First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 39

After all, don't we still have to rely on us to clean up the situation?

It's a shame that these red scarf thieves can't know people, I should have made a plan early, if I can escape, seek refuge with others, or return home, pull up a village brave, it is a way out...

While Yang Zhen was thinking, Zhu Yuanzhang had already led the people to break through the Hengjian Mountain Village.

It is not rigorous to say that it is a breakthrough.

It should be regarded as an armed fast tour. Wherever Zhu Yuanzhang went, there were soldiers who surrendered to clear the way, and people continued to join. The team was like a snowball, growing stronger and stronger, so that it was unrivaled.

Zhiyuan Lao Zhang woke up from his sleep, hurriedly pushed away the two young girls who were still sleeping, and ran out wearing simple clothes.

As a result, there were hundreds of Mongolian soldiers facing him, and they were also in a panic. When they saw Lao Zhang, they immediately crowded over.

"My lord, the red scarf thief has come in, run away with us!"

Grasping the life-saving straw, Lao Zhang nodded quickly, followed the group of people onto the horses, and fled in a hurry.

On the huge Hengjian Mountain, Lao Zhang prepared eighteen camps.

It doesn't matter if a stockade is broken, there are spares.

He commanded the soldiers to run to the second camp, but what caught his eyes was the closed gate and soldiers waiting in battle.

"Open the door! I am your Zhiyuan-sama!"

Lao Zhang yelled three times in a row, but no one responded at the gate of the village, only a red flag was raised, as enthusiastic as a fire.

"We have taken refuge in the Red Turban Army! You can capture them without a fight!"

"That's right, we have turned our backs on the dark and turned to the light, and we will no longer serve the dog tartars!"

Zhiyuan Lao Zhang was so angry that he was about to explode, but there was nothing he could do. He quickly led the people to escape. This happened in the two villages in a row, especially the second village. Zhang, ask for credit from General Zhu.

Up to now, Lao Zhang has lost his soul and completely lost his position.

"Where are you going? Where are you going?"

He lost his mind and asked his men.

But these Mongolian cavalrymen looked strange, looking at Lao Zhang one by one, as if they saw hope.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang had commanded the troops to chase after him. Fei Ju, Hua Yun, the Wu family brothers, and others divided into more than a dozen groups and took over the camp. Surrounded.

Lao Zhang has nowhere to go!

At this time, a Mongolian family stepped forward.

"The red scarf on the opposite side! Is it General Zhu? The Mongols want to surrender, are you willing?"


Isn't that Yuan Tartar?

It's time to kill!

Zhu Yuanzhang said loudly: "You are Mongolian nobles, have you ever killed ordinary people?"

"No! We are the Mongols who were forced to relocate to the Central Plains! The imperial court also treated us badly. We were hit by a disaster and couldn't survive, so we had to join the army. Fortunately, we met Zhang Zhiyuan, and we didn't fight a single battle. Pass!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said: "We raised our troops to settle accounts with the dog tartars of the Yuan court! Since you haven't done anything harmful to nature, we can't kill you, but we can't give you preferential treatment. You must change to Chinese names and follow the rules of Han. Family customs. According to the rules, we will divide the land for you and let you support your family!"


"We mean what we say!"

"Then, what about our meritorious deeds?"

"There will be rewards for meritorious service!"

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, more than a dozen Mongolian men rushed forward, grabbed Lao Zhang from his horse, tied him up, and brought him to Zhu Yuanzhang!

"Please accept it, General!"

The prefect of the Yuan Dynasty, a general with tens of thousands of people, was captured by a group of ordinary Mongolian soldiers and presented to Zhu Yuanzhang as a trophy.

It really couldn't be more reasonable.

Hengjian Mountain is broken!

By the way, Dingyuan County also lost its defensive forces. Zhu Yuanzhang finally captured the first city since his independent development!

Chapter 58 Surrendered

"What we want to overthrow is the Yuan court dog tartar... What is the Yuan court dog tartar needs to be dismantled and looked at. The Yuan court is the current bastard court in most of the capital, as well as corrupt officials from all over the country, and big gentry attached to the Yuan court. As for the dog tartars, to put it bluntly, they are those Mongols who wantonly bully and kill ordinary people, the Semu people, who are superior to others, and those barbarians who bully the weak and rob everywhere."

"Besides, ordinary Mongolians who don't bully the people or do evil, and are willing to accept Wanghua, will naturally be treated kindly. If someone bullies you or discriminates, you can report it truthfully, and you will be dealt with seriously."

Zhang Ximeng replaced Zhu Yuanzhang again and explained the military policy clearly.

These Mongolian soldiers looked at each other, and one of them dared to say: "Then can we share the land?"

"No problem." Zhang Ximeng said: "My lord has already said it, and I'll tell you guys, according to the current situation, if you join the army, each of you will be allocated six acres of ration fields and five acres of transfer fields... The problem now It’s Sang Ma Tian, ​​if you want to raise livestock, I don’t have pastures for you.”

"No, no need!" The Mongolian man hurriedly waved his hands, "My lord, we have been in the Central Plains for many years, and we know how to farm. Speaking of the first few years, we couldn't make it through. We even went to carry big bags for the landlord's house. Those Han people They can't do anything like mine!"

Zhang Ximeng looked at this guy's burly physique, but he had nothing to say. After all, his arms were thicker than his thighs.

"In this case, I will register and register for you first, and then accept the reorganization. When you are officially registered as a military officer, I will distribute the land for you. Within half a month, it will be done for you!"

Zhang Ximeng explained clearly, the group of Mongolian men looked at each other, they all knelt down, shouted long live, and some of them burst into tears.

It's not easy.

Some people also told Zhang Ximeng that even though they are Mongolians, they are not doing very well. It is just that some people take advantage of their Mongolian status to bully ordinary Han people and treat them like raising dogs!

"My lord, follow, follow General Zhu, we can finally be human!"

Zhang Ximeng was also quite shocked, and nodded again and again, "It's good that the big guys can think about these things clearly. Our team is not for the Han people to conquer the world, nor is it to kill the Mongols, but to let the poorest people survive. , and live a good life! Please keep this in mind. In the army, you are also brothers who love each other, fight side by side, and entrust life and death to your brothers and sisters. I believe you will soon realize this. Also, I want everyone to understand why our team has hope and why we can defeat a strong enemy... It's not that we have a large number of soldiers, it's not that we are fierce and tyrannical, it's because we have reason, what we do is That's right, the poor people in the world will support us. Every time we help a poor person, we will become stronger. Most of the emperors, he can only steal the bones and steal the marrow. Everyone in the world hates him. Please think about it, who can Win the final victory?"

Zhang Ximeng talked with these Mongolian soldiers and told the truth.

This is not Zhang Ximeng's whim, but Lao Zhu's development today, so we must pay attention to this point.

As mentioned earlier, Zhu Yuanzhang wanted generals to study and understand the truth.

Now there are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and it is necessary for most soldiers to understand what they are doing and what they are fighting for... Although this is a huge project, once it is completed, no one can defeat them again.

It can even solve problems such as arrogant soldiers and powerful generals.

Why are there arrogant soldiers?

It's not that some people rely on their own merits, are unscrupulous, lawless, and have no awe.

If you can explain the truth clearly and let them agree with it from the bottom of their hearts, will this group of people still bully the people casually and do evil?There may be more, but the number will definitely be greatly reduced.

Such a huge project was placed on these Mongolian soldiers, starting from them!

After counting the entire Hengjian Mountain, a total of 6 young and strong people were obtained, and there were more than 10 family members, almost [-] people.

The number of people controlled by Lao Zhu tripled at once.

Among them, nearly 2000 Mongolian soldiers were selected and used as cavalry.They are indeed more familiar with life on horseback than the Han people, and they are more suitable for cavalry combat.

Under Zhu Yuanzhang's command, the cavalry belonged to high-level arms. Although there was no tilt for the time being in the division of fields, their military uniforms were one more set than the infantry, and they were given thick cloaks. In addition, their food standards were also the highest in the entire army.

After this set up, the less than two thousand Mongolian cavalry were completely subordinated, temporarily led by Hua Yun, and became Zhu Yuanzhang's first trump card.

In all the life-and-death battles in the future, this cavalry has never been absent. In the decisive battle in Hongdu, their commander lost his head and was still fighting. Of the [-] soldiers, less than [-] were alive...

After annexing the soldiers and horses of Hengjian Mountain, Zhu Yuanzhang was about to move to Dingyuan. The reason why he called the move was because there was really no power to stop him.

"Sir, let's think about it and plan to transfer all the soldiers and horses from Linhuai, as well as Huaiyuan, it's time for Xu Da to come back. He has a lot of ideas, and he just assists us with our troops." Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it: "Our side is We are thriving, but we are a little worried, what if the imperial court sends a large army to attack us? After all, the rafters in the early years will rot first."

When Zhu Yuanzhang said this, he said again: "Li Shanchang told us that the Yuan army is powerful, and if they take down Dingyuan and have a place to live in, they should restrain their minions temporarily, so as not to provoke the Yuan army to besiege. What do you think?"

Zhang Ximeng thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I dare not say that Mr. Li is wrong. It's good to fight steadily. It's just that although the Yuan court has many soldiers and horses, they dare not move out easily...Do you know why, my lord?"

"It's for food and grass." Zhu Yuanzhang said in a deep voice: "The stronger the man, the more he will eat. We understand this principle!"

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said: "Your lord is wise, Zhang Shicheng occupied Gaoyou and cut off the canal. There have been constant news that the imperial court is going to send a large army to conquer... But it has been several months now, and the imperial court still can't send troops. I dare It can be said that it will not work in just a few months. Yuan Ting does still have the power of a thunderous blow, but the power of this blow may fall on Zhang Shicheng, Liu Futong, or Xu Shouhui. It will not fall on the lord alone!"

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a while, shook his head and sighed: "Yes, who made our power too small! First, occupy more territory. It is important to strengthen our strength. You don't need to be timid, just like a little daughter-in-law!"

Zhang Ximeng nodded, "My lord, let me say one more thing, my lord's opponent may not be Yuan Ting in the future!"

Zhang Ximeng didn't say much, and Zhu Yuanzhang didn't ask too much, but the rulers and ministers had already tacitly understood...the heroes of Haozhou are the epitome of all the red scarf soldiers.

After talking with Zhang Ximeng, Lao Zhu and Zhang Ximeng had set the tone, but they didn't expect that Yuan Ting really noticed them and wanted to mobilize troops!

May I ask who is so lucky to undertake such a major task?

Naturally, he is the captain of the transport brigade, and Cherry will not take the general.

He boasted that he had [-] soldiers, and by sending out thousands of armors in exchange for great victories, he was like the pillar of Huaixi, Dayuan Zhongliang.If you don't send him, who else can you send!

After receiving this order, Cheli didn't spend a long time looking at it carefully. He felt that the court had misunderstood him?

I admit I'm lying, okay?

Don't let me die?

I really don't know, can people spare me this time?

If you don't know, find someone to ask!

Cheli Buhua invited Xu Da... The magic is now real.

"General Xu, look at this...can you help us?"

Xu Da frowned, "Help us win?"

Cheli Buhua quickly waved his hands, "No, no! What I mean is that you pretend to be defeated...Let's, let's put on another show."

Xu Da thought for a while, "Acting is fine, but you have to pay for it!"

Cheli stopped grinning. The last time he was sent several thousand armors and several thousand horses, he was stripped off, and he almost couldn't hold on.How much will you pay this time?

Cheri didn't think about it for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Brother Xu, I heard that someone helped you choose your name?"

Xu Da said sullenly, "You want to spy on the secret?"

"No, no... I just want to ask, if I like it, as long as I have it here, I will definitely give it to you!"

Xu Da thought for a while and said, "Mr. loves to read. He won the battle and packed up the loot. He only needs books and albums."

"Oh! Then your superiors listen to him?"

Xu Da nodded, "Obey what you say!"

"That's great!"

Cheli was not happy anymore, he quickly ordered, searched for books, rummaged through the warehouse, found a lot of books in the corner, and then sent them to Xu Da... Xu Da didn't say anything, and quickly sent them to Xu Da overnight. Zhang Ximeng sent it.

With this gift, it is estimated that we can discuss it, and the play has been settled.

Cheli didn't think it was beautiful, but when Zhang Ximeng got these books, he looked through them carefully. He didn't pay attention to them at first, but he saw a book with a stamp on it... Yunzhuang Tibetan!

Isn't this their family's collection of books!At the beginning, my father took me with me and went south together.

Zhang Ximeng frowned!

Chapter 59 Arrest

"Cheli Buhua, Cheli Buhua, since you killed my parents, no one can save you in heaven and earth!"

Zhang Ximeng gritted his teeth, furious.

The tragic death of his parents was like a thorn in his heart.

In this troubled world, it is very difficult to find an enemy. It boils down to the tyranny of the Yuan court, so the overthrow of the Yuan Dynasty is considered revenge.

The biggest reason why Zhang Ximeng chooses to assist Zhu Yuanzhang is the national humiliation and family feud!

What he didn't expect was that Cheli Buhua actually sent it to the door on his own initiative... Although it is still uncertain whether it was ordered by Cheli Buhua... But in fact, it was probably done by Cheli Buhua's subordinates unintentionally. He didn't know...but it didn't prevent Zhang Ximeng from putting the blood debt on his head. If his subordinates did evil, he would have to bear the consequences!

Zhang Ximeng opened the book in front of him again, carefully looked at the words on it, and gradually, as if a gentle voice sounded in his ears, his father was leading him to read again!

Zhang Ximeng hurriedly closed the book, and the next second, he suddenly stood up and strode outside.

As soon as Zhang Ximeng came out, three people were waiting for him.

Zhu Chongba, Mu Ying, and Ma Shi!

"Sir, I heard from Mu Ying, but it's your family's book?"

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