First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 34

Zhang Ximeng rolled his eyes, and suddenly said: "The sky and the earth are multiplied by one yuan, and suddenly the Jiazi rejuvenates the yuan. Years change in twenty-eight years, and I will never say anything after seeing all the remaining flowers."

After reading the four lines of the poem, he smiled without saying a word.

Jia Lu frowned slightly, "Isn't this Shao Kangjie's plum blossom poem?"

Zhang Ximeng smiled, "That's right, the boss is knowledgeable and talented, so he knows that Mr. Kang Jie is unparalleled. This plum blossom poem is about the fate of the Yuan Dynasty!"

Jia Lu was taken aback, "Do you still know the science of prophecy?"

Zhang Ximeng laughed and said: "My lord, the first two plum blossom poems have already predicted the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty. This is the third poem. Kublai Khan ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in the year of Jiazi, and the Great Yuan Dynasty was established. Am I right? "

Jia Lu didn't believe in prophecy, but after a little thought, Kublai Khan's first year was indeed Zhiyuan, and it happened that that year was the year of Jiazi.

"Then, what about the last two sentences?"

"At the age of twenty-eight, from Kublai Khan to the Yuan emperor in Dadu, it has been passed down for ten generations. Now there is an eunuch named Pu Buhua beside the emperor. He is a tribute from Korea. Now he is isolated in the palace, watching the mountains and rivers crumble. , but he kept silent!"

"This..." Jia Lu was stunned for a long time, and couldn't help laughing, "Zhang Ximeng, you are far-fetched, and the old man has heard about the science of prophecy. No one knows beforehand, and it is far-fetched afterward. Later guest. Even if the Great Yuan dies, does the country have to belong to Zhu Yuanzhang?"

Zhang Ximeng smiled, calmly, and said lightly: "After all, the hero wears common clothes, and the rich family is not the old Huangji. It is common for swallows to fly, but it is not the case when Li Huachun blooms."

After reading the four lines of the poem, looking at Jia Lu again, the old man was already stunned.Completely caught in astonishment and horror!

What Zhang Ximeng was reading was the fourth poem of the plum blossom poem, "The hero wears a commoner, and Lao Zhu is indeed a commoner... Coincidentally, the second sentence directly named Lao Zhu's surname!"

This can't help but remind people...

"Ah! Could it be that Mr. Kang Jie really figured out that General Zhu will ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor?"

Although Jia Lu is a man of science and engineering, he has not been educated in materialism after all. Although he does not believe in prophecy, he still vaguely believes in the existence of destiny.

Moreover, Zhang Ximengnian's plum blossom poem was indeed written by Shao Kangjie during the Northern Song Dynasty.This is different from Mo Daoshi's one-eyed man who provokes the world of the Yellow River.

The Cyclops can chisel it by himself, but these two poems cannot be forcefully given to Shao Yong.

And you said that the song in the Yuan Dynasty was a concubine, but why did the next one say that the hero started the commoner, and that the Zhumen were not the old Huangji?

Jia Lu is completely messed up. Could it be that the destiny really fell on Zhu Yuanzhang?

Don't look at Jia Lu being captured before, Zhu Yuanzhang said that he was asked to govern the Yellow River, and he also stayed in the army... But Jia Lu didn't believe that Lao Zhu could achieve hegemony.

So he always called Zhu Yuanzhang a general. He was in the camp, that is, a guest minister... He would try his best to answer when asked about him, but it was impossible for him to take the initiative to contribute.

But as soon as these two plum blossom poems came out, they completely broke through Jia Lu's last line of defense... Maybe, maybe, Zhu Yuanzhang really belonged to his destiny?

Coincidentally, Lao Zhu came in from the outside at this time. He was going to discuss with Zhang Ximeng, but when he heard that Zhang Ximeng was going to see Jia Lu, he also followed.

Lao Zhu took a tiger step, lifted the curtain, and walked in... At this moment, the red glow of the setting sun poured into the tent, reflecting on Lao Zhu, the red light suddenly appeared, like a god.

Jia Lu fell to his knees, trembling all over, tears streaming down his face.

"Criminal Minister Jia Lu...greetings to the lord!"

After finishing speaking, the old man threw himself to the ground, extremely excited.

He frightened Zhu Yuanzhang very much all of a sudden, what is this for?Not happy with this.

Zhu Yuanzhang respected Jia Lu very much. Seeing this, he hurried to help him, but he found that Zhang Ximeng gave him a half-smile look, and Lao Zhu immediately understood.

"What's going on? What did you tell the boss?"

At this moment, Jia Lu has raised his head, and he doesn't know what's going on. Looking at Lao Zhu at this moment, his face is majestic, his appearance is imposing, and he has the aura of ruling the world. He is indeed the son of destiny!

Now it's all right, without Zhang Ximenduo saying it, Jia Lu figured it out by himself.

Now that Zhu Yuanzhang is recognized as the true son of heaven, Jia Lu put away all his arrogance and began to do his best to plan for Zhu Yuanzhang.

He got up from the ground and said respectfully: "My lord, Zhang Ximeng's land division strategy is not wrong, and it is excellent. It's just that there are still some things to consider at the moment... The average acreage is good, but those who are willing Those who join the army and are willing to serve the lord, as well as those who have made military exploits, must be rewarded! The lord has nothing else now, because of floods and droughts, frequent wars, and a lot of surplus land in various places. In order to ensure the people's In addition to the ration fields, some land should be allocated to the soldiers, which can also inspire people and boost morale."

"As for the great stability of the world in the future, the land will be uneven, we can make arrangements... every ten years, redistribute the land, or there is a better way, that is a matter of the future. Right now, the old minister thinks that the big households must be dealt with as soon as possible, Take their floating wealth, take away their fields, and even demote them into slaves to reward loyal soldiers."

Jia Lu's eyes were sharp, and he said earnestly: "My lord, if you don't give me enough benefits, I won't give you my life!"

Chapter 51 Zhu Yuanzhang's Policies

A land policy, from Zhang Ximeng's formulation, to Li Shanchang's questioning, to Jia Lu's advice, was finally finalized.

Combining the wisdom of these three people, Zhu Yuanzhang spent another whole night thinking, and finally made up his mind.

"Order, call all the soldiers, we have something to announce!"

The subordinates agreed to go, but Zhu Yuanzhang just poured some cold water and washed his face, and he was full of energy, and walked out of the handsome account.

When he strode up to the high platform with his head held high, all his martial arts and martial arts were already listed.

There are still relatively few civil servants, only Zhang Ximeng, Jia Lu, and Li Shanchang... Although the number is small, they cannot stand for high quality. The old fritters in the place for many years.

This combination has already killed all the novelists in Gaoyou City in seconds.

Looking at the generals, Xu Da was still in Huaiyuan staring at Chelibuhua, Tang He was in charge of staying in Linhuai, they were not there.But the others are also quite impressive.

Fei Ju, Hua Yun, Wu Zhen, Wu Liang, Lu Zhongheng, Li Xincai...there were dozens of people, and they formed a long line. These people generally belonged to a hundred households and led a hundred people, which can be regarded as a small army. head off.

But the irony is that Lao Zhu's current official position is still the head of the nine husbands... Originally, he saved Guo Zixing and wanted to reuse him, but he didn't want to start a war with Zhao Junyong. .

Anyway, Zhu Yuanzhang doesn't care anymore, he is the commander-in-chief of this group of people, and he deserves it!

And Zhu Yuanzhang knew that after today, his position would be more stable!Unshakable!

"Any wealthy family members who have colluded with the Yuan court will be severely punished. If they do something harmful to the people, they will be resolutely killed and their families will be reduced to slaves!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked down at everyone and announced loudly!

It is Zhang Ximeng's idea to advocate severe punishment of the wealthy family, but Zhang Ximeng did not talk about his family's problems.From Zhang Ximeng's point of view, his family members were not to blame, and he also subconsciously opposed the existence of servants.

But after Jia Lu's explanation, Zhang Ximeng changed his mind.First of all, there is a premise that disasters do not reach family members, that is, blessings do not benefit family members.

But in ancient times when big families were common, it was obviously unrealistic.

Those tyrants committing crimes, occupying the fields, fish and meat, his concubine, son, relatives and nephews... Who has not been benefited?Even they are accomplices, enjoying the benefits together.

That being the case, it should be punished.

This is logical, and there is another one...that is, meritorious officers and soldiers must give more land. If their family does not have enough manpower, should they rent it out, or what should they do?

There must be a solution.

At this time, some powerful family members, even captives, were used as slaves and asked to work in the fields.

Soldiers are fighting in the front, so they don't have to worry about their families. With these servants helping them farm, they naturally have no worries... If they feel inappropriate, they can order the slaves to be released after the world is at peace.It can also be stipulated that after five years of service, you can be free.

Moreover, kindness does not control soldiers, so one cannot just think about what is reasonable, but also look at the current situation!

In a word, be pragmatic!

There is no doubt that Zhang Ximeng was persuaded by Jia Lu.

In fact, he has long been self-aware, and knows that time travel cannot be all-encompassing.Otherwise, he would not have wanted to take refuge in Zhu Yuanzhang from the beginning.

It's just that from Li Shanchang and Jia Lu, Zhang Ximeng feels that he still needs to learn too much.

He even planned to leave the complicated things to Li Shanchang, and he asked Jia Lu for advice, trying to drain the old man's wisdom.

"Everywhere we go, the property of the wealthy family is searched, the wasteland is counted, and it is awarded to ordinary people. Every three mu of ration land does not need to pay land taxes, it belongs to each family, and no trading is allowed. If someone in the family joins the army, each additional person will be divided into three mu of ration land. .There will be other rewards for making military exploits. If you have a large number of soldiers and lack of youth, you can apply and send labor to help with farming and harvesting!"

Old Zhu's sonorous and powerful voice reached everyone's ears. After a short silence, earth-shattering cheers broke out!

"The superior is wise! The superior is too thoughtful!"

Everyone didn't know what to say, only happy.

Sure enough, if you don't give enough benefits, no one is willing to sacrifice their lives.

In fact, it can be seen now that Zhang Ximeng originally designed the ration field to ensure the basic livelihood of the people, and even to maintain the overall situation of equal land and prevent land mergers.

But the ration field announced by Lao Zhu has become a welfare that belongs first.

If you want to compete in the world, you cannot have a solid foundation.

Under the rule of Lao Zhu, first you will be given a ration field without paying land taxes, and if someone joins the army, you will be doubled, so I ask you if you are tempted?

As for the land issue, anyway, it can be confiscated from large households, and there is a lot of wasteland. If it is not possible, they can still fight outside to snatch new land.

All in all, this allocation is definitely enough.

When people grow up and need to be redistributed, it will probably be ten years, 20 years later... If you successfully conquer the world, you will find a way to solve the problem... If you lose, everyone will die, and you will not be old Zhu is going to worry.

But Lao Zhu still left a back door.

"Besides the ration fields, the remaining acres are distributed equally to each family according to the population, which is called the transfer field... This part of the land needs to pay the land tax, and the higher the harvest, the higher the land tax. Every ten years, according to the population Quantity, redistribute once."

"Furthermore, in addition to the ration fields and circulation fields, there are also mulberry and hemp fields, which are for each household to plant mulberry trees, fruit trees, produce silk and hemp, and weave cloth to make clothes. Under our rule, we must have enough to eat. Dress warmly!"

Obviously, this Sangma field is the Yongye field of the Northern Wei, Sui and Tang Dynasties.

The Yellow River flooded, famines continued, and refugees were everywhere. It was not as simple as starving countless people to death.

Zhang Ximeng has already experienced that the bark of the wormwood in the wild was eaten up by the refugees.

In the current lower reaches of the Yellow River, not only are people unable to survive, but the ecological system has also completely collapsed... Although there was no concept of ecological environmental protection at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Jia Lu, who is a master of river control, also pointed out this point.

Tree planting must be encouraged.

Whether it is mulberry trees or fruit trees, we must make the earth green as soon as possible.Reducing the extent of the flood can also provide some burning materials for the people.

Women can also weave cloth and spin yarn in exchange for money to supplement their household expenses.

Men farm and women weave, this is the natural division of labor in the agricultural era.

"We will announce the specific measurement methods, land tax rates, and reward standards for meritorious officers and soldiers soon... All in all, as long as the big guys can fight with peace of mind, our surname Zhu will not treat the big guys badly!"

Lao Zhu's announcement was simple and neat, without any illusory big cake.

After the speech is over, someone will implement it.

Winning battles, grabbing territory, killing tyrants, dividing land... This set of simple and crude theories were directly stuffed into the heads of the big guys, deeply ingrained and indestructible.

At the same time, the words Zhu Yuanzhang were implanted in the hearts of the soldiers!

From then on, there is no longer Mr. Zhu, the son-in-law of Marshal Guo, but only the lord Zhu Yuanzhang!

Not to mention Lao Zhu's former subordinates, including those new recruits from Lvpaizhai, are gearing up and full of energy, wishing to go out to fight immediately!

Fortunately, Lao Zhu is still calm. More people are not necessarily stronger than fewer people.

He asked his brothers to intensify their training, gear up their troops, and prepare to attack Lao Zhang in Hengjian Mountain.Let Li Shanchang go to implement the allocation of land, and he is very busy.

But even so, Zhu Yuanzhang still couldn't let go of one thing, even to the point of being obsessed... If he can't solve his doubts, he can't even sleep well.

"Mr. Zhang, tell us the truth, is it our destiny?"

"That's natural!" Zhang Ximeng replied affirmatively.

Zhu Yuanzhang's breathing suddenly became heavier.

"Then, that Shao Kangjie is really so amazing?"

Zhang Ximeng laughed, "My lord, let's take a look at Shaokang Festival's first plum blossom poem... The gate of the sky is open forever, how many people return and how many people come back. Although the mountains and rivers are not perfect, I don't believe that gold is a disaster. My lord thinks what to do ?”

"This is naturally the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the Jin people robbed half of the country!" Zhu Yuanzhang sighed: "Shao Kangjie is from the Northern Song Dynasty. He can predict the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty decades later. He can be called a living god!"

Zhang Ximeng shook his head suddenly, "No, this poem is about the Anshi Rebellion."

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned.

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said: "The rebel army conquered Chang'an, and the thousand-year-old capital fell. Although Tang Minghuang returned to Chang'an, Concubine Yang Guifei died in Maweipo. Since then, the feudal towns have been separated, and the mountains and rivers have been broken. As for gold...Anlu Mountain is the Western Region People, the west belongs to gold, and it is reasonable for swords and soldiers to come from the west!"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly took a breath of air, and his face became brighter, with doubts, entanglements, relief, and a wry smile.

Shao Yong was from the Northern Song Dynasty, so it was naturally impossible to predict the Tang Dynasty, but Zhang Ximeng explained it well.Obviously, what happened to the prophecy's words is self-evident.

"We were wrong." Zhu Yuanzhang lowered his head, a little disappointed.

Zhang Ximeng said sternly: "My lord is thinking wrong, the heart of heaven and the people, as long as my lord loves the common people and treats the common people well, the lord's destiny is on the lord! How can a few poems of a monster be considered destiny?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked all over, and he seemed to have realized something.His opinion of Zhang Ximeng was even higher.

"It's just that Mrs. Jia seems to have been deceived miserably by you!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed.

Zhang Ximeng shook his head, "It's okay, I still have to study with him to learn skills, and the boss will give me all my money."

Zhu Yuanzhang was speechless, and Lao Jia was pitiful enough, he was sold and had to help count the money.

But Zhu Yuanzhang is more concerned about another matter, "Mr. wants to learn skills, so what about the government affairs in the army?"

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said, "Of course it's for Li Shanchang, he's much better than me."

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