First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 416

5 Chapter Eighty

The iron pot prostrated itself on the ground, crying bitterly, "I am the son of heaven, my son wants to usurp the throne, and my ministers also kill me, husband and wife turn against each other, father and son become enemies, monarch and minister are separated, the country is ruined and the family is destroyed... I, what face do I have to be a great Yuan?" Emperor! What's more, the Great Yuan Dynasty has perished!"

This remark touched everyone's heart, and people like Qingtong and the others simply lowered their heads and wiped away their tears.

Indeed, the iron pot is not easy. He finally overthrew the powerful ministers, broke the curse of the short-lived emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and sat on the dragon chair for decades in one breath.

However, in the past few decades, there have been continuous disasters, and then endless wars and wars.

In the end, he simply lost his country and became a prisoner himself.

In terms of failure, I'm afraid there is nothing worse than him.

It can only be said that the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, who the heaven will forgive.

With such an end in the Yuan Dynasty, it is also to blame.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked down at the iron pot for a long while, then he stretched out his hand to pull up the iron pot and asked someone to bring a chair.

"You sit down first."

Iron pot cried and agreed, and sat opposite Zhu Yuanzhang.

Lao Zhu looked at him and took a deep breath, "It's been three years, but you're the emperor?"

The iron pot was startled, and nodded, "Yes, I, I just brought down Prime Minister Bo Yan, I, I want to make a difference and work hard! I, I don't understand, how could this happen?"

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted softly, "That year there was a drought in Haozhou, and the crops were not harvested. In the next year, there were locust plagues and plagues. Several people in our family died in succession. Both parents died, the elder brother died, and the elder brother died. The nephew also died... The elder sister-in-law took the second nephew back to her mother's house. We buried our parents with the second elder brother, and then parted ways, and he went to be the son-in-law... We, we went to the temple to be a young monk."

Zhu Yuanzhang has talked about his life experience more than once, but when facing the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, telling about this experience and letting the important officials of the former court listen to it is still shocking and unprecedented.

Even though he spoke plainly, Ke Yesu, Qingtong and the others were dumbfounded, with fever on their faces, and they couldn't help lowering their heads.

Home is broken!

With no way out, Zhu Yuanzhang at that time was really miserable.

But who would have thought?

Twenty years later, all the monarchs and ministers of the Yuan Dynasty became captives, and the beggar monk sat on the dragon chair instead, who could decide their fate.

"I, I don't want to do this, it's all, it's all the ministers who misled me!" Tieguo felt guilty and tried to defend himself, but he didn't have the confidence in the end.

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly, "You said that the ministers misunderstood you? The ministers also said that the emperor is fatuous and incompetent, and that the king who subjugates the country will have to blame himself."

The iron pot was terrified and dared not speak up.

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed: "We said this not to tell you how miserable it was at the beginning, and how to revenge now! We want to tell you that if there are three acres of Susukida and a bowl of gruel to live on, the people in the world will not turn against you." However, you monarchs and ministers have committed too many crimes. You are extravagant and greedy, extravagant, and plundering the people. You have found it yourself. We put you here to let you reflect carefully and think clearly own evil deeds."

"Don't think that if someone dies, you can get over it, and don't even think about putting the blame on someone. You are all guilty from top to bottom! No one is an exception! We don't have to kill you, but you have to reflect carefully. Self-examination, try to change your mind and become a newcomer!"

Zhu Yuanzhang reprimanded him a few more words, then got up and left.

It has been several months since he went north to Dadu this time, and now all the emperor and princes of the Yuan Dynasty have been captured, which can be said to be a complete victory.

Zhu Yuanzhang was about to return to Yingtian.

Originally, he wanted to take the jade seal and go back in a hurry.Looking at it now, Yuxi is not as good as Jinyin, and we still have to work harder.

It's just that although Lao Zhu is leaving, the war in the north is not over, so many prisoners need to be dealt with, and there is still Wang Baobao's [-] troops in Shanxi, the people's livelihood is dying, and they need to restore their livelihoods.

So many things, all added up, someone has to be able to handle the big picture properly.

"Sir, we've thought about it. We're going to change the capital to Peiping. Mr. will be temporarily in charge of Beiping's left-behind, controlling civil and military affairs, and taking charge of government affairs."

Old Zhu was quite emotional, "We always say that we can live without meat for a day, but we can't be without a husband for a day. However, there are so many things in the world, and we don't trust others, and we don't have the ability to do so, so we have to trouble the husband."

Zhang Ximeng thought for a while, and then said: "My lord, I think that the next step is to find a way to appease the remnants of the Yuan army in Liaodong, establish a military station in Yanshan, sell the salt in Changlu, and then drive Wang Baobao out of Shanxi... These things All in all, it's only a year or so away, and there will be some prospects... At that time, the lord can send important ministers to the north, just to replace the ministers. To be honest, the ministers are still willing to respond to the sky earlier, and that kid Shu Ning will probably be able to speak. If you don't care about it, it's too late."

Old Zhu nodded subconsciously, what he said was correct, but it seemed that his family Zhu Di was hopeless, what a worry!

"Since that's the case, then we won't stay any longer. I'll leave the matter of Peiping to my husband."

Zhang Ximeng nodded, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will do my best to make the north peaceful."

After the monarch and his ministers had finished their explanations, Zhu Yuanzhang took advantage of the four-year winter of Hongwu to return to Yingtian... Finally, at the end of the year, he returned to the palace where he had been away for a long time.

When Empress Ma saw Zhu Yuanzhang, she said a few words, and couldn't help but said: "I've heard about the Chuanguo Yuxi. Mr. Zhang tried his best to scratch your face. You don't know what to do. What kind of fake jade seal, are you ashamed?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's old face was flushed, "We, we didn't study too little, didn't have a good knowledge, didn't we want to understand! Also, it's Yang Xian who is to blame, it's him, he is bewitching the saint, and he has ulterior motives, and we are going to punish him!"

Empress Ma laughed and said, "What are you punishing? I heard that Mr. Li has been ill recently, and Yang Xian is responsible for the affairs of Zhongshu Province. Now the government and the opposition are saying that he will definitely take over as the left minister. "

"Who said that? How much face can you give him to surpass Mr. Zhang? Isn't this nonsense?"

Mrs. Ma chuckled lightly and said, "How did I hear that King Lu's rank is too high to be the prime minister?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly snorted angrily: "We know that as long as we are not in the capital, there are some things that make trouble and want to make some noise! ​​Spreading rumors about Mr. Zhang and bullying Mr. Li, the surname in this world is Yang!" ?”

Old Zhu was furious, and immediately said: "Call Yang Xian here now, let's ask him carefully, what is his intention!"

Empress Ma laughed again, "Chongba, you're in trouble too. Li Shanchang has been with you for so many years and is the head of civil servants. Is he really no match for Yang Xian?"

Zhu Yuanzhang calmed down a little, and suddenly realized what the problem was.

He thought and thought, and suddenly slapped his forehead, "What did you say that King Lu can't be the prime minister? Did Li Shanchang do it? It's also possible that he deliberately showed weakness and spread rumors in order to secure his position! This guy, isn't it?" nice one!"

Empress Ma didn't say anything more, just this one incident clearly explained the current complicated court situation.

Zhang Ximeng was granted the title of King of Lu and served as the guard of Beiping. He had withdrawn from Yingtian's court competition for a while.

In front of Li Shanchang, he suffered a serious loss of points among the civil servants, and many people had other thoughts.

This guy Yang Xian can't wait to jump out. Is it because he has a unique vision and is ruthless enough to strike, or is there someone else behind him? Hu Weiyong, Wang Guangyang, and many civil servants, what are they thinking?

For a while, Zhu Yuanzhang had no idea. Usually, at this time, he would subconsciously go to Zhang Ximeng and listen to his opinions, but now that Zhang Ximeng is in Beiping, there is no one for Old Zhu to discuss...

"Chongba, I don't mean to provoke you. You know that I respect Mr. Zhang no less than you. But I'm thinking, this time Mr. is in Beiping, and you are in Yingtian. It's also a contest to see whose The ability to manage is better! Sir, there is a lot of waste waiting to be done, and your side is unpredictable. Each has its own difficulties, and you have to think about it carefully, you can't lose!"

Lao Zhu cheered up this time and began to think.

There are gold and iron horses in governing the country, bold and decisive, but also delicate and careful, like walking on thin ice.

Since you can't see clearly, it's not easy to act rashly.

Lao Zhu returned to Yingtian, rested for a few days, and took the initiative to go to Li Shanchang's mansion to visit the respected Mr. Zuo.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Li Shanchang talked a lot, and finally bid farewell.

Then came the decree, add Li Shanchang Zuo Zhuguo, the Duke of Korea.

Although he was not crowned king, he was promoted to the Duke of Han, which was a big step forward.

More importantly, through this matter, let everyone know that Li Shanchang is still alive, and we still rely on Mr. Li!

Sure enough, after this decree continued, Li Shanchang got up the next day and returned to Zhongshu Province to be on duty.

Not only is his complexion rosy, but his coughing sound is much louder, and his confidence is coming!

Later, Lao Zhu took the opportunity of inspecting hundreds of officials and dismissed more than a dozen censors in one go, and sent them all to Peiping to guard the border.

This time Zhu Yuanzhang did not kill anyone, but between promotion and demotion, he showed the emperor's means.

And by the way, he sent more than a dozen censors to Zhang Ximeng, which can be regarded as sending a courier to Zhang Ximeng.

Are you short of talent?

I'll give you some first, if it's not enough, there will be more.

What else can Zhang Ximeng say besides thanking Lao Zhu for the censor gift bag?

Not long ago, he decided to start a newspaper... The name of the newspaper is Minbenxunbao!

Published once every ten days, mainly publishing some important articles approved by Zhang Ximeng.

The first issue of the Minben Xunbao, the first article on the first edition, is a dialogue between two emperors!

Zhang Ximeng talked about the changes in the past 20 years through the dialogue between Zhu Yuanzhang's visit to the merit camp and the Emperor Dayuan... In the past 20 years, Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne from a cowherd boy.And the Emperor Dayuan changed from being the Ninth Five-Year Supreme to being a prisoner.

People's hearts are the foundation, billions of people have the power to subvert everything.

This is not an illusory destiny, nor is it an invisible and intangible destiny... The people are not afraid of death. When the people are desperate, the imperial power of heaven cannot scare the people.Millions of iron cavalry can't keep the country and the country.

But now the Ming Dynasty is only built on the ruins of the Yuan Dynasty, and it needs everyone to work together.

Zhang Xiang's articles have always been farting from gods... It's just that compared to the high-level content, the big guys want to know the current situation of the Iron Pot Emperor, and some people even go to the merit camp to report on the things here, satisfying Big guy curiosity.

Chapter 581 Zhu Biao Comes

It's another new year, and Zhu Biao is already eleven years old.

At this time, the boy's body will grow taller, draw sticks, and put them in the farmer's house. After two or three years, he will be able to start a family and start a business. Hurry up, marry a wife and have children, and continue the incense. I am afraid that it will delay time. If everything goes well, It is not impossible to be a grandfather at the age of 30.

After all, in this era where the average life expectancy is only 40 to [-] years old, time is especially precious.

For the prince of a country, it seems that he is not in such a hurry.

Zhu Biao is still learning, and what he has to learn is very complicated.

First of all, people from the Hanlin Academy taught him piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, classics and history collections, and standard royal education.On the other side, headed by Gao Qi and others, they are trying their best to teach him the Zhang family's learning, which is to replace Zhang Ximeng and teach the prince.

The set of things Zhang Ximeng talked about is good, but the entire Zhang family's study still lacks very rich content, especially classics like the Four Books and Five Classics.The result is that most of them are dry truths. Zhu Biao can easily memorize the articles, but he may not understand much of the content.

The military generals also hope that His Highness is good at martial arts, so they advocate that Zhu Biao should study martial arts and learn the art of war.

At the same time, Empress Ma also taught Zhu Biao from time to time, asking him to learn some arithmetic, understand some business methods, and understand how the royal workshop works, and he will be inseparable from financial management in the future.

Everything is a good skill, and Zhu Biao also tried his best to learn it.

But these messy things poured into his head together, which made Zhu Biao a little bit unable to handle it.

In addition, Zhu Biao has another worry, that is, as the eldest brother, he has to take care of his brothers... Others can easily say that the fourth brother Zhu Di is simply possessed by a demon star.

Some time ago, I didn’t know where I learned to ride a horse. As soon as I took off my crotch pants, I got a pony and galloped in the palace.

If there were no accidents, there was an accident, and he stuck his head on the ground, which scared Zhu Biao to death.

When he ran over, he pulled Zhu Di up to have a look, this bastard was having fun!

Zhu Biao had no choice but to issue a strict order not to allow Zhu Di to ride a horse.

Seeing that he could no longer ride a horse, Zhu Di started making troubles in the school. Such a little thing can make the teacher helpless.The teacher made some spices to smoke the house, and he could replace them with pepper powder, making the school look like a small barbecue.

He also poured vinegar into the master's wine glass and sprinkled salt into the noodle bowl.

The most outrageous thing is that this guy actually urinated at the entrance of Fengtian Temple when Zhu Yuanzhang came back.

Zhu Yuanzhang was so angry that he wanted to beat someone.

What else can Zhu Biao do, his younger brother can only be pampered!

He protected Zhu Di and blocked Lao Zhu's family law.

Some people say that if Zhu Biao lived a long life, would Zhu Di dare to calm down?

The person who asked this question probably didn't know what Zhu Biao's identity was in front of his younger brothers!

Zhu Di dared to prick him, his ass was blooming!

"You just protect them. Believe it or not, one day when Zhu Di sets Fengtian Hall on fire, you won't allow us to beat him?"

Zhu Biao pouted his neck and said: "It's my fault that you are not a godfather. You led the army to fight against Chahan as soon as the fourth child was born. After more than a year, you came back, and then went to Peiping. When you come back again, the fourth child is almost five years old." How many days have you been with him? How can you blame him for everything? "

Zhu Yuanzhang sneered, "Okay! You can do it! Dare to reason with your father! Didn't you say that it's your fault for not raising your father? Let me also send you a word, it's your fault for not being strict with your teacher! You should go to Peiping immediately to see him." King Lu, let him teach you well!"

Zhu Biao was not afraid of Zhu Yuanzhang, but continued: "Mr. is busy with business, and he is still above the father. He said that the husband has done it, but the boy will not admit it. As for the father who asked the boy to go to Peiping, the boy wants to ask the father. It is justified. I don't know what reason the father used to let the child go to Peiping?"

Hearing his son's plausible words, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but shook his head, "No wonder the fourth child is so naughty! You, the big brother, are covering up all the love! Don't you want to be justified? Well, let me tell you, the reason has already been prepared."

Zhu Yuanzhang crossed his waist and said angrily: "The decree is to add the title of the fourth son of the emperor to be the king of Yan, and he will be in Beiping in the future. Now the prince will go north and take care of the fief for the younger brother temporarily. There must be no mistakes!"

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he stared at Zhu Biao and said with a sneer, "We said this in Shanhaiguan, you won't let the emperor's words be broken, will you?"

Zhu Biao had nothing to refute and could only nod.

"My son complies with the order, but my son is going here. The queen mother is not in good health and needs to be taken care of by the emperor. The younger brothers are young and need to be taken care of by the emperor."

Zhu Yuanzhang took a deep breath, "You don't need to say these things, pack your bags and leave!"


The young Zhu Biao was dispatched to Peiping by the old Zhu. When the news spread, some people were not convinced.For example, someone found Li Zhen, Zhu Yuanzhang's sister-in-law, Zhu Wenzheng's mother...but old Zhu didn't buy it.

And what's even worse is that Empress Ma didn't say anything.

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