First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 37

Mu Ren misunderstood him and thought he had a chance, so he yelled at the audience, "Everyone's surname is Mu, and they're all a family! How did the old man treat you? Have you all forgotten? This is the ancestral hall and family temple of the Mu family, don't you plead for the old man?"

He yelled at his neck, trying to save his life one last time.

Those who said he was a good person just now don't know where they are.As for the others, they were not sure about the situation, so how could they have the courage to speak out.

At this moment, Zhang Ximeng spoke.

"Rich people can't all be rich! Mu Ren asks you, you guys might as well think about it, besides being surnamed Mu, what are the other special benefits? One person is afraid of putting the wrong God and the wrong ancestor! The white-eyed wolf has become a benefactor!"

Zhang Ximeng said these few words, but they touched the sore spot... In these villages, [-] to [-]% of the people with the surname Mu accounted for.

But that's about it.

The real enjoyment is not the few houses that control the property!

Not only did other people not get any benefits, but they also exploited the bullying, no less than others!

At this time, a short and funny man emerged from the crowd, he usually sang some operas, and he cursed angrily: "Your Excellency is right! This old man is already in his sixties, and he married a pair of 16-year-old concubines! If he didn't agree, he forced his father to death, and made his mother jump into the river! The old man is just a toad pretending to be a little frog, he is ugly and playful!"

A word of epilogue made everyone laugh.

And everyone who woke up shouted together.

"Kill! Kill him!"

Shouts like a tide gathered in Zhu Yuanzhang's ears.

Old Zhu was stunned for a while, is it he who holds the power of life and death?


He's just following people's hearts!


With an order, Wu Zhen came up with the ghost knife. The guy raised the knife and fell, but it didn't cut the old man's neck. Instead, he cut it half a foot down, right on the back.

Blood spattered, and Mu Ren let out a scream, but he did not die.

With a sneer at the corner of Wu Zhen's mouth, he cut off his back with another knife.

The old man couldn't cry out, struggled still, only a pair of eyes were left, still turning, unwilling to die.

The third knife fell, and it was only then that Mu Ren's head was accurately cut off.

"Come on, hang on the flagpole!"

Someone took Mu Ren's head and hung it up.

Three swords chopped off a head, and the people present were all rejoicing.

"Your Excellency is very skilled! It's a good job! Just do it!"

Next came Mu Xin, who was so frightened that he was incontinent, and the stench was so bad that the soldiers hated him.

The common people are very happy, is this the Mu family who are aloof?


Everyone accused the crime one after another, and in the end it was still Wu Zhen who shot and beheaded him.

In this way, people kept being dragged up and beheaded... One head after another, Zhu Yuanzhang did not hesitate at all. The blood soaked the platform built, dripping, and dripped onto the ground, a dark red.

Old Zhu turned a blind eye.

Just a few years ago, his family was ruined and his family was destitute.

At that time, he wished so much that Master Qingtian would stand up and avenge their family.

It's a pity that there was no one at that time.

Since no one wants to do it, let me do it!

Lao Zhu's jealous side is completely exposed.

Not only the Mu family, but also their evil slaves, as long as they commit serious crimes, Lao Zhu will not be polite.

And every decapitation will attract mountains and tsunamis of applause.

After a whole day, 38 heads hung on the flagpole.

Wu Zhen's arms were swollen from the cut, as if it wasn't his own, but he was still happy in his heart. Is this doing justice for the sky?

It feels so good!

The people also feel satisfied, the grievances of many years have finally been made public, and they can explain to their dead relatives.

Just when the big guy was about to leave, Zhang Ximeng found some wooden boxes and put them in front of everyone.

There were bright torches all around. Zhang Ximeng opened the box, and there were all land deeds, IOUs, deeds of sale, house deeds and the like.

In other words, this is the tool used by the Mu family to exploit the people and suck their bones!

"My lord, please send these things to me, my lord!"

Zhu Yuanzhang strode over, grabbed a few land deeds, and looked at them horizontally and vertically. Suddenly, he grabbed a torch and threw it accurately on the wooden box.

In an instant, the flames rose into the air, and after a brief hesitation, the people fell into madness even more.

Almost everyone cried.

The shackles on them were gone.

"Everyone, go back and rest first. We will forgive you the debts you owe. As for the fields, they will be redistributed starting tomorrow!" Zhu Yuanzhang said in a low voice.

The words of this tree are three points louder than thunder in the ears of the common people.

Zhu Yuanzhang has used dozens of heads to prove his supreme authority.

Our old Zhu means what he says.

That's right, even the Mu family was killed, who can stop Lao Zhu?

Many people didn't go home, but went directly to the land of his house, lying in the field, chatting excitedly while waiting for the field to be divided.

I don't know how many generations, and finally I can have a piece of land of my own!

This group of peasants who can hardly smile, grinning and laughing heartily, are infinitely more joyful than marrying a daughter-in-law during the Chinese New Year.

In the next day, it will be the day to divide the fields.

Zhang Ximeng prepared a detailed plan in advance. He stood in front of everyone and read aloud.

"All adults over the age of 16, regardless of gender, are allocated three acres of ration fields and five acres of mulberry and hemp fields. They do not need to pay land taxes. In addition to the ration fields, there are also transfer fields, and each person can be divided into five acres. Circulation The land is based on the family and adopts a progressive tax system. The more surplus grain, the higher the land tax. As for the specific payment amount, it needs to be evaluated according to the yield per mu and announced before the harvest. The highest tax rate is [-]%. Please rest assured that everyone will be enough Live! Live and work in peace!"

After Zhang Ximeng's announcement, the crowd burst into cheers ten times stronger than yesterday's.

There is no need to pay land taxes for the ration fields and mulberry fields. They have enough food and clothing. It may not be enough, but they can definitely live on.

If you have paid enough red scarves in the transfer field, the rest is yours.

The more fields and more grain, the more land taxes to pay.

Fair and reasonable, everyone is convinced!

But there are also people who are not convinced, how can women share the land like men, what is the reason for this?

Faced with doubts from some people, Zhang Ximeng only asked one sentence, and turned them back.

"Look around, how many bachelors are there?"

"You think girls are useless, they belong to others sooner or later, and they are a waste of food. Some people even strangled baby girls secretly. You may have killed other people's wives, but others can also strangle your wives! How did so many bachelors come here? Is it not clear?"

The person who was shouting just now couldn't help but lower his head.

"Allocating fields to girls is to allow them to grow up safely so that they can marry and raise children in the future. A future decree can be announced here. Whoever dares to drown a baby girl will immediately take back the land, and her biological parents will be degraded." Be a slave. Don't blame the strict laws, the poison of a tiger does not eat its children, and you must have a bottom line in life!"

Speaking of this, who would dare to question it.

The people suddenly agreed.

Zhang Ximeng also knew that it was impossible to solve the problem fundamentally based on his words, and it could only be a start.

After explaining the big strategy clearly, Zhang Ximeng turned around and faced Zhu Yuanzhang again.

"My lord, the old land deed has been burned, and now a new land deed needs to be issued. Who do you think will seal this land deed?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned for a moment, not knowing why, Zhang Ximeng smiled and said: "If the lord finds it troublesome, I can do it for you. If the lord is willing to work hard, please ask the lord to give each household a seal to confirm the amount of their land."

As he said that, Zhang Ximeng also took off a red gold seal from his back waist, which looked about an inch square.

There is nothing else engraved on it, just three simple words: Zhu Yuanzhang!

"When the lord went south, I asked them to prepare."

Lao Zhu stared at Jin Yin with his eyes wide open!

There is a feeling of dry mouth!

Don't underestimate this thing, this golden seal represents power!

How could Zhang Ximeng be allowed to act on behalf of such an important thing!

Of course we will come in person!

Zhu Yuanzhang grabbed the golden seal in his hand.

"Let's go, let's divide the fields for everyone!"

Zhang Ximeng smiled without saying a word, he had sensed Zhu Yuanzhang's pulse, who made him willing to do it himself, such a hard work, of course, Lao Zhu had to do it himself.

After only one day's work, Lao Zhu's hands are like chicken feet, more tiring than fighting a day's battle!

However, Lao Zhu is such a donkey.

No matter how tired he is, he will support...Thousands of people, less than a thousand households, if this is done by his subordinates, who will listen to us then!

Zhu Yuanzhang worked tirelessly, and every time he completed the issuance of a land deed, he gained the loyalty of his family.The joy of growing strength made up for all the fatigue.

It can only be said that ordinary people don't understand Lao Zhu's happiness!

With the implementation of the land division, Lao Zhu has completely taken root in the fertile land on both sides of the Haoshui River, and has a base that cannot be defeated or taken away!

But at this moment, hundreds of people ran out from the direction of Hengjian Mountain, and they went directly to Lvpai Village to surrender.

"We won't mess with Lao Zhang anymore... As long as General Zhu can give us a piece of land so that we can live and work in peace and contentment, the brothers are willing to be guides, take over Hengjian Mountain, and kill all the Yuan Tartars!"

The soldiers who surrendered headed, knelt on the ground and begged loudly.

Chapter 56 Broken Hengjian Mountain

Zhang Ximeng planned to isolate Hengjian Mountain after spreading out the sub-fields. When the time comes, it will be a matter of course, but who knows that something happened in advance, so there is no way, the meat is brought to his mouth, and he has to eat it.

However, this Hengjian Mountain is also a bit troublesome, not because of their combat effectiveness, but because this piece of meat is a bit too big.

"Superior, low-ranking officer, come and ask." Fei Ju took the initiative to introduce, Zhiyuan Lao Zhang thought that Dingyuan was safe to defend, so he put the main force on Hengjian Mountain.

But he was worried that the people below would run away, so he ordered his family members to be brought along.

Lao Zhang thought that with his family in his hands, he would not be afraid of the soldiers running away.

But he ignored another problem. There were 10 to [-] soldiers, counting their family members, and the number was almost [-] at once.

So many people, eating and drinking, is not a small number.

The roads in Hengjian Mountain are rugged and difficult, so food must be collected from Dingyuan and other places.This is equivalent to Ma Di guarding the street pavilion, and Lingfu going to Meng Lianggu. I don't know if he will be able to survive, but he will be put to death anyway.

And after occupying Lvpaizhai here, they began to implement the division of land, which is tantamount to drawing wages from the bottom of the pot. The common people are on the side of the red scarf, and the tyrants are all dealt with. They cannot collect food. Even if they have food, the common people will not send them. .

Hengjianshan's situation suddenly became difficult.

Under such circumstances, Lao Zhang had few options to choose from. He could either concentrate all his strength and fight the Red Turban Army, or he would strictly defend himself for as long as he could.

As long as Yuan Ting sends troops, he still has a way to survive.

Which way did Zhang choose?

It's not clear yet, but his subordinates began to choose in advance, some ran away secretly, and some simply came to join Zhu Yuanzhang.

After listening to Fei Ju's introduction, Zhang Ximeng couldn't help but said, "My lord, Hengjian Mountain has already lost people's hearts, so it's a good time to make a move!"

Old Zhu was slightly taken aback...he wasn't thinking about combat, but thinking about Hengjian Mountain's nearly 10 people. deed.

Thinking of this, Lao Zhu's hands couldn't help twitching, it's not easy to be in this position!

But no matter what, you can't just put down a big piece of fat just for this little thing!

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