First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 4

Zhu Chongba was shocked again, what he said made sense!

People like him who didn't want to rebel had no choice but to pick up swords and guns. Thousands of people thought that the Yuan court would perish, and even gods couldn't help it.

Zhu Chongba suddenly felt that Zhang Ximeng was a rare talent, and it was a bit wasteful to save it for his own enlightenment.

"Sir, you can read and write, you can speak, and you still have insight. You are really wronged here. When you are in good health, I will recommend you to see the commander. We guarantee that the commander will use you again." .”


Guo Zixing?

Zhang Ximeng is not interested at all. After talking with Lao Zhu, he is very sure that this is the future Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang... In the world at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, unless he took a sniper rifle and killed Lao Zhu directly, it would be fine. If you are a time traveler, you may not be able to do it better than others.

Without him, just relying on Lao Zhu's ruthlessness in crushing the local tyrants and dividing the land, the traversers would be dead if they encountered one.

Zhang Ximeng is not yet twelve, and he is also a sick child. He doesn't think he has the ability to do it alone.That being the case, hugging Lao Zhu's thigh was perfect.

When many people mention Lao Zhu, they have a stereotype that Lao Zhu likes to kill heroes, and following Lao Zhu will not end well.Not to mention Xu Da, Tang He, etc., who died of old age, and even retired with the country.

Should those heroes who are corrupt and break the law and act recklessly should be confessed?Just because they have meritorious service in founding the country, can they not die?

Lao Zhu is an emperor who climbed from the bottom, completely different from the emperor who won the world with the support of the noble family. He has a deep hatred for corruption, and his tolerance for corruption is very low, so naturally he will not be polite. In other dynasties, the hero would not be greedy for power but only collect money, which might be the way to save his life, but I'm sorry, Lao Zhu is different.

Then again, as long as you don't get corrupted or seize power, you can still live a very stable life.

Li Shanchang was killed because although he returned to his hometown, he was unwilling to be lonely and controlled the court by remote control. As for Lan Yu, he was domineering and domineering, and he had the right to die.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that there are no injustice cases, such as Song Guogong Feng Sheng, Ying Guogong Fu Youde... But for Zhang Ximeng, he still has a choice, the big deal is to go to Yunnan with Muying. Elephants, peacocks, don't be too beautiful in small days!

What's more, Zhu Chongba has just joined the army and returned to Guo Zixing's command, and he didn't do it alone... Then you might as well set an unrealistic goal for yourself, change Lao Zhu little by little, and make Daming's foundation more stable and stable.

Anyway, there are still more than ten years before the founding of Daming, and it is not time to think about things decades later.

When Zhang Ximeng was thinking, Zhu Chongba looked at him, wondering in his heart, does this kid look down on the handsome?Don't want to work for the Red Scarf Army?

Maybe, after all, he is a scholar, even if he has enmity with Yuan Ting, he is unwilling to be a thief and ruin his reputation...

While Zhu Chongba was pondering, Zhang Ximeng bowed and said solemnly: "Benefactor, the boy is young, weak, and knowledge is not good. If you go to the commander, you will only do bad things. If the benefactor does not dislike it, let the boy follow the benefactor. Duke, work for Duke En!"

Zhu Chongba frowned, it was really interesting, he didn't want to follow the commander in chief, but he was willing to follow himself...

"Mr. Xiao, we are just a mere nine husbands now, why do you think highly of us?" Zhu Chongba quietly changed his address.

Zhang Ximeng nodded vigorously, met Zhu Chongba's gaze, and said with a smile: "What about Han Gaozu, he is just a pavilion chief!"

Chapter 5 Knowledge is Power

Pavilion chief!

Nine husbands!

Looks like it's pretty much the same.

No, isn't the point of these words implying that there will be an emperor's life?

Zhu Chongba was frightened, what kind of person is he?A young monk who became a monk, a beggar who begs for food... This status is far from that of an emperor. It is true that a toad eats swan meat.

After Zhu Chongba was shocked, there was still a little bit of imagination, and when Mashi came up with new wine and dishes, and called twice, Zhu Chongba woke up, and he nodded embarrassingly, with a somewhat unnatural expression.

"Little Mister, you can stay here because you can afford it. We also have a famous teacher to guide us, so we must ask for more advice."

Finally, he stayed, and this big thick leg was also hugged.

Zhang Ximeng was still not so satisfied, he made an inch of it and said: "Your benefactor asked the boy to teach, and you must have books. Are all the books and official documents in this yard under my control?"

Zhu Chongba couldn't help being funny, there were only a few books that were seized and no one read them, so where are the official documents?

Maybe this kid doesn't know how big an official Nine Fushang is?

Old Zhu Lang laughed loudly, "Success, in our place, as long as it has words, it's all up to you!"

OK, that's what you said!

Don't regret it.

Working for an ordinary landlord and businessman is at most a cashier butler, which is worthless.

But to manage the writing for one of the princes, that is, the Jiedu envoy is in charge of the secretary. Feng Dao and Zhao Pu have both done it.

At the level of the emperor, the person in charge is the prime minister of a country (don't talk about the seal of the ceremonial supervisor), Zhang Ximeng has almost seen his own upgrade route, and these days are more and more promising.

In history, Li Shanchang did this job for Lao Zhu. When it comes to meritorious deeds, he was ranked above Xu Da, and he was the number one hero in the founding of the country!

Of course, Zhang Ximeng didn't expect so much, and what would he do with so much credit? He would be satisfied if he could guard one side after the founding of the country and be a stable local emperor like Mu Ying.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that the entire Ming Dynasty is only a Duke of Guizhou in Yunnan, a world town!

It is not easy to want one more.

Zhang Ximeng cheered up, and he asked Ma Shi for a pen, ink, paper and inkstone. After all, he came from a scholarly family, and Zhang Ximeng's muscle memory made it easy for Zhang Ximeng to master the words.

It's not very well written, but it's barely readable.

After a few days of busy work and forgetting to eat and sleep, I finally took a thick stack of dozens of sheets, and handed it to Zhu Chongba during dinner.

"It's not too much." Zhu Zhongba took it over happily.

Zhang Ximeng also laughed and said, "Not many, it's just a catalog after all. The boy also listed some books at the back. Engong had better buy them as soon as possible. It has been delayed for a long time. We must make up for the lost time!"

Zhang Ximeng smiled brightly, as if looking at a prey that had thrown itself into a trap.

Lao Zhu's face turned dark immediately, what are you chasing?Do you want to chase your life?

Ma Shi next to him couldn't help laughing, but he still tried to persuade him seriously: "Mr. Xiao is right, Chongba, you have to study hard! Otherwise, I will stop trying to persuade my husband."

Lao Zhu was taken aback again, what did he say?

"Look, you don't even know Hanging Virtue! Chonghachi, you really have to work hard!" Ma said with a smile.

Zhu Chongba's face was sullen, flushed from holding back, he was speechless, but with the heart of going to the grave, he said: "Good girl, we know!"

From this day on, Zhang Ximeng, the teacher, will be on duty.Since Zhu Chongba has to work in the Shuaifu, he can only read and write when he is free in the morning and evening.

Zhang Ximeng didn't care about everything step by step. He read three hundred thousand Mongolian books in the morning, learned to write, and came back in the evening to read Confucian classics and explain history.

Putting it in any school is nonsense, it is equivalent to taking kindergarten and graduate courses together, and changing it to an ordinary person is not crazy!

But it was obvious that Lao Zhu was not an ordinary person, so he held on.

Zhang Ximeng is not an ordinary person either. He actually made several palm-sized manuscripts and asked Zhu Chongba to put them in his sleeves.

If you are not crazy, you will not survive. If you want to soar into the sky, how can you refuse to suffer?

Zhang Ximeng tried his best to teach, and Lao Zhu worked hard to learn. These two people are even more energetic.

Time keeps moving forward, and there are only a few days before the end of the new year. Zhu Chongba, who has not harvested well, thinks of respecting teachers and teaching, so he proposes: "Mr. , Seeing something new is a little bit of our heart."

Zhang Ximeng had never been out of the house before, and when Lao Zhu said this, he was very still and nodded.Zhu Chongba happily went to find Mrs. Ma, no matter who it was, it was inevitable that his wife would take care of the money.When Zhu Chongba came back, Zhang Ximeng found that he was holding a large handful of banknotes in his hand, and he randomly put them into his arms, his chest swelled up.

How much is this?Why does it look so casual?

Zhang Ximeng's eyes rolled, and he finally remembered that this must be a treasure from the Yuan Dynasty.Although after the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, the treasure banknotes were relatively stable for decades, but after the financial collapse and the excessive issuance of banknotes, the treasure banknotes became less and less valuable.

The two reasons for the Red Turban rebellion, one is to open the river, and the other is to change banknotes, which shows the power of this thing.

The common people are full of complaints, but the Red Scarf Army has no time to launch the new currency, so they can only reluctantly continue to use it.

Zhang Ximeng came out with Zhu Chongba. The market in Haozhou was not very lively and the goods were scarce. He just bought a new suit of clothes, some bacon and malt candy.

Zhang Ximeng had no expectations for the new year, but Zhu Chongba was different. He was still looking for it. After all, this was the first year after he and his wife got married, and it was also the first year when his life improved...

But at this moment, a horse suddenly came, galloped to the front, and a burly man jumped down from it.

"Heavy eight!"

Zhang Ximeng turned his head to look, he didn't know this person, Zhu Chongba said with a smile: "He is our good brother, named Tang He, he is now a thousand households in the city, and the official is older than us."

Although Zhu Chongba said so, he didn't see what the officer meant at all.There was nothing wrong with Tanghe, he believed that it would not be long before Shigehachi climbed on top of him, that was a matter of course.

"someone is coming."


"It's Jia Lu's envoy. Our Jinshi who went out from Huaixi is called Lu Anmin."

"What is he doing here?" Zhu Chongba frowned and asked.

"That goes without saying, of course it is to persuade you to surrender!"

The officers and soldiers are on the move!

Zhu Chongba frowned. He chatted with Zhang Ximeng a few days ago and revealed his worries about the future.After talking with Zhang Ximeng, he felt confident, but other people in the city might not...

"Sir, I'm afraid we're going to the commander's mansion."

Zhang Ximeng nodded. Naturally, the business was important. He pondered for a while, and then reminded: "Grandfather, I guess the person who comes here must be threatening. At that time, Mr. Gong only needs to ask questions with righteousness. As a scholar, he is willing to act as a lackey of the Yuan court and ruin his hometown. Elders, the crime is serious, and the ancestors will not tolerate it!"

Zhu Chongba thought for a while, then nodded vigorously, "We know." He turned around and left with Tang He.

Zhang Ximeng also returned to the small courtyard. If he guessed correctly, war is about to come, and the leader of the Yuan court is Jia Lu. This man is a first-class man in flood control, but he doesn't know how to fight... Zhang Ximeng is very curious, and really wants to go Take a look at the handsome hall to see how capable the heroes of Haozhou are.

It's a pity that he is not qualified yet, and he can only count on Lao Zhu. I hope he can show his abilities, just like Zhuge Liang scolded Wang Lang to death, and let Lu Anmin feel ashamed!

Zhang Ximeng was secretly looking forward to it, the handsome hall at this moment was really solemn and solemn.

From Guo Zixing down, all the leaders of the Haozhou Red Scarves were there.

Guo Zixing did not take Haozhou alone, Sun Deya and others followed him, a total of five marshals.

Not long ago, Xuzhou was breached, and the leader Zhima Li died in battle. Peng Da and Zhao Jun led the remnants to Haozhou with two generals, and attached themselves to Guo Zixing.

In other words, there are seven marshals in the small Haozhou.

At this moment, they were facing Lu Anmin, the envoy sent by Jia Lu.

"Guo Dashuai, as well as all the heroes, I won't say much about the battle in Xuzhou. The [-] army will be wiped out in a month, and there will be nothing left. The imperial court is so strong that there is no one to match it. Why should Guo Dashuai attack the stone with an egg? I think the general will raise his troops." , for the sake of glory and wealth. As long as the commander-in-chief is attached to the imperial court, not only the commander-in-chief will be rewarded, but even the commander-in-chief’s subordinates will be able to get promoted and get rich, so there is no need for military troubles, isn’t that a good thing?”

Lu Anmin smiled reservedly, full of confidence.

It is true that the Red Turban Army caught Yuan Ting by surprise in the early days, blossomed everywhere, and captured many cities.But when Yuan Ting concentrated his strength and began to counterattack, the situation of the Red Turban Army became difficult in an instant.

This is not surprising, no matter how rotten the Yuan court is, it is still a well-organized court from top to bottom. The mighty Nanyang Bu Wang San was defeated.

Even Liu Futong was under tremendous pressure and couldn't take care of himself.

At this time, Jia Lu sent people to persuade them to surrender, not only hoping that the Haozhou Red Turbans would surrender, but also to show their prestige and shake the morale of the army. After all, the Haozhou Red Turbans are not monolithic. As long as someone is tempted, Jia Lu will win half of the battle.

This move alone makes people have to marvel, Jia Lu's grasp of people's hearts is far better than reckless people like Guo Zixing.

At this moment, Marshal Guo was sullen and said with a sneer: "You sound good, but it's not that you lied to us, and you want to kill us in one fell swoop. Such means can't fool anyone!"

Lu Anmin immediately said: "Master Mingjian, I am from Anfeng, and I can be regarded as a fellow villager of the commander. How can I harm the commander? Xuzhou Zhima Li lost, Nanyang Bu Wangsan also lost, and Fang Guozhen from the east of Zhejiang , was driven into the sea again, and Peng Yingyu also fought and went, like a dog in mourning. Now the imperial court is dispatching troops to wipe out Liu Futong, and it is easy to think about it. Now that life is going against death, the commander-in-chief has not come to his senses?"

"Hmph, is this handsome a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?" Guo Zixing was furious.

Lu Anmin smiled and said: "The commander is naturally a hero, but I feel sorry for the elders in my hometown. These years, there have been constant floods, droughts and famines. The people are in dire straits, and their homes are empty. In addition to the wars and the wars, it is unknown how many people will die. I really feel sorry for the elders in my hometown, the commander-in-chief can live countless people with just one thought, and when the time comes, the commander-in-chief will become an official of the court, honor his ancestors, and protect the people with meritorious deeds.

Guo Zixing frowned even tighter. This Lu Anmin can really say that there is no one in the handsome class who is his opponent?He looked around and just saw his son-in-law Zhu Chongba.

"Heavchi, what do you think of this?"

With a cold face, Zhu Chongba said disdainfully: "Returning to the words of the commander-in-chief, this person keeps saying that he loves the elders of his hometown, but his life is a shame to his hometown. How unfortunate that such a thing was born!"

Lu Anmin raised his brows, and then smiled again, "Sure enough, it's a reckless theory, I don't have the same knowledge as people in the mountains and fields."

You are uneducated, I am too lazy to talk to you.

Zhu Zhongbaxin said that we really failed at the first time, but now it is different, the teacher's class is for nothing!

"We are savages, but we also know what a real scholar is?" Zhu Chongba sneered at Lu Anmin, "You must know Zheng Sixiao, right?"

Sure enough, when Lu Anmin heard this name, his face changed slightly, but Zhu Chongba caught him.

"Zheng Sixiao refused to be an official in the Yuan Dynasty all his life. He painted orchids but not soil. When people asked him, he said that the land had been taken away. Don't you know? Such a loyal and lofty man can be regarded as a scholar. You, and Jia Lu, Willing to be a lackey of the Yuan court, dare to come before the rebel army, show off your power, show off your teeth and claws, you will disgrace the face of the elders in your hometown!"

These few words were scolded so heartily that all the commanders present couldn't help laughing, and they finally let out their breath.

Lu Anmin never expected that this group of thieves would be able to tell some truths, and he was obviously overwhelmed.

"Eat the king's salary, loyal to the king. Zheng Sixiao is ignorant of current affairs, and the Yuan Dynasty has established the country for decades. The gods are mighty, and the four seas return their hearts... The Song Dynasty has long since perished. You rebelled against the court, and you are killing yourself!"

"Really? The Yuan court opened the river to change the banknotes. There are more than one million red scarf rebels in the world. On both sides of the Yellow River, the north and the south of the river, there are all rebels. In just over a year, the Yuan court has lost half of the country. How dare you speak boldly? You must know that the barbarians have not lived for a hundred years." The fate of the country, Yuan Ting should have reached the end of his life!"

Zhu Chongba didn't teach Zhang Ximeng in vain, he talked one way and another, but he didn't speak in a clear way, and his momentum even suppressed Lu Anmin.

He pressed the handle of the knife and forced him step by step.

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