First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 411

Of course, this is just a legend. Some people say that Pu Buhua was the first eunuch from outside, which is obviously nonsense.The Mongols conquered so many countries and captured so many people. It is actually a very common phenomenon to use captured slaves as eunuchs.

Just like the eunuchs in the early Ming Dynasty, there were also Mongolian and Semu captives, such as the famous Sanbao eunuch Zheng He, who was born in this way.

As for Pu Buhua, he is more like a dowry, or buy one get one free, which is a gift.

But after this guy arrived in the Yuan court, he was able to get along like a duck in water, and was highly valued, becoming a well-known eunuch who called the wind and rain.

Pu Buhua, Empress Qi, and the crown prince, their iron triangle, can be regarded as causing chaos in the Yuan court. The conflict between the iron pot emperor and the crown prince is almost caused by Pu Buhua and Qi. of.

Originally, Polo Timur took advantage of Chahan being killed and led his troops into Beijing to confess his interests, so he wanted to kill Pu Buhua, who was on the side of the Qing emperor and Zheng Chaogang.

The iron pot is not stupid, what is Qingjun side?

It's just an excuse to cut off his own limbs and wings, so that he can close his eyes and listen, and be a deaf and blind man.Although Pu Buhua is not good, he still has to find a way to keep it safe.

Back and forth, there was a lot of trouble for a long time, just when the iron pot was about to lose its hold, Wang Baobao made a move and killed Polo Timur, thus saving Pu Buhua's life.

And from then on, the eunuch who danced the most happily stopped his banners and drums and devoted himself to serving the Emperor Dayuan. He also wrote a letter to Wang Baobao, claiming to be a slave, expressing that he would change his past mistakes and start a new life.

Then the crown prince and Wang Baobao had a falling out, and they met in battle, but he didn't make any movement.

It seems that he is really going to be a good person.

But not long after, the Ming army entered Dadu, Tieguo fled, Empress Qi, Pu Buhua, and some others also ran to Shangdu.

After arriving in Shangdu, Pu Buhua misses her life in Dadu crazily.

He was stabbed in the early years, and his body was weak. He was most afraid of the cold. There are generally yurts in Shangdu, there is a lack of clean water, and the wind and sand are very heavy.

Pu Buhua was suffering unspeakably. After autumn, it was too cold, he couldn't wash it in time, and there was a lack of precious spices, which made him smell bad. It was really terrible...

At this time, Pu Buhua was looking forward to returning to Dadu and living a comfortable life again.

He collected all kinds of information, questioned those merchants and officials who escaped, inquired about the reality of the Ming army, and looked for any hope that he might return to Dadu.

If you want to recover, we can't say wrong.

But Pu Buhua had some demons. He was very excited when he heard the bad news for Ming Dynasty. If he heard that the Ming Dynasty consolidated the frontiers and the people returned to their hearts, he couldn't bear it, and he was so angry that he almost went crazy.

But no matter how you say it, there is still less good news and more bad news.

Pu Buhua lives in distress all day long, and she is only one step away from going crazy.

And at this time, Lan Yu came in time... As soon as he arrived, he was taken by Pu Buhua's people for questioning. When Lan Yu figured out what the dead eunuch was thinking, he almost laughed out loud.

Don't you want news?


As much as you want!

I can make it up without it!

Facts have proved that Lan Yu's ability to make up stories is even better than Luo Guanzhong!

Really, it’s not to belittle Lao Luo. After all, everyone should pay attention to logic, tell the cause and effect, start and turn, and foreshadow ambush to make the plot reasonable.

But the reality doesn't need it, Lan Yu first made an identity for herself, saying that his mother belongs to the Han family. Since the Khitan period, she has been a big nobleman and a big landlord. The family has 20 acres of fertile land and [-] acres of horse farms, and manages timber. fur business.

The Ming army arrested his family members, and he escaped by luck because he was trafficking goods.

Now Daming is catching powerful landlords everywhere, and the people are full of grievances. Most of them are surrounded by people who are looking forward to the return of the Great Yuan Dynasty.

Lan Yu told Pu Buhua that he had received news one after another, that there were dozens of big families, each with at least a thousand people, and they were all preparing to drive away the Ming Dynasty and welcome back the Great Yuan Sage.

Now there are people from these big families all over Dadu, even in Zhu Yuanzhang's imperial camp, there are many, and they even poisoned Zhu Yuanzhang several times, trying to poison him to death, but unfortunately they all missed, otherwise the Ming Dynasty would have ended long ago.

Facing the news provided by Sapphire, Pu Buhua trembled.

My goodness!

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as what I thought, God is sorry, God is sorry!

It would be great if Zhu Yuanzhang could be poisoned to death!

Pu Buhua immediately found Lan Yu a job as a counselor, and asked them to inquire about news, contact loyal ministers and righteous men, and wait for an opportunity to restore Dayuan.

What else can Lan Yu say, he only meets a few merchants every day, and then shuts himself in the study, trying to make it up...but he can't hold it anymore.

Because Pu Buhua's demand for information was so extreme that he needed a lot of information to tell Empress Ki and the Crown Prince, and then convince the Iron Pot Emperor.

This is no longer intelligence, but a small story updated every day.

A spy who can't write is not a good general.

The person Lan Yu is most grateful to at this moment is Zhang Ximeng.

That's right, if Zhang Ximeng hadn't sent him to Han and Song Dynasty to contact the situation and understand the people's sentiments, would he have been able to contact so many people of all schools and schools?

With more contact and understanding, Sapphire gradually learned to use different angles to think about problems and explain one thing.

Faced with Pu Buhua's oppression, Lan Yu decided to give full play to his strengths. He not only provided information in his own tone, but also turned into three teachings and nine streams, using different identities to respond to the problems of the Ming army.

This completely opened the door to a new world. Lan Yu had stayed by Zhang Ximeng's side and was familiar with Daming's strategy. He knew exactly what went wrong and what absurd things happened during the implementation.

Let him write these things, that is a handy one.

Usually, Sapphire needs to write a short story by herself first, and then hand it over to the visitor when exchanging information.

Then the person tried to copy it again and sent it back.

Zhang Ximeng said that Lan Yu was not rigorous in his work, but he was right. If Yuan Ting would take some care and secretly arrest those who delivered letters to Lan Yu, torture them, or send someone to follow them to see where they came from, why would they be able to do so? Sending the news so quickly... It is easy to see through Sapphire's tricks.

Or simply rush to Lan Yu's residence and search carefully to see why he can provide so much information, why he has so many friends, and knows so many things?

It is estimated that Sapphire's methods can be easily seen through.

But who made Sapphire's last family is Pu Buhua!

For fear of disturbing Sapphire's creation... spying, he sent someone to protect him, not to disturb them, let alone affect their work, and even gave Sapphire a waist card to do things cheaply.

If this is not cheated, it is simply unreasonable.

I can only sigh the excellent matching mechanism.

Of course, if you want to explain white people, there are also some.

The new prime minister quickly didn't believe it, let alone other things, these news are what the emperor and the crown prince like to hear, and every sentence speaks to their hearts, which makes them very useful.

This thing is outrageous!

If this is the case, why did the Great Yuan Dynasty lose again and again, fleeing to Shangdu, lingering on their last legs!

It's just nonsense!

Also quickly see that Pu Buhua has long been displeased, Polo Timur didn't kill you, this time I will definitely kill you, a monster!

At this time, several important pieces of information were sent from Lanyu. One was that several big families were forced to transport grain to Liaodong. The other was that the Ming army was looking for businessmen from Shanxi to inquire about the situation. .

According to Lan Yu's judgment, the Ming army will use troops towards Shanxi and Liaodong.

Then around this conclusion, he continued to send news from various aspects.

Yuan Ting was hesitant at first, but when he quickly sent people out, he found similar signs, so he didn't dare to be so sure now.

Maybe this guy Pu Buhua really got the baby, that's not sure.

After repeated investigations, the Ming army did indeed deploy troops towards Liaodong and Shanxi, and Zhu Yuanzhang thought he was done, so he set off and prepared to return to Yingtian.

And those generals of the Ming Dynasty who were knighted were also full of ambitions, and all of them wanted to return to their hometowns in glory and honor their ancestors, and no one took the Yuan court seriously.

All kinds of news were continuously sent to Shangdu, and this time the iron pot finally couldn't sit still.

Pu Buhua misses Dadu, but speaking of it, the one who looks forward to Dadu's life the most must be him, Emperor Dayuan!

How does life in Shangdu compare with Dadu?

"Most of them are empty now, and people's hearts are with me! It's a good time to send troops to recover. I, I'm going to go on a personal conquest, to recover most of them, and let those red thieves know how powerful I am!"

The Iron Pot Emperor made a loud noise and decided to march in person. At this moment, the crown prince was very excited, "Father, we still have [-] elite soldiers, and there are tens of thousands of righteous men in Dadu... As long as they see the Dayuan banner, they You must rise up, obey the destiny, and help us recover Dadu and restore Dayuan!"

The iron pot was moved, "My son is right. If Dadu can really be restored, the emperor will not think about anything else, but to be raised in the palace for the rest of his life. The country of Dayuan depends on you!" "

It really is a kind father and son filial piety...

Chapter 574 Capturing the Great Yuan Emperor

His Majesty the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty issued a decree for all the civil and military forces, to gather troops and horses, and restore Dadu in one go.

After the decree went down, I felt something was wrong no matter what.

He was beaten to the bum just now, but within two months, he was alive and kicking, ready to counterattack.

If it was really that easy, why did you give up Dadu in the first place?

Therefore, Taiwei Wan, as well as Guanyinnu, the envoy of the court, and others, tried to persuade Tieguo not to act rashly.In order not to be fooled by the Ming army, so that the entire army is wiped out, and the success falls short.

The Taiwei Wan simply put forward a suggestion, "Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that he should retreat to Helin, which is the place where the Yuan Dynasty prospered, and it is far away from the Ming army. It is surrounded by Mongolian tribes, and the people's hearts are safe. Your Majesty can be slow in Helin." Recovering vitality slowly, accumulating strength, and trying to recover, is the right way!"

After this man finished speaking, he immediately got the approval of many courtiers.

But when these words were heard in the ears of several people in power, it was no less than a bolt from the blue.

The crown prince was the first to cry and said: "Father, you have run to the capital since the capital, and you have escaped from the capital to Helin. If you run away blindly, when will you be the leader? Is it possible that Dayuan has no hope of recovery? My child is not reconciled!"

Pu Buhua didn't even want to stay in Kaiping City, if he was asked to go to Helin, it would be better to kill him.

"Your Majesty, this old slave is weak and difficult to maintain. If I go to Helin now, I am afraid that this old slave will die of illness if he fails to reach Helin. I hope His Majesty will take pity on you!"

Naturally, the Iron Pot Emperor was unwilling to go to Helin. Apart from suffering, there was another level. The imperial clan of the Yuan Dynasty was in chaos, just like every day.

While he was thinking, Queen Qi ran in from the outside. She was crying and yelled as soon as she came in, "Your Majesty, there are traitors again! They want to send our family to ask for meritorious service and re-establish a big family." Emperor Yuan! Your Majesty must not be fooled!"

Upon hearing this, Iron Pot Emperor immediately glared at Wan Zhe and the others.

"The queen said you were rebelling, what is your intention?"

The finisher almost wanted to cry without tears, "Your Majesty, the old minister has a heart of sincerity, loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon!"

Before he finished speaking, Pu Buhua, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly said: "The sun and the moon are Ming characters, you have Ming characters in your heart, you are really a loyal minister of Ming Dynasty!"

Just this one sentence showed Pu Buhua's temperament like a poisonous snake, one bite will penetrate three points to the bone.

When Wan Zhe heard this, he was very surprised, and then became furious. To be honest, he had long been displeased with Pu Buhua. Heart, continue to do evil and harm others.

Wan Zhe said angrily: "Your Majesty! Pu Buhua is just a servant from Goryeo, a thing like an ant and a mosquito can only be my servant of Dayuan, but let him talk about the government and frame the court. It is really harmful. Prime Minister Tuotuo back then died in his hands, this poisonous snake deserves to die!"

When the finisher said this, he really wanted to pounce on him and kill Pu Buhua.

It is not just the patent of Confucian scholars to kill people and beat traitors before the king. It is even more common for the Yuan Dynasty to draw a sword in anger, and blood spatters three feet.

It's just that when Wan Zhe mentioned Tuotuo this time, it made Iron Pan furious.

"Hmph! Tuotuo may not be a traitor, but his younger brother is also the first to harm the country, and the second to surrender the enemy! The crime cannot be punished, how dare you speak for him!"

The finisher was frightened by these words, but Pu Buhua took the opportunity to run back quickly, slipping out of the imperial tent, looking for cronies, and protecting her life.

Then he went to Lan Yu's place under the protection of several people.

There is no way, these days what he cares most about is the sapphire line, and he puts the most energy into it, so he thinks there will be no problem...

And in the imperial tent, Emperor Iron Pot talked eloquently, "Don't be scared by the red thieves. Most of them have different customs from those in the south of the Yangtze River. They originated from the south of the Yangtze River, but they couldn't gain a foothold in the north. Now there are tyrants everywhere. When the rebellion was raised, the heroes of the world eagerly looked forward to it, and only waited for my Dayuan Wang Shi to arrive, and all the heroes would rise together to drive away the red thieves and restore Dayuan."

After talking about this, the Iron Pot Emperor's face brightened.

He was uplifted and emotional, "Don't worry, my Dayuan will definitely win this battle. When I return to Dadu again, I will change my mind and reorganize the government. We, the monarchs and ministers, will start from the beginning with one heart and one mind, rejuvenate Dayuan, and do our part! "

The Iron Pot Emperor has repeatedly assured that in the face of this situation, these courtiers can't say anything. They feel that the problem is not small, but they can't say anything.

In the end, the prime minister was quick, the Taiwei finished, and other generals discussed together, and they worked out a foolproof strategy.

First give Wang Baobao an order to lead his troops northward immediately, and at the same time prevent the Ming army from attacking Shanxi.Then he ordered the Yuan army in Liaodong to send troops south to attack the Ming army in Liaoxi.

These two lines are facing each other, they don't want to win, they just need to hold back the main force of the Ming army, and then they take advantage of it, even if they don't win, they can still scare the Ming army and get back a little face.

The ministers felt that this was quite reliable.

And in order to ensure safety, the prime minister also quickly suggested that he should lead the troops in the front, and if it really went well, then welcome His Majesty to go south.

The iron pot also agreed, but the next day, the iron pot changed its mind.

Don't say anything, Zhu Yuanzhang can win because he often drives his own troops, so the soldiers will use their lives and there will be no disadvantages.Now that Zhu Yuanzhang is going south and Dayuan is sending troops, it is precisely because the emperor should be in front of him that he can be invincible.

There is no need to ask, it is Pu Buhua who gave the iron pot the idea, and it goes without saying who he got the inspiration from.

In fact, Lan Yu's suggestion was to let the prince supervise the teacher, but Pu Buhua thought that the prince was not as good as the emperor, so don't say anything, it is best to let the whole family be dispatched.

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