!

Zhang Ximeng must seize power, but he was suppressed by a young man!

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ximeng actually gave up the first place in the Senate to Li Shanchang.

"Mr. Zhang, this, this is inappropriate..." Li Shanchang hurriedly waved his hands.

But Zhang Ximeng said seriously: "Mr. Li, that's not what I mean. My lord thinks so too. You are indeed much more suitable than me. I'm in charge of writing convenient characters and handling paperwork. Mrs. Jia will be my assistant. At the same time, he is also responsible for giving lectures to the Lord.”

The three civil servants are assigned clearly.

So far, Li Shanchang also understood the specific arrangement.

He is somewhat similar to Zhu Yuanzhang, the chief administrative officer of the team, responsible for all affairs other than military affairs.Zhang Ximeng was ranked after Li Shanchang, but he was in charge of writing for Zhu Yuanzhang, and belonged to the trusted secretary.

As for Jia Lu, Cuncui is just a consultant.

Anyway, based on his past, he would not be rare for this kind of official position that is close to acting like a family.

The three civil servants have been arranged properly, and the next is the generals.

"Under the Zhenfu envoy, the highest official position is Qianhu, and there is no official position above Wanhu for the time being... The number one ranked Qianhu is Tanghe!"

When this old Zhu joined the army, he was the honor of a thousand households. After so much, from Guo Zixing to Zhu Yuanzhang, he is still a thousand households. Could it be that he has tossed a loneliness?

This is not the case, Tanghe, the Qianhu, ranked first, with the most veterans and the best equipment. All soldiers are equipped with armor, and they are veritable elite soldiers!

It can be called the absolute main force of Zhu Yuanzhang's subordinates.

"Please rest assured, the last general is absolutely loyal, and I have entrusted this life to the superior!"

Tang He knelt down on one knee and thanked Zhu Yuanzhang for his kindness. After standing up, he also gave Zhang Ximeng a grateful look. There is no doubt that Zhang Ximeng contributed to his ranking in the first place.

After Tanghe, Zhang Ximeng continued to read, the second thousand households were given to Fei Ju, and the third thousand households were Xu Da!

When Zhang Ximeng said to Xu Da, he glanced at him and found that Xu Da's face was normal, he didn't care at all, and even took it for granted.

He is closer to Zhu Yuanzhang, but Fei Ju did join him earlier, and he has made a lot of contributions.What the army valued was ability, and there was no need for him to compete with Fei Ju. If he had ability and made great contributions, he would naturally be able to surpass him.

As expected of being the No.1 general of Ming Dynasty in the future, he is the best choice for his demeanor and heart.

Zhang Ximeng went on to study, Lu Zhongheng, Li Xincai, Tang Shengzong, Zheng Yuchun, Guo Ying, Guo Xing...all of them became thousands of households and were satisfied.

It's just that the thousand households ranked tenth and below are all commanded by surrendered soldiers from Hengjian Mountain and other places. Although the number is similar, their combat power is much lower.

However, there are exceptions, that is, Hua Yun, Wu Liang and Wu Zhen. They were appointed as cavalry Qianhu. Although they are Qianhu, each of them only commands [-] Mongolian cavalry.

There is no way, who made it too expensive to raise cavalry, that's the only way to go.

The team of Zhu Yuanzhang Group has begun to take shape!

For a while, the big guys were so angry that they could not wait to have a big fight right away and let them show their skills!

And just at this time, a pair of brothers came rushing from Miaoshan.

"The villain Feng Guoyong (Feng Guosheng) pays his respects to General Zhu! Chuzhou is empty, and it is a good time to attack!"

Chapter 63 Strategist

Feng Guo wears Confucianism crown and Confucianism clothing, full of bookishness, judging from his appearance, he looks more like a scholar.But in fact, this person is already the leader of one side.

As early as the rise of the Red Scarf, he and his brother Feng Guosheng gathered hundreds of people to occupy Miaoshan and build a stronghold to protect themselves.

During the period, they also attacked several times, trying to expand the territory, and made some achievements.

However, not everyone can be the protagonist. The battle of the Feng family brothers is not going well, and they repeatedly run into walls.

It just so happened that at this time, Zhu Yuanzhang promoted the equalization of land, broke through Hengjian Mountain, and gained a great reputation. After discussing with his subordinates and relatives, the Feng family brothers decided to take the initiative to seek refuge.

After Zhu Yuanzhang listened to what the two brothers said, he nodded.

"If you are willing to take refuge, we naturally welcome it... But we want to make one thing clear to you, we don't just want anyone."

Feng Guoyong was stunned, and immediately said: "Returning to General Zhu, I have read some military books, and I am proficient in bow and horse martial arts. My brother is even more brave and invincible. Doesn't it mean that General Zhu thinks that we have been defeated repeatedly, so he despises us?" I wait?"

"No!" Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand, "That's not what we mean... There are several rules in our army. According to you, the family has a lot of property, so it may not be able to get along with us. If you don't make it clear in advance, I'm afraid there will be Misunderstand."

As Lao Zhu said, he glanced at the people next to him and told them to call Zhang Ximeng.

Right now Zhang Ximeng's identity is very interesting... He nominally ranks behind Li Shanchang, but Li Shanchang can only be responsible for farmland taxation, local governance, food and military equipment, etc., but he can't intervene in the military personnel, so he can't control the military power with this gang characters collusion.

Zhang Ximeng didn't like to talk to these generals either, and kept a polite distance from them.

But the problem is that the army needs to implement military regulations, formulate detailed regulations, and coordinate various contradictions...Of course the big things are Lao Zhu's responsibility, but Zhang Ximeng is responsible for the rest.

And what's interesting is that this major event is also flexible, and the appointment of personnel is naturally in charge of Lao Zhu.But the standard of meals for each meal, eating meat once every few days, military uniforms, how many sets of clothes can be given, military appearance, eating and drinking... It all depends on Zhang Ximeng's wishes.

In addition, many people were named by Zhang Ximeng, and Zhang Ximeng announced the position arrangement, so some people called Zhang Ximeng "Small Town Fu" in private, and his status was extremely high.

This made Zhang Ximeng hesitate a little, don't get yourself into trouble... He told Ma Shi euphemistically, but Ma Shi actually laughed.

"Mr. Xiao, in this position, you can still tell me. If it were someone else, I'm afraid I'd be cheating. You don't have to worry, I'll make it clear to Chongba. If he can be busy, Just hand it over to him and let him work day and night... If he can't do it, you can help him share it, which is much better than others."

With Ma Shi's words, Zhang Ximeng was relieved.

It is said that by marrying a wife and a virtuous person, Lao Zhu can get Ma Shi, a virtuous housemate, and he has taken a big advantage.

In addition to being able to persuade Lao Zhu, Mrs. Ma is also responsible for the production of military uniforms and quilts, making combat boots for soldiers, managing the military medical center, and even helping some veterans lead red lines and get married.

All in all, Mrs. Ma is like Lao Zhu's other half, using tender means to win people's hearts and ensure the health of this rapidly developing group.

"We are lucky to have the help of a young talent...that is Mr. Zhang, named Zhang Ximeng." Zhu Yuanzhang introduced enthusiastically.

Feng Guoyong was taken aback when he heard the name, as if he had heard it somewhere before, he stood up, and after saluting Zhang Ximeng, he suddenly said, "Do you know Mr. Yunzhuang?"

Zhang Ximeng said in a low voice, "That's my uncle."

Feng Guoyong was surprised again, so why do you call it this name, so you are not afraid of offending your ancestors?

Zhu Yuanzhang explained with a smile: "Mr. Feng is a scholar after all, and Mr. Yunzhuang is indeed a rare good official... Prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people suffer! Thinking of the common people, he is righteous! It's a pity that Mr. Yunzhuang is unable to recover Mr. Zhang died of illness and took office. Mr. Zhang's father gave him this name in order to let him remember the lessons learned by Mr. Yunzhuang. Under his account, he followed our vulgar man to fight north and south."

If the original intention is to be in the countryside, not seeking to become an official in the court and become famous all over the world, it doesn't matter what it is called... It's just from Zhu Yuanzhang's tone that he respects Mr. Zhang in front of him very much, but the question is, can this person be 15 years old?

What kind of knowledge does such a young person have?

Feng Guoyong couldn't help hesitating, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Zhang Ximeng didn't say anything. He sat down and chatted a few words. Feng Guoyong tried to test Zhang Ximeng, and said: "Mr. Zhang, some time ago, I heard that Chuzhou was empty, so I united some rebels and wanted to capture Chuzhou. , and was defeated by the young men recruited by the magistrate, and suffered heavy losses...Sir, I still can't figure out why the people would rather follow the Tartars than help the rebels?"

When this matter was mentioned, Feng Guosheng, who was silent on the side, was also very angry. They had already bought businessmen in the city and wanted to cooperate with the outside world, but not only failed, but he was also injured and almost lost his life. It is really hateful!

After Zhang Ximeng heard it, he was not surprised at all.

"Captain Feng, why do the people prefer to follow the Tartars rather than you? Now I would like to ask, why do the people follow you instead of the court?"

"The imperial court?" Feng Guoyong stared at him, "The imperial court lost its morality and acted perversely. It is already the anger of the heavens and the people's grievances. Shouldn't you know the time?"

Zhang Ximeng couldn't help laughing, "Boss Feng, what you said is correct, but what does it have to do with the common people?"

Feng Guoyong frowned and asked in confusion, "Is it okay?"

"It's true that the world is in chaos, but if the common people rise up against the Yuan court because of this, the emperor's head has already left his neck!" Zhang Ximeng laughed and said, "Just saying that the Yuan court is hateful doesn't make us indomitable and invincible... ...We have to come up with a whole set of methods to prove that we are better than Yuan Ting! We can really make the common people follow us."

"Otherwise, Yuan Ting was driven away, and a group of more bastards came, and they moved from the shit pit to the shit pit. What's the difference? Since they are all the same, it's better to guard the city with the prefect of the court. At least the name is justified, and you don't have to worry about people Rushed into the house and slaughtered wantonly, Chief Feng, do you think this makes sense!"


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