First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 32

Zhu Yuanzhang agreed to ask someone to invite Li Shanchang.

It's just that Jia Lu was silent by the side. He looked at Zhang Ximeng and found that he was eager to try and seemed very interested in Li Shanchang.

Old Jia took a deep breath, "Since this Li Shanchang was a clerk in the yamen, he must be a shrewd and difficult person... I want to talk to him first."

When Jia Lu spoke, Zhang Ximeng was taken aback. Are you looking down on me?Think I can't handle Lee Sun Jang?

Jia Lu met Zhang Ximeng's gaze and smiled slightly, "I'm sorry, you really can't do it!"

Zhang Ximeng thought for a moment, but he could only nod helplessly. Li Shanchang is a fox, so he can only let the old fox do his job.


So when Li Shanchang was carried in by Fei Ju, he only saw Jia Lu present.

Li Shanchang was dumbfounded for a moment?

Did I really guess right?

"My lord, meet me, my lord!"

Li Shanchang rolled down from Fei Ju's back and threw himself onto the ground, sweating profusely, as if he had been fished out of the water, and even his voice was terrified.

Jia Lu was also a little confused.

Afraid of becoming like this, why do you still come to join the Red Scarf Army?

"This old man is no longer a Master Shangshu of Yuan Ting, but a useless old man... But you, how did you recognize this old man?"

Li Shanchang didn't dare to hide it, and hurriedly said: "Yes, when the Yellow River was governed, the young man took his husband to the embankment and was fortunate to meet the old man. The old man worked tirelessly and did it himself, which is admirable!"

"Opening rivers to change money and subjugate the country, what is there to admire!" Jia Lu said directly: "I heard that you are willing to take refuge in General Zhu, and you gave General Zhu admonitions. Achieve great things. As for Yuan Ting, you are already the prime minister of the last days, and your life will not be long, so you can be regarded as a hero of the world."

Li Shanchang was very surprised. Jia Lu persuaded himself to join Zhu Yuanzhang?

Is it true, or is it false?

At this moment, his head is also cleared up a lot. What's the point of Jia Lu's feigning death?The [-] troops are gone, even if Yuan Ting wants to die, it is not the way.

It is clear that Jia Lu was arrested and took refuge in Zhu Yuanzhang.

Li Shan has been in the government for a long time, and his psychological quality is excellent.He was just suddenly frightened by Jia Lu, so that he was confused and thinking wildly.I couldn't help cursing myself for being confused, but fortunately I didn't talk nonsense, otherwise I really don't know how it will end!

Li Shanchang regained his composure, and felt that Zhu Yuanzhang was even more powerful. He was able to capture Jia Lu and let the old man work for him. He really saw the right person.

However, that booklet cast a shadow over him and made him very uneasy.So Li Shanchang bravely said: "My lord, I have seen a booklet, which contains some things about the land production, and if you dare to ask, it is the master's handwriting?"

Jia Lu shook his head, "I can't write it, it was written by a little friend."

"Is that Mr. Zhang Xiao?"

"Hmm! That's right."

Li Shanchang took a deep breath and said again: "Boss, the matter of land and acres is of great importance. If the superior wants to achieve dominance, perhaps he should find someone who is more mature and prudent. I'm afraid Mr. Zhang Xiao is not very old?"

"He's really not that old, he should be 13 years old this year."

Li Shanchang almost rolled his eyes when he heard that, his sons are much older than him!

"My lord, isn't it a bit of a joke to do this?"

Jia Lu smiled, "A joke? If you knew the identity of that little friend, you wouldn't say that."

"Then... who is he?" Li Shanchang asked cautiously.

"His uncle is Mr. Yunzhuang, my mentor."

Li Shanchang was stunned for a while before he figured out who it was, and was stunned.

"He, how could he take refuge in the red scarf?"

Li Shanchang felt that it was justifiable for a small official like himself to seek refuge in the red scarf. How could members of the Zhang family also seek refuge in the red scarf?The imperial court treats them well!

Jia Lu saw Li Shanchang's thoughts and smiled secretly. Fortunately, he came here, otherwise it would be really hard to talk.

"Have you heard of Zheng Sixiao?"

Li Shanchang shook his head with a wry smile, he really didn't know this.

"Then have you heard of Wen Tianxiang?"

Li Shanchang cried, and this three-year-old knew it too!

Jia Lu let out a long breath, and asked again: "Do you have a field at home?"

"Yes...some." Li Shanchang said awkwardly.

"There must be, otherwise you won't be able to study." Jia Lu said: "Then these fields are yours?"

Li Shanchang was stunned, wasn't he?

He rents it out to tenant farmers and harvests the rent every year. Why isn't it his?

Jia Lu sighed, "But Zheng Sixiao doesn't see it that way. There is no root or soil in his paintings... The meaning is taken away by the Mongols. The Han people in the world are all subjugated people!"

Li Shanchang was stunned, so he could only agree: "It is indeed the Mongols who have ruled the country!"

"That's why we want to take the world back!" Jia Lu's tone suddenly became more serious, "Prime Minister Wen is so loyal, and the tree cannot support him alone. The young emperor crossed the sea, and the Yashan left a grudge. The Song Dynasty is finally dead! Now General Zhu leads the tiger and wolf army to restore the old mountains and rivers of the Han family. You are fortunate to have a long history, and the sun and the moon shine together. You are able to attach yourself to General Zhu and achieve great things. You really have a good vision, and your future achievements will be limitless!"

When Li Shanchang heard this, his whole body trembled and he was speechless.Can one's own choice shine in the annals of history and be famous forever?Then, do I still need to care about difficult land?

Chapter 48

Li Shanchang was used to being a petty official, while Jia Lu was the minister of the Ministry of Industry and Zhongshu Zuo Cheng, and he was among the prime ministers.In other words, the gap between the two of them is the distance between the small town officials and the central officials.

Zhang Ximeng can't do the same painting of big cakes, and even Zhu Yuanzhang can't do it.

Only Jia Lu can paint, and Li Shanchang can accept it willingly and frankly.

"Boss, are you saying that if you follow your superiors, you will be able to leave your name in history?"

Jia Lu smiled, "It's not just the name left in history, this place is not far from Peixian County, where the king's aura is. More than 1000 years ago, Xiao He assisted the Han and achieved hegemony. The old man seems to remember that Xiao He was just a small official of the county government in his early years! "

Li Shanchang's complexion changed suddenly, he used Han Gaozu to encourage Zhu Yuanzhang, now Jia Lu used Xiao He to fool him, it can be regarded as repaying him with the same way.

What's interesting is that Zhu Yuanzhang was able to face it calmly after receiving the vaccine, but Li Shanchang was hopelessly tricked.

He thought for a long time, and finally made up his mind.

Come here, just follow the surname Zhu!

However, Li Shanchang still had some doubts. He pondered for a moment, and then said: "My lord, now heroes are rising together, and the world is in chaos. How can the superior take over the world and clean up the old mountains and rivers?"

"Hahaha!" Jia Lu laughed loudly, "Didn't you read it!"

Li Shanchang was stunned, and after a while, his face was flushed red, his hands were trembling, he seemed very excited, summoned up his courage, and asked: "My lord, do you really want to attack the powerful gentry? Can't you be flexible?"

Jia Lu smiled, "Li Shanchang, you are a smart man, I might as well tell the truth about this matter. The Mongols swept across the world and took over the Song Dynasty. Of course, they killed and committed evil, and there are countless books. But many powerful landlords are still safe and sound, and continue to be prosperous. The same is true for those tenants who lease the land of the landlord. It’s just that there are a few more Mongolian masters. Should they starve or be hungry, should be bullied, or be bullied. The difference may be that the three people beat him in the past, but now It became five people...there is not much difference between left and right, don't you think so?"

Li Shanchang took a deep breath and nodded involuntarily.

He wholeheartedly agreed with this statement.

Because his Li family is like this, guarding hundreds of acres of land, living in peace and stability.

Li Shanchang had the idea of ​​opposing Yuan Ting, but seeing the red scarves all over the place, and the way to climb up was cut off again, in a fit of anger, he simply took refuge in Zhu Yuanzhang to gain a future, that's all.

Thinking of this, Li Shanchang read the brochure again, and he understood.

This strategy of dividing the land is not as simple as simply giving some land to the common people in exchange for the support of the common people.

You want to overthrow Yuan Ting and restore the old mountains and rivers.

The common people will ask, what is the use?

If it still looks like neither dead nor alive, why risk your life?

What can be done to restore the Great Song Dynasty?

We love Da Song, does Da Song love us?

The three thousand tigers and scorpions went straight to the land of Youyan, and the flying dragon ninety-five reopened the sky of the Great Song Dynasty!

This slogan spread on both sides of the Yellow River is essentially empty, floating in the world, unable to land.

But if it is combined with this land division strategy.

Thunder and earth fire, all in an instant.

It can blow up a big hole in the world of the Yuan Dynasty!

What is the reopening of the Great Song Dynasty?

That is to eradicate the tyrants, divide the fields equally, equalize the land, share the corvee and taxes, and fight side by side until a new world is created.

As for Li Shanchang's idea, it cannot be said that it is useless. He put the burden on the refugees.Recruit refugees, cultivate official fields, and let refugees bear more land tax and military service.

For the gentry landowners, and their tenants, not much was touched.Moreover, due to the heavy taxation of official land, many people will find ways to turn official land into private land to reduce the burden.

Once this is the case, they will get off the anti-yuan chariot.

To put it bluntly, Li Shanchang's plan only mobilized half of the people.And Zhang Ximeng's plan is to mobilize everyone except a very small number of landlords.

Regardless of the size of the layout, it is up to the judge!

"Although there are many heroes in the world, most of them are reckless and mediocre. There are not many civil servants who can reuse civil servants, let alone those who have a strategic strategy and a beautiful belly. General Zhu is far above the heroes no matter his wisdom or courage... In the year of prosperity and strength, if you meet the Ming Lord, you will surely be a famous figure in the history books in the future, and will live forever!"

When Jia Lu calls Li Shanchang a public figure, he means that your status in the future will definitely be higher than mine.

Li Shanchang could hear it naturally, he said he didn't dare, but he was happy in his heart.It's just that Li Shanchang is not stupid. Although Zhang Ximeng is young, he is not an ordinary person who can propose a strategy for dividing the land, and it is obvious that Zhu Yuanzhang values ​​him more.

Li Shanchang can't do anything about this, first come, first served, who made him late!

However, he also has advantages, that is, rich administrative experience and unparalleled experience in dealing with the people below.

Take Zhang Ximeng's land division plan as an example, it is indeed fairer and more reasonable than most of the plans, but in the eyes of an old official like Li Shanchang, there are still many loopholes and there is a lot of room for manipulation.

After careful deliberation all night, Li Shanchang took the initiative to visit Zhu Yuanzhang.

At the moment, Zhu Yuanzhang is also chatting with Zhang Ximeng about dividing the land, and Jia Lu is also there.

Speaking of which, Tian is by no means so easy to divide.

There is a living example in front of me, how the servant of the Zhang family, Old Wang, was captured, and how he was sent to Zhang Ximeng... This is quite interesting.

As I said earlier, a group of soldiers stole weapons and fled back to their hometown, unwilling to follow Zhu Yuanzhang.

At that time, when Lao Zhu went to rescue Guo Zixing, he didn't care about these people, and he was afraid that if they left, it would affect the morale of the army.

But this group of people returned home and were not idle.They saw how to deal with Lu's family in the army, and saw how to divide the land, and they felt that their blood was boiling, and they should do this... The big guys are poor people, and they should implement it as soon as possible after returning home.

They gathered more than 100 people, arrested a local landlord and two wealthy households, and beheaded them in public.

Then they organized the division of the land...but at this time they were dumbfounded, because no one had read the book, and they couldn't calculate the number of acres of land, so they didn't know how to implement it.

Coincidentally, Lao Wang stole Zhang's jewelry and wanted to run south to find a peaceful place to hide.But the army was in chaos, and he couldn't escape at all. With a bag of jewelry on his body, it was very difficult to find a pawnshop to exchange money.

He could only hide in the village and rely on the help of an old farmer to survive.He is shameless enough to take up the identity of Zhang's father... saying that he is a scholar. In order to avoid the disaster of war, he unfortunately encountered Yuan soldiers, his wife and children died, and he managed to escape with his life...

The old farmer took him in, gave him a place to live, and gave him some food on the condition that he received one piece of jewelry every month.

Lao Wang hid for several months, Yuan soldiers also retreated, so he thought about going to a safe place.

Haven't finished yet, let a group of soldiers find out, aren't you literate?Haven't you read a book?

Help us divide the fields!

Old Wang is very dumbfounded, I am just a slave, you will use this to test me?

The soldiers didn't care about this, and the knife was on their necks.

Old Wang could only agree, but soon he discovered that the division of fields is very important... Which one is good, which one is bad, whether there is irrigation, one acre of irrigated land is more important than one acre of ordinary fields. Yield can be increased by half.

Also, there is a lack of measuring tools in the countryside, so the land area is estimated by the lunge method, and one lunge counts as five feet.Here comes the problem, a big man and a small man definitely have different leg lengths, and the lunges are not generally big.

After discovering this, Old Wang came to his senses. He kept provoking among this group of people, giving more to this and less to that, creating conflicts and soliciting divisions.

All in all, he took out all the noisy skills he had practiced in Zhang's house.

In a few days, the more than 100 soldiers were torn apart, each of them moved their knives, and several of them were injured.

Lao Wang is quite satisfied, because as long as it continues, these people will not be able to clean up the mess, and they will all be at his mercy.

If he can master these more than 100 people, he can hook up with Yuan Ting, get the identity of Tuan Lian Xiangyong, and maybe even find an official position.The Zhang family doesn't want to do things for Yuan Ting, that's because they are stupid!

It can be said that Lao Wang's plan has almost succeeded.

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